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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 20: Bait and switch


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Luc Altair

Luc had seemed to have hit a sore spot for her. "Yes. My apologies," he answered. Killed in a raid. Grim, but it was useful information. A bull trainer wouldn't go down so easily in a raid, so whomever took he must have been well-prepared. And a month ago, perhaps Luc could use that to construct a timeline for Paul when he requested a report on those "fire bandits" as Reika had informed him.

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"Cutting, stabbing, not bad stuff at all, especially when you're dealing with complete jackasses. Anyway, bandaging, cutting, I know all this stuff. Used to treat this one really competent guard using first aid. Don't assume I know nothing lady," said Reika, wincing as she moved her fingers in the broken hand.

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A minute to cry. That was what she would give herself... she couldn't dwell on it.

Turning back to Luc, she wiped the last tear from her face.

"Ulfhrahn always seemed to have a sweet spot for me... I never found out why... although I should be grateful. Had he acted around me like people thought he would have, I would be dead right now..."

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"Uh Aiya? You feeling better now? It's me, Alf. I'm really sorry about losing my temper and knocking you out the window and I know it's not just something you can handwave but I really, really didn't want that to happen."

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A familiar voice. Aiya turned to look at it's origin, and flinched.

That mask. That was the same bandit's mask. Her eyes widened, and she began to back away, frightened.

"Y-you're back... I thought you had l-left... what more do y-you want f-from me?"

Face blanched white with fear, back against the very same tree once again. Aiya shrunk against the trunk of the tree best she could, knowing that he would still see her, yet all rationality began to fade.


That was odd. His master usually did not fear this man... had he done something while he had been away?

The answer to that question didn't matter. Aiya was distressed by this man's presence, so Ulfhrahn would simply have to remove it.

Turning to Alferis, Ulfhrahn flared his wings threateningly, warning the man with a low, resounding growl.

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"What? I'm not going to hurt you Aiya," said Alferis, pulling off his mask, wondering if this was contributing to her fear. "I just wanted to apologize for what I did and-" He was cut off when he saw the bull wyvern flaring his wings and growling at him. This was bad. He couldn't let a wyvern kill hill him but he didn't want to fight it or Aiya either.

"Luc right? You know I mean no harm right?"

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"For someone who claims to know so much you insist on moving a broken limb quite frequently." shot back Esphyr. "It doesn't matter. Aside from the priests, I seem to be the only one with any curative knowledge about here. Therefore, you are going to become my nurse. End of discussion."

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Luc Altair

Unfortunately, Alferis had chosen to come outside where the advantage was clearly in Aiya's favor in case a fight broke out. That was not preferable. With Alferis asking him to vouch, Luc was put in a very tricky situation. Siding with either could prove volatile, and in that case, who was the better choice? Aiya was likely the superior in battle, but Alferis had a connection as Reika's guard and Luc couldn't afford to lose her as an asset. It was cruel, but his choice was clear.

Luc and Thunder placed themselves between Aiya and Alferis, in case the worst case scenario came about. "Alright, you've come to apologize, that's good," Luc said as delicately as he could allow.

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Luc would scare the bandit off. Surely he would.

Aiya shrunk further into the tree as Luc began to move, placing both himself and his steed between Aiya and the now unmasked bandit.

What he said afterward devastated her.

"Y-you a-aren't going to stop him? You're just going to l-let him come after me again?"

Aiya began to shake visibly again.

'Is Luc... one of them? Why would he help a bandit like him unless he was a bandit himself? This whole time he just wanted to get close to me... so they could hurt me again...'

"S-stay away. Apologize? A-as if. B-bandits n-never change, they just steal, k-kill, r-rape... an apology is n-nothing but an e-excuse to get c-close again."

The young wyvern rider was clearly falling into hysterics, constantly shaking her head, all the while shivering, crying, backing away, she was a wreck.

Seeing his master in such a state, Ulfhrahn was astounded. Whatever this man had done, it must have been severe.

He could not smell arousal on his master, at the very least, the man had not forced her to mate with him, as seemed taboo with humans. The scent of blood was pungent, and though she appeared uninjured, Aiya's own blood was certainly mixed into the scent.

Had the man assaulted her? That was unforgivable, assaulting a poor human female while the strong wyvern she depended on for safety was feeding.

Snorting out a shot of hot air, and spreading his impressive wings to their fullest, Ulfhrahn let out a resounding roar.

A battle cry.

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Luc Altair

And then the worst case scenario reared its ugly head in front of Luc's attempts to stop it. Thrice damn whatever led to this ridiculousness! Luc thought. "When did I say such things? If I would let him go after you, why would I place myself between the two of you?" Luc asked. In this types of situation, getting Aiya to defeat her own thoughts was better than Luc attempting to dissuade her with promises. Luc had to ignore the second half of Aiya's argument. Getting into a debate about whether people change wouldn't help anyone right now.

Now, the bull wyvern? That was a far larger problem then Luc was willing to admit a few minutes ago. The roar certainly helped with that line of reasoning.

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"W-why would you even let h-him this c-close? You s-saw what he d-did earlier. Y-you wouldn't l-let a a b-bandit this c-close unless you were on his s-side." Aiya said, fear still evident.

Her hands found what they were looking for. The dagger was held in front of her in a defensive position.

Despite her mental breakdown, her body knew enough of how to defend itself by memory.


As Aiya put herself into a defensive position, Ulfhrahn adjusted to cover her. His own mass and bulf made an impressive fortification, and any attack launched towards his master now would leave the assailant unable to defend from being torn limb from limb.

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Luc Altair

Tricky, tricky. "Ah, but you saw him first, and he stopped himself before I even moved. If I was, as you say, 'on his side', would I have moved? Would I have suggested you call Ulfhrahn here? But regardless, Alferis, I suggest you move back." Luc calmly said. This was slipping more and more out of control.

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As Rita left the baths, she headed back to the room with the others. She headed over to where she had left her swords, before drawing one and looking at it. It didn't seem to have the same sparkle as it usually had, so she took a cloth and began polishing it. She stood, looking around the room. "Does anybody know where Aiya went? I had wanted to spar...." Rita noticed the broken window. "What happened here?"

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"You do not need to tell me twice," said Alferis, moving back a little, not bothering to draw his weapon. It was best to show he was no threat. Panicking and doing so would just make the bull wyvern attack him.

"Easy wyvern. I mean no harm and I meant no harm. What happened was an accident. Pure and simple. It's completely my fault and I tried to help her ok? Just...calm down? Please? Be a good bull wyvern? What nice big teeth you have...." Alferis began to trail off, sweating a little.



"Shut up. I know what I'm doing lady. I need to move the arm and the hand a bit if I want to hold things or do anything," Reika snapped, sweating much more profusely. She spotted Rita coming in polishing her sword. Reika sighed. Just what I need, the lady who keeps her sword in her brain. Must resist urge to stab, punch, kick...

"What happened here?" said Rita, looking at the broken window.

"What do you think happened?" Reika said, not bothering to hide her irritation.

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"I don't know, I was bathing. I bet your boyfriend would think you'd be prettier if you bathed once in a while too. I should go look for some jasmine flowers at the market.....Oh, anyway, can you clean this glass up Reika? Everyone else is busy and sleeping, and we don't want someone getting hurt." Rita turned towards Esphyr, hold her blade out. "Esphyr! I challenge you! You must defend your honor! This is what being a swordsman is all about!"

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Reika gritted her teeth, her hands clenched to fists, trying to resist the urge to throttle the woman. Presumptuous, hyper, and apparently keeps her brains in her sword. She'd have to lay out some ground rules.

"Listen you brainless little creep and listen good. You're getting off lucky this time, but you insult my hygiene, you make presumptuous statements and you tell me what to do, and I'll stick that sword so far up your rear, you'll wish that's the only thing I'm going to do to you. Got it?

Broken glass, missing people and I'm all bloodied up when I wasn't before. Put two and two together girly."

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"Well it's not my fault you found something you just had to steal. Though some jewelry would probably make Alferis fall all over, just like you want. Anyway, I forgot Esphyr has no pride in her sword! You shame people who call themselves true swordsmen. I'm going to go see if I can find Aiya. Or Derek." Rita walked out of the room, and down the stairs.

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"Stupid bitch, why the hell did you let her in? I have to admit, I gave you much more credit than this," Reika snarled, half mad about Rita leaving. On the one hand, she wanted to throttle Rita. On the other hand, she was in no condition to.

"Best to let that Halton bitch throttle her, only thing she's good for in this world."

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"I let her in because... Ummm... We forgot to close the door? I don't know." said Esphyr. "But I will say this... If you commit first aid on her, I will gladly look the other way and claim you tried to save her."


"Excuse me madame." said Altion, approaching Rita from behind. He placed his hand upon her shoulder, gripping it firmly so as to stop her. "But I couldst not help but hear that argument just now. Forgive my curiosity, but what happened to cause it?"

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"I'm sorry for my interruption," said Altion, holding her shoulder harder and preventing her from fleeing. "But that sounded more like you were insulting Esphyr. It's not the first time either. I've heard several things about you, like how hyper you are and obsessed with dueling. Why are you so mean and so obsessed? You are like a poodle, vicious and hyper."

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"Esphyr has no pride in the way of the sword. She does not have the drive or focus, and sees it as a burden. She harms true swordsmen's reputations like a 5 year old girl. And second," Rita kicked Altion in the stomach. "You shouldn't insult women. Hmph." Rita walked out of the doors, into the courtyard.

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"Now wait here just a mom-" Rita's kick came suddenly, smacking headfirst into Altion's chestplate with a resounding ring accented with the crunching of toe and a gasp of pain as Rita fell to the floor, clutching her foot and whimpering as she muttered something about the sunlight outside, as if she had left. Altion dropped to one knee, a shocked look on his face. Someone was stupid enough to kick armor? With an unprotected shoe too? Altion couldn't tell if there had been any damage to the foot, but he doubted it. The kick had been more cruel than powerful, not strong enough to crunch bone. She probably just had a horribly stubbed toe... well five stubbed toes.

"See how counter-productive being aggressive all the time is?" he said, smirking as he grabbed her hand to pull her up onto her good foot. "I just wanted to talk anyways. Sides, I think it's a bad idea to be outside right now. Aiya is... predisposed at the moment."

OOC: Yes, this means you are getting GM retconned.

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"Dame Rita, you are strong willed, but learn to listen to others and consider them. Please." he said, stepping in front of her. He placed his hands upon her shoulders, trying to stop her from leaving. "I knowst that you aren't interested in talking to me, but I do not understand why you are so interested in leaving this place to meet with Aiya." he stepped forwards, trying to seem imposing to her. Truthly, he was scared. He was being unusually bold towards Rita, openly confronting her in such a manner. "Aiya is talking to two other men right now. Disturbing her would be rude. Please, be respectful of her. If it a spar you desire, I... I can try to honor it in her place."

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