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Poll on sight


Poll Question  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you wear

    • Glasses
    • Contacts
    • Neither since you are never to close to the tv.

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Well that just meas that you are perfect.

After all, left-handed perfect vision people are five times as likely to take over the world.

And since I'm German, three times as likely to win. :)

I'm really kidding about the whole German crack. People seem to think I sympathize with Hitler because I bleached my hair and was reading an autobiograpy about Hitler around the same time. In truth, I had been begging my mom to let me do that and I like studying military strategy. And psychopaths and their cases.

Do I have to remind you about what happened after both World Wars? In WWI, the Germans were the ones who got their asses handed to them, and in WWII, it was the Germans who were stupid enough to attempt an invasion of Russia during winter.

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I have perfect eyesight. I once looked through glasses and it wasn't blurry though, in fact I could see better. But I don't wear them regularly. In fact, I've only worn them like... a few times when I was 8 because I had nothing to do and my grandma wasn't wearing her glasses so I put them on for no damn reason.

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I used to wear glasses but now I've got contacts... Right before my contacts appointment, my glasses got stolen. But they went along with my purse. I was swimming at the time.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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