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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 20: Bait and switch


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Nearing The End...

Her vision was beginning to fog up a bit. All of a sudden, Alex found herself back in the streets, shaking as she walked in the direction of the gates... wasn't it? She was so tired, that she couldn't tell anymore. It took tremendous effort to advance even one step, and her legs felt as if they were about to fail... Wait, wasn't that one of the cavaliers that the princess was traveling with? Forcing herself to move further ahead, the soldier stopped just in front of him and another cav, leaning on a wall for support.

"The... Princess...," Alex began, between breaths, "Is she... alright?"

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Luc Altair

There had been no survivors, from the group or otherwise, for the two cavaliers to slow their search pace. But all things could change, and General Alex wandered out of somewhere and up to the duo inquiring about Princess Charlotte.

"She is fine, she's outside the city with most of our own group." Luc looked over the general between words. Luc generally didn't like such words, but that the general seemed to even be standing was rather a miracle. "We should get you quickly to our healers, General. Fargo," Luc ordered his subordinate, "take the General atop your horse."

"Yes Captain."

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So... Cold...

"Very well... Much obliged...," Alex mumbled, in a faint husk of the usual deep voice. She couldn't even see the men's faces, as she allowed herself to be placed atop a horse. Her sight dimmed further, and the temperature dropped. As the world began to fade to black, the Comet could not even distinguish what she might've been saying, and what she was thinking. Mother...Brother...I'm coming..., she thought, or might've said, as she approached total blindness.

OOC: May want to hurry. ETD: 7-10 minutes. Also, you can have Fargo or Luc catch what she's saying.

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Luc Altair

"Don't think he'll last long Captain." Fargo nervously said.

"Acknowledged." One of the few times Luc wished Thunder would take another person, the Comet's voice was already breaking and Luc had no idea how quick Fargo's horse would be. "We ride."

The two horses thundered back outside of the city.

"I think he's going delirious Captain."


Fargo's replacement horse was thankfully of a decent build and thought it would have taken less time if his normal horse had survived, they still made it within an acceptable speed for Luc.

"We need a healer for General Alex, quickly."

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"Oh my!" Charlotte exclaimed upon seeing General Alex. "Hold on..." she said, pressing her staff against Alex's wounds. This stopped the majority of the bleeding, though she still appeared to be in rather poor shape.

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"*sigh* Let me help with that." Pary hurried over towards Alex to heal her, reinforcing Charlotte. He thought about the situation for a moment, before speaking.

"I know that we're currently in the middle of a big revolution and all that, but we have several options available to pursue. Though I suppose if we need to talk to the Grand Cleric I can take us. He was an old member of my congregation before, well, you know. I haven't heard of his whereabouts the last few years, but it would at least help."

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Death Denied

The pain began to go away, and the generals' vision cleared. Thoughts and reality differed again, and Alex soon realized she was in the presence of the princess and the rest of the group, the former along with the criminal-priest healing her. As soon as they finished, the Comet dismounted the horse, then turned around to face her saviors.

"Much obliged, Princess, Captain Altair, and... Sir Pary," she said, hiding her disappointment in the deep, unnatural voice. "I am glad to see that you are all right, milady. However, I am sad to say, Burgosas fell. I have failed both lieges, now..."

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Luc Altair

Luc made a quick note that it was indeed Levski whom had returned earlier before turning his attention back to the Comet's situation. It was actually rather surprising that Pary had offered aid, perhaps Luc had been slightly hasty in his anger earlier. At the very least this was a step forward. Though he would still need a dozen more steps before he was even out of the hole he had dug. Trying to get the support of the Grand Cleric on the other hand, was rather impossible though. Luc had no judge of the Cleric's character himself, but the situation with Kamilla would most certainly not lend aid to the cause of beseeching him for assistance. Luc's first thoughts on that, of course, would be too Directus, but things were very delicate right now, and Councilman Richtor would not move carelessly. Even the group returning to the city could ruin any plan of action Councilman Richtor and General Mendoza were putting together.

"I see," Luc replied to the General despite her report not really being to him. Though it was practically inevitable with the force that Jace had assembled against the crown, it was still biting news to accept.

"Fargo, return to the gate as a look-out. And keep track of your time."

"Yes Captain," the other cavalier galloped off without hesitation. It was actually starting to bother Luc a bit that Fargo was becoming competent. And it bothered Luc even more that he was petty enough to be bothered by that.


There it was, another gate... with no one he recognized near it. Great. Paul collapsed into an exhausted heap of hopelessness some fair bit north of the gate. Now he was relying entirely on luck for anything to happen.

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"Calm yourself down sage." said Mana, approaching with her wings folded up behind her back, trying to hide the fact that she was a half-spirit from the man. Though she knew it to be likely futile. Even if the man did not sense that she was a half-spirit, she lacked the authority of TISME without her robes. As far as anyone outside of a select few knew, she was no different than any other girl without them. "He made no sacrifice of man to make them. Only a load of bulls. Your claim is about a load of bulls. Be that as it may, I can understand your skepticism. I have no word to appease you or proof of this claim besides my own, I know. I did not see him use any man in the making of those minotaurs. If you would stay for dinner, I'm sure Ixion would be glad to show you how such a thing is possible. I hear it is steak tonight. Are you interested?"

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Several things happened at once. First Esphyr asked who she was and apparently there was talk about meeting the Grand Cleric. And the bearded priest apparently knew him. Just then, two cavaliers and a soldier rode to the group, the soldier severely injured until the bearded priest healed her.

This was a very interesting group indeed.

"Well...it seems to me like we should consider another option here. This Grand priest guy doesn't sound very easy to find. He might help us but who knows? Do you know any other powerful people who are easier to find guys?" Alferis said eagerly after a minute or so of thought.

Sadie found herself listening eagerly to this conversation. This was definitely song writing material. She'd have to write all this down later.

Approaching Esphyr cautiously, she tugged at her arm nervously.

"Um, you wanted to know who I am right? But I don't want to interrupt this conversation..." said Sadie, keeping one ear open for anything new or interesting.

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Return To The Group

Off in the distance a large black wyvern made its way toward the camp. Once it was close enough to be seen and its wings heard pounding against the wind, Lev turned around to investigate. There they were. Atop Ulfhrahn's back were Irina and Aiya.

Lev: Well that's good. We've got the riders back. (Still need to find Tas though ...)

They touched down and Irina carefully hopped down and made her way over to Lev. Meanwhile Viveka continued to listen to the conversation not having much else to do. She didn't much feel like talking to Levski and she didn't want the distraction either. The situation was more serious to her. She also didn't see what good seeing the Grand Cleric would do when they had already harassed, kidnapped, and harmed one of the church's members. She didn't say a word though. Someone else could say it. She had to worry about her own people at the moment.

What A Fascinating Specimen

The man looked Mana dead in the eyes for a moment, then shot back at Ixion who was still covering his face in frustration.

Archsage: What did you use to make a talking chimera? Why does it look human, yet you apparently used no humans for ingredients?

Ixion: It's-she is not a chimera-

Archsage: Ludicrous! It isn't human which leaves only one explanation. It is a chimera and I have no idea why you insist otherwise.

Out of curiosity the man turned back to face the so called chimera.

Archsage: So you can speak, think, reason, behave in a polite manner ... your vocabulary seems to be a bit above average as well. I'm not certain how he educated you so quickly. Regardless, there is no need to treat you like an animal if you aren't behaving like one. I am O'Donnel, head researcher.

Ixion didn't show his face at all. This was just one of those situations where he would have preferred to be dealt with in private. With Mana around, he wasn't sure what could happen. He also hoped that she wouldn't bring up another dinner invitation. More time together was more time she could do unpredictable. As for O'Donnel not being convinced that Mana was anything but an Ixion-spawn, it seemed to be less of an issue with her intelligence intriguing him.

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For a moment, a look of worry crossed Esphyr's face at the mention of wounded soldiers. Despite that just moments before she had just been killing for essentially money, the mention of the wounded general caused her to subconciously reach for a non-existent staff. Yet, when Charlotte offered to heal instead, something told Esphyr it was time to back off, at least until the man could be properly healed by the actual healer in the group. Turning back to the newcomer, she turned her attention to her. "Don't worry about it. I can finish that conversation later. I haven't seen you before. What is a young bardette like you doing out here? We aren't exactly looking for someone to play silly songs while we drink."


"Name is Etain. Chimera of a parrot and a kitten. As curious as the latter, and obnoxious as the former!" she said with a smile. "Master Ixion made me because... I unno. He never said why, and I don't care. You're a sage O'donnel? Wow! You do magic things like what Ixion does then! Are you as powerful as him?"

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"Do not be so distraught General Alex, we have not failed yet." Charlotte told her. "But perhaps seeing the Grand Cleric would not be the best idea given our current group, Septimian Reform disapproves of the Crimson Weapons to say the least. I imagine many of the refugees will flee to Ursibus anyway, others will flee to Directus or other towns within the area. I suppose that leaves the question of where we should go." Charlotte said, pondering. "That makes everyone, doesn't it?" she asked the group.

On the Road Again

Peter finished the documents in the library and Xenia took them. "Looks legit." she said, flipping through them. "I guess I should be getting going then." I felt kind of uncomfortable here anyway, people have been giving me weird looks. Then again, I wouldn't treat a traitor any better so I can hardly complain.

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"I actually got into Burgosas awhile ago," said Sadie calmly, "But then this revolution broke out and I don't think I should play there. I was trying to escape and Alf over there saved me from getting trampled. That's pretty much why I'm here.

Actually I'm planning on leaving pretty soon, but I was figuring I could give you some directions as payment. I have a question for you though."

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As Irina returned with Aiya, Kelas looked around. "Is that everyone? Unless we're still missing someone, we should move out." She thought for a moment, then called to Sadie. "You said you know the roads around here, right? Before we think about whatever our mission is, we need to get to some sort of shelter and finish helping the wounded. Problem is, the nearby towns'll probably be getting a load of refugees. We need somewhere nearby but out of the way... any ideas?" She sighed. "Or we could camp out, but we could use some shelter then, too."


"Oi! Lady! Whyyou bringin' me along, I donno anyth--" Tobe rapidly cut himself off, realizing he was about to argue out of his way to find his father. "I mean-- yeah! Let's go!"

After sitting as still as he possibly could for a few minutes, trying to be on his best behavior, he queried, "Hey, you got any food?"

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"Well...there is a town that's pretty quick to get to if you go north for a couple miles and then turn west when the road forks. Take the left fork and you'll get to a forest. Most people don't want to go through the forest, it's pretty big and many people are afraid of getting lost and getting killed by wild animals. Still, you should reach another town after a few hours of traveling through the woods, and I doubt that one'll have any refugees."

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"I'm actually more worried about the wild animals than I am the people. You ever fight a bear? I haven't. I've seen enough mauled cattle to know what one of them can do to a person with one swipe of those huge paws. Plus... The wolves are nasty too. I've had to fight a few on group missions. People always think they are like big dogs. They hold that belief until the wolves rip it out of their necks. Still, with a large enough group, the animals shouldn't attack. I think we'll be safe enough. Should we try it?"

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"I'm sure you'll be fine. You guys seem strong. But I have a request for you. Could you keep an eye out for my older brother? I never met him and all I know is that he's blonde, kind of like me, he's from Vaorin and he is 4 years older than me. That's it really," Sadie said earnestly to Esphyr.

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Who's Missing

As Irina came up to Lev, he gave a friendly wave. Jasmine meanwhile stood up and looked around. She counted everyone up so she could answer Kelas' question. When she was done counting, she remembered that the newcomer with the eggs was missing. Tas, that was his name.

Jasmine: Tas isn't here. I think that's it.

Irina: What?!

Lev: (I never enjoy these part.)

Irina turned to Lev expecting an explanation. He had to know what was going on since Tas was following him around essentially. Lev conceded and began his explanation.

Lev: Once the fight to get passed that patrol was underway Tas told me he was heading back to find Prince Tristan. I went after him but ran into Jace and Ms. DarkRider before I found him. I don't know where he is, but until the chaos dies down, we've got no chance of finding him anyway.

Irina: Well ... I wanna go look. A flier can search faster anyway and other wyverns aren't hard to spot at medium distance.

Lev: Not until we decide what we're doing here.

With that Lev headed over to Morgan who was asleep atop a horse. He wasn't sure whether to wake her just yet or give her a few more minutes.

Irina: (Ugh. Straight to her ...)

Lev: Has Morgan been treated yet? (If so then waking her up should be just fine.)

Ixion and O'Donnel

O'Donnel gave Ixion a suspicious stare for a moment.

O'Donnel: Why put in all that extra work to get it-her to look human, Ixion? I suppose it's one thing to create a companion or something but what are your intentions here? Were you going to make yourself an apprentice or something?

Ixion raised an eyebrow in suspicion. How did O'Donnel know about that? Ixion was careful about who he gave that sort of information to and O'Donnel shouldn't have known about that. Maybe he was just guessing. After all many high level magicians gained disciples at some point. Still, it was a little suspicious.

Ixion: I made her ... because ...

He stopped. Why would he make a ten limbed woman with too much perkiness. There was nothing he could say to have that make any sense. He had already begun going along with her plan though ... so what was he going to say?

Ixion: ... ... ... because I simply wanted to test my abilities. I ... wanted a chimera that would resemble a human while being constructed of parts from a completely different set of species. She is ... close to a success.

O'Donnel: Ah. I see. Well that is something. Heheh. For a second there I thought you had ... other reasons for making this woman. I mean, you certainly don't do well with any of the real ladies.

Feeling a bit better being able to tease Ixion, O'Donnel placed his hand on the Dark Druid's shoulder trying to make good humor. Ixion wasn't amused.

Ixion: ... get out.

O'Donnel: Lighten up, boy. You've been a thorn in my side since you got here. I'm entitled to a few harmless jokes.

Ixion: ... get out.


There wasn't anything else he could do short of asking, but he was too nervous to say it. Instead he slumped forward in the chair a little and looked up at Xenia with a sigh.

Peter: Well ... good luck, Xenia. Please be careful out there.

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"Does he have a name? Any distinguishing marks? Are you willing to pay if we find him?" asked Esphyr. Truthfully, she was willing to do it for free. Not only was keeping an eye out for someone a easy, simple, subconscious thing to do, but it simply wasn't like her to charge someone for a job like 'keeping an eye out'. Still, she was a merc, and she needed the money.

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"Dunno if we can last a few hours. I guess we'll end up camping out again," Kelas said. "I don't really like it given our current situation, but... it gets us out of the way, at least." Her own fatigue was catching up to her; she tried to push past it. "Come on, let's get ready to move out."

Arrin went over to Francis and climbed into the saddle. "How are we moving the wounded?" he asked.

"On horses, I guess," Kelas replied. She bent down and tugged on Isotov's shoulder. "Hey, can you wake up for just a minute? We need to move," she asked quietly; she couldn't exactly pick him up and sling him over the saddle.

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"Well, I don't really know his name at all either. And I don't know anything else about him. But if you want payment, I have a bit of gold here," Sadie said, pointing to her satchel.

"I'm fifteen years old, so my brother should be around 19."

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"Oh right, Kelas said she was injured." Charlotte said, hearing what Lev said. She walked over and pressed her staff up against Morgan, healing her wounds. "If this Tas was looking for Prince Tristan...I doubt that ended well for either of them." she said sadly.

"Uh- bruh what!?" Morgan awoke with a start, muttering somewhat incomphrensibly. "What's going on?"


"Oh, don't worry about me kid. I've learned to take care of myself. Well with the help of the fish-guzzler anyway. Svet! It's go time!" she yelled while leaving the library. The sea wyvern flew over and Xenia mounted her and took off into the sky.

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Feeling that his body was being gently nudged, Iso came to and slowly opened his eyes. It was Kelas. He wasn't expecting anyone else really.

Iso: It's time to go, isn't it?

He carefully stood up and looked himself over. He felt fine. He wasn't tired anymore. That was a good thing.


Lev: You passed out ... again. I think we're ready to go but Tas is still missing. Once we set up camp, I'm thinking I might come back here to try and find him.

Irina: You're going?

Lev: I ran into Jace's men before and came out fine. Daneka's probably behind that. Those eggs he's got are a future IM purchase. (Not to mention Tas is a good kid. I don't want to find out he's dead or something like that. Best to find him and the wyverns.)

Irina: I should go too. I mean, I am helping him out with the infant and all.

Lev: Hmm ... and you are an IM. That helps. Maybe we could both go, but not until the group stops for the night. We need a definite destination when we come back.


O'Donnel: So, you asked if I would join you two for dinner, correct?

Ixion: (No, why did she say that? Urgh.)

O'Donnel: I think I will. Steak sounds nice actually. I'm curious to find out more about you, Etain.

Ixion: (Calm. The worst has surely passed. I need to focus on my work. Not this nonsense.) I do not think we will actually be eating dinner together. I have a lot of work to do.

O'Donnel: Rubbish! The offer was made, now don't go chickening out. I am stronger and more educated than you after all. Best to concede.

Ixion: (Inaccurate, O'Donnel. You haven't a clue what I've been up to and as far as our power is concerned, my strengths are evenly spread while your offensive capabilities remain the most refined. I wouldn't wager you having more resistance than a middle age pegasus, thought you could likely destroy one with a single attack. Either way, you are not more powerful than I am. Hmm ... why do I even care about this? No matter. Fine, but you impede progress by forcing this if only a little. Just know that.

O'Donnel: Noted. Now then, Etain. Tell me more about yourself. Why did Ixion give you so many wings for one? That could only get in the way.

Ixion: <_<

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"If he's your brother how is it that you don't know his name? How do you know he's even alive?" asked Esphyr. "And before I can accept any job, I need to know enough details about it to have a chance of actually completing it."


"I don't know why he did so. Maybe he just wanted to see if he could. I dunno. I heard him mutter something about making a fast-flying assassin a while back. Maybe he wanted that. Maybe something that could pass for a spirit of the goddess to scare his enemies, or something else. I don't know. He probably wanted something more magical, but I can't cast a spell for my life. I wouldn't make a good spirit." she said shrugging absentmindedly, as if the notion that she may have disappointed Ixion was no worse than offending a fish. Quickly she fanned all six of them wide open. "They're pretty though, and a tad sensitive. So don't go touching! It makes me giggle."

"By the goddess! I didn't think I would be acting like this! I mean, I expected to act like a child, but I didn't expect to act like a respectful one! I thought I would only need to annoy people!"

A small quiver of the eyelid was the only betrayal of Mana's own inner thought of having to act like a child when she had not expected to do so. She had grown up a long time ago. If only she had her TISME robe, she would be talking magical form and theory, the credit of differing education styles, and the prospect of magical advancement. But this was annoying! Insulting even! She could have kept it up to infiltrate Ixion normally though. This was just an unexpected bump. How on earth did professionals do this?

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