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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 20: Bait and switch


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"Well, it's relative really. I've known some really awful people and compared to bandits and this one guy I had to work with, Reika's is quite nice.

But she tried to kill you? Tell me what happened, I had no idea that occurred," said Alferis, putting on the mask. If Reika did do that to Aiya, he'd have to talk to her about it.

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"Every time I get taken out it's the same tune. She walks over, uninjured, all high and mighty, and holds a knife over my throat, saying she is going to do me good, put me out of my misery, that she'll do me a goddamn favour."

Aiya began, spitting the last part out with malice as she attacked an unfortunate nearby oak tree with her gauntleted fist out of anger.

"That's why, when I saw her like that, like I always am whenever she comes near... how could I do nothing, when I was already angry, Alf?"

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"She...I...I don't know what to think. Reika, I know little about Reika. I wonder what makes her act like that? It's odd. I dunno, I was waking up when you guys were fighting and she really seems to have it in for you. Maybe I should find out.

She's...she's dying Aiya," Alferis whispered in her ear, sadness tinging his voice. "She's dying and there's nothing I can do about it. Unless we hurry. I'll give you three guesses on why she's dying and the first two don't count.

"How'd you guys meet anyway?"

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"Eating cake is a fantastic activity to do while blinded. Losing your other senses heightens your other ones! That's why I typically train during the night, or blindfolded. If she wields a sword, she has the essence of the sword! It's as simple as that." Rita studied the man carefully for a few moments, her eyes squinted, focusing in on him. He seemed to be having a growing discomfort, but Rita wouldn't let up. "You look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?"

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Luc Altair

As the tension died down, Luc grew increasingly aware he was no longer needed. He and Thunder moved aside, no longer needing to be a wall between the two. Such a distance would also help with what little there was to gleam from their interactions.

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"We met for the first time in Vaorin. Damian spotted Esphyr for the first time, and chased after her to speak of her crimson weapon. From what I know, she tried to convince people that Damian wanted to molest and imprison Esphyr... it worked well enough that there was a commotion." Aiya began, as Alferis asked how they met. He had said she was dying... Aiya supposed she should likely feel something for the girl, but she couldn't say she much cared.

"Soon after, there was a bandit raid. We were driven out of town, and then encountered Reika again. She was corroborating with the bandits, and helped to burn that town to the ground. After that, she lit poisonous candles in the refugee camp we managed to set up... between it all, the village was entirely wiped out, and that same night... every soldier in our troupe aside from me and Damian died... it can't be a coincidence... those same bandits that kept us busy and killed the villagers had to be the ones who slaughtered those soldiers..." Aiya sat down on a nearby stump, and let out a heavy sigh, remembering Alicia again, she wiped the tear away before it could fall down her face.

"We saw her again in Ilyphina... she attacked in the night, once again accompanied by bandits... they ransacked the entire city... I don't think I've ever seen her doing something civil... maybe you've seen a different side of her than me... but from what I have seen... I have no respect for her, not anymore."

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When Tas and Namid were done with their flight excersizes, Tas had Namid fly back to the platform so he could dismount and take care of the hatchling that he knew would be waking up. He quickly had one of the aerie-boys go get some meat for the little guy. The delivery didn't take long and soon, the little wyvern was ripping appart a small mountain goat, gripping onto the flesh and yankhing his head this way and that to tear muscle from tendon. That would keep the small wyvern busy for perhaps the rest of the day, what with having to pick off all that meat, drink some water and rest. Tas filled the bucket halfway with water again and set it down by the vicious infant. Satisfied and keeping away from the messy eater, Tas quickly grabbed his lance and javelin and strapped them onto the side of Namid's saddle then climbed up and took off again. This time, however, he was going to the courtyard so as to find Lev and whoever the wyvern lord wanted him to meet.

As he passed over the courtyard, a quick jerk on Namid's reigns made the wyvern rear in surprise. Tas rarely used the reigns unless it was to tell him to stop for some emergency. "What the--?! Is that--?!" exclaimed Tas as he stared in shock at the courtyard below him. There was something going on, but Tas didn't really care about that so much as the giant, scaley bulk resting there. There was no doubt about it: that was a bull wyvern. Plains wyverns and mountain wyverns were wyverns Tas was used to, but he had never seen a bull wyvern before. Even Namid was a bit curious, but both knew better than to get near one - even a domesticated one.

The hovering, gawking pair could be seen from below, considering their color contrast to the sky. If Lev was outside in that general area, he would be able to see them, as would anyone who happened to look up.

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"She looted towns? Murdered people? She....no...and in Vaorin? That's where I'm from," Alferis said, numb with shock. He couldn't believe Reika would do such a thing. He would have to ask around more. Varied accounts could mean something, he would have to ask various people, Esphyr definitely, those who were with Reika at the time.

"Why would she try to burn down the city though? And light those candles? And attack Illyphina? She's not the type to do stuff like that from all the time I spent with her. She doesn't value money particularly, she gave me extra when I offered to guide her through the mountains. She doesn't kill unless she feels she has a good reason. Why would she do all that? It doesn't make any sense.

Who else here was with you that day? And why were you and Damian and his troops even in the town anyway? If you were planning on taking the town over..."

Edited by Yoshimitsu
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"Who was with us? Esphyr was there, so was Morgan... Kelas was there when we were evacuating people... there was a whole lot of confusion, but I know they were there... Morgan was one of the people she tried to turn against Damian." Aiya replied, when Alferis asked who else had been there.

"As for why we were there, we wanted to restock and buy food at the local market... last I checked, that wasn't a crime."

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Good Show

"... The basics, I see," Eric said, after watching a bit of Kelas's swordplay. "Alright, so, considering you fight by horseback, I would ask Derek for assistance on that part. This will just be ground fighting. Now, watch me," Eric said, turning sideways, as to give a demonstration. Keeping a relaxed grip on his sword, he slowly swung his blade in an upwards diagonal cut, before pulling it down, a bit faster. "You basically want to swing like that. If you swing just straight up, it's easier for the opponent to side step, which leaves you open. Swing just to the side, and they'll duck it or parry it, knocking you off balance. Diagonally, however, jerks their weapon if they try to defend, and gives you a better opportunity to hit on a downswing. Now, let's see you try it."

In the woods

"... There is noone in there, milady. Just animals," Henry the senior said, taking a long look at the outline of the forest. "There are no auras the size of the ones you and your child have, and none of them are abnormal. Perhaps we were mistaken."


"...In the study," came a reply. Inside, Elle was just putting together a small report based on sightings of the current targets. Propped open beside her was a yellow tome, for when she was to have finished the task. After closing Thoron and putting it aside, the woman placed her quill in its' inkwell, and turned around to the entrance. "...Is there a problem..?"

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Luc Altair

As Luc was sitting off to the side--thankfully ignored--Aiya began to relate some of her and the groups previous travels to Alferis.

This Vaorin place, seemed well enough the area where the group laid the foundations of its creation. Reika collaborating with a local bandit group, after she had tried to force the military out of the... town? City? Whichever. Perhaps it had less to do with the locale and more the military? That would explain two things, but why would she have an attack on yet another city if she was primarily after military targets? Or go after a refugee camp with poison? Was those cities a staunch supported of the military? Or was she just after the group and sacking a city was a bonus? But if she was able to stir up a commotion with talk of molestation, Vaorin wasn't much of a military city.

Luc bit his lip and cursed his lack of knowledge about other settlements. If he had studied such, he wouldn't be having to make such sloppy reasoning.

Another thing that bothered him, how did Reika command bandits of such a scale? She certainly had a fair bit of wit about her, but the very conversation in front of him told Luc that getting along with Reika was a difficult thing to do. Perhaps the bandits were just using her? But that would be smart, and a smart man wouldn't be a bandit. It was possible she was attempting to use them, but until Luc knew more it seemed her actions were naught but random carnage.

And then Alferis dropped the most significant words yet. He was from Vaorin? That would be incredibly, amazingly useful in the future if Luc ever had a reason to. As Alferis continued on with his defense of Reika, Luc tuned it out, hearing only bits and pieces of the man's defense. It wasn't until Alferis spoke of "taking the town over" that Luc snapped his attention back to the conversation. He shouldn't get himself so engrossed in potential tools like that. Of the taking the town line of talk; from what he had gleamed, there was no chance that if that was their mission that Aiya would know of it. Her emotional showings were not of someone who held the nature to do such an act. Damian's ugly showing at Luc's manor over such a trifle thing further pushed evidence that they weren't planning a takeover. Alferis was reaching here, desperate to defend Reika.

The horsemen stroked the mane of his horse. Intruding at this point would have its benefits, but staying to the side might have more. Risk and greater reward? Or stability and a smaller reward? Or would the stability itself even the two odds?

Caution was better. "Yes," Luc said as he and Thunder returned to the conversation between the two. "Attacking Vaorin would be very much a bandit-like activity. And we can all agree how much Aiya hates bandits right?"

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"Neither of you guys know much about Vaorin and soldiers do you," Alferis sighed.

"You see, four years ago, troops from Septimus attacked one of the cities near Vaorin, a settlement known as Darandra. That's where I was born see? Anyway, the troops there were planning on an invasion on the rest of Vaorin but it didn't really go anywhere. Still, the Septimus troops there remained in Vaorin, even a year after invasion plans were dropped. Because most of the soldiers were recalled back to Septimus. But anyway, the point is, Septimus soldiers inhabited Vaorin.

I saw the whole thing and it was just carnage there. Soldiers would take people away in the middle of the night, never to be seen again. Property was seized, there was no law and order, dissenters were rounded up and killed, women were taken...tough times.

So you can see why Vaorin would panic at soldiers, and I know you're thinking that they should only fear Septimus troops. Well, no. See, there is a city known as Araphane that was mostly uninhabited, and impoverished, the people were living in the area around it. So a Halton duke comes and offers to help in exchange for being the ruler. And it was even worse there than it was in Darandra. As far as I know, Darandra and Araphane still have troops in their walls.

Wherever Reika's from, something similar must've happened there perhaps? Either way, it wouldn't have taken much for the Vaorin people to riot. And while you may have wanted to restock, it doesn't explain where your troops were going or what you were going to do there, let alone in other parts of Vaorin while you were passing through.



Njordjenka entered the study, standing over Elle, staring down at the papers.

"No problem. Let's see...oh, you're writing a report already. I'm interested in what it says. And when you're done, I was hoping you could join me while I practice my magic. Training is best with a partner."

Edited by Yoshimitsu
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"Oh hell no. I'm not that stupid." said Kaileen, pulling her child as close to her as humanly possible without hurting the boy. "Henry, while I trust your hearing, I've read enough horror stories to know that when nothing is around, that means the monster is behind us breathing down our ne-HA!" Kaileen suddenly spun about, her staff raised up above her head before she delivered a swift strike to the empty air behind her. "..."

"Mommy. You're scaring me." answered Henry Jr.

"I'm sorry dear. I thought there was something there."


"Seen me before? I doubt that you have seen me much. I came to this party only recently, and am... too afraid... to consider leaving it behind." replied Altion, hiding his secret lust up as the reason he was staying. "And Rita, think about that for a moment. If I picked up a sword, would I be a swordsman? Is a child a swordsman to be sparred against, even if it is clear he doesn't know what he's doing?"


With the army in retreat, Mana let loose the mist dragon before taking flight to Ixion's side. "Don't be a fool Ixion. You didn't overestimate them. Sheer numbers emboldens the heart, as well as a man whom creates monsters poses a clear and blatant threat. They will be back, organized, and... maybe with monsters of their own."

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"All right," Kelas said, slowly copying the motion, repeating it multiple times. "Like this?"


"I bet we're supposed to attack," Megae cackled, jumping to her feet. "Yaaaaa---" she cried, warping mid-shout.


She appeared out of nowhere mere feet from where Kelas and Eric stood, quickly closing the distance and striking Eric hard in the forehead with the hilt of one of the red-black blades that had appeared in her hands. "Stay down!" she hissed, flipping away with a laugh, as he dropped like a stone. "So... many... not... red! Who's first?"

"Cess, alarm, now!" Kelas shouted, sheathing her sword and grabbing her bow in its stead. "Amari, pai!" she ordered, seeing that the mare was nearly panicking-- no good for a fight, and besides, in case it went like she'd dreamed... "Not going to let that happen!" she ground out, getting an arrow on the string. She paused, looking for an opening.



HP 5 STR 4 MAG 2 SKL 8 SPD 8 LCK -2 DEF 4 RES 4

Simplified: HP 15 MT 4 HIT 8 AS 8 EVADE 7 DEF/RES 4/4

Keen Edge, Wrath

Flash Step: Can counter ranged attacks (bows or magic)

Demonic Contract: Cannot attack or counter any Crimson Weapon wielder until all non-CW wielders are KO'd. After all non-CW wielders are KO'd, can attack or counter Crimson wielders, but with halved attack strength.

Distraction: On Megae's first attack in a given round, roll an extra die. If the roll is less than or equal to the other character's luck, Megae forgets to double.

Regarding enemy phases: At this stage of the battle, there are four people posting. This means that every time everyone's had an attack, we'll have to wait for an enemy phase.

Regarding main group intervention: Be realistic, guys, don't Big Damn Heroes just yet.

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At The Septimus Base

Ixion: You didn't kill the commander? Urgh.

Karina: We'll get'em later. For now let's tend to our wounded and rein in those chimeras.

Ixion: I'll be back shortly. After that, we'll tend to why you two are here ....

Return From Flight

Lev looked up seeing that Tas was on his way back and cheerfully stood from the chair before casually strolling toward the castle entrance. Some of the guards were beginning to be annoyed by all the freeloaders roaming about and really just wanted the ball remnants to vanish for good. Lev waved up at Tas so he would notice him and land near by. It was time to start introducing him to the group.

In The Field

As Megae appeared Eric went toppling over! Kiev's head shot up in surprise! It was the crazy one with the fangs again! He immediately knew it was a part of their special mission. An enemy had appeared that they needed to defeat swiftly and he was ready ... though still hungry. He moved over to Irina as she mounted him! She took up her lance and called out Iso's name getting his attention!

Iso: Her again! Is she the one with Daranau?!

Irina: She might be ...

Iso: Then she's dead! We have to hit her together! All at once so she doesn't dance around our attacks!

Iso quickly began casting and Irina rushed toward Megae aiming to impale her! Iso's flames were easily dodged by the woman and she followed up by sidestepping and slashing both Irina and Kiev!

Iso: Dammit!

Irina: Dammit!

Phoenix: Dammit!

Iso rolls 1,2,5


HIT 6 vs Evade 7 = MISS

Irina rolls 1,3,2


HIT 5 vs Evade 7 = MISS

Megae rolls 5,4,4,3


HIT 13 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 18 vs DEF 6 = -12 hp


Megae rolls 5,2,5


HIT 13 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 6 vs DEF 6 = Tink

Iso hp 11/12

Irina hp 3/15

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"This had better be the right one!" Kelas loosed her arrow while the demoness was distracted.

(4,5,5) Hit! Critical hit! Kelas does 10 damage!

The arrow struck true, lodging itself where a human would have lungs, but attracted Megae's attention. "Little not-red-bitch-DIE!" she shrilled, catapulting herself towards Kelas, blades flashing red.

(5,5,4,3) Hit! Critical hit! Megae does 10 damage!

"Gh--" Kelas choked, stumbling back with the force of the hit, as the blade went through her shoulder. Megae hopped back to admire her handiwork. "All done!" she announced, spinning about to find the next target. One of her blades grazed Kelas as she sped off.

(2,1,3) Hit! Megae does 1 damage!

Kelas lay still, realizing that the demon assumed her dead. Perhaps she could at least get one last surprise attack in... but she'd have to rest for a moment...

Kelas: 1/12 Megae: 5/15 Kelas 10EXP (attacked boss)

Edit: rolls, because of criticals




added a bit of flavor text

Edited by Kiryn
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Tas noticed something move out of the corner of his eye as he stared in disbelief at the bull wyvern below him. It was Lev. Or at least it looked like Lev. He wouldn't know until he got closer to the ground. So, getting Namid to snap out of his own gawking, the wyvern and rider landed beside the older wyvern lord. Though, Tas didn't bother with dismounting Namid yet. "Hello, Lev," he greeted, "Is this going to be a ground meeting or is Namid coming, too?"

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"That mist is rather thick. Even my ability to see mana struggles to see through it. Mainly because all that water is held in place by my own mana, and a non-magical person like that commander is effectively a gnat. I couldn't see, and by the time I could figure out where he was, they were already retreating." explained Mana. Though it was true, it was far from her real reason though. She had managed a near-impossible feat; winning a battle without having killed a single person. She did not desire to kill an innocent unless she had to. There was no reason for her to sell out her humanity just yet.

"Besides, it sickens me enough to know that you have created more beasts akin to me. Beasts you doubtless plan on disposing of. Just do me a favor and don't serve either Damian or I minotaur steak. I am not a cannibal, and I'm sure the prospect of eating something with a spark of intelligence, no matter how dim, will sit well with either of us."

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Ixion raised an eyebrow at her at the mention of a minotaur steak. A very light grunt and he strolled away leaving her and Damian with Karina who shrugged the whole situation off.

Karina: Well nice job with scaring off the Zaftrans. We would have had to kill them all otherwise. We'll have to fight them again later, but at least that's one more chance for them to just give the hell up. That's the real favorable outcome for us whether Ixion'll admit it or not. We're not out to kill off that many Zaftrans here. Just the idiots and zealots.

By The Castle

Lev: Meh. Not sure how you'd sneak a wyvern into the castle. Leave'em out here for a few minutes.

Meanwhile, not far away Kamilla was carefully skulking through the hallways deliberately trying to avoid familiar faces while she searched for something to eat. Stephanie had just returned from the chapel and went into the waiting area to gather her strength for the inevitable battle. Viveka and Jasmine headed out to the stables to tend to their pegasi in the meantime.

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Charlotte saw Eric fall, but he merely appeared to be unconscious so she supposed treating his wounds could wait until later, at least until this battle was over. The sword demon woman was slashing wildly around, Kelas appeared to have the worst of it, so Charlotte rushed over to heal her.

+6 HP to Kelas (7/12) Full Tilt activated (+2 Evd)

"Damn her impatience." Petros glowered irritably, burrowing into the ground and heading towards the battle site.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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As Ixion departed and Karina shrugged, Damian took a moment to look about the fortress. Mention of a minotaur steak was not something Damian wanted to go into at the moment.

Turning back to Karina, Damian asked her a question.

"So, since I don't know how long we are going to be here, would you mind showing me around the fortress, Karina?"


"Our mission was to escort some Duke across the Vaorin frontier from Halton into Elyisimia. It was going smoothly enough, until we went into that village. We announced that we wished to restock at the local market, and all seemed to be going fine, until bandits infiltrated the crowd and stirred unrest. It seems they wanted to destroy the village before, and we made decent enough scapegoats." Aiya said, further detailing the circumstance of the incident.

Upon mention of Araphane, Aiya perked up.

"Araphane? I remember there was a court martial a little while ago involving Araphane... it was interrupted by a border skirmish, and I think it was rescheduled..."


Ulfhrahn looked with curiosity at the new wyvern and rider. They seemed awed by his own size and bulk, and nervous.

As they landed and began speaking to Krinkov's master, Ulfhrahn approached as well, examining the new addition.

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Practice makes perfect

"...Just a minute. I'm almost finished writing this...," the sage said, returning to her work. After a few minutes, she signed the parchment, replaced her quill, and passed the report over to Njord. "... This is a briefing of all we know about the group. It seems they were big time criminals, about a month ago..." Elle trailed off, adjusting her hood, and taking her tome from the table. She decided to step away from Njordjenka, and wait while he read the report, before saying any more.

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"Alright," agreed Tas before adressing his wyvern, "I'll return quickly, alright, Namid? After all, your wingspan is admittedly-- Ahh!!" Namid suddenly cried out in surprise and even fear as he suddenly bolted back into the sky, surprising Tas in the process. The rider had to quickly grip onto Namid to keep from being thrown off. "N-Namid! Stop this! Turn about!" Tas ordered, recovering his surprise. Namid took a long, wide turn to show him why he'd so suddenly taken wing. The bull had gotten far to close to them and Namid was best-suited in the sky if he had to flee. Also, he wasn't about to let Tas die at a dangerous bull's tallons. Tas himself was wondering - in a slight panic - why the bull had drawn so near. Did it think they were invading its territory? Why was it allowed to be so close to civilization and roaming?

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Ulfhrahn looked on in amusement as the smaller wyvern fled without so much as a thought. It seems fear was the main draw for their own examination of him earlier.

Ulfhrahn shrugged to himself, not wanting to bother with a wyvern that would do naught but flee from him, why waste his own time?

Turning back, Ulfhrahn laid on the ground, curling his body around Aiya and resting his head upon his front legs.

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