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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 20: Bait and switch


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OOC: Responding to both Merc's posts. I was too tired too last night.


Irina: Err. I'd like to but I should probably wait. I keep hurting myself right now.

As if on cue Baeu arrived to inquire about Irina's wounds. She was about to speak on the matter but Tas was quickly recognized and the two went into a conversation on a rather touchy subject. She waited for as long as she could at first. But then realized she could ease the tension by getting attention back on herself.

Irina: Um, excuse me. The wound is right here on my left side. I'd be very grateful if you would heal it for me.

She was acting nervously polite noticing that the mercenary seemed a bit full of himself for some reason. Being a noble or rather future one indeed wasn't everything. Kiev simply watched and sniffed in the healer's general direction making sure that he knew who the boy was in the future.

Irritation To Realization

Ixion gave Mana a disapproving glare and then his face went blank. He was utterly convinced that she was inacting a plan to either complicate the entire process, or unnerve everyone involved for something of a similar nature. He let the issue be for the moment. He had work to do.

Ixion: You'll sober up. Follow me if you do not wish to be a potential burden to those people any longer.

His cape flared in the breeze as he hastily walked through the doors. The researches suspiciously waited for the woman to follow keeping the heavy doors open.

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Rita, Cess, and Pary:

Rita had continued carrying Cess on her back, before noticing someone with a staff leaning over Irina. He didn't look like Pary or Charlotte, and he seemed quite small, but she ran over and dropped Cess next to him. "Can you save him? Hurry!"

Pary had finished healing all the rest, (Three Hour Tour), when he noticed another boy healing Irina. "Oi! You! Get over here and start helping me!"

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One of Beau's concerns had surfaced: people clamboring for his attention. With a sigh, he muttered one word to those who could hear it: "Triage." The one with the worst condition was the druid that the mermydon had dumped next to him. He'd deal with the other healer yelling for him after he healed the two near him. "Just a moment," he replied to Irina and applied his heal staff to Cess, trying to revive him. It took a bit for the staff to have much effect, but once the druid was partially restored and out of life-threatening danger, he quickly healed Irina's remaining injurry, seeing as it wouldn't take long. Then he returned his attention to Cess to continue healing him. It was tiring Beau, but he tried not to show it.

Seeing the young priest work so hard once he applied himself to his work made Tas change his mind a little about him. (He may not be the best socially, but he really applies himself in his work. I'll give him that.) Then he replied to Irina, "I understand. I'll take him with me, then, if you'd rather not look after him right now."

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Once her wound was finally closed fully she looked at it through the bloodied and sword slashed garment to see not so much as a scar. She smiled glad that she'd made it in time to avoid a scar. She knew she wasn't quite as concerned with such things as Viveka, but she had to admit that scars on herself didn't look so good. Certain ones might seem okay, but who on earth could plan for a particular type of scar?

Irina: Thank you. I should ... probably get another undershirt now though.

She quickly turned to Tas who'd commented on the little one again.

Irina: Alright then.

Kiev was beginning to wonder if Irina was adopting the new wyvern. That was interesting since Kiev was usually the "little one". This one was a mountain dweller though and didn't seem to have any extra arms. Not strange looking but he certainly couldn't cover his face in a hurricane or dig very deep holes, Kiev thought. Most he'd seen before were just riding wyverns so he wondered how he would fair with one so young.

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Tas set the little one back onto his shoulder and the red-scaled wyvern quickly retruned to his spot behind the shoulder blad with his talons digging into Tas' coat and his tail wrapped around Tas' torso. Deciding not to disturb any of those present, he began to wander around the area.

Beau sighed as he finished healing Cess, recollecting his thoughts and remembering the other priest. He didn't like being ordered around like that. Perhaps his status wasn't percieved. So, he simply looked around for anyone else who might need healing.

ooc: anyone who wants healing just call over and Beau will come and heal. Or you can just post someone nearby for him to notice.

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After Battle Recovery

After letting the healers deal with Isotov, Derek was caught unaware by a wave of dark energy, making him feel a bit ill. After a moment, it was past, however, so he decided to back away from the mess, and go act as a bit of a patrol. Since the cavalier saw Luc head out towards the north, he rode out south, to cover more area altogether. The reins were a bit difficult to handle - must've broke my hands again, he reasoned - but otherwise, he got out of the way without further incident.

"... I got knocked out, didn't I?" Eric said, sitting up as his eyes began to focus. "What did I miss... Other than this headache?"

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Noticing Eric, Beau walked over to him. "I don't know what you missed, so I can't answer your question. However, I can heal you. Hold still," voiced the young healer as he held out his staff and began healing the man. This one didn't take as long since he only really had a bump on the head. "Now, do you know of anyone else who might need my assiatnce?" asked Beau when he was done.

ooc: not sure where to send Tas...

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Feeling the healing light ease her pain, Aiya sat up, feeling her midsection for any abnormalities. At the very least, no ribs were out of place, and no internal organs were at skin level. That was good, she wasn't in immediate danger of keeling over and dying.

Remembering seeing Irina in bad shape when she had warped in, Aiya turned to find the other wyvern rider.

Seeing Irina nearby, Aiya approached her, seeing she was in the process of being healed by the same newcomer that had healed her.

"Hey Irina, are you okay?"


Damian was broken from his memory when he fell from his chair.


Landing hard on his backside, Damian complained to himself.

"Goddamn chair, why in the hell would you just go and let me fall like that?"

'Okay... this is pointless, and I know it...'

Laying back on the bed, Damian delved back into the memory from earlier...


Tessa's expression became downcast. Her voice lower than before, she seemed unhappy.

'Of course she doesn't like this... I didn't think she would... but this is better than having to hear it from someone else...'

As she looked him in the eye, she seemed more determined. Lacing his fingers with hers, and taking a deep breath to brace and calm himself, Damian began to speak.

"Yes. I have to do this Tessa, for you, for me, for everyone. I know what you said, and I feel you do mean it as best you possibly could... you do not see this as something to look down on me for, something that isn't my fault... but up until now, nothing has happened... what if I actually killed one of us? What if in a loss of control, I killed Morgan, or Arrin, or Kelas?" Damian inquired, shaking slightly as the reality of the situation became apparent once again.

"That is why I have to do this, Tessa. So that doesn't happen."

Tessa didn't reply right away; still framing her thoughts, she squeezed his hand back with the one he had taken, while with her free hand once again breathing in the aroma of her tea, then drinking deeply from it. She enjoyed the soothing herbal flavor for a moment, and the pleasant warmth.

She began with her eyes closed, putting the words together slowly, then more confidently "Damian... If you feel this is what you need to do, then this is what you need to do. But... I do have to say, I think you're too... defeatist on the subject. If you're convinced you've already lost to the lance, then indeed you already have. Be bright, think forward, stay positive. And remember The Lady; She remembers those who remember her. I'm not sure what to think of Ixion... but if it's you... and if you take my words to heart, I'm sure you will come through okay."

Tessa finished with a smile, and a nod. "Thank you... for everything so far, and for everything to come. I know you'll conquer it and return. And thank you for telling me."

'Is she right... have I given up too quickly? No... I can't falter now.'

As she finished, Damian pulled her forward, in a light embrace.

"Thank you Tessa... I will remember what you have said... I will take it to heart... and I will come back from this... I promise you that." Damian spoke, somewhat shakily at first, regaining his confidence, he pulled back slightly.

"With your confidence in me, and the Lady's backing... I know I will not fail."

Returning the man's hug, she asked another question that was on her mind.

"When? When are you leaving then?"

"It won't be long now. Ixion and the headmaster are waiting for me to return so we can go..." Damian replied, sighing.

"I apologize for the short notice... I wanted to tell you yesterday, but I didn't see you anywhere..."

"S-so soon!" she squeaked, before catching herself. "Ixion's a busy man... isn't he?"

Thinking about the druid, and his connections to the group, Tessa remembered her earlier errand. "That... reminds me, do you know where Isotov is? I have something I want to try."

"Yeah... Ixion says he has other plans he needs to put into action... seems he is a busy man... yet his strength and control is immense... even being in his presence was enough to send my stomach spinning, set my blood boiling... that is why I know he can help me get through this... he is a personification of my biggest obstacle..." Damian replied, noting the crack in her composure.

'She's so strong with all of this... I forget she is still just a young girl sometimes...'

As Tessa inquired about Isotov, Damian thought back.

'That's right, they were planning to...'

"I think Isotov went ahead with an advance group... Morgan should know more about what they are doing than me... what are you hoping to do?"

"...going on ahead?" Tessa sighed a bit, thinking to herself, There's yet more splitting up? and quavering slightly. Her shoulders drooped, and she stared intensely at the cup of tea, the level now low enough where she could see straight to the bottom of the mug.

So... I wasted too much time. Teaching him to try to cope... to get back some of his independence... When will I be able? She found herself biting the corner of her lip, and curling her fingers into a fist.

No... Come on Tessa, you've got to pull yourself together. Damian had said Morgan was aware of it, approved of it, so there had to be a good reason. Still...

"What am I hoping to do now, huh? A good question. I'm a bit adrift... actually. I think I need to stop off at a church and pray, maybe I'll find an answer there."

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Glancing at Reika, Alf couldn't help but look at her differently. Once he thought that he would always love her but now...he didn't know.

Raiding towns, hurting the people of Vaorin, that was something he couldn't forgive or at least would take a long time to talk. He should really talk to her about it and a few others.

Love though? That was gonna hurt. Why did she do that? And how could he stay with her after that? He didn't want to leave her...

Gritting his teeth, he put her out his mind and headed towards Beau. This kid healer was new. Why was everyone looking for them? Who was he anyway.

"Excuse me kid, but who are you? Thanks for helping us out and all, but still..."

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Pary noticed the boy from earlier had finished healing and was talking to the bandit. He walked over towards him, before speaking again. "Oi! Did you not hear me? I need help over here. Who are you? You're to young to have been in a church."

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Beau shifted his half-open eyes to Pary in a kind of superior glare, replying calmly and smartly, "Are you so incapable of handling your own staff that you require my assistance?"

Then he turned his attention to Alferis with an attitude far less cold, "Thank you for taking the time to thank me and you are welcome. Arrin sighted me and said his group needed healing, so I came to help."

He adressed them both now with a slight gain of grandeur, "As to who I am... My name is Beau Adalgiso Bellmire, the son of Duke Bellmire and heir to the Bellmire estate."

Beau continued with a little smile, his smugness perticularly aimed his fellow priest, "And who might you two be?"

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(Finally, some recognition!) "So, you are a mercenary company. That explains the disorder. As to why I'm travelling alone, I have my own reasons. Suffice it to say I'm on a self-appointed quest to exercise my faith," Beau answered, "For now, however, there are more important things to attend to than idle chatter. Where is someone who needs healing?"

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"... I.. don't know, really," Eric admitted. "Last thing I saw, was Kelas practicing her swordsmanship...," he was going to say more, but Alferis and Pary seemed to want to speak to the healer, so, he got up and surveyed the scene. Of obvious note was the people in various states of pain, some groaning, others unconscious, and yet others seemingly unhurt, talking with each other. There was a blackened sword on the ground, and Arrin was seemingly fine, which made the swordsman guess that they had killed Megae, but of immediate concern was Charlotte, who lay a bit further from the others than he would like. After approaching her unconscious form, he checked for a pulse, and was relieved to feel one. He hadn't lost her, despite his failure.

"I'm so sorry, You Highness," he said quietly, sitting down alongside the princess. "I hope you can forgive me, once you awaken."

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Seeing the swordsman get up and walk to someone who had apparently lacked medical attention, he cut off the conversation he had been having with the other two and hurried over. "Thank you for pointing this one out," Beau quickly thanked Eric before applying his staff to heal her. He had missed the part of her being royalty. It wouldn't take so much time as some of the others as she was likewise a staff-user, but it still took a little bit of time. When he was finished, he gently asked the lady, "Can you hear me?"

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"I will be all right Sir Eric." Charlotte said, opening her eyes. "You have nothing to apologize for. Did we get Arrin's tome back?" she asked him, eyes half closed. "Yes I hear you, did you heal me? Thank you, though I am afraid I don't know who you are." she said to the unfamiliar boy.

Morgan tossed over the situation in her head. One demon dead, one crimson weapon recovered...but there was more work to do. The one that they killed wasn't holding Calamity, and neither was the earth demon. The other two demons they had met were supposedly dead...so that meant that there must be another demon. She would have to ask someone about more details regarding that severing later.

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"I am here healing many of your company - or as many as I am directed to at any rate," kindly replied the young healer, "I am Beau Adalgiso Bellmire, son of Duke Bellmire and heir to the Bellmire estate." When he introdused himself this time, however, he wasn't puffing himself up but simply stating a fact. The cause was his sympathy. This woman was a healer who seemed forgotten in spite of her obvious sacrifice for her comrades. She also seemed kind. She deserved some kindness in return.

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"...We did, milady," Eric said, sporting a smile. "He is alright."


The messenger entered the throne room, confident in his walk. Kneeling before the throne, he said, in a tone that was just barely respectful, "You Highnesses, Jace requests an audience with you. He wishes to negotiate the return of Jerdon to its' rightful ruler."

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Irina: Oh Aiya! It's actually been too long. I mean we already left Burgosas, Iso nearly died. Damian ... my boss ran off with Ixion. Crap.

She sighed but quickly snapped herself out of it. Things were fine enough not to need to go into pointless complaining.

Irina: You said we would hang out in the next big city right?


Isotov's eyes slowly opened and he let his head scan around but did it softly. He could already tell Kelas had him but didn't want to alarm her. It was extremely difficult to do so however. His chest was in a lot of pain, but Pary was still working on him apparently. An involuntary flinch easily gave him away however. He could at least still not become audible and draw a bunch of attention to himself.

Stephanie and Levski

Stephanie: It seems everyone else is doing well enough.

Lev noticed Viveka and Jasmine over by their pegasi still tending to Viveka's bruise. He smirked and patted Stephanie on the back startling her.

Stephanie: Ah! What was that?

Lev: See those two over there? Tell'em I sent you. As a mercenary I need to see what my boss is up to at least once in a while. (And suggest we get the hell out of here.)

Stephanie: You only need to point them out, Lev. As I always tell you, risking an injury to merely "Pat someone on the back" is hardly necessary.

Lev: Youuuuuu are not that fragile, now get over there.

Stephanie: Hmph!

She did just that but begrudgingly at best while Lev made his way over to Morgan. Krinkov stayed where he was. He wasn't interested in whatever they would be flapping their mouths about.

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"Yeah... it has, hasn't it? I had been looking forward to doing that in Burgosas, but we may not get the chance now... it will need to be the next city won't it?" Aiya replied, with a bit of a dull note.

"Well, I guess you'll work for me while Damian is gone, if that's not a problem with you." Aiya said with a light smirk, placing her hands firmly on Irina's shoulders as she turned to face the other girl directly.

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Charlotte smiled at Eric in return. "Bellmire? That is a fairly famous noble family if I remember correctly." she said to Beau, sitting up. "I am Charlotte Eveline Lanvaldear, former princess of Jerdon, pleased to make your acquaintance."


"Hmm?" King Stefan said, interrupting his setence and looking at the man questioningly. "We're in the middle of a meeting about tariffs at the moment."

"Indeed." Queen Isolde responded. "Jace may think himself above formal protocol and common courtesy, but we are not at his beck and call. If he wishes to see us he should schedule a meeting of some sort. We are busy trying to run a country here, Jace can set up an appointment like anyone else." she told the messenger, shooing him away.

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Irina: Huh? Well sure it's fine. It's more than fine actually. I won't be able to afford to eat in this group or feed Kiev if I'm not working for someone so this is as good a solution as any.

She quickly looked over at where Isotov was lying and thought to herself for a couple of seconds.

Irina: I don't know what Iso will think but he wasn't fond with staying with the group after this trap was set and sprung. I was going to go with him originally but there are still demons out there and we don't stand a chance on our own. Can you help me convince him to stay? If he leaves I won't be able stay with the group either. I've got to look after him.

Tending To Models

Stephanie arrived and knelt down over the seated women before inquiring.

Stephanie: Is that bruise your only injury?

Viveka: Fix my pegasus, please. This is okay for the moment.

Jasmine: That's really selfless of you, Captain.

Viveka raised her eyebrow already annoyed at what Jasmine might have been implying but said nothing. She was still distracted by the pain. Stephanie quickly applied her staff to Susann and then knelt back down to work on Viveka next.

Viveka: Hey.

Stephanie: Yes?

Viveka: Exactly who are you again? You're the one we used to get here but exactly where do you fit into all of this?

Stephanie: I am Stephanie, the head priestess in Redwood. I came here with Ixion to-

Viveka: Thought so ...

She had just been healed and stood up followed by the confused Stephanie. The woman's sudden change to aggression was quite a surprise.

Viveka: Ixion. Ixion. Ixion. You know I had an odd dream once. Most of the time when I have that nightmare, everyone in it dies, but not him. That wyvern can't kill him. He's the one that stuck this little magic thing in my head to spy on the group isn't he?

Stephanie: Magic ... thing?

This conversation was going to become ... tense. Jasmine knew how direct and brutal Viveka could be when the woman felt violated.

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"It is very good to make your aquaintance, Your Highness," replied Beau, bowing a little since he was still on his knees and she was only sitting up. It would be rude to stand to bow while she was on the ground herself. "I am curious as to how you lost your peerage, but I understand if you do not wish to speak on that subject nor is it the best of circumstances for idle chatter. If you'll excuse me, Princess Lanvaldear, there are others in this company who require my assistance," politely responded the young heir, very glad for the recognition of his family name.

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"Sure, I'll help in any way I can Irina, I promise!" Aiya replied, not wanting either of Irina or Isotov to leave... they were some of the few people here she felt she connected with.

"Oh... here is the pay you missed, by the way." Aiya replied, handing Irina a pouch of gold.

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Tas was wandering around a little aimlessly, trying to decide who to approch. (Who will I be likely to see on a regular basis? I could base it off of that...) That was when he saw them: pegasi. Pegasi shared the same sky as wyverns, so Tas figured he might as well get to know their riders. He'd already met Aiya, Alferis, Lev, Irina, Luc, Kiev and Krinkov. He'd seen others, but not really met them per se. "Excuse me," interrupted Tas as politely as he could muster. Two pegasus knights and a cleric were his audiance, he noted. (Yes, it seems I should at least know the fliers and healers. Oh, and that Morgan person Lev was talking about. I have no idea what he looks like, though, so I guess I could ask one of these women after I've met them.) "My name is Tas. I'm a wyvern courier and a new - but not perminant - addition to this group. So, I'm trying to introduce myself to its other members." (That...could have gone more fluently...) The little wyvern was looking at the pegasi curiously. He'd never seen one before.

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