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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 20: Bait and switch


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"I think we're all right for now," Kelas replied tiredly. She knew that more medical attention was probably necessary for both of them, but was equally sure that the fighter couldn't provide it, and entirely unsure that she trusted him. "You might go make sure all of the others have been brought back... I know we're not the only injured."


"All right," Arrin replied. "Er... what happened to Stephanie?" he called. "Does she need a healer?"

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"Yeah, but remember, I have business to discuss with you and your brother. Don't worry I mean no harm, just need your help on something," said Alferis.

"Is everyone ok?" he called out, showing the bandages he had. "If anyone needs any wounds that need fixing, I'd like to help."

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Relief washed over Tas at Irina's reply, excusing his earlier coments. "I see. It seems like we come from the different sides of being wyvern riders, then. Yougrew up on the fighting side and I grew up on the caring side. That is, I know how to take care of a wyvern from laid egg to death. I even know how to treat some of their illnesses and injurries. You, on the other hand, know how to interact with wyverns for more than just flying. I can't fight very well. In fact, both Namid and I have been taught how to flee very well, but niether of us really know how to fight," he noted, then replied to her coments about the hatchling, "Actually, he's one of the hatchlings my father and I rescued from the grounds. You see, the reason I'm not a true courier anymore is that our ranch was attacked and destroyed. Only a few of us stayed behind after it got risky. We set all the wyverns that could fly loose. That left the eggs and hatchlings, so not as many hands were needed to care for them. My father and I were two who stayed. And Namid and Riggs, of course. Riggs is the name of my father's wyvern. When the attck came, we were able to rescue five eggs and three hatchlings. It was the heat of the moment, so we couldn't make many plans. We agreed that he would take two of the hatchlings and two of the eggs to Halton to try to sell them there while I took one hatchling and three eggs to Septimus. Like I said, we're not fighters, so we couldn't fight off the marauders. Riggs used to be a wild mountain wyvern, though, so I'd bet he wanted to fight. My father wouldn't allow it, though, even if he did. We needed to get the little ones away from the danger. The Ivanko Mercenaries were reccomended as potential buyers, so I was taken to the castle and met Lev there. So, now I'm with your group until the exchange can be completed since Lev said that your company would buy the eggs and hatchling. So, really, this little one doesn't belong to me. I'm just taking care of him. Oh, the eggs were all from different clutches, too, so I don't remember which ones are plains wyverns and which ones are mountain wyverns. This one's a mountain wyvern for sure, though."

As he told his story, Tas didn't get too emotional about it. His tone shifted throughout the story, of course, but he didn't seem so upset about the loss of his home, frriends and way of life. He certianly wasn't happy about it, though.


Beau wasn't sure where he would be in the way and where he would be helpful. "Arrin, is there anyone you would like me to see? If we look for specific people then things might go better. Everything is so hectic that it's hard to tell where I'm needed and where I'd be in the way. If there is someone you know who could use my help, we can start with them," advised Beau.

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For Sale

Irina: Yeah I'vvve ... actually killed some people ... ... Kiev too.

She nervously rubbed the back of her neck not knowing just how Tas would interpret a wyvern rider who was basically a killer. There wasn't much of a way to sugarcoat warfare. Kiev shrugged. Better them than him.

Irina: I usually don't have to run away either, as horrible as the situations we get into are we pretty much always win ... (... cept that time we fought Helenos but I didn't run til after Kiev got nailed. I did my best dammit >_> )

Kiev also thought back to the time they fought Helenos. What on earth was that she-thing they fought? It was all bony and gruesome looking. ... it probably needed to eat more. Or grow less so its bones would fit inside its body. The she-thing wasn't quite that big before and had been hiding inside of a human prior.

Irina: Normally this would be the part where I'd try to cheer you up or maybe offer to help you track down and take out the attackers of your old ranch but ... I don't know ... seems so simple but so forward. Not to mention I'm still technically working for Damian, and he just ran off with Ixion to the very base Lev said he'd take you to. Ehhhh.


Lev: Yeah let's try this for now and see if she'll wake up. Go ahead and see what you can do, please.

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"Aye. Dame Kelas." said Altion, managing to rise up to his feet after a moment of quiet repose to sooth his upset belly. Yet even after a full moment to gather himself it was clear that going through the warp had taken a large toll upon the man to the point where the blood had drained from his face, leaving it as white as chalk. Still, he managed to get off the ground and, with careful balance akin to that of Esphyr's, make his way over towards the girl. "I came, just as I promised, to protect you. Forgive my delay, but... whoa... hath you fallen into the mud? Your face is as black as soot. Come down off thine small knoll and I wilt be willing to... whoa!" Altion suddenly stumbled backwards, falling flat upon his back as he gazed up to the sky overhead. "Earthquake! There be an earthquake!"


"I have an idea of a good one." said Mana with a small nod. Stepping closer to the two students, she gave a small bow to the ground. "Nyuu!" she squeaked in a voice mimicing the cry of a cat. Looking at them, she gave a bright and cheerful smile. "I'm the cheerful wind spirit being thingy master Ixion found on his way here! Etain is my name! Don't forget it! Do you have any meat buns? I like their hot air and the smell carries for miles on the wind!" she exclaimed happily. There was a reason for the fake attitude in addition to the fake name. She wanted the focus of the students to be on her, looking at her or trying to avoid her so that her plan could work better. Acting like a stupid child would make them either seek to avoid her, or make them pay more attention to her in an attempt to ensure she didn't run with knives or something similar.

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"Oh I expect that. After all, you are mercenaries. Also, you don't have to worry about trying to help me take my revenge. I don't see any point in vengence anyway. After this I'm going to Halton to try to find my father. We'll live off of what we make off of our sales. At least, I think that's the plan. He might come looking for me instead, so I don't know if I should stay in Septimus or go to Halton. So I'm planning to stay here for a little while," casually explained Tas, "It doesn't matter too much to me who you work for either. That changes on a regular basis, doesn't it? I don't know who many people are, so you can pretty much assume I don't know who you're talking about anyway. I met Alferis, Aiya and Luc as well as you and Lev so far. Oh, and Prince Tristen. Other than that, though... Well, you understand, I'm sure."

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Levski had carefully moved the unconscious Stephanie down and off from the wyvern. Excellent, thought Helios, Now I won't have to worry about anything unexpected.

Focusing on his spell, he carefully crafted the wind so that it would form a dull, wider area concussive blast, rather than the more typical thin and razor-sharp shearing gusts that were used for combat. He thought he heard Arrin call out something, but it couldn't be that important...

'Yeah let's try this for now and see if she'll wake up,' Lev had said, and that was as good a signal as any. Helios fired off the spell at the pink-haired priestess, and hoped that the sudden exposure to magic would shock her mana network back into proper working order.

OOC: Whether or not it actually works is all up to you, man.

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"What is he doing," Kelas muttered, seeing Altion stumble over and start declaiming to a nearby boulder. She supposed it was only a matter of time before he came and started worrying at her... "Please wake up soon," she told Isotov with a sigh. His breathing was normal and all of the visible injuries had been corrected, but until he was conscious again, it was hard not to be worried.


"Wh-what are you doing?!" Arrin yelped at Helios. "We-- Beau was just about to heal her, why are you attacking her?!"

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"I was?" asked Beau bordly, shifting his eyes to Arrin. No one had told him to heal anyone yet. In fact, it seemed that no one had even payed Arrin any attention. (Ridiculous. How can these backwater, uneducated soldiers simply ignore someone who is trying to be of at least some use to them? Even clamboring beggars know to pay someone heed if that person can help them.)

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Irina: This job's a little longer-term than the others. Besides I'm still in actual training and this is partially it. If you already met Aiya that's good. She's one of Damian's officers ... uh ... (I guess I don't need to mention anything else about them, right? Them being together isn't important in any of this.) Right, and I guess knowing a few people is a start.

She looked around darting from one person to the next hoping for some reason to find ... something. By the time she'd turned back to Tas she'd given up on that part of the conversation. The people in the group were okay but she didn't spend time with them on a regular basis and had nothing worth saying about them that Tas hadn't already inadvertently pointed out earlier.

Irina: So you need to meet up with your father in the end somehow? It doesn't seem like a good plan if you two didn't pick out some key places to go to ahead of time. I'm sure you were rushing because you had to but I may make things more difficult in the end. It took my uncle ten years to track down my brother and he had only been through Halton and Elysima.

Reactions Are Cool

As the wind magic Helios unleashed made contact with Stephanie's body, there was a loud whooshing sound as the wind under her body kicked up violently! There was a magical reaction taking place within her mana network! A small spark of the unstable energies Ixion had bound to her was the final signal before the stored up remnants of the dark power exploded outward in all directions rushing over Lev, Helios, Arrin, and Baeu like an oozing mist!

Stephanie's eyes immediately opened having been completely drained of the power that had put her entire body into a different state for days and days prior. She didn't know what was going on and could only sit up and blink in confusion ....

Lev: ... the hell was that?

OOC: Unless they're allergic to dark magic like Mana is, everyone exposed to that should be just fine overall. It wasn't an attack spell, just rushing raw energy.


The researchers at the door looked at each other and then back at the woman. Finally the lead one shrugged and murmured to himself. The other one stepped out from the door and waved them inside a bit hastily.

Researcher: Alright, come, come, I already see what the problem is here, yessiree!

Ixion: ... irritating ... from at least two different sources ... simply irritating.

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"Whoa!" exclaimed Arrin as the blast set Daranau muttering in the back of his mind again. "Er... are you all right, miss?" he asked Stephanie awkwardly when she sat up. "...If so we should probably go help one of the others... I think Irina needs help..." He gestured towards where Irina stood by Kiev.

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"As I said before, we had to hurry. We didn't know if the marauders had bows or magic that could reach us in the sky. I wish we'd planned a meeting spot, but that's just how things are," sighed Tas with a shrug, "And yes, I want to see my father again. After all he raised me and besides our wyverns we don't really have anyone else. I don't remember my mother at all and my father avoids the subject so I don't know what happened to her. But my father loves me and has always taken care of me. So why wouldn't I want to see him again? Even if it does take a long time to find him, it will be worth it."


When the dark energy hit Beau, he was taken off-guard and was even off the ground for a few moments due to his light weight. "What was that?" fumed Beau as he dusted himself off with one hand and clung to his ward staff with the other, glaring daggers all the while at the cleric and mage, "How can you even release dark magic? You! Mage! Was that your doing?" Beau was indignant at having been knocked about and surprised like that. He was ignoring Arrin for now.

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No sooner had he sent the spell on its way, but Helios found himself beset by clamouring voices.

"We were just about to heal her!""We were?""―you moron..."

Frankly he expected such reaction from Alferis, the brute couldn't be expected to understand, but from Arrin and... who was that?

Before he'd had a chance to offer his defense however, there was a spark, and then a rushing sound and wave of darkness expanding as a spherical globe, until it reached its limits and the outer edges dissipated. Any words the wind mage had been about to offer were suddenly lost. This reaction had been completely outside of his calculations, what was it?

The young nomad was the quickest to recover his wits, and had already hurried over to the woman, asking after her status. Helios gave a dismissive wave in the fighter's direction, and muttered back, dripping with sarcasm "...trying to kill her, sure."

The young newcomer looked like he might be about to start spewing invectives at any moment, and was demanding an explanation. There wasn't much the Toran prince could really say by way of explanation, so he simply stated, "I don't know just wha―if I managed to fix everything or not. If you're a healer, it can't hurt for you to come take a look at her too."

He then shuffled off quickly over to Stephanie. "Oi, I know you might not be feeling the best, but we warped in to some pretty bad stuff, you might need to do some more work, if you can manage it. Though, there might be someone who can help you out." Helios glanced behind to see if the newcomer had followed or not.

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Grumbling, the young priest walked over to the cleric. "Excuse me, sister, but how are you feeling? This mage didn't harm you too much, I'd expect. Are you ailing in some way? If so, then I could use my staff to heal you," asked Beau as he shifted staffs again, now holding his red-orbed heal staff. Dispite the care in his words, his eyes seemed to always be partially closed. Right now, though, he looked a little annoyed and fairly bored. He also sent Helios a look as though to say "I was going to ask her anyway."

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Back In Action

As the voices came one after another Stephanie carefully picked up on all of them while still having a blank stare on her face. She had to snap out of it when she realized how silly she must have looked staring off into space like a hypnotized person. She did feel different though. As she slowly attempted to stand up, Lev quickly took her by the shoulders and sped up the process. She didn't bother scolding him for it though. She'd heard the mention of healing too many times already.

Stephanie: Ahem. I am fine I believe. No pain or loss of strength it would seem. I am sorry for the inconvenience I must have caused. Please direct me to whomever needs my assistance. They needn't wait any longer.

Lev: (You got lucky. We need a better way to do this if you're warping us all the way back when we're done here. I think it's a bad idea but Kamilla's got a free run unless she and Tessa actually know each other. It looked like it but I wasn't sure.)


Irina: Of course it'll be worth it. You've still got a father to talk to. I can't ever talk to mine again unless I have another dream about him. I hope you get to see him again and soon because losing both parents is something no one should have to go through.

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Tas nodded in agreement, wondering if it was the loss of one's parents that lead to this kind of life. It made sense. Maybe the majority here were orphans? Maybe the majority of mercenaries were orphans... Again, it made sense. "Well, I'm not sure what to do withmyself right now, but it looks like you could use some rest or healing. So, I'll let you do that. It was good talking with you, Irina. And it was good to meet you, Kiev," Tas replied, giving a little bow to Irina and a nod to Kiev, "Also - because I think you could handle it and because he should start getting used to your mercenary company - you can help take care of the little one anytime you'd like. I could teach you how to take care of the eggs, too. That way you mercenaries won't have to rely on me so much. It's very fulfilling, too. Besides, I think the little one is comfortable with you, Irina." As though to agree, the small wyvern let loos a little churp-trill-coo sound, happily looking at Irina. Tas was already smiling, but as he looked at the hatchling, his grin only widened. "See?"

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Irina and Kiev

Irina: Oh right. I should be sitting down waiting for one of the healers to patch me up so I don't get a scar. I'll do that then, and you should introduce yourself to more people since you're actually a sane person heheh.

Kiev glanced at Irina's wound since the word healer had come up again and saw that while it wasn't bleeding anymore, it wasn't quite healed either. Mostly closed at least though. He needed to try harder to protect her frail form and unscaled areas from attacks like that in the future. She had the lance, he was the shield.

Irina: You'll help us with the eggs? Alright then, I won't turn down lessons like that since I'd always thought of raising wyverns myself one day. As good as I am at fighting I'm a lot more happier seeing wyverns flying around peacefully and happily than picking arrows out from their hides.

Kiev: flinched. He remember that. He'd been hit with an arrow once and it went in between his scales somehow. Dastardly quill was such a painful thing to pull out. The little one who was to someday be named seemed to actually be happy to meet her and she smiled giving the little wyvern a wave in return.

Irina: Oh I'll gladly help out with him. He's so cute, heheheh.

Cute? Cuter than me?, Kiev thought a bit worried.

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"Thank you. Make sure he doesn't try to fly. He's too small for that yet and will only hurt himself. You can hold him, especially since he ate not too long ago, but his teeth, horns and tallons are still sharp, so be careful. Also, he's only a hatchling, so he's fragile. That about does it for now. Could you watch him while I meet everyone else? It's a little difficult to keep him out of trouble and do other things, too," asked and instructed Tas, using his hand to nudge the little wyvern, coaxing him off his back and into Tas' arms. Namid was a little amused at Kiev's expression. He gave him a look to let him know he wasn't acting much older than the hatchling. "Also, Namid, you should stay here. It's kind of crowded so it'd be hard for you to keep gliding and landing," Tas mentioned to his wyvern. Namid groaned a little but shifted to make himself more comfortable where he was. "Thanks, Namid," Tas replied with a smile. Namid just huffed a little, then gave Tas the "you'd better come back soon" look. Before leaving, however, he waited for Irina's reply. If she didn't want to babysit the little one right away, he would just have to take him with him or leave him with Namid.


"Satisfied?" asked Beau to the mage, Helios, "It was obvious she was well besides. I don't know what stunt you pulled, but it turned out alright in the end. Now, please be of some use and point me in the direction of someone who is injurred where I will not be in the way."

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OOC: The day after the ball, the day before the warp. A story to be told in n segments. Here is the first.


Tessa had woken up bright and early. She had a mission to accomplish, and she wasn't about to let herself get sidetracked. Isotov was blind, and it sounded like it was related to his missing weapon, so there wasn't anything she could do about it directly. However! Simply waiting around, for a chance to recover the Crimson tome and hope it healed him wasn't the answer. Far from it, and she was a little vexed that he'd tried to keep something of that magnitude hidden, and that even after everyone else found out about it, nobody was taking any proactive measures. That needed to change, and it looked like it was up to her. With the right measures, blind people can cope with the world, without needing to be waited on constantly by a companion, like Kelas had been pretty much tethered to the mage. Surely this would do the both of them some good. Isotov couldn't be feeling happy about his complete loss of independence, and Kelas has her own problems that she knows the nomad wants to be dealing with.

With this firm resolution in mind, Tessa left the castle, seeking the market district of the capital city. She had briefly considered bringing Arrin along, as she had mentally designated the boy as manager of anything financial that she might have to deal with, and today's effort would definitely require making a purchase, but she gave in to a fit of whim, and had childishly decided that she wasn't going to have anything to do with him until he apologized to her. She wasn't even sure quite why she was so upset, which really was the worst part of it.

While the troubadour had at least considered the need for someone with business sense, she had however failed to realize that one of her other flaws was going to also prove issue. She was having trouble even finding the market district. It was the kind of task that should have proved elementary, after all, how hard could it be to find a shop, or even a roadside stand that was selling the item she was seeking? But for the first half hour, she'd mistakenly found herself walking past residences, even at one point narrowly avoiding a rain of filth as someone was emptying their chamberpot out the upper story window.

Surely the residential district must be close to where the shopping is done though, she figured, and pressed onwards. Yet somehow again she was turned around, and ended up in a place completely different to where she was hoping to be. "The military? How did I find my way toward the soldier's quarters?" Tessa considered whether she should ask a soldier for directions, but there was a sudden burst of activity, and people were streaming away at a fast pace, and she heard something shouted about a crazy Druid. She found herself blinking in confusion a bit, but couldn't let that waver her determination. She had to press on.

Tessa wasn't sure how much time had passed really, but she eventually stumbled upon people selling fruits and vegetables, and she figured she must be close. And sure enough, after only a scant few minutes later, she found herself in front of the kind of stand she'd been looking for, running her gaze over various types of walking sticks. With the right stick, some training, and a will and determination that she knew quite well the fire mage possessed, she was sure he would be able to, if slowly at first, manage to start to reclaim his life through his own power. But in order to make that happen... first, she needed to buy one of these for him.

Extending her hand towards a sleek looking, and finely polished stick of diamond willow, she asked the stall owner, "How much is this one?" He replied, but in the end, she didn't have any better understanding of the situation, as she couldn't seem to related the number he'd quoted to anything in particular she was familiar with. "O-oh... Umm... thank you," she stammered, and took a brief step backwards, while trying to figure out where to go from here. She hadn't much if anything of value with her that she could part with. Certainly not the staves or sword, as both of those were too essential, and not to be parted with. She couldn't imagine that her spare clothes, or other assorted odds or ends would come anywhere near the mark either.

Pursing her lips in thought, and scratching her head in annoyance, she really started to regret coming alone. Even if she had decided against taking Arrin along, she should have at least brought somebody who knew more than her, but she'd been too eager, and had foolishly hoped she might be able to manage it as a surprise as well. Frustrated with her own inabilities, her fingers caught on something, and she paused.

Her ornament. Could that work as barter perhaps? It couldn't really be worth much of anything... after all, her parents had given her to the monastery because they were poor, and this was the one thing she had always had. She'd always assumed it was their last gift to her... Even if it could pay for it... could she bring herself to part with it? Removing the hair ornament from its customary place by her ear, she toyed with it in her hands for a bit, staring it over, fiddling, lost in thought.

Her reverie was broken by a voice calling her name though... who could it be? Surprised, she turned her head towards the sound. "Damian...? What are you doing here?" The soldier must have spotted her standing there, and was headed her way.

Relieved that he had caught the young troubadour's attention, Damian closed the distance between them, stopping in front of her.

It seems Tessa had been venturing the market stands of Burgosas, and had stopped in front of a dealer of... walking staves?

She was holding her signature feather ornament in her hand, and seemed to be fumbling about herself, looking at an exquisite, yet quite expensive staff.

"I was looking for you, Tessa. Where you looking to buy this staff?"

As Damian had made his way deliberately and efficiently toward the girl, the merchant had smiled to himself, and stood a little backward. While for awhile it had seemed the transaction was going to be a lost cause, this new arrival signaled a turn in fortune. He could almost feel the sale making itself without any further effort on his part. If he needed to act, he surely would, but for the moment, his senses told him that intruding would come off as desperation, and lower his odds. Best to wait, and let this play out as it will...

Looking up at Damian, Tessa repeated the first words that had left his mouth, this time with the intonation of a question. "Looking for me?" Realization settled in quickly, and she cast her gaze towards the ground as she replied, "Oh... right, I disappeared without telling anyone where I was off to, or how long I was planning to be gone..."

Clasping her hands together, carefully, mindful the ornament she was holding, she turned back to face him. "It wasn't supposed to have taken this long, and it was supposed to be a bit of a surprise... And yes," she glanced at the walking stick that had been the subject of his query, "I had been trying to. I thought that I was up to the task, but it looks like I still have much more to learn, don't I?" A nervous giggle escaped the troubadour at this last comment.

It seems his thoughts had been correct. Tessa was indeed looking to buy the staff in question, and apparently had not been quite successful. The merchant himself seemed rather... happy at Damian's intrusion on the sale.

'So... it looks like Tessa couldn't afford it anyway... she lived in a monastery for most of her life, I can't say I'm surprised haggling and bartering is not her forté.'

"You needn't scold yourself, Tessa. You are safe, and don't seem to be worse for wear in body, mind, or spirit. Truth be told, the reason I came to find you is... not quite connected to your absence from the whole group." Damian admitted, still nervous about telling her his plans to leave. He wasn't sure how Tessa would react to his news, but he had an inkling the innocent Valkyrie would not wholly approve of his choice to work with the dark druid.

"I don't know why you wanted that staff, but I couldn't think of seeing you without that ornament... it suits you well, and I'm sure it must mean a lot to you... I would hate to see you part with it over a staff." Damian said, making the connection between her fidgeting with the ornament and the merchant.

"I'll buy it for you, so you don't need to worry about that." Damian finished, turning towards Tessa with a grin.

As Damian had explained the situation, she relaxed a little. When he went on to offer to deal with the merchant on her behalf, a sparkle crossed her eyes for a moment, as a wave of relief took her by surprise. The relief had following its heels a small sense of guilt, but there was nothing to be done about that... not yet, but maybe some day she wouldn't need to rely on someone for trivial tasks like this, be it Derek, or Arrin, or Damian. Someday she would manage on her own.

Still, acknowledging what one can and cannot do is an important practice, and she was truthfully thankful for the gesture. She quickly slipped her ornament back to its accustomed spot, then bounded over and hugged the lancer from the side. A faint warmth, spread up through Tessa as she did so, but it was different from the awkward sensations of the past. Something had changed, and she wasn't sure quite what, or if it had had to do with the talk she'd had with Morgan. Whatever the case, she was comfortable, and glad of it.

"Thank you, Damian..." she breathed. After another light squeeze, she separated again, and asked a question that had come to mind, after the other affair had neatly resolved itself. With a tilt of her head, she inquired, "You said there was some other reason you were looking for me?"

As Damian handed the merchant the payment he had been hoping for and received the staff from him, he felt a soft warmth from behind him. He had not expected the Valkyrie to embrace him so suddenly.

"Thank you, Damian..."

These words were spoken softly, quietly, and were accompanied with yet another light squeeze.

"You said there was some other reason you were looking for me?"

The tranquil scene was broken as Tessa stepped away, and brought up the point, somber as it was, although that was something she could not hope to know at the moment, her innocent inquiry was just that. Innocent, unknowing, pure.

That made what Damian had to do all the more difficult.

"Y-yeah... Tessa, I have something I have to tell you... let's go sit down somewhere..."

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"Very well," flatly agreed Beau as he began walking over to the wyvern riders. Still addressing Arrin, he looked back to make sure he was following, "Come on, then. I won't know who to heal if you're not keeping me out of the way of the other healers."

He approched the three, ignoring their wyverns. "Excuse me, miss, but are you Irina? If so, Arrin says I should heal you because you are injurred," Beau asked with a strange mixture of politeness and rudeness. As he spoke, he displayed his staff to validate his point.

Tas looked over to the healer. This was one he decided didn't like, even if he was so young. (A healer should care about actually healing someone. Why is this boy a mercenary anyway? He's so young and... He looks to be a noble. Why is there a noble here? Perhaps his family...? No, nobles spoil their children to the point of rotten character. Well...that seems to be the case here. That looks like...a signant on his finger. He's an heir? Now it makes even less sence!)

Beau looked over to Tas, noticing he was studdying him. "Who are you?" asked the priest almost threateningly.

Tas blinked, coming back from his thoughts. "Tas. I've only just joined this company, but it isn't a perminant arrangement," he explained.

"Oh, I see," the young priest smiled, giving him that superior look Tas had come to expect from nobles. After all, as a courier, he had delivered wyverns to nobles before, not that he liked small-talking to them so much. The priest went on, "You have no surname, I see. And your...armor...gives away that you are not a part of any regiment that values the lives of their men."

Tas now glared at this little healer-mercenary. His armor was made for speed, maneuverability and the comfort of eggs and baby wyverns - not so much defense. Natural heat could more easily penetrate leather than metal and leather was softer than standard armor so he would not crack an egg or cut a hatchling. "I am a courier. I deliver wyverns to those who would purchase them. Or I was before the ranch was destroyed by marauders," he briefly explained, growing some contempt for this heir.

"Ahh, that makes sense now. You appear uninjurred so I won't pay you any more mind. Go on and do whatever it is you do, then," replied Beau, returning his attention to Irina and waiting for her reply to affirm her identity.

Tas couldn't believe a mercenary would behave so superior! If he never had to speak to the lad again, he wouldn't miss him. Namid meanwhile had narrowed his eyes at the priest and begun a steady growl. He felt Tas' ire rising, alerting him to stay on-guard. The hatchling flipped onto his belly in Tas' arms to gurgle his growl at Beau. If the big wyvern like him was growling at him, then he must be a threat!

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"Is something wrong Mister Ixion?" asked Mana, striking an overly curious pose as she glanced at the man. "If these people are annoying you, we should probably move away from them!" she quickly turned to the two assistants. "You hear that? You're annoying Mister Ixion you big meanie heads! Go away! Plibtbbthththhhhh!" she blew a raspberry at the pair before turning back to Ixion. "Nyuu nyuu! Let's go mister! I don't want to stay with the meanie heads any longer!"

Edited by Snowy_One
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As Damian sat at a small desk located in his room, he thought back to his earlier conversation with Tessa.


"Mmm," Tessa grunted an affirmative noise, and looked around. A hundred or so paces away there seemed to be a small plaza, with a statue in the middle of it, surrounded by a bit of greenery. It seemed like it might be as good a place as any for what Damian had in mind.

Collecting the walking stick that he had purchased for her from the merchant, bowing slightly at the conclusion of the transaction, before turning and pointing it out. "How does that look to you?"

"It looks good, Tessa." Damian replied to the young Valkyrie, as she exhibited the newly purchased staff. Soon afterward, Tessa pointed out a nearby plaza, suggesting it for their discussion.

"That seems fine." Damian replied, quickly purchasing two drinks at a nearby stand before moving to sit down.

For himself, he bought a strong beverage. A brewed infusion of coffee beans and cocoa, with some other added spices and herbs he couldn't identify. It didn't quite matter, it tasted good enough, and the marketplace of Burgosas was well known for it's quality.

For Tessa, Damian bought a lighter herbal tea. Remembering the wine she had asked him for a while back, the tea was flavoured rather similarly, so it seemed a good choice.

Handing Tessa the cup, he sat down on a slab of stone, masoned for such a purpose.

Beckoning for her to sit next to him, he began to speak, though not yet of his true issue.

"I hope that tea is alright... I wasn't quite sure what to get you..."

As Damian passed her the hot cup of tea, the healer set the staff down, gratefully cupped the beverage in both hands, and followed his example in taking a seat. Raising the mug to her face, and inhaling its aroma, she hummed pleasantly. The fragrance was certainly appealing, and even though the full chill of autumn was not yet arrived, the warmth between her hands was a comforting sensation. Tessa took a brief, almost dainty, sip before replying.

"It's fine," she said, "Quite good even, but you really needn't have worried about getting me anything more than you just did. Though... I appreciate it." Casting a glance over at the beverage he'd gotten for himself, which seemed to be of a darker, stronger bent, she couldn't help but get the feeling the man was a little nervous about something. There certainly wasn't any specific tell or sign, but having travelled together for quite some time now, and grown rather close, when something was feeling off, it registered.

Lowering the cup, and resting it in her lap, Tessa took a shot in the dark at the subject, tried to lead into it, to make things a bit easier. After all, there weren't many possibilities as to what the conversation would be about. "The ball last night... it was going well enough for awhile, wasn't it? Then things really fell to pieces. I'd honestly never expected to see her again. But... that actually gives me a lot of hope, you know? Even if the odds are against it, chance meetings do happen. Maybe I'll stumble across the others from the monastery wherever we head next... wouldn't that be something? ...Though, it wasn't entirely rosy, as the whole affair did bring out the worst in some. But you did fine! You don't have anything to worry about, or apologize for." She turned and finished with a reassuring smile.

Tessa had thanked him for the drink, and seemed to be enjoying it. Tessa soon began speaking of the ball.

'Does she think that was what I wanted to talk about?'

Her? Damian thought back to the ball. Tessa had seen someone familiar there, or so it would seem. A spark of realization hit him, as he remembered passing a brown haired girl...

'I knew I recognized her... that was Kamilia...'

As Tessa finished, Damian let out a sigh, hoping to release his own tension. It seemed Tessa thought his troubles concerned the ball.

'If only it were that simple...'

"Tessa... the ball... isn't what I wanted to talk to you about. I need to talk to you about the Crimson Lance... my Gae-Borg."

She'd been raising the tea back up to her lips slowly when Damian dispelled the illusion. Her intuition had been off it seemed.

"Your lance... you need me to help you handle it again? Was the last time not enough to bring it back under control?" Concern was now flickering across the young girl's face.

"No... that's not it, Tessa." Damian replied, taking a swig of his drink. She was worried, Damian could see it clearly on her face.

"I've been thinking about it a lot lately... so long as I am unable to control it... danger will never be very far away... and while your magic helps immensely to quell the thirst of the lance, to keep it down and under control... it is not enough... I am still not strong enough to hold it back."

Damian said these words somberly, and sighed with displeasure.

"There is no way to get around that... so long as I remain as I am, I am a danger to everyone's safety... to your safety."

'Just get out with it already Damian... you are just making this harder.'

"That's why... I have chosen to leave. I wanted to tell you before I left... I will be enlisting Ixion's help... so I can stay on top of this thing. I don't know when I'll be back... but Tessa, I couldn't have left without letting you know what was going on."

There. Damian had said it, he had said his intention, his mind already made.

That certainly came as a surprise. A brief pause, followed by "How long?"

She had asked almost reflexively, and shortly after speaking she'd managed to actually start processing the information. Leaving? With Ixion? Oh wait, he did just mention he didn't know when he'd be rejoining... my question was kind of... oh well. Too late for that now.

Rather than to add on or retract it, Tessa decided to just leave what she had said be. It would probably come across as a stubborn demand of sorts, but that was fine too. She couldn't be bothered with trying to correct any mis-impression she might have given off―not when she still needed to sort out just how she felt about the situation.

"I wish I knew... I truly wish I could answer that..." Damian replied, not yet able to discern what Tessa thought about his news.

"How lo―" she started once again, a trace of plaintive creeping into her voice before she cut herself off. "...no, it's not the kind of thing you could hope to make a prediction on is it..." she resumed with a downcast voice.

"I'm sorry, this is unfair of me... It's just... we seem to be losing people a lot, sometimes of their own will, sometimes not... And I can't say I'm really fond of it." Tessa locked her eyes with Damian and asked for final confirmation, "Are you sure this is something you have to do?"

Edited by Ether
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