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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 20: Bait and switch


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Irina and Kiev KIEV

Good! He had their attention back and now he might be able to convince them to feed him. He oped to try the most obvious thing to let them know what he wanted and opened his mouth as wide as he could exposing all of his teeth. Irina sighed and grinned a bit. Thinking about Kiev and his antics was better than thinking about the battle for the dress to Irina.

Irina: I saw that coming. Hunger is a never ending cycle.

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"Yeah, food's a good idea..." Kelas retrieved her saddlebags, finding them oddly light: upon opening them, she discovered that most of her food was gone. "Wait, where-- oh. I guess I can't really fault Arrin for taking half my food," she conceded with a chuckle. "This should be enough for a little while anyway..." She divided up the food and water.

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Food, Drink And Time To Think

Iso: Thanks. (I didn't think I'd ever eat anything again for awhile there, that was for certain. Back to reality.)

Iso quickly began thinking about the situation with the demons. Helenos was still not much in his mind since while a serious threat, he still had no idea what to make of the rot dragon. He was more concerned with taking out the last known and recognizable demon. He wasn't feeling a need to think too hard just then. After all, hating them wasn't going to make them any easier to kill, something Alferis didn't seem to understand about the situation. They needed another plan, but what would work for this one? A bite of food and a quick drink brought him out of his thoughts for a moment.

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"Do you guys know if these demons have any allies or who they work for?" Alferis asked the two. "Sorry, but if we're going to track them down, we might as well that monster out.

And also, I need you to tell me all your encounters with these demons. We need to examine their tactics and prepare accordingly."

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Walking over towards the young priest, he noticed the visual exhaustion in his face. "And that is why I asked for your help. Barely half my size, and trying to out do me in healing. Of course your body can't keep up." Pary quickly healed the boy, and wondered over towards some of the others. Hungry eh? Fine, I;ll make something.

As he strolled along, he paused and commented on the bandit's comment. "We have all of the necessary weapons. We aren't going to go off traipsing around killing demons." He wondered over near Viveka, pausing for a second. "Are you okay? I didn't remember you getting hurt. I was just worried..."

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Iso: I know we keep shooing you away Alferis but it's only because we've only been able to come to grips with the fact that we're still alive for a short while. We can talk later. The demons aren't going to hit us again this soon. There's only one of the main ones left, and he just retreated. We'll come to you when it's time to start thinking about our next move.

Morning Things

Viveka: I'm fine, it's okay. Was just a small bruise and Stephanie got here soon enough.

Jasmine: rr ... we missed breakfast for this crazy adventure. Pary, could you make something before we go? Please?

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Despite the immense distance, Esphyr could still hear the conversation between Irina and Aiya. Every bit, every accusation and account of wrongs, bit into her with great pain. She has not meant Irina ill nor had she tried to usurp Aiya from her position of Damian's lover! Why, then, was she being treated like... like the monster she was. She had gotten mad at Irina because of the blasted sword with the catalyst being that stupid dress. She had tried to spend time with Damian because he had been the first stead-fast thing she had had since the sword had com- No.

As quickly as she could, she slapped herself across the cheek. The incident with both Reika and the Headmaster flashed before her eyes as the words of the Headmaster rung within her ears. She was blaming the sword again for her wrongs, running away and hiding from them instead of seeking to confront what she had done. Mentally, she swore to apologize to Irina and confront Aiya as soon as she could. Regardless of the consequences, she needed to face them.


"I am sorry miss Stephanie. I was stricken with the disease as soon as we arrived and I could not find my center. You not need worry yourself over it though. Some people become sea sick on the most steadfast of boats or sick of heights upon the shortest of towers. It is not your fault that I grew sick." he said, smiling at her before extending his hand. "If you so desire though, may I talk to you?" he asked before glancing off to both Rita and Kelas. "About two of our fellow party members? I promise not to be a gossip."


As soon as the door opened up to the lab, the serious and informed version of the headmaster seemed to vanish away as if it had never been. In it's place the hyper-active girl had returned. "Nyuu nyuu! You heard mister Ixion! Leave, or else I will go scratchy scratchy on your face!" she said, baring her fingernails in a claw-like fashion before giving a playful hiss. Swiping the air quickly, she made a false lunge at the nearest of the assistants. "Mister Ixion says to place the experiment in suspenders!"

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Luc Altair

There were no attacks or other parties that Luc could see coming from the fairly large range he was searching. That was very good news, another attack so quickly could have been disastrous. But by now, everyone would have been restored well enough to defend themselves in case of an attack.

Luc looked up at the sky for any aerial threats. Even with the sun partially diluting sight there was nothing abundant; more good news. But unfortunatly it was stricken with bad news, as the sun had moved enough that it was time to eat. Luc, like any other sensible Directus soldier, loathed the rations. But he would need what nourishment they could provide to continue on. He delved into a pack and swung one of the standards about to indicate to Fargo it was time to eat. He returned the flag and scooped up one of the white blocks that he hadn't eaten in days. Staring at the disgusting meal, Luc steeled his nerves and took a bit.

All the good food for the past few days had returned his tastes to something normal, so the wretchedness of the ration hit extra hard as it assaulted his mouth. It was so vile Luc nearly spat it out, but he pressed it down and continued eating. It took a few minutes to choke down the entire block, but it was now sitting in his stomach ready to be digested.

Luc glanced over at Fargo who was sagging in his seat from the rations. Luc shook his head before returning to the watch.

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Xaver continued to search the hallways, seeing many brown-haired girls, though most of them appeared to maids of some sort. I bet Colonel Kleine wouldn't let her be traveling around out in the open, he's probably got her locked up somewhere. he thought to himself. He went to the area where the group was supposedly staying, but it was surprisingly empty. Was expecting more people here, just makes it easier on me I guess. He went to one of the locked doors and yelled "I demand this door be opened in the name of the Grand Cleric!"

OOC: Who's in the room? Your guess is as good as mine

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"That's fine. I imagine only the upper class is taught much of it anyway," replied Beau. Then, he heard the unpleasant voice of the other priest, scorning him. Before he could reply, though, Pary had retreated. Once more, the heir hit a foul mood made apparent by the sudden cold in his eyes. "That one. His name is Pary, if I recall correctly. The masked one - who I think was named Alferis - told me so," stated Beau as he watched the priest go from one group to the next, "How he was sanctified seems a mystery to me. Though it seems to be of the common religeon, so perhaps I'll allow that to pass...for the moment." Returning his attention to Arrin, he asked, "Is he a threat? Alferis said he was a mercenary, but seeing as he is also a priest, I doubt that is all he ever was. How much do you know about him? His past? Anything would be useful." Now that Beau's energy was fully restored, he noticed more things more easily and one of the harsher and more unforgivable realities was the insolence shown by Pary after he already had told him his social status - which obviously far exceeded Pary's.

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Stephanie: Of course we may speak together, Sir Altion. There actually seems to be some time as they are getting properly organized again and tending to each other as we speak.

She looked over in the direction of the women Altion had mentioned, somewhat curious.

Stephanie: Very well, if your goal isn't to slander then I see no harm.

Ixion's Lab

The researchers were once again flabbergasted by the aloof flying feline-esque woman but turned to begin getting things ready at Ixion's handwave. He himself turned back toward Mana with a nonchalant look on his face.

Ixion: Is that truly necessary. You're going to be acting insane soon enough. Why intimidate these people? Their only relevance here is serving as extra hands. I'd rather be working with humanoid chimera variants for this. They wouldn't speak much or second guess.

Castle Room

The Highly Esteemed Duke Von himself was peacefully sitting down on a chair enjoying a cup of tea. Little sip after little sip, the man was quite enjoying himself. Just then hard knocks came to the door and disrupted him so abruptly that he nearly spilled what little tea he was drinking all over his expensive clothes! He let out a light "Eep!" before slowly rising up to walk over to the door, both shaken and somewhat peeved.

Von: Grand Cleric, he says. Hm. While I respect the positive influence of religion and the spread of good faith, this my good sir certainly is not that!

He'd spoken loud enough for the mage outside the room to hear him, but was about to open the door regardless.

OOC: Letting the door open in Luna's posts let's him flash the badge anyway if he wants to. Seems like it might be his thing.

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"This is a mission given by the Grand Cleric himself." Xaver said confidently, opening the door and flashing his badge at the man. "I'm looking for a girl named Kamilla who has been involved with some criminals carrying cursed weapons. Have you seen her lately? She has uh, brown hair." he said, looking up at the man.

IM HQ Halton

Xenia had consumed a large quantity of vodka, but even this could not distract her from Svetlana's whining. I suppose Ivanko's gotten the word out by now she thought, jumping on Svetlana and flying through the smallest window.

Svetlana sniffed around hungrily. She had not had fish for quite some time, but she knew that people did have fish around here. Her nose caught the scent of delicious fish, it appeared to be radiating from the weak man that approached them earlier. She pressed her snout up against him, mouth salivating.

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Searching For Kamilla

Von: Cursed weapon carrying criminals? I say, what ever is going on here? She didn't seem to be involved in that type of trouble. Merely that gruff looking Shamus peasant man with such a foul and utterly untamed mouth.

The church official seemed to want to find Kamilla rather badly and though he personally didn't know if she had left with Shamus or not, he was curious as to why.

Von: Pardon me, but what exactly has Kamilla done to warrant your attention other than being involved with criminals? Surely a young lady like her hasn't done anything wrong, yes?

Ivanko's Crib

Victor continued lazing about relying on his fierce appearance alone to do the talking as he always did. No one would bother coming near him. That was a most welcome thing indeed. Still, he wondered what that other one's problem was. He quickly spotted the man again and he was quickly and rudely accosted by the water lurking fish eater herself. Victor smelled the fish too but wasn't interested in actually stealing it for himself at the moment. He'd already eaten one of the sick horses that the healers had neglected to fix in time. He could harass her for his own amusement later. For now he would watch and see if this human would sacrifice the fish to her.

Man: Oh! Uh ... j-just who I was looking for actually, heheheh.

His nervous laugh was all that kept him from giving out a light fearful squeak at the sea wyvern! He slowly offered her the fish hoping his hands would still be there when she'd finished.

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"I'm not sure where he came from or why," Arrin replied. "I don't entirely trust him either; I'm not sure why they brought him along, except as another healer." He didn't know enough about Pary in order to form an accurate assessment, though he was inclined to be suspicious because of the Bolting tome from a while ago.

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"Yeah you're right. I'm sorry," said Alferis backing away. "I'll leave you two lovebirds on your own now heh heh...ah just kidding," said Alferis, backing away, and leaning against a nearby tree.

"Well this sucks," he said in a completely neutral tone, playing with his hands.

"Kid seems nice enough. Lots going on though. I wonder if I should give him a warning. This is no place for a young boy like him.

Ah I know, I should ask for information on Jace. Maybe I can learn something to ruin him or a weakness I can exploit in battle," he said quietly. Who knows if the new guys were Jace sympathizers.

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Morgan made no indication that she was going to reply to his defense. (Well, I hope she heard me. Let's see... Who should I talk to now?) Tas looked around to decide who to introduce himself to next.

(This would be much easier if I didn't have to do this over and over again... Maybe I'll stop for now and just let them come to me or ask one annother. Enough know who I am that they can talk amongst themselves without needing to adress me directly. I should probably talk to the ones I've met so far. Vivika seems a little touchy right now, so I'll leave her and Jasmine alone. Let's see... Stephanie is talking to someone I don't know. Maybe I should leave them alone, too, since I should probably leave the healers generally alone. Alferis is talking to a couple people. I don't see Luc. Oh. Aiya and Irina are talking. I wonder if the wyvern riders work together very often? That would make sense if people who fight in the same way worked together more than with those who use other weapons. I guess that means we should get used to each other. Besides, I left Namid over there. He sure looks bored... I don't want to interrupt their conversation, though. What should I do?) Tas sighed as he thought his options over. He didn't see Alferis end his conversation with the other two, having looked away and retreated back into his own thoughts at the wrong time. There weren't many, especially when one of the healers started talking with Vivika. The best option would probably be to stay with the eggs. So, he returned to Namid, who still had the blanket-and-egg bundle strapped to his back.

Namid was very happy at Tas' return. He made a little whistle sound, which the hatchling mimicked from Tas' shoulder. "Hello, Namid. I told you I would return soon," Tas greeted, patting his wyvern's jaw and neck as Namid began to humm happily.


Beau was a little disapointed that he couldn't get more information from Arrin about Pary. He would set asside that project for the time being. (Better to be precise and devistating than to be hurried and futile.) "Though it makes sence. Mercenaries need staff-wielders more than most considering their standings. How long have you been with this group? I assume you are also a mercenary at least for the time being," inquired the young heir.

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"Wh--" Kelas spluttered, promptly choking on her food and lapsing into a coughing fit, unable to make a proper protest due to a blocked airway.


"We're... not exactly mercenaries," Arrin replied. Why did everything relate back to the Crimson Weapons? It made it impossible to explain anything! "I've been traveling with them for... about a month, I guess? It's an... interesting group," he explained.

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Right as Alferis joked about "lovebirds" Kelas went into a coughing fit and it wasn't surprising. Iso had by chance just swallowed his food and spare the consequences of the odd joke. He proceeded to put his arm over Kelas' shoulder to support her while she tried to cough!

Iso: Hey, are you alright?! Be careful, this isn't much of a way for us to go either.

The Lev

Having finished his conversation with Morgan, Lev began trotting back over to his own wyvern, Krinkov. The wyvern had been lying down for awhile and was nearly asleep even with the chatty humans scattered around. On his way back however he saw that Tas was with the eggs again. He decided to head over.

Lev: So what's your impression of the group so far, Tas?

EDIT: Added Lev

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Altion gave a warm smile as he gently took Stephanie's hand with his own, calmly leading her out of earshot of Rita and Kelas. "Dame Stephanie." he started, looking down at the priestesses face as he kept his back to the others. "I see you are a woman of gentle countenance and soothing wisdom. A gem among people and a prize to whomever you would be wed, be it to a mortal man or unto the cause of the goddess herself. Yet, that group is but a motley collection of misfits, far from the heroes and myths of lore my village believed them to be." He then looked back, ensuring he was a good distance away from Rita before he continued on. "There is one whom I met personally less than a half an hour or so ago. A young woman by the name of Rita whom is obsessed with sparring with her sword. While I doubt you have come to know her in your short time with us, surely you have heard her cries and seen her antics. Tell me, what do you think of the lass?"


"What's wrong mister Ixion?" asked Mana, raising a finger to her lips and tilting her head to one side in mild curiosity. "If you can't handle just watching me be hyper, what will you see when you look inside my head? Did you expect my mind to be boring? Nyuu! I'm not boring! I'm a special person!" she smiled and playfully swatted at Ixion before turning about. "Get back to work doing... ummm... stopping work? I don't know. Mister Ixion says he wants you gone though and the monster in suspenders!"

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"Some are true mercenaries that seem to be here only because they are being paid. Some are here because it is their way of life. Some are agreeable people, some are cold, some attack on sight - not physically, luckily. Also, some seem to be more observant, others sociable. In other words, you have a wide spectrum of individuals. As a whole, the majority are a little...touched in the head. Luckily, there are some sane ones in this group. All appear to be risk-takers, which I'm a little worried about," assessed Tas to Lev as he ran a hand over the bundled eggs. He frowned a little. (Warm, but not as warm as they should be. I need to increase their heat, not simply maintain it... They're undamaged. That's good... Seems like I'll have to shift their placement. Namid's not going to like this...) As soon as Tas began unstrapping the bundle and taking the straps closer to Namid's head, the wyvern snorted. He knew what Tas planned to do. "Namid, it's fine! I know you don't like it, but we have to heat the eggs up," Tas rebuked as he began strapping the bundle awkwardly under one of Namid's wings against the side of his chest, "Keep your wing folded. This is the best we can do right now. They're not even cold; they're just a bit cooler than they should be." Namid growled at the ground. It was awkward and uncomfortable, but his trust in Tas caused Namid to reluctantly allow his rider to strap the eggs in their blanket on strangely.


"Oh?" Beau raised an eyebrow at this new bit of information, "Are you escorts, then? Perhaps, of Charlotte? If so, then this is a strange retinue, to be sure..." Suddenly, a thought struck him. "Arrin, you mentioned you have a sister here, did you not?"

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"We have reason to believe that Kamilla has been involved with people carrying the cursed weapons. They have apparently taken her hostage since she has information on them. Since the group is apparently staying in the palace I thought they would be keeping her here." Xaver told the man.

Halton fortress

Svetlana greedily ate the fish out of the man's hands, managing to scarf it down without injuring him. She looked at the man pleadingly. Surely he was one of those fish summoners Mistress gave those gold scales to.

"Word of advice kid, if you want to have fish around here you should eat it quickly." Xenia told the man.

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"Yes, I did," Arrin told Beau, skirting the issue of the group's purpose. "You healed her, actually; she's sitting over there now," he continued, indicating direction with a slight jerk of the head. "She... doesn't really like it here, but she stays to protect me. I'm grateful for that, even if she does seem to be a bit overprotective sometimes..."


With a few more coughs, Kelas dislodged the obstruction. "'m'fine-- what-- the hell--" she managed, face losing the slight blue tinge it had acquired and heading slightly towards red. Still lacking a sufficient reply, she instead grabbed one of the canteens and took a drink of water in between gasps of air. "What--"

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Iso: Urgh. What happened to you just now?

His worry was gone, but he didn't know what to think of the situation. He would remember to speak with Alferis later but for now they definitely needed to do what they could to rest and recuperate. Choking while trying to talk wasn't helping so he took back what he said.

Iso: Never mind. Let's do what we set out to do, eat, drink, and rest up while we can.


Lev nodded his head as the different ones came and got a clear mental image of some along the way.

Lev: Yeah, I'd have put you in a better group if I was working with one but despite how sad this can be at times, the group does have some advantages over others. Despite the insanity we have a ... surprisingly low mortality rate.

When Tas began reheating the eggs, Lev tilted his head and watched. He'd seen egg care before, in fact too much for someone who had a diet consisting of chicken and turkey eggs. What he wasn't familiar with was on the go care and this was interesting to say the least.

Lev: You don't mess around, Tas, heheh.


Stephanie: So her name is Rita ... hm.

Thinking of all that she'd seen of the girl which wasn't much, she could only form a polite and perhaps overly optimistic opinion on her.

Stephanie: Why I think that she is a lovely young woman. Perhaps she may come across as a bit, free spirited, but to each their own so long as the Goddess' artistry in our world does not go unappreciated. What is your opinion of her. Surely you have see more of her than I have even if only meeting before the warp.

Don't Break Anything

Ixion: This is either going to slow overall progress or constitute a headache. Why don't we speak in private since you have a way with people around here in public and you tell me what you're up to before I commit to this?

Duke Von

Von: What did you say? Staying in the palace? Who would allow such a thing? (Though the ball was rather full of clumsily disguised ruffians during the party and most of them seemed ... out of place. Kamilla was also acting up.). Good sir are you quite certain your information is good? If she were still here, surely I myself would have run into her by now.

He Who Once Had A Fish

Peter: Well actually ... that fish was for her, Xenia. I had something for you too but ...

He stopped for a moment. He suddenly got an idea. Not necessarily an honest one, but an idea nonetheless.

Peter: I was on my way to bring you a returning gift since having a strong warrior like you around always made the place more interesting but Nico over there stole it from me. Cost a whole nine gold so I can't get you another one today either. You know I always believed you were one of the strongest we've got. You could probably beat him easily and win whatever respect you lost back at the same time.

OOC: Yes he's working that angle already.

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"Colonel Kleine and his cronies probably wanted to silence her so that they could continue their criminal spree with their cursed weapons. And I have very reliable sources that place her with the group and the group in the palace, so maybe she's just well hidden. Or you might just be incompetent." Xaver said smugly.

Xenia and Svetlana

"You wanted to give a return gift for a deserter? You are a rare sort." Xenia said, somewhat amused. "Anyway, maybe I'll find this Nico guy, show everybody that I'm back. Better have been a decent gift though, not a poodle or something." she said, frowning.

Svetlana sniffed the air. This man was not very useful as he didn't appear to have any more fish. She did however smell a large bull wyvern. From what she remembered he stayed out of her way as he was interested in the lesser meats, but she still had to be cautious.

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Duke Vonage

Duke Von could only raise an eyebrow agitated by the young man before him, but had a quick assessment of the situation ready that would keep him both dignified, and composed.

Von: Ahem, I do believe it is you and not I who is unable to locate our dear Kamilla, my good sir. However I do not wish to see Dearest Kamilla fall into the hands of criminals when I can do something to remedy the situation. I recommend that we both begin a search to cover more ground and perhaps meet in a predetermined place should we find her.

Petty Schemes

Peter: No poodles. Those are too expensive and better off not existing. They can't hunt or take a hit or even swim in some rare cases. It was simply a returning gift though if he drank it by now ... urgh ... bastard.

Victor watched with his eyes barely open from the great distance. He wasn't impaled or anything. Strange. Then again, he himself had spared the man when he warranted being chewed up like a branch for coming close to him with human nonsense. Perhaps he was getting too soft. Ivanko didn't always injure him grievously when he managed to sneak in kills. He rarely came out unscathed for harming humans but he would not let that stop him. He had to dominate the whole race at some point.

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