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That One Guy Who Sprites

Nanami Touko

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Lol, don't be butthurt because you haven't yet got the hang of spriting trim.

Frankly, I'm not surprised you're insulted because spriters these days are so fucking high on their horse and when I don't suck up to you, you get shitty.

I'm more insulted because you called it awful, said it needed to be fixed, and then suggested nothing to fix it :/

I wont argue that it's the BEST THING EVER~ but it's not awful, kthx. Your post wasn't Comments and Critique, it was Douche and Baggery.

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Beran turned out to be a shitty test to pick, but he was one of the few who didn't have trim. Turns out I suck at single line trim as well, but then again, since when does anyone in Fire Emblem even have single line trim.. :/


I rushed it, badly.

Normally I'd take more time, and I'd go over it a few times over a period of time.

Ref. a lot of my sprite's trim if you want.


Eh, it's shit, but whatever.

At least the song is nice.

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Lol, don't be butthurt because you haven't yet got the hang of spriting trim.

Frankly, I'm not surprised you're insulted because spriters these days are so fucking high on their horse and when I don't suck up to you, you get shitty.

And because I feel like it, I'm gonna record myself adding trim to Beran's shoulder pad, and I'll upload it when it's done. c:

You know, for someone who claims to have been spriting for 8 years as you did on FEU, you sure don't act like it. You see, there lies within our majestic hobby a hidden "Spriter's Code," for lack of a better term. And, one of the "tenets" of said "Code" basically boils down to the old axiom of "If you don't have anything nice (constructive) to say, don't say anything at all (shut the fuck up)" (my emphasis added in parenthesis). For the most part, spriters strive to continually make their works better. Ripping on someone and not even giving a reason why (or suggestions for improvement) basically falls under the latter category of the old axiom and, consequently, it makes you look, as Trent said, like an ass. You see, when you become a "veteran" in the hobby (and I use that term extremely loosely, since there is no real defined manner of becoming a veteran), the expectations to "adhere" to the "Code" become greater as we are expected to use our knowledge to aid the fledgeling recruits of our pursuits and help them improve as other "veteran" spriters did the same for us. We don't want to set a bad image or bad precedent for future spriters, now do we?

(blunt tl;dr summary: C/C is meant to be positive and helpful. If you want people continually thinking of you as an ungrateful, unhelpful ass, keep going with how you're doing things.)

Anyway, since you've said you'll make a video with trim, I think we can drop the above for the time being. And, enough threadjacking on my part.


For the Daein Captain, the armor still needs to be reshaded, GBA style. The back of the helmet is better now than it was before though. And, the trim is definitely better with that width than with the width before. Since Nickt is compiling his suggestions for the trim, I'll hold off on making any for the time being. Not sure if it's just me, but the blue undershirt shading seems off (too much darker shade/pillowy?). Anyone else agree?

For Christmas Lady, I think the hat needs brought down. It seems like it's sitting a bit too high on her head. Either that, or I wear my Santa Hat down too low. (But, even then, with the way the hat is constructed, if it's up that high, I would think that it wouldn't be as upright above the hair, since there isn't a head to support it up that high...)

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Beran turned out to be a shitty test to pick, but he was one of the few who didn't have trim. Turns out I suck at single line trim as well, but then again, since when does anyone in Fire Emblem even have single line trim.. :/


I rushed it, badly.

Normally I'd take more time, and I'd go over it a few times over a period of time.

Ref. a lot of my sprite's trim if you want.


Eh, it's shit, but whatever.

At least the song is nice.

And, I figure you're right, and I would feel like an ass if I didn't apologize for flipping at you, so, sorry. Still don't think anyone would appreciate something of theirs being called awful, though.

I shall favorite for future use.

Hooooooooooooooooooooooly crap, Josh.

Also, I disagree on the hat being too high, only because of the fuck ton of hair that was there before, and, even if it wasn't pulled down super low on her head, if she placed the hat there, without pulling hard, the hair would hold most of the hat up

Edited by seph1212
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Nickt, it'd help if you did various types and styles of armor

linings. Seph, that's HOT

I AM trying to win sexiest for the contest~

And, thanks. Glad my customing doesn't suck XD

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