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That One Guy Who Sprites

Nanami Touko

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No, no, don't redo the entire sprite XD

I just mean his back is flat.

And also, the capitalization of "Untitled RPG project" implies that the actual name of the project is "Untitled", which is the name of my hack (as if my oh-so-unimportant identity wasn't obvious already by my odd spacing style) =/

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No, no, don't redo the entire sprite XD

I just mean his back is flat.

And also, the capitalization of "Untitled RPG project" implies that the actual name of the project is "Untitled", which is the name of my hack (as if my oh-so-unimportant identity wasn't obvious already by my odd spacing style) =/

Oh, 'K.

I can fix that... I think.

And, as of now, it is called Untitled RPG Project XD They're thinking of a name for it. I'm sure it'll change XD

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He needs to be taller again, roughly where the orange line is, he also needs more back and a bigger head, the armor looks alot better though its shading could be further refined.

Have a look at the(amazon) near breast on my example, while it does have shading over the actual breast itself it has shading below, since you're only working with 2 colours and outline i'd suggest dictating the shape of the breast with the darker blue and using the lighter blue for the breast itself, it might take a few trial and errors but I'm sure it will look right eventually, only thing is atm it seems her breast starts on top of your shaded arc as apposed to that jsut giving the breast a more spherical appearance. I also changed around a few pixels on the eye using hair colours to get a softer look on the far eye and make the near one less "pixely" i think i changed a pixel on the jaw too, but i dno for sure haha, Also, the sections that are in orange squares, I don't quite know why they're filled but not shaded with the rest of the hair, they should either connect with the hair or turn to background colour ;)

Hope this is somewhat useful in your editing process

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Vamp, I do not see how anyone could resist your critique x3


And, god, I'm such a liar XD


I say I'm gonna fix stuff tomorrow, and I do it tonight.

Also, Vamp, I can't make him any taller :< He has to fit into RPG Maker standards of 96x96, which he just is.

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Placeholder face is placeholderish.

So, how does the hair look so far, everyone? I'd love some critique on it. It's for Fire Mumblem :P

EDIT: please ignore the impossibility of the hair's position XD

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other than the fact that it has little shading and makes no sense... the colour levels arent that great either, but I'm sure you'll get there eventually.

It almost looks like it should be a sorta 50's esque hair style with that flick, so i dno, this is what i assumed you were going for, maybe if it had a shape similar to this f89d85f7fb7e8dbbd4ac1116fdcd85eb.png it'd make more sense?

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WHy is he wearing those shells from mario kart on his shoulders... and is he from the simpsons? *yellowskin... SHOT*

I didn't draw it :< Markyjoe, that Fire Mumblem guy did. I know, it's pretty bad, but it's all I've got to work off of.

Trust me, even my art is better than that

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Im not in the mood for off topic warn today :|

Then... Don't point out things that people have already said?

Makes sense to me :| I highly doubt I need to have the same thing told to me twice.

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Amely, thanks for having that awesome picture in your sig. It made me want to sprite this XD

So, hair, I need help. First time FCing hair, so... Yeah, it was started before sir blue-hair mcpointy bangs

CnC? Vaaaaaaaaamp?

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Amely, thanks for having that awesome picture in your sig. It made me want to sprite this XD

So, hair, I need help. First time FCing hair, so... Yeah, it was started before sir blue-hair mcpointy bangs

CnC? Vaaaaaaaaamp?

That is awesome. It's not quite FE shading, but it is more awesome than FE shading.

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