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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 20: Bait and switch


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Lev: No follow me, I'd rather do this now. We're expecting trouble so it's better if no one's surprised to see you ahead of time. Follow me.

He waved him over as he strolled on into the castle. Krinkov simply waited keeping an eye on the pink one while she schemed her petty schemes.

Ground Zero

Iso quickly composed himself and stood up. His worst fears had finally been realized but there were still problems and Arrin was still in danger. It wasn't the time for him to break down and mourn. If he was going to help Kelas then they had to get right back to it. She was apparently sorry for ever going on such a dangerous mission, but Iso felt differently. It was a chance for him to help her like he'd promised to do, and a chance for revenge.

Iso: No, we're not giving up yet. The demons still have the tome and with only one of them fighting we did win. We need to wait a little longer in case one of the other ones shows up. If they do, we'll call in the others and completely overpower them.

Iso looked over to Cess and shrugged a little. He didn't understand why the hell the shaman hadn't contacted the others at first but was somewhat thankful they hadn't wasted the opportunity seeing as Megae didn't possess Daranau in the first place. One of the other ones did which meant if they could keep the weakened group disguise up for just a bit longer, they might still be able to succeed and retrieve the tome. That's what Iso was hoping would happen, but he hadn't considered that the group might have no longer appeared weak having dispatched Megae. Still his hope was that the next demon would charge straight into them so he could burn it to ashes and retrieve Daranau. He was focused on the goal again. Maybe, just maybe killing off the rest of the demons would ease the pain ... maybe just a little bit. He watched as the smoke from the dying crimson flames rose higher and higher up into the air over the plains, the mark of victory, he felt in that moment.

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Tas nodded and dismounted Namid, who at first complained, trying to coax him to return onto his back. "No, Namid; you'll be fine here. I have to hurry," quickly reassured Tas before he followed after Lev. Namid whined a little as he watched his rider leave then cast a worried glance to the bull, shifting a little on his two leggs.

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Luc Altair and The Fargo

Luc had also decided to return to the indoors to check up on Fargo. He dismounted Thunder once he was close to the door and stepped inside the room.

"Oy Captain! Just the man I was running to!" the oddly energetic voice of Fargo greeted Luc as he stepped inside.

It took a few seconds for Luc's eyes to adjust and pick out his subordinate's form amongst so many. "What do you want Fargo?"

"That little nomad boy--"


"Yeah, that. He's like, not waking up." Fargo glanced back. Luc shifted his position and trailed Fargo's line of sight to where the boy was laying.

"He's just in a deep sleep. He probably drank some of that--" No, even a minor with no tolerance wouldn't take so long from alcohol. If Arrin was the Thunder Tome wielder and was severed, he might be experiencing something disastrous. "Alright, he's in trouble."

"Oh good." Fargo breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh yeah, that one girl you were carrying was asleep too. Wasn't she awake earlier?"

Reika was severed as well. "I see. You've done well Fargo." Too well. How did Fargo even know to look? Paul. It had to be Paul telling him to. But Luc couldn't let that slip out in the open, and Fargo, thankfully, wouldn't either. "Alright, Fargo, you tend to Arrin for now, I'll do something about Reika."

"Yes Captain." Fargo walked back to the nomad boy.

Now, what should Luc do? There was nothing he could do about their symptoms or else someone else would have done so. At the very least he should inform Alferis about Reika. But Arrin? Th person who would care the most about him was off playing enticement. Luc looked around the room for anyone who could help.

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"We've got the signal." Morgan said loudly, rising to her feet. "Everyone gather around Stephanie, there isn't time to lose."


Charlotte applied her staff to Eric's wounds. "He should be fine then, just let him rest until he wakes up..."

Petros burrowed to where the camp was and popped out of the ground where he sensed the crimson presence, punching at the red robed man. He looked around and neither saw nor sensed Megae. He shrugged and prepared to battle.

Petros attacks Isotov (1,4,6)=10 damage. Isotov (1/9 Miracle activated) (not sure why you have 12 HP listed since his cap is 3 before Tier 2...)


HP: 24 Str:8 (untyped weapon) Skl:5 Def:9 Res:7 Spd:2 Evd:2

Counter: Any character who rolls a 6 on the skill die while attacking Petros takes damage= to his Str (6).

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Luc Altair and The Fargo

But it was too late. It was time for the group to go to the aid of the enticement team and wasting any time at all could be detrimental.

"Fargo, carry Arrin on your horse while we warp!" Luc shouted off a command to his subordinate who answered with a resounding aye sir.

Luc turned and marched back outside, shouting once he cleared the door frame. "We've got the signal! Everyone pack in now!" Luc wasted no time and immediately remounted Thunder. He spurred his mount back inside and over to Reika. She was trembling and blaring about someone, but Luc didn't have any time for this. He scooped her up to hand off to Alferis once he returned.

Fargo meanwhile, had complied with his orders and was back on his horse with Arrin in tow.


As Paul sat nestled within all the junk hiding his small figure, his thoughts turned towards the upcoming warp and wondering if his presence would cause some sort of catastrophic difference. Ah well, he'd just have to bank on his luck that something like that wouldn't happen.

EDIT: Bloody browser errors.

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Red Alert

Lev checked over his shoulder to make sure Tas was at least following and once he knew that the courier was, he let a smile creep up and kept walking, his eyes confidently closed for a few moments until they reached the room the main group was using. He carefully listened against the door and then peeked inside. Utter chaos.

Lev: Sh*t. I was afraid of these.

Stephanie: Quickly everyone, quickly!

Lev: Actually, Stephanie, you need to go outside. We're not going to get away with bringing a bunch of animals in here ... well we might but I think it's best we head outside.

Stephanie: ... very well. Outside it is! Hurry then!

Lev turned to Tas as she rushed out the room and shrugged.

Lev: Thought this might happen. So do you want to stay here and wait for us or come along for the ride?

OOC: And another scramble begins.

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"Mister Nomad? There is a male nomad here? Alas, I have not met him yet. Only one I have is the dame Kelas. A proud doe is she. Sleek and elegant, yet powerful and proud; like a smooth-flowing waterfall or a wonderfully forged blade. But I wander in my lust for the girl. Rita, my point is you assume that a person is versed in the way of the sword, your way of the sword, simply because they choose to wield it. If what you say is true, than even a swaddled babe is a foe to you if they can grasp a blade. Have you considered that your manner of learning the sword is not the proper one?"


"I understand. I came here knowing that that would happen." said Mana, her voice calm and even. "But know this; a spirit whom has been sent into a berserk rage is a power that rivals the wroth of the goddess herself. Though I am but half, a rage from me is no matter to suppress. I would recommend that Damian be kept a good distance from me. If he dies, too much is lost for it to be worth it." said Mana, crossing her legs as she smiled inwardly. It would take some work, but she had come knowing this was a reality she would need to deal with. She had taken her own precautions and time. This was too important to risk losing carelessly.

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"...Not... no!" Kelas didn't bother being coherent as she struggled to bring her bow up again, aiming for the incoming demon's face.

(1,1,5 haaaaaaa) Hit! Kelas does 0 damage!

The arrow bounced harmlessly off the demon's stony skin. Going for another tactic, Kelas ran in-- maybe she could at least get Isotov out of there, Amari was coming back now that Megae and her flying blades were gone--

(5, 5, 3) Hit! Petros does ~flinches~ 9 damage! Kelas KO'd!

--or not. Everything went white as Petros' fist slammed into her stomach with a sickening crunch of breaking ribs. The force of the hit carried her a few feet forward as she crumpled to the ground, consciousness rapidly fading. "Can't... let... that... happen..." she choked out, trying to force herself to get up and failing miserably.

Kelas 0/12 10EXP

edit: added exp summary

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Tas was confused by all the comotion. Well, they were mercenaries and perhaps mercenaries got sudden assignments. This one seemed to be an emergency. "I've no clue what's going on. How am I to decide to stay or leave? If I am to be a part of their detachment, then there is no choice, is there?" Tas asked Lev before likewise rushing to Namid. An extra hand couldn't hurt them and besides, he might as well get on their good side. As he ran, he called back to Lev, "Find that Morgan person and tell him not to be alarmed at my company!" And with that, he was gone, quickly at namid's side then on his back. For some reason, he wasn't nervous. There was something in the air...something infectious...something akin to what he felt when he had been helping his father rescue what hatchlings and eggs they could from their burning nests... Namid was very confused, but with Tas on his back, all he felt was trust. He would fly wherever Tas steered him and all would be well in the end.

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With That ...

Ixion: I'm glad we seem to have an understanding. Now then, which one of you would like to be examined first? I have no particular preference at the moment mind you.

Battlefield Angst

The shock of the attack sent Iso to the ground landing on his back hard! He somehow managed to get up but only in time to see Kelas floored as well! He grabbed onto his ailing chest and rushed over to her ignoring the blood running down his lips! As soon as he reached her he tried to help her up only to fall to his knees himself!

Iso: Dammit! Argh! It's the rocky one ... I wasn't counting on him being here. The mana surrounding that demon is stronger than mine, my attacks won't put a dent in that thing. Urgh! Did Cess send them the signal yet?! We're gonna need some help here! Kelas just hold on, I'm not gonna leave you here like this!

He held out Proxima in his free hand and kept his arm over Kelas' shoulder with the other.

Iso: (I don't have the stamina for another attack. All I can do is try to keep its attention off us for a few moments ... just til the others get here ....)


Stephanie made it to the outside of the castle and waited patiently for the others to gather around her while humming a bored tune.

Lev: Yeah, let's go. The others can fight, but we need to keep those eggs safe so as soon as we warp, get to the back of the group.

With that he began jogging out of the room to try to catch up with Stephanie.

EDIT: Added Lev bit

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Hearing Lev say something about the eggs, Tas made a mental note to bring them with them since it didn't sound like they would be returning to this castle. "Hya!" Tas called the gusty voice-command, normally used in telling a horse to run quickly, but in this case, meant "Rise! Now!" Only a few moments later, Tas was back in the aerie, scrambling to fasten the bundle of eggs to Namid's saddle in surprisingly efficient order and grabbing the complaining hatchling away from his already half-eatten meal. He dumped the hatchling into the bucket of water to quickly rinse the blood and cuts off of his red and black scales, jumped back onto Namid and they were oiver the castle's highest peak and swooping down - practically in a feefall - to where the others were gathing: around a certian bored-looking staff-wielder. Namid landed with a couple steadying flaps and hoped that Lev had delivered the message of his alliance as he readed his lance.

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Unfortunately, this battle was not yet over. Another demon had showed up and promptly thrashed Isotov and Kelas, sending both of them reeling. Looking around, Charlotte saw too many injuries for her to handle at once. The others have to get here soon... she prayed to the Goddess. She decided to heal Isotov, who seemed to be conscious and feebly trying to protect Kelas from harm. She then tried to hastily stablize Kelas, Irina and Eric seemed to be alive for the time being but were unable to defend themselves.

+6 HP Isotov (7/9)

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"Righto. I got nothing left to pack. Reika'll be safer here anyway," said Alferis, drawing his tomahawk and following Lev to Stephanie.

"Ok lady healer. Thanks for the face and all a few days ago. Now anyway, time to go help our friends."

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Everything was getting dark and blurry. She was vaguely aware of being held on to, more aware of the magic that came and at least straightened out her broken ribs, patching her lungs up so that she could almost breathe. Mumbling a last "I'm sorry," Kelas lost consciousness.

OOC: no she isn't dead, put down the weapons Phoenix

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There was suddenly a lot of noise and Viveka and Jasmine brought out their pegasi in a hurry to see what was going on.

Viveka: Is it time?! Oh boy. Let's hope we can actually pull together on this one.

Jasmine: Do you think they're okay?

Viveka: Doubt it. They're probably already all out cold and being held at bladepoint. Knowing our luck, it's probably going to be a hostage situation or something ... again.

She shrugged off the bad memories of being held captive by Xenia and raced over to Stephanie and the others followed closely by Jasmine!

OOC: Why am I even bringing either of these two? Jasmine can't fight and Viveka couldn't damage Petros even if she scored a critical hit :/

Stephanie: This cannot be all of you. Who else is coming? (The power Ixion gave me for this has faded somewhat. Can I handle this many people?)

OOC: Forewarning. Stephanie is going comatose/unconscious right after the warp guaranteed. Ixion gave her a staggering amount of power the first time and the magicians in the group can't make up for that, even if they supplement her she's still going to feint on arrival, how long she's out for depends on how much energy she has to use to warp the group and how much she has when this warp happens. Another healer can fix the problem in a couple of heals though so this isn't anything to be very concerned with. Just letting you know I didn't randomly decide to do this. It was going to happen from the beginning.

Not Again

Iso: Kelas? Kelas!!

While Irina hid behind Kiev who was snarling at Petros angrily, Proxima vanished in his hands! He took Kelas with both arms and tried to shake her awake but nothing happened! He Charlotte's healing was enough to get him back on his feet and he quickly picked her up before slowly stepping back from the large demon.

Iso: (Hurry up, dammit. We are going to die here if you don't hurry the hell up.)

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"I volunteer to go first." offered Mana, standing up from her chair. "If I backfire and become to wild to control, better Damian at his full might to run than trying to run while weary."

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"Hmm... very well. You may go first, headmaster, if that is your wish." Damian replied, stepping back slightly.


"Are we going now?" Aiya inquired, already knowing the answer. Mounting Ulfhrahn and preparing to storm the demons as soon as they reappeared from the warp.

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Noticing Jasmine and Viveka outside, Pary hurried down the stairs. "Are we leaving? I noticed some others are getting the mounts together." He turned to Stephenie, who was standing near by. "Sister, do you remember me? I think we met at the ball. I can certainly help a little if need be."

OOC: I love how you all hate on Pary, yet not realize how necessary he is. >_>



"You must be joking. Because Kelas is the ruggedest nomad I've ever met. He's so handsome, with his flowing hair, and rippling muscles. :wub: He's so good with horses, and his little brother. But I have to steal him from Iso! He's rightfully mine! And there is not one way of the sword! No two fighting styles are the same. That is why I must fight, to train against the world! This is what all proper swordsmen learn from when they pick up a blade. But it looks like we're going. You'll have to excuse me." Rita ran past Altion, towards the pegasus knights and the healers.

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Petros noticed that the red robed man still stood...and there was one of those staff users behind him. He decided to eliminate the mage, as the girl probably couldn't fight back and thus with the fall of the last enemy the battle would be over.

(1,3,4)= 9 damage Iso 0/9

Isotov crumpled in a heap. Charlotte tried to heal him quickly as the giant rock man advanced upon her. [i'm going to die here, aren't I?[/i] she thought to herself. She may have been more correct than she wished, as a rocky fist slammed into her.

(4,6,3)= Charlotte 0/9

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OOC: My next related post is the warp.

Not Here

Ixion: Hold a moment. I mentioned that we have the proper facilities to keep you contained ... however this office is not what I meant. I only brought you here to make things clear before we got started.

He stood up from the desk and motioned for them to follow him as he headed for the door.

Ixion: We need to head over to the tower.

Almost ... Almost

Viveka: We're about to leave apparently but ... I've got a really bad feeling about this.

Stephanie: Yes I do recognize you. Many of you are familiar actually. (Are all of these people related to Irina and Iso in some way?)

Krinkov and the pink one stood close to the others watching to see why everyone was gathering so close to them and the other pink one. Lev signaled for Krinkov to not move and then ran over to the aeries which was strange enough. Something was about to happen and he felt he might get caught up in it which wouldn't be good at all. Moments later Lev returned with a mountain of supplies in his arms including Viveka's cases.

Lev: (So ... damn ... heavy ... but this is likely a one way trip and as a proud mercenary I refuse to be bitched at for losing her stuff. Sad that I'm grabbing all of this crap at the last second, but doesn't matter since I don't get paid to actually fight. I need to make sure Irina's okay though.) Urg!

With a big heave he threw all of the supplies right on top of Krinkov and quickly held it all down as the wyvern angrily snarled frustrated to be back under all the weight. Next he yanked out a rope and started tying things down proper while the pink wyvern watched amusingly.

Lev: Sorry about this, Krinkov but keep in mind I'm not just working for Morgan. I'm working for Viveka also.

Viveka: Awww that's so sweet of you ... and mercenary-esque.

He rolled his eyes a bit.

Lev: Can it, Kitty. Anything goes wrong when we get there and you guys'll have actual casualties for once. I can't be bothered this time. (If Irina's in trouble then I have to help her first no matter what. No matter what.)

Viveka: What do you mean?

Lev: Normally I would step in if there was a real emergency like the possibility of us losing, luckily there hasn't been to date, but with Krinkov this weighed down, the eggs I have to keep safe, and the fact that we're likely to have to tend to wounded (Irina included) as soon as we arrive means there's no way in hell I can lift a finger to help no matter how this goes down.

For Viveka that was all a rather surprising revelation and she pondered it for a few seconds before coming back at him.

Viveka: ... huh ... ... ... well good, cause I don't need you hogging up any useful combat experience anyway.

Lev: Huh?

Viveka turned away from him with an innocent smile on her face. Her joke was just her way of hiding how nervous she was. This was the group's first offensive. What could possibly go wrong? That wasn't the right question to be asking. What had already gone wrong that they didn't know about yet? That's what she wanted to know.

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Mana gave a small nod as she rose up, falling in line behind Ixion. Yet, as she came up, a small mark was left upon her chair. A trigram, carved into the wood by a fingernail, hidden away upon the underside of the chair like a small piece of gum. What little mana was within it was so minor as to seem like the magic of common air. Not something of note to say the least.

"A tower is not the finest place to study a wind spirit incapable of controlling herself, but I digress. It is your wisdom, not mine, that controls the outcome of your experimentations. I am ready to accept both failure and victory. Damian, while he and I are alone, I would recommend you find a bed to settle down in. Are there rooms picked out for us? Will Damian and I be sharing, or have separate rooms? I can handle either possibility with ease."

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"Those demons...that fire demon...oh god..." said Alferis, his voice shaking a little at the thought of Ruby. "I mean, I can handle the others, but don't make me fight that one. Please."


Finally, for Snikey baby <_<

"...I see. It appears our informant is correct. These people have a long history of violence in many areas and were once wanted by Elysimia. Not only that but that name of the informant's bodyguard...he has a bounty on his head. I saw it once in Vaorin. Not particularly high, but if he's recognized, he's going to be worth a lot. Not to mention the Crimson bow user. And even our informant.

There's not much to do. We can let them wander around wherever they want, but we must keep a careful eye on them. They're bound to screw up eventually and when they do...gkkcht!" Njordjenka said to Elle, the sound effect accompanied with a cutting gesture near his neck.

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Ready to go

Within a minute of hearing the call, Derek was in the courtyard, already on Ann. Approaching the rest of the group, he lowered his visor, and awaited the warp, sword at the ready.


"... That is a possible plan of action... I suppose I will leave it to you to decide...," Elle said, lowering her tome a bit. "... Though, if we were to take a pro active approach, we may be able to overcome them... Regardless, I suppose it is time, for practice...?"

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"Yes practice would be good. Remember. Our goal is to take the Crimson Weapons for ourselves," said Njordjenka, setting down the report, taking out the Thoron tome of his own.

"I've only recently acquired this tome and you seem to be quite skilled with it. Could you show me how you use it?"

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How to: Use a Thoron tome

"... I guess...," Elle said, stepping away from Njordjenka, and turning to an abandoned stool across the room. "... I picture the spell, in my head, usually. Then..." the sage trailed off, chanting the incantation while simultaneously drawing a spell circle. Pure energy formed itself in the air, and once the seal was complete, it vanished. An orb of yellow lighting appeared, shooting thunderbolts out of it at a short distance, before slamming into the stool. After it dissipated, nothing remained of the stool, except a thin smoke from where it originally was. Task completed, the magic user turned back to her superior. "... Once you memorize the incantation, it really is simple..."

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