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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 20: Bait and switch


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"Of course it's dangerous. I've learned to avoid certian encounters, though. I left my enterage in Elyisima and snuck away. I almost wish I had stayed in that country, but then I would have been found and my father would have thrown a fit," replied Beau, leaning on his staff a little even as he sat, "But enough of that. I'm curious about TISME. What's it like in that school?" He smiled at Arrin, which was proving to be something he didn't do so often.

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"Kamilla is not a top priority, but I would prefer not to have to deal with the Septimian reformists unless necessary." Morgan responded to Lev. "If they confront us we will be forced to kill them, and I am unsure as to their numbers or power level and thus would prefer to avoid a confrontation. Our main focus right now should be recovering the final weapon, but to do that we would need to find where it is." Morgan said, furrowing her brow.

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Irina and Kievanson

Irina: You and Esphyr are at it right now? ... well if it's Damian than you may have as much reason to be mad as I kind of still am. She nearly killed Kiev over a dress with that sword of hers.

While Kiev was being enjoyably being noticed for a change his name had come up from Irina too. This was odd. He knew he was being acknowledged but was it finally his turn for full attention? That would be wonderful. Now he might be able to get something to eat.


Iso: Heh. She was pretty good at injuring us so it shouldn't be so bad from now on. Now we have to worry about that giant rock and Sh ... wait.

Iso thought long and hard for a moment. Has Shanice died? Eric had defeated two demons but there had only been four overall. Iso always remembered to count how many the group had encountered and the number four was always the total. Three were gone which left the giant one. Eric had in fact killed Shanice and Iso had just realized it. He quickly stood up and put his hand on his chin.

Iso: Remind me to thank Eric for avenging Miranda. We've only got one demon left to kill. I just counted them all up.


Lev: So get it done, but not at the expense of anything we're currently working on. Fair enough. Oh an- Nah. I'll talk about that later.

Speaking of priorities ...

Lev: Do you know how many of those things are left? The demons we've faced so far. We went into this battle without an exact number and we should have paid for it mightily. We were fortunate here, but part of my job is to make yours easier so this isn't something I'm going to ignore here.

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"From the ones we have encountered, there should just be the earth demon and Helenos left." Morgan replied to Lev. "But there are most certainly lesser demons and quite possibly some greater demons that we have not even encountered yet. Apparently some demons survived the first war with the Lord of Azure Flame...or these are newly formed. In any case we should maintain constant vigilance as there is no way of telling what demons could appear at any moment."

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"Wait... she did WHAT?" Aiya was flabbergasted. She had heard that Esphyr had gone a bit loopy before the ball, but using the sword of bloody wrath on Kiev?

'That's the last straw... she really is crazy!'

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"I wasn't usually at the school itself," Arrin admitted, glad for the topic change. "My teacher was a professor there for a while, but left to do her own research while teaching me on the side. The impressions I got of the main campus were mostly just... big. They do have excellent libraries, I know." He sighed. "We've been on the move for a while, though... I kind of miss research, even if my teacher isn't around anymore." He realized he was edging towards saying too much again. "But where are you from, anyway? I know you mentioned Bellmire..."


"This is if there were only the four of them to begin with," Kelas reminded with a sigh. "At any rate..." Still examining the sword, she stood up again. "We're all right for now. Arrin's all right. And... thanks," she said finally. "I... couldn't have done that alone."

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Irina: It wouldn't have been so bad if not over something as stupid as a dress. I just wanted to duel for it, not fight to the death.j I think I'm done. Me and Esphyr are both mercenaries but she's hard to deal with half the time so I just stopped getting myself so closely involved ... for Kiev's sake.


Iso: I've fought more than six though they weren't nearly as strong as Shanice was. I know there are more, but I'm keeping marks, Kelas. This has been personal since they killed my mother and father. I'm not going to rush, but I'm not going to forget either. There's one left that we know about. The others will die one after the other as we find them.


Lev: Okay then. That's all I need for now. Thanks. Okay, Tas, this is Morgan. Morgan, this is Tas. I'll let him explain what he's doing here since you've both already got names.

He stepped aside and took a quick glance over by Stephanie who was tending to Altion.

Lev: (... that one wasn't even in the fight. What happened to him?)

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(That's all you meant by "introducing?!") Tas was surprised and a little irritated with Lev for that. He could have done that himself. Still, he had explained himself enough times to individuals to know what to say to Morgan. Something about her was a little unnerving, but there was nothing rational about it, so he excused the emotion. "Hello," he greeted, "As Lev pointed out, my name is Tas. I'm a wyvern-courier and am going to sell some eggs and this hatchling to the Ivanko Mercenaries. Until we can complete the transaction, however, I'll be in your group. I'm great with delivering things, but not a trained soldier." That was the best he could do for now.


"It sounds like a nice place. My teacher didn't go there, though, even though she loved magic. The kind she liked was light magic because of all its mysteries," explained Beau, having recovered a little from his fatigue, "And yes, I am from Bellmire. It's a county in relation to Elyisima. It used to be a part of Elyisima, but then the main country retracted. It's more like a territory now, but it's the county I will one day inherrit. It would have been nice to go to TISME just to be among all those magic-users. The mana there must be so powerful! Can you imagine how calm and secure it must feel there? THat would also make it easier to practice magic, don't you think?" Beau was downright cheerful and energetic ion his talk of TISME. Though his eyes were still partially closed. That was how they always were: never fully open, no matter how wide they got. He pulled a light tome from the bag he had slung over his shoulder. "I can't use magic very well yet, but I can still defend myself a little. And I can heal wounds, but it takes a lot out of me. I can only assume it is due to Ziatani's vanity," he sighed, getting a bit of a superior edge to his voice again.

Edited by Mercakete
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"Heh. It's not as calm as you'd think..." Arrin chuckled. "With so many students and researchers around, there are plenty of explosions... the theory behind the spells that keep it all from falling to pieces is pretty fascinating, actually." He grinned. "They couldn't quite keep my teacher from blasting the door down when she wanted to, though..." He thought back to the few visits he'd had to the main institute aside from the rushed stay the group had had. Those had been interesting times... but not too interesting. Maybe after this...


"Yeah... And we'll be ready," Kelas agreed determinedly. "Glad we can rest now... just for a bit... ow," she added as her shoulder gave one last twinge of protest. "I'm not unconscious. Progress?" she joked grimly.

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"I just meant the solice. Having all that mana around must help take the strain off of the user's mana upkeep. It's like not having to keep your muscles flexed all the time. Though I'd imagine that because of that, to compensate, the students and teachers would have to work almost ceacelessly. Was your training all so difficult?" inquired the priest, "You know, it's too bad you don't use light magic, though I can see the advantages to using the natural kinds. The mechanics are so different, though, that one could hardly expect to gain much help. Still it is important to learn about everything that is in relation to what it is that you study. That is why I've been learning how natural magic works, even though I lack the ability to control it myself."

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"I see." Morgan said to Tas. "You can travel with us I suppose. I would imagine you have some combat training though, considering you're carrying a weapon." she pointed out.


Xaver progessed quickly through the streets of Burgosas, eyes open for any suspicious activity. Apparently there had been some altercation betweem a shaman and a Septimian reformist girl--someone they had sent away named Kamilla. Then there had been some rumors involving a man with a cart, wyverns, and druids fighting in the middle of town. It all seemed like messy business to him, but it was his job as a Reformist Templar to deal with such things he supposed.

Xaver ran his hands through his spiky green hair as he headed over to the jail where the man seen with the girl had supposedly been. The guard stopped him at the entrance. "Whoa kid! What are you doing?" the guard asked. This kid only looked about 14.

"I'm no kid." Xaver responded with annoyance, flashing his badge. "I'm a Reformist Templar and I am here on official church duty to see the man arrested outside the palace for causing a disturbance a few days ago.

"Err sorry sir, I'll show you to his cell." the guard said.

Xaver showed up at the man's cell. "Let's make this quick." he said to the large man in the cell. "Do you know someone named Kamilla? I would also like an explanation of where she is now and what happened once you arrived here." he said, crossing his arms.

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Iso chuckled at the joke realizing just how right she was. She seemed pretty well for what she'd been through.

Iso: I'm happy you're okay, Kelas. When we were fighting I stopped caring about what would happen to me because it's worth any risk to protect my friends and my sister. I was already hurt, but you looked like you'd make it in time if I could just get you to a safe distance.

He quickly came into a less serious tone to not sound too dramatic or damning.

Iso: So that's what I did. I'm too stupid to play dead so he took another shot. Tch. I'm fine now though and so are you though so I'll drop it now. Just want you to know that even though they took a little too long, I wasn't going to let things end that badly.


Who was this making his rotten day worse? A kid? Shamus stood up in the cell and turned to the boy shaking his head like a disappointed elder.

Shamus: I know I'm ina cell, boy, but don't go disrespectin yu'r elders now. Ask politely and I'll talk to ya just like anyone else.

He sighed. Heeded or not. The notion was tiring to make.

Shamus: I've been takin Kamilla where the lass needs to go. Said she was lookin for you churchies so she could tell'em about those cursed weapons. We ran into those fools first. Between Levski kidnappin'er and the chaos in the city, I don't know what's goin on around here. Levski tricked me into thinkin the poor lass was dead but I found out the truth came back to the castle to find'er and couldn't hold myself back any longer. Got locked up for being too rowdy. I was. So I'll do my time. But if yu'r lookin for Kamilla then this is as good a place as any. This is where Lev brought'er.

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"Well, I keep these aroud as last resorts," he explained, "I don't know how to use them very well. I have a javelin as well as this lance, but it's with my wyvern, Namid, right now." This woman was pretty cold. And it wasn't like joing a mercenary squad was his first option, either.

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"Well, if you can't fight properly you should probably stay out of combat." Morgan advised. "At any rate, if Lev is willing to take you along I see no reason to oppose it." Morgan said, her mind turning to other matters. Could Helenos have the knives? But that would involve one of the severing demons working with Helenos and I thought that they were working for the Lord of Azure Flame. Of course we also don't know where Helenos is so that's an issue...


"Well at least you told me what I needed to hear, respect or not." Xaver said to the man before exiting. So she found the Crimson Weapons huh? I guess that means Colonel Kleine captured her...maybe he'll come chasing after her once I take her back. This Lev guy is probably one of his friends or soldiers or something.

Xaver arrived at the palace where he was stopped by another guard. Xaver preemptively showed the guard his Templar mark to precede the inevitable "kid" remarks. He then began looking around the palace. She has brown hair and uh....is kind of short? The Grand Cleric really needed to give me a better description he thought to himself wandering the hallways.

OOC: Anyone in the palace can interact with Xaver if they want.

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"I'm not completely helpless. I can ride Namid well and he knows the sky. In addition, I know a few thrusts, so I can defend myself, but my best abilities are flying and the care of wyverns," he defended, "But yes, I will stay out of combat for the mostpart since I have a hatchling and eggs to take care of. And I can still help out, even if I'm not one of the first you'd send into battle." He was being serious, now. Not quite as professional as he was used to, but still collected. (These are mercenaries. "You have to speak in a way they will respect you for and the languages of respect carry differently to a mercenary than it will to a noble. Mercenaries won't respect someone who bows their head, even if it's necisary when talking to a noble." Who knew I would use that advice?)

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"My training was a bit more difficult than that which most TISME students get," Arrin replied. "My teacher started early and fit in a lot of work, but it's helpful in the long run. She covered a lot... not just the practice of anima, but the theory, and the theory for the other schools as well... mathematics, natural sciences, some of the ancient languages..." He trailed off, thinking. He'd certainly learned a lot...


"And here I'd been trying to get you out of there when I got hit... don't get yourself hurt like that for me, you had me worried," Kelas rebuked, guilt weighing on her. "I'm trying to keep my friends alive too, y'know."

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Iso: Well then it might actually be time for us to start training again like we'd been talking about. The stronger we are, the harder it'll be for them to kill us.

He looked his clothes over and softly gripped the material of his coat feeling a bit disappointed at the likelihood and plausibility of all the injuries he received.

Iso: I really miss that chest plate I used to wear.

OOC: Too tired to come up with castle shenanigans just yet. Plus I can't think with any level of foresight atm so I'll start up again tomorrow.

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"I thought so. When you said you were a student of TISME, I had assumed you recieved similar education to myself. Being the son of a duke, I was taught how to behave around various people depending on their backgrounds. I was also taught history and how the natural order of things are. I was instructed on how to rule my estate when I enherrited it and how to manage my gold. However, given that I am still only thirteen years old, I have much to learn in all of these areas. I can read and write the common language and I can understand some other languages to an extent, including the writings in tomes. Behavioral and speech teachings are what I enduered the most, however. One's background largely relates to how one acts and what one will become," Beau explained, getting an edge of satire at some parts and spite in others as he continued, sitting up straight and "Relational teachings were also commonplace. A young heir such as myself is to associate with those of high standings to better his position and keep notable aquaintances. Do not look below yourself unless to correct disrespectful or questionable behavior. Keep yourself well-guarded by your men from physical harm and guard your own reputation closely. It is good to gain the favor of the commonfolk to prevent uprisings and the like. Work is to be done socially lest it be your own interests or studdying. And so on and so forth." He sighed the last sentence. "Is it a wonder I fled? There are those I respect whom my father would insult. I will return one day, but not quite yet. Even so, I did get good advice at home. I had to escape my enterage in Elyisima, though, and pass as a traveller through the other countries. It has been a good experience for me," he smiled again, thinking back to his misadventures away from home.

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"Aye. Dame Stephanie. It is good to see you up and well. Alas, your warp seemed to have disagreed with both my body and Esphyr's enough to have forced us to take a brief respite. I was feeling... weird. Lightheaded and; was I just talking to a rock right now?" he looked down to see the stone before sighing deeply. "Not Kelas." he whispered under his breath before looking up at the nomad whom was a good distance off. "I seem to have a natural talent for making myself akin to a idiot."


"A mana thread? Are you sure that is a wise idea? Especially if you seek to send me into the rages? Though I am part human, I am not like a common person in any way, shape, or form. I doubt you could fully understand how it is that I see the world at just a glance, let alone how I see the world when berserked. If you desire to attempt it, you may. I warn you though, there are more fruitful ventures that sticking threads into my head willy nilly."


Esphyr, meanwhile, had little clue as to what she should do. Though her balance had been disrupted by the warp as well as there being a sharp pain within her back, it was hardly at the level where she was incapacitated once she had managed to get a steady footing. Yet it seemed that most of the others had broken off into their small groups. Unsure as to what to do, she looked towards Aiya, intent on informing her of her decision to place the woman in Damian's role until his return.

It was then that she saw that the girl was talking to Irina. Snatches of their conversation floated liked hushed whispered to Esphyr's ear. Distant, choppy, but distinguishable. Irina was talking about the dress. Immediatly a pang of guilt washed over Esphyr. She had assaulted both Irina and her lizard over something so childishly stupid; and she had not even apologized for doing so. Worse, from Aiya's posture it was clear what the red-headed woman thought of the situation. Esphyr was in the proverbial dog house. A ***** in the doghouse.

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"Yeah, we'll get stronger... and maybe eventually... we'll be finished with this," Kelas sighed. "For now... just don't die, okay?" Haven't had friends in... forever... but I refuse to lose this one.

...And I refuse to continue to be so depressive. "We should probably get moving once everyone's fit to go," she commented, forcing herself to think about something other than their questionable chances of survival. "I assume first place we're headed is back to the palace? We seem to have some people missing. ...And it's getting cold out," she muttered as an afterthought.


"I see..." Arrin replied, not sure that he did. "I never learned much about class or etiquette," he added apologetically. "My teacher didn't want anything to do with the system; she preferred to only associate with those who could help her research anyway."

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"I can see why you would want to do that..." Aiya replied with a sigh.

'What is that woman thinking? First she screws up my life... and now she is assaulting Irina and Kiev with her bloody Crimson Weapon over a dress?!'

"Did she at least apologize and try to make it up to you?"

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Irina: Apologize?

Irina hung her head. The whole situation had happened pretty much all at once. Kiev was downed and she hadn't spoken to Esphyr since it seemed.

Irina: No. I think she left or something. I didn't see her after Kiev went down. I was too busy crying and probably even got in the way while Tessa was healing him. That was really ... embarrassing.


Iso: I won't. We're too close to wiping them out for me to bite it now. Until we do go though, is there any water left?

Iso could feel how dry his mouth was and didn't want to just ignore it any longer. After what they had been through, what he really needed was a drink and a meal but he would take what he could get until they returned to the capital.


Viveka stood there thinking to herself as Stephanie left to see Altion. She was acquainted with Ixion after all. She'd been listening closely but gathering information wasn't easy. At least she had something to work with now, but she wanted the mana thread out of her head once and for all. Jasmine meanwhile was waiting for something to do and could only think to talk to Lev. He was over by Morgan and Tas though so she decided to simply wait and see if he would venture off alone or something similar.


Stephanie: I was unaware of any side effects that could come upon those being moved. I suppose I shall take note of this in the future. Also is there anything I can do for you, Sir Altion? You were lying down a moment ago but I do not know whether or not you participated in the battle.

Her staff was ready and so was she. She was fond of people she could speak to normally with respect and courtesy and thus she considered Altion a friend. If he needed any help at all she would certainly oblige.


Ixion: Keep in mind that I am not enthusiastic about venturing into that mind of yours. I have very specific reasons for doing so. None of the other researchers likely have the mental fortitude to handle true rage. The fail-saves I plan to have implemented on myself will also function to help make it easier for you to come out of the state.

When they finally reached a door at the far end of the chamber, he opened it into a very large well lit laboratory full of activity and research information on whatever the current project had been. Ixion spoke up in a commanding voice.

Ixion: I want the current project suspended for the time being.

One of the young men stood firm in protest while a couple of others gathered next to him.

Mage: What? You can't be serious! We are on the cusp of creating a working-

Ixion: What part of suspended are you refusing to hear? I didn't say abort, now get this lab ready using the exact procedures I tell you, or I will shut you down and do this all myself as I initially intended.

The magi looked back and forth at each other. They knew who the man was and how notorious he was for stepping on people's toes. Fighting him on the issue would have left them with blank memories anyway and so what would have been the point. They all conceded in their minds and gave affirming nods. They would do as he said and no further discussion was needed.

Ixion: ... excellent.


A blessing seemed to have befallen Kamilla. She'd been sneaking around hoping to find a way out of the castle and reach the other reformists but hadn't had any sort of opening. In fact the only reason she hadn't been recaptured was likely due to more pressing business, and that very business freed her from any possibility of being detained again if she left right then and there. She had to find Shamus though if she was going to travel to the Cathedral. She didn't know where he had gone.

She oped to wander around the castle while she thought of where the man could be. He'd have come looking for her by then, wouldn't he? So where was he? perhaps he couldn't get back inside the castle and stayed at an inn? Or perhaps he thought that they had been separated for too long and went on his way wishing her the best? She didn't know for certain.

OOC: Next post she'll spot Xaver if he doesn't spot her first.

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"You don't need to feel embarrassed. Kiev is your partner and your friend. It is only natural for you to feel down if he gets hurt." Aiya replied sympathetically, hugging the shorter girl, and resting Irina's head on her own shoulder.

Rubbing her back gently to help her feel better, Aiya continued.

"If she didn't apologize either, then when all of this chaos of the moment is settled, I'm gonna go up to her and give her a piece of my mind. You're free to come as well, if you want to."

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Irina and Kiev

Irina: Well ... I don't mind talking things out. But if us coming to her about it is only going to end in a fight then we probably shouldn't do it at all. I don't like fighting with other people when I could have just left them be and spent time with someone else instead.

Kiev had been to slow to act again. The attention seemed to be on ... Esphyr? That was what the one with the hard chest and red sword was called ... the one who nearly killed him. She wasn't even close by and they were dwelling on her instead of feeding him? That wasn't fair! That wasn't fair at all! He could be munching on something right now but was instead simply standing there! Kiev lowered his head and gave a low pitched moan.

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"I guess that's true... but it isn't right that she gets off without apologizing at the very least..." Aiya replied, releasing her grip on Irina.

As she was about to speak again, Aiya was interrupted by Kiev's moan.

"Hmm? Oh, sorry Kiev... you must feel ignored with all of this, huh?"

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