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Lumi's Spritastic Coffeeshop.

Thor Odinson

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To be completely honest, I really can't say the face and hair are that great. The face in particular doesn't stand out to me at all, but maybe that's just my personal preference. The accessories and body however look great. Especially impressed with the katana.

Being a flamer, I'd say the place I dislike the most (think looks wrong) is the hair on the far right. (Beside the shoulders, beneath the Katana) That region looks ugly regardless of preference IMO.

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Maybe you should? Not something I'm willing to make a decision on. But personally I think you're ready to attempt it.

That said, the face doesn't stand out due to personal preference, and it resembles an existing FE character too much for my liking. Everything except the bottom right hair is preference I think (as I said). That corner is a ghastly splice if it's a splice :P

(EDIT: There's even a second hair shade stray pixel outside the borderlining there XD)

In slight relation

I think Astra customs better then he splices. And I know a few great spriters who customed first, then tried splicing so one doesn't always come before the other.

Edited by Kanami
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Nah. The hair down there was my attempt at using a curler on her hair and failed.

Though, I was always much better at drawing straight hair than curly hair. Curled hair are almost as nightmarish to draw as feet.

The face was made of a combination of Marisa and Syrene in the original. I dunno if I'm allowed to change the base for the contest, or I'll probably custom a new version of my personal mug, keeping the same body angle, and re-submit it.

But eh. The original has to be noticeable, so if I can't change the base mug, I'm afraid I can't do much to the face.

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Update: Actually, I think I'll keep my entry how it is, except I'm going to fix the hair a bit. I'm not too confident on my customing ability in facial features, and this is taking too long.

I will, however, finish my custom personal sometimes.

So here's a WIP.


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Just ref off previously existing FE mugs to get a general area where facial features are. Then if things look off move them around until they look right. :/

Then again there is a guide that gives you basic proportions.....I just can't link it because I'm on a phone. <_>

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Aw thats so good so far

*hates on lumi for being good * <3 love

btw lumi can i steal your idea of your entry just for some custom practicing? i wont submit it for anything and i shall credit your idea. pleasee

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I think you're an Astra type and custom better then you splice after seeing Seth. (Our) Left side shoulder pad looks awkward (jutting out). And the shoulder pads in general seem to be forced on, rather then flowing nicely. With the left pad, it's shading. (Though the right could used shading too)

the overall reason I get this impression is because of the border outlining used on the insides. (Belts/bottom of armor) and think it looks better when you used the "darkest skin shade" instead. (The shade used usually to define chins)

As for the Halloween entry thing..... Amazing :) Much happier with the hair.

It would be better if you made it a fullbod-*shot*

Half bodies were bad enough thanks *Looks at Reaper* :P

Edited by Kanami
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