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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 20: Bait and switch


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"I'm fine," Kelas protested, regaining her breath. "Just-- nevermind."

Instinct from previous travels told her to jerk away from the arm around her shoulders; the knowledge that this was a trusted friend managed to reduce the reaction to a very slight flinch. Despite her inital reaction, though, she didn't really mind, and leaned back a bit. "Yeah, no reason getting worked up over it," she agreed. "We'll probably be on the road again soon, might as well rest now."

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As much as Iso did want to relax and only relax he couldn't help but wonder why Alferis was so adamant about fighting. He clearly didn't know what it was like to experience the full fury of such monstrosities. Maybe it was something else. If he was going to work with him it was probably for the best to figure out what was behind his surface reasons which were probably as simple as "They're the enemy". Iso felt the same way but there was more, for him, and for Alferis and he'd find out everything before committing to cooperation. It was dangerous, more so than normal otherwise. Might not hurt to ask Kelas though, since it was better than talking about nothing at all. No. That was just pointless. Better to delve into something positive while he still could. That's when he noticed the sword again.

Iso: So have you gotten any better with those yet? Could you use them in combat without slipping up I mean.

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"I don't know that I could attack very well yet, but I think I can defend all right," Kelas replied, examining the sword again. "I'm... not sure I'll keep this one, though. It's ours as combat spoils, but I'm not sure I like it." While she wasn't much of a judge of blades yet, this felt better in her hand than her own sword... but something about it seemed slightly... off. "I'm definitely getting better, though."

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"Of course I don't," replied Tas as he finished the careful - yet practiced - work of strapping down the bundle of eggs, "There are innocent, fragile lives at stake and they're relying on me." When he was finished, he backed off to let Namid fold his wing. "And the low mortality rate is essential. I have no desire to see someone die nor do I want the risk of being killed myself. And, of course, there are the wyverns to think about," Tas comented, "Oh and if you were referring to the inventory I collected and presented, you have to remember I'm a businessman. Professionalism largely depends on observation and manners." His tone was rather nonchalant the whole time he was talking.


"Oh, I see. I know how that can be. I can't leave the estate without at least four soldiers and two halberdiers. At least, that's how I was guarded. I escaped that, but that's something you already know. So, that was your sister... Interesting. Where are you from, by the way?" further inquired Beau.

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"She is an overly energetic woman, set in her ways and locked unto them. She cares only for one thing, and that is her desire to fight even at the cost of the well-being of others. Self absorption is in her footsteps and pride in the wake of her passing. She is like a bell, silent until struck with her fancy, and then she will resound to all who can hear. Utterly obsessed with her blade to the point that even Esphyr is tame by comparison. Alas, she is but a wild boar." he said, sighing as he rubbed the temples of his head, as if in pain.

"I had asked you on the chance I had missed something from my assessment of the woman from our brief conversation... and to ask for your help. I desire prayer for her; that she can see the error of her ways and seek to mend it. I ask you for this favor because... well... After last night and our conversation, I trust you more than any other here. Though I am shamed to admit that part of my reason is also because she believes Kelas to be a man, which annoys me to no end. She may not be large in the chest, but there are other signs than that that someone is a woman. No man would mistake you for a woman no matter your bust, so why is it that a woman is free to make such an error and ignore the reprimand?"

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Iso: That's her sword isn't it? ... well ... I don't want to sound like Ixion but if sentiment is an issue, I don't remember her actually killing anyone we know with it ... and it is just a sword. It's up to you but there could be any number of things special about that blade. It might be a better weapon against actual demons somehow though it would have to be magically imbued I think ... which would make it weaker. Can't tell, the thing seems dead from where I'm sitting. there's no magic I can really pick up from it.


Lev: There are plenty of ways and methods to being a businessman though yours is solid and works for you, I can tell. So tell me when this is all said and done, what are you going to be doing. You're a businessman for now, but once this transaction is complete, you're out of stock it seems.


Stephanie: Oh my. Free spirited may have been putting things rather lightly. I personally believe that there are things one should completely restrict themselves from. Violence is one of them though I realize world peace through a simple rule or code will not suffice. Fighting and martial arts are things I expect from at least some and can accept that, but there are things that disturb me even more than being ready and willing to venture off into war for whatever reason and that is being inconsiderate of others. Our lives are somewhat tragic at best and we need not make things any worse by forgetting out manners. In the end the way we behave socially is all that separates us from wild animals and it is near sacred for drawing such a line to begin with. Nothing to be taken lightly at all.

When he explained what was at least part of what was truly annoying him, Kelas being mistaken for a man, Stephanie's head slightly came down a little bit. She wasn't sure how to weed such an image out of another woman's head without actually telling her to the face but Altion had made it clear that that had already been done. What could be done then?

Stephanie: She will not listen to reason due to lustful obsession? I would recommend avoiding a person like that but, you appear to be in the same group and therefore working together. Evasion is useless for both you and Kelas. Perhaps a meeting to discuss the issue between the four of us?

OOC: Ixion replied to Mana awhile ago, Snowy

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"If I find Kamilla, I'm getting her out of here as soon as possible." Xaver said admantly. "My orders were to find here and bring her to the Grand Cleric at the cathedral in Ursibul. You can help look for her if you want, but since you don't seem to know where she is, I'm wasting my time talking to you." Xaver left the room and began to search down another hallway, checking inside doors as he went.

Not Shota

"Vodka then?" Xenia's face perked up. "I think I'm going to pay this man a visit then. Xenia nudged Svetlana and the sea wyvern took off and landed ina large group of mercenaries.

"All right boys, which one of you is Nico?" she asked, lance at the ready.

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"I don't know, it just seems kind of... off. Gods know how many of us this thing's bit... But I'll see if it works for me better than my own sword does." She shrugged. "If it gets rid of those bastards faster, I guess..." They were heading back into somewhat depressing territory, she realized. "Man, I hope we get this done soon... I don't want to be out chasing demons in the cold," she complained jokingly.


"I'm from..." It was an interesting question to consider. "Originally I'm from the Adai, one of the nomadic tribes, but circumstances ended up with me being raised by my teacher. We lived in one of the towns along the trade route to Ilyphina," Arrin explained. "She spent a good deal of time in the capital at first, but I guess she had a falling-out with some of the other researchers, so she worked on research at home after that."

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"That's true," noted Tas as he leaned against Namid's side, "I was going to meet up with my father and we were going to live off of the money we made from our sales. The only problem is that we were in such a rush to get away from the marauders that we never worked out where to meet up again. I know he went to Halton and he knows I came to Septimus. Other than that, we don't know where we could possibly meet." Tas had been trying to solve this problem for a while now. "The best solution I can come up with is to stay here in Septimus for a while, then try to fly towards Halton to find my father. I know who he will try to sell to, so I can just ask around," answered the courier.


"That's very interesting," comented Beau as his bad mood lifted and he smiled again, "So you are a part of both the middle-class and nomadic society. I don't know the tribe names, so you will have to excuse me for putting them all in the same catagory. To me, Nomads are Nomads. I know they would be considered the same as the poor, yet..." Beau trailed off, unsure of how to express how he felt about the Nomads. "You'll have to excuse me," Beau went on slowly, "I'm...not entirely certian how to say this. I'm not...against the Nomads. I suppose...they are just... Well, they live in a different world, in a way. And yet... Hmm." The young priest glared at the ground, searching for the correct words, then continued slowly, "There is someone I look up to who was...greatly influenced...by Nomads. As I explained, however... It is not my place to...trust? No... Hm. Well, they are below my station according to society. Do you understand?" He was now looking back to Arrin, looking quite confused himself, hoping he'd explained it in a comprehensable way.

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Iso: Even if we had to I still have my regular fire tome. I'm sure I can start a campfire without burning everything to the ground ... at least I certainly hope so hahah.


Lev: If you know what kind of people he's trying to sell to then you might be better off looking for him first and coming back to Septimus if you can't find him. Depends on how fast you feel your father could sell his wyverns as opposed to how fast you could. ... well ... huh. If worse comes to worst you could always hire one of our hunters. We hire them out to find specific people. It can take a long while but they're decent enough at finding people. Just another option.


After the man left, Duke Von turned back into the room and shut the door, a bit agitated.

Von: Hmph. How rude. So ... Lady Kamilla is in need of rescuing hmm? Well I wonder what ever happened to that brute of hers ... right, "Shamus" ... loathsome waste of muscle. Still. Perhaps I should still look for her. I might find her first regardless with that representative checking every room like a bloodhound.

Meanwhile Kamilla herself was heading toward the main hallway just near the entrance. She wasn't sure what to do, wait for Shamus to find her, or search for any of the reformist heads that may have been in the capital. So far there was nothing. She was used to it now though and stopped thinking back to how happy she was to at least be in the capital where her chances of finding them went up dramatically ... though seemingly not enough still.

Bad Match Ups

The group of mercs Xenia had infiltrated were surrounding two men standing at a table! Both men were arm wrestling like mad but the one with the sinister smile on his face clearly had the advantage! As soon as Xenia made herself known however, things changed! The champion was taken by surprise and his arm came down in the wrong direction hard! A loud slam and the match was over! Thirty-seven wins ... one loss. He angrily stood up with a bottle of vodka in the hand he handn't used and began angrily walking toward Xenia. It was already cracked open but only a little bit was gone.

Nico: Woman ... you just cost me a match. Now how are you going to make that up to me, huh?

New Champ: Uhh ... so I know this is new and all but ... who's next? I'm kind of just waiting around here for the next person.

Nico: >_>

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"Halton should be willing to buy the wyverns quickly. If he doesn't come to find me, then I'll begin looking for him. Thank you for the offer," Tas replied, smiling a the nest part, "even though I know there was a price attached to it."

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"Not entirely," Arrin admitted. "...I do tend to confuse people who try to fit me into one category or another. I'm used to it, I guess."


"Hey, just 'cause I've the sense to ride south when it gets cold doesn't mean I can't build a proper fire," Kelas protested jokingly. "Right, are the others actually going to get moving, or are we going to be out here til it snows?" she wondered.

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Til It Snows

Iso: Our plan worked. It doens't mean our group is a real working team yet. The others are going to do what they always do until Morgan or someone says it's time to go.

He sighed and then took another drink.

Iso: Well if we do get stuck out here for awhile I honestly don't mind starting the campfire. It's good practice for me and warmth for everyone else with fewer materials needed.


Lev: Everything costs something.

He shrugged and took another glance over at the pink wyvern who was keeping to herself. He wasn't sure when the next spell would wear off but having to rely on those was problematic of and by itself. Irina was here now so it may have been a good time to speak with her on the matter. He had some ideas for the wyvern already but really needed her to make them work.

Lev: Just remember what I said just in case you can't find him otherwise.

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"I doubt that would prove to be highly fruitful lest Kelas herself reveals her body. Even if she were to state it outright as a fact undeniable, Rita would simply claim that she was lying so as to hide 'himself' away from the world." said Altion, raising his hands and wiggling the fingers to signify the quotations. His cheeks had flushed pure red though, and as soon as he had finished those words, he looked down and away, as if ashamed to even think of such a notion. "This is such an embarrassing subject, something for... husbands and wives? I do not know." he said before visibly shuddering. "I feel... intimidated just making such a remark."


"Nyuu~ When the workers have put their experiments away and it's just you and me, then I will stop. I don't like those big meanie heads at all!" she squeaked out before leaning in close. "They can still figure out whom I am given just a decent enough personality. A fake one keeps my true identity hidden." she whispered into his ear before bouncing away playfully.

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Pary had started a small fire, before boiling some water for tea. He started making some bread, before steeping the leaves in the water, and setting some cups out. He carried over the cups to Viveka, as well as some of the bread with honey on it, before sipping for himself. "Would you like some tea?" He handed the bread to Jasmine. "Here you go. THere's more left if you want. And I think Lev is free now if you want to go talk to him."

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Lost and Found

Xaver continued his search of the palace, but it seemed to be fruitless. Maybe that duke guy was right...or they've moved their location. he thought to himself. As he headed toward the exit, he came across a brown-haired girl, and she wasn't dressed as a maid like the others...

"Hey are you Kamilla?" he asked, coming up to her.

Never Seperate a Woman and Her Vodka

"Not my fault you lack focus." Xenia said to Nico, shrugging. "Now apparently that vodka was meant for me. Hand it over or things are going to get real ugly real fast." Svetlana hissed to emphasize this point.

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Iso: Joking or not, I think it's possible for us to get stuck out here for no reason so we probably should remind them soon, yes.

Trying To Be Alone

Jasmine could tell what was going on though it was a bit strange from her point of view. Viveka was still trying to think of a way to remove the mana thread from her mind and was only partly in the moment.

Jasmine: That's probably a good idea. Lev's going to get bored and start screwing around if I don't talk to him sooner or later.

Jasmine reached out to accept the tea from Pary while smiling.

Viveka: What?

Jasmine: You know. Start seeing other people.

Viveka: ... okay that's too casual. Anyway some tea would be nice. Thank you, Pary.

Jasmine: (I wonder if he drinks any of this.)

She quickly stood up with the bread and tea in hand and walked off while Illiam followed.


Stephanie: Sir, Altion, you are giving me the impression that we are dealing with some type of insane person. If that is the case, then you would all do well to not let one such as her roam freely, nor should she be recklessly allow to wield a weapon of any kind. I think Kelas being mistaken for a man, while disturbing is only a symptom of the problem. ... and if one feels that they must make such notions for the sake of the argument, then I see no problem with it, so long as things remain appropriate.

She tilted her head just slightly subconsciously hoping to make eye contact with the disturbed cavalier once again.

Stephanie: This ... is a unique situation that I feel you needn't be embarrassed about nor intimidated by. If it goes unaddressed it can only become worse over time.


Ixion: If only your preference in personality wasn't such a bother.

The peeved researchers began cleaning up and putting away old records as the others gathered new things for whatever Ixion had planned. Meanwhile the Dark Druid himself came over to another area of the large room to another door that led elsewhere. When he opened the door, it became clear that it led out into a long hallway. There was no end in sight. It was darker and darker the further in one went.

Ixion: At the end of this hallway is a chamber that will function as the containment area. It isn't ready just yet. Your potential destructive power hasn't been gauged. You might be able to help with that. Follow me.

The Place

Peter had taken a short while, but finally managed to catch up and watched from within the small crowd.

Nico: Well well, what do we have here? Our deserter comes back and thinks she owns the place!

Champion: ... nooo-I'm pretty sure this is just about the vod-

Nico: Shut it!

Nico began dangling the bottle around in a mocking way while Peter face-palmed.

Peter: (This was a bit too easy.)

Nico: You want your booze little lady? Why don't we settle this like real fighters? Come and get it.

Peter: (Normally I would have been worried but I think she can beat him ... even before Ivanko shows up which would be ideal here.)

More Expensive Place

The door was right there. She could just leave again. She could forget about everything and try to find the church again, but something was holding her back. Most of her thoughts were. Tessa, Eric, Shamus, Levski. None of them were so bad, especially not Tessa. Was this ... goodbye? Before she could figure that out however, she was accosted by Xaver. He spoke her name, and she recognized what he was. A bit of fear and a bit of rejoicing washed over her.

Kamilla: Y-yes I am.

She looked the young man over and could tell this is the person she'd needed to see. Her search for someone in the church was over ... but there was so much unsettled "business". The situation felt somewhat inconvenient. Was she to give a report and then be hauled off or would she have time to see Tessa again?

Kamilla: May I have your name? And may I ask why you were looking for me?

They weren't her only questions to be sure, but she needed to start somewhere.

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"I'm Xaver, Reformist Templar. The Grand Cleric sent me to find you, since you apparently have been involved with the group with the cursed weapons. Now come on, before they get back." Xaver took Kamilla's hand and began ushering her towards the exit.

He Asked For It

"Just what I was thinking." Xenia said, dropping her lance and jumping off Svetlana. She rushed toward Nico and slammed her hand forwards, her gauntleted hand striking between his first and second ribs.

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"You don't find the prospect of talking about another woman undressing so as to prove her gender to another in the least bit discomforting?" asked Altion, clearly a tad disturbed by the notion. "Alas, were you a man and I a woman and the entire situation reversed, I'm sure you would find it odd as well! It is something that should be dealt with, yes, but not something that is easy for one such as I to talk about. While a woman might giggle like a schoolgirl while talking about men, for a man such as I, it is... discomforting. To show ones naked form to another is to have a intimacy with them. Would you pull up your skit to prove to another that you are a woman, even if the other was a woman as well? I would hope not. It's just... Gah!" he exclaimed, dropping to one knee and clasping the back of his head with his hands as he shook his head about wildly in frustration. "I don't know what to do whilst being respectful to all involved. I don't want to do a disservice to either, and I fear the look Kelas would give either you or I should we approach her with the question, as well as the prospect of betraying her modesty, even to another of her gender."


"You do realize that that is not a simple matter to gauge." said Mana, turning about to ensure she was out of visual and earshot range once again. "There is a saying. While a army can not stop a war machine, a small puddle of mud can stop it dead in its tracks. My powers are unique; unlike any other magi of my kind. That is not me saying 'I am stronger than other magic users'. I am not. I would wager that you are more powerful than I in terms of sheer power. An axe wielder in a sea of spears will stand out above the rest even if he is not stronger than any of his foes. In case you haven't noticed, I haven't launched a single offensive spell my entire time here, relying on defensive casting, physical combat, and illusions."

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"Is everything okay? You seem distracted."


Cess and Rita:

As Rita kneeled over Cess, she looked at him carefully. "Wake up. Just wake up."

Cess was having trouble moving his arm, before slowly opening his eyes to the bright light. "Owww....Ri-rita?" He tried moving his left hand. "Ow...I think something's wrong."

"Well at least you're okay. I should have gone instead. It was too dangerous."

"Which is why I went instead of you."

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As Xaver brought Kamilla along, she hesitantly followed, though her thoughts were now racing and what she did say was coming out a bit too fast.

Kamilla: W-wait! We aren't going to try to stop them? What are your plans? Do your know where they're going?

Everything else on her mind never came to the service. The good people in the group weren't something she was ready to mention just yet, and she still didn't know where Shamus was.

Crowd Pleasing

A uniform "Ooooooo" sounded off throughout the area as every merc knew she'd already scored a direct and no doubt painful hit! Peter could only cringe as it happened.

Nico: ... s-shit.

He took a few steps back after nearly dropping the vodka in favor of holding his ribs. He couldn't tell if they were fractured or not. He couldn't tend to them and the drink though.

Peter: (Serves'em right. Nikolai's a dick but stealing booze is a line you shouldn't ever cross. I couldn't do anything about it myself though. Urgh. Just as well I guess. Fighting isn't really my thing.)


Viveka: Mm. It's Ixion. He's been using Isotov and I like a couple of magical crystal balls. He even sent a message once by using my face as a canvas. I swear if he doesn't knock it off I'm going to kick his ass. I don't care if he's our ally for the moment. There's a line and he's already crossed it, dammit!


Stephanie: Sir Altion, there are plenty of things each and every person is uncomfortable going into, still if there is no other way to paint a picture, there is no other way. You seem uncomfortable enough already. Perhaps we shouldn't speak of the removal of clothes anymore and instead focus on the real issue. This case of mistaken identity ... which in truth seems to hint at a bigger problem. She may be insane if what you say is true and I don't recommend letting the problem fester any longer. Something should be done about it.


Ixion: I indeed have noticed, and your unique build should make things easier, not more difficult in that regard. However I do not know enough about you to properly set this chamber up just yet. That is where you come in and that is why I needed your full cooperation and made it clear up on that tower. Do you know yourself, Mana? Can you inform us how to best keep your bloodlust focused on a single point be it decoy or illusion long enough and consistently enough for me to gather the information I need?

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Tas nodded. "Thank you for the offer. I'll keep it in mind," he concluded, getting the feeling that Lev was finished with the conversation. Looking about, he noticed that Alferis was by himself. Though it seemed unlikely that he would have much contact with the man, it was one of those he at least knew the name of and everyone else was already engaged in conversation. He knew Namid wouldn't want to be left alone again so soon, however. Why were social dilemmas arising so frequently today? (I can't fly with Namid right now since the eggs are being warmed. I just came back to Namid's side, though, so I should stay with him and he doesn't like walking because it makes him feel silly and then he gets in one of his moods, so I can't just have him follow me around. It seems like now is a time for rest, then. I've been resting since we went to Burgosas' palace aerie.) Looking to Namid's wings, he noticed the one that wasn't covering the eggs was twitching a little. Tas smiled, knowing the sign very well. (Namid's tired of sitting around, too.) With a sigh, Tas closed his eyes and just let his weight be supported by the wyvern he was leaning against, feeling the warmth against his back. (I'll talk to whoever comes to me. For now I'll just rest here until the eggs are warmed up and we're ready to go on to whatever it is we'll be doing.)


"It isn't about where you in particular belong. I consider you a student of TISME - or perhaps even an alumni. Therefore, you are a schollar and thus due some respect. Your Nomad heritage is...confusing. However, that is not how you were raised, therefore I do not honestly count you as one of them, though others of my station or higher may think differently," explained Beau, "Either way, you would still be considered a lower class in comparison to myself. That is something I personally disregard for schoallars of magic, however." He went on to explain how religeon worked among those of the upper class, "And of course, the common views on those who uphold religion change on a whim, though they oft openly display devotion to the primary love of the so-called 'goddess.' At times her worshippers are reviered and at others...in great peril. If they preach the faults of one of the upper-class, threatening their reputation, then the punishments can be quite severe." Then his serious mood was gone as though carried away by the wind as he smiled pleasantly at Arrin and asked, "What is your view on religeon?"

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"Aye. That I do not dispute. I think the only thing to do is confront her openly about it." offered Altion, sighing heavily as the blood flowed away from his face and loins. "The air tastes sweeter all of a sudden. I believe the best choice to do is to force her to see reason, to see others beside herself... or maybe to meet her on her own field of madness. I am no swordsman, but my armor alone near-guarentee's my victory in a fight. Her blade can not cut through it. There are other ways to fight her and win. Maybe to heal her opponent subtly? Or show her insanity for what it truly is?"


"That's an easy one. Despite what you think, I have done my best to learn about my condition. In the lower stages, I can trick myself into believing a threat terminated for a while. In the full on release, I haven't been able to remain conscious. The most I know is that spirits, in their berserker stage, are meant to seek out and destroy demons without remorse. Peaceful to the public, but capable of destroying any foes. A perfect diplomat. Since I am only half, in addition to the redefinition of demonic to dark, I simply assault anything I can, believing it to be evil. That is all I know."

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Stephanie: I doubt any harm has to befall anyone in combat to resolve anything. Though for the sake of safety, a strong individual with a strong moral compass should be present. I support solving this issue but not in harming anyone along the way as that should in no way become necessary.

She did take a moment to review what he'd said in even more depth though.

Stephanie: From the sound of it though, you seem as if you want to duel her and ... cheat somehow?

OOC: Tread lightly.


Ixion: It sounds like we may be able to enter your bloodlust in stages rather than beginning in the thick of the storm. That is most fortunate for the both of us. I'll learn anything else I can along the way while we prepare things within the chamber.

They had finally reached the chamber itself and Ixion opened the door to the inside. It resembled a dungeon but surprisingly clean and well maintained. There was little light that wasn't natural and coming up from the ceiling openings but the place wasn't as bad as one may have expected. The room was mostly empty but with a few extremely powerful but mostly worthless objects lying around.

Ixion: Right. The catalysts. Those were meant for some other experiments but they might serve as proper decoys as well if the need arises. I'd rather have you whacking away at a random object than an actual person if total restraint is impossible to achieve.

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