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That One Guy Who Sprites

Nanami Touko

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So, I've started working on this, since I have way too many magical units in my hack. One of the characters in my hack - Amera - was first intended to be a physical unit, but none of the animations in FE would match how she fights (That being a sort of martial art, though it's really just punching and kicking a lot XD)

Therefore, I've taken it upon myself to make an animation of her punching. This is the only frame I've gotten, and it's not even done. I've got to make it a bit more... Uh... Well, I guess fanservicy is the best word that fits what I'm attempting to do XD

I'm also going to make a new portrait to match, as the one that I have truly, truly doesn't fit what I'm going for.



Making a new animation cause I've got too many magic characters in my hack, and the animation is based on what one of my characters was originally supposed to be.

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Alright, here's the progress so far on the animation:


As you MIGHT be able to tell, it's going to be a semi-copy of the female hero animation. My only problem so far is in that first line of frames. I'm trying to get it to look like she's getting ready to lunge at them and punch, but I can't figure out how to go about bending the knee and lowering her center of body to get it to look like such.

Any help, anyone?

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In the first part of the animation where she lifts her NEAR knee and stomps, the final frame where she has both feet on the ground again looks like the near leg is bent at the knee and it's the far leg stomped back, i believe this is mainly how you have the skirt in those frames that's doing this.

Her lift off for lack of a better word, doesn't look like a jump, the one arm up is very superman, and although i'm sure it won't look as stark when animated, it will most likely still look ridiculous.

The battle sprite also seems awfully chunky for such a diminutive mug.

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Aaaaand, we have character to match the animation I swear to god, the first person who says furry is getting shot *cocks gun*

Just gotta finish the animation and add ears to it, now XD

Lower the left ear a smidge. It looks a bit wonky and crooked. Other than that, it looks great.

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Vamp, Nickt, thanks for the advice on the anim. I'll see what I can do about those fixes, and making it smaller. If I can't make it smaller, I'll just make the portrait a little larger XD

And, Florina, fixed:


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Like Nickt said, maybe you could use the Rogue jump instead of Echidna. It would look so much more natural. For the Hero, the jump is just a continuation of the axe/sword swing. With this, it look like she's punching, then backflipping for no real reason.

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