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That One Guy Who Sprites

Nanami Touko

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Are you still going to make that Renard mug? :/ Man, I feel like I ask you too many questions XD


You do.

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Pillows are delightfully comfy!

Am I the only one who picked up on what appears to be a white pixel to her right (left OPV) of her middle bang?

And those eyes!

Those are amazing for FC eyes!

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Pillows are delightfully comfy!

Am I the only one who picked up on what appears to be a white pixel to her right (left OPV) of her middle bang?

And those eyes!

Those are amazing for FC eyes!

Thanks, Spy.

Out of everything on that, I thought the eyes were really well done.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Don't mind me, just reviving my topic.

New Kayleigh sprite for the hack (got permission from Dan to base it off his Meiko sprite):


Pretty much finished Yuria for now. Dan and Lumi may make whatever fixes they wish, as long as I see them:




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That Julia is amazing. I dunno what about it, I just really like it~

Kayleigh is also very good, there just seems to be a few pixels of skin color in OPV right... glass? I dunno what the technical term would be lol.

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Since I know the TCG reference that you used for Yuria, two things (both the same issue) immediately jump out at me. The shoulder... things and the central diamond piece all seem a bit flat. And, yes, I know how much of a pain the shoulder things must have been to do, but compared to the ref, they don't really have that appearance of depth to them. My suggestion? try shading the parts that wrap around back to be darker, to show the change in angle. As for the diamond thing, I think you'll need to add in the white shade or the outline here, because just using the skin tones isn't going to give the correct amount of depth that the ref has. The right side needs to be lighter than the left (our PoV) or the left side needs to be darker than the right. And, to do that, you'll need something darker or lighter than what the skin offers (and I know there aren't any free colors). (You might be able to get away with changing up where the existing shades are used, but that's something that you'll have to see if you want to chase.)

On FALCON!Rey, personally, I think that the right side of the helmet (again, our PoV) needs some added shading to show the curvature of the helmet. Yes, I see that there's shading around the outside part of the helmet (adjacent to the outline, that is), but all of the inner stuff is the same shade. To some extent, I suppose the top might be guilty of this as well, but it's less noticeable if it is.

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Total revamp on Falcon Rey here, for an even more epic helmet, and less flat clothing.


Kayleigh's sprite had a problem with the neck, so I fixed it up.


And some general touch ups on Yuria.

Edited by Amera
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Falcon Rey still has flat clothes,The green shirt is too heavily outlined.

Kay's neck is a bit big.

Yulia... Uh, well, the hair touches her face on the right (OPV) is rough. Hair falls down the neck and hair touches the clothes is heavily outlined. Trim is eh.


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@ flat clothing

You could try playing around with more shading. One thing I notice about it is that curves within shades give a feel of depth. How far you go with that is up to you though I guess.

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I bringeth you all more sprites!

Two FCs, Discan and Lyrra:





Still getting the hang of doing FCs. I honestly think Discan is sprited better than Lyrra @__@

ALS helped me touch up Discan a little, mostly his face. The shape before was WAY too huge.

Also, for those MH Tri players out there...:


You should know exactly which armor this is XD

It's also Jocelyn's new sprite for my hack.

Lyrra's also going into the hack. She's going to be the dancer~

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