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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 20: Bait and switch


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"We should gather our things and get moving I think, it would be better not to linger here too long." Morgan involuntarily yawned after making this statement, her eyes a bit bloodshot. But where to go? she thought to herself.

Charlotte warped along with everyone else. She felt a little dizzy, but nothing felt terribly wrong. She rested her head on Eric's shoulder and asked him a question.

"Sir Eric...I don't mean to be rude, but how is it that you were defeated so easily by one demon? Considering you were able to defeat two all by yourself it seems a little strange..." she said, looking up at him.

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"Whoa god!" Alferis exclaimed, dizzy from the warp and falling on his back.

"Whooooo....hope I never have to do that again."

Reika in meanwhile had taken the warp worst of all. She felt the bile rising in her throat and retched, throwing up at the nearest thing around.

Unfortunately that happened to be Alferis.

"Agghh! Dammit!" Alferis cursed, annoyance tinging his voice.

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Palace Grounds

"We're missing some people, aren't we?" Kelas asked as she stood up again. "We should find them, then work out where we're actually going. In the meantime..." she trailed off, thinking. I need to thank the ones who helped me fight...

She headed over to where Eric and Charlotte stood. "Um... I just wanted to say... thanks. You've helped me keep my brother safe. Are you both all right now? I know you got hurt..."


Far away

She was only barely conscious, really, aware only of the motion of whatever she was slung over. She let herself be pulled down and leaned against some object, not bothering to open her eyes. The pain was gone for the moment-- numb, perhaps?-- but she assumed they'd start up shortly; it was no miracle to be healed if it was only to make it easier to hurt her. No need to be conscious, really; let them use her as a knife sharpener when she was too far under to feel it.

An unfamiliar voice, an unfamiliar language: she was startled into opening her eyes. She was surprised to find herself outside. There was no sign of the demons; a woman sat in front of her, apparently getting together a meal. There was something familiar about her... she looked a bit like someone from a long time ago. Kelas, the nomad... but had that been a long time ago? Or only days or weeks? She couldn't tell. She pushed herself forward, trying to get up, but found that her strength had fled some time ago. In an attempt to get the woman's attention, she coughed; she could not call out.

The traveler looked up: her patient was awake. "<Ah-- you're finally awake!>" she exclaimed. Realizing that the woman probably spoke Common, she switched with some effort. "You are awake. I worried." Quickly she got out her staff and healer's kit and headed over, crouching down next to the blue-haired woman. "That scar: you cannot speak?"

A nod. She wasn't entirely sure that this wasn't just some new trick, an attempt to hurt her further. She looked the woman over: she was clearly not Kelas; shorter, older, and with jade-green eyes. She met them with a look of distrust.

"You write?" Another nod. The traveler produced a scrap of parchment and a badly battered pen. "Name?"

With a slight shake in her hand, she took the pen. K-A-T-I-E she scrawled in a hand that suffered from being broken and repaired.

The traveler nodded. "I am Neria," she replied. "I know not what happen to you, but you were badly hurt. Neck broken, bad bruises, many fractures, cuts starting to get--" (she searched for the right word) "--to get infection. I have healed. But you have been unconscious for several days. Before I learn what happen, you need food."

As Neria set about setting up a campfire and putting a small pot of what looked like soup on, Katie thought on what she'd said. She had apparently been nearly killed, then rescued, though she couldn't be sure if Neria was being truthful. If Neria was telling the truth, then it also seemed that the others had not come to find her, even over the course of some days. Were they dead? Did they not care? It wouldn't be too far-fetched, from that group... except for Iso. But was he even all right? What had happened in that attack?

...How had she even gotten herself into this to begin with?

She was saved for the moment from pursuing that line of thought as Neria came over again with some soup. She held the bowl up to Katie's mouth. "Drink."

Katie complied. It occurred to her that it might be poisoned, but at this point... and right now, the soup was the best she'd ever had. Feeling slightly strengthened by it, she made an effort to get to her feet.

"Stay," Neria ordered, putting a hand on Katie's shoulder. "Your strength will build up with time. Now I need to get you somewhere safe. You are TISME?" she asked, glancing at the circles on Katie's shoulders. When Katie nodded warily, she continued. "Good. We are in Elyisima, almost to capital. I should be able to get you there quickly."

Still thinking about her situation, Katie allowed Neria to help her up and into the saddle of the aging horse that had apparently carried her all this way. As Neria started back onto the road, Katie let unconsciousness claim her again. She would work out more about her situation later.

Edited by Kiryn
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Luc Altair

The warp back to Burgoras was far less pleasant than the one sending them away. But it had worked, and Luc could deal with any minor side effects of such a useful tool. Though having had to rely on Ixion for this entire opportunity was not something Luc would want to repeat in the future. But that was the future and of little consequence for now. Luc removed his helmet and took in a few breaths of air that weren't mixed with the smell of his helmet. For all the reasons he preferred the helm, changing the air wasn't one of them.

Luc turned back towards the group and did a quick headcount. The missing people would have to be found, of course. Once they were located, everyone's best course of action would be a quick departure, even if there was no clear goal. Lingering just gave rise to more problems. Church related problems.

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The warp was rather uneventful for Eric, as there were seemingly no side-effects on him. Immediately afterwards, his liege asked him about how he was so easily dispatched.

"... I suppose I did not even see the demon coming," he admitted, sheepishly. "The other ones, however, were slower. Forgive me, for not being more alert." About seconds later, Kelas walked over, and asked if they were OK.

"I think we're fine, now," the swordsman replied. "It was no problem, though."

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Maybe he was distracted because I was along... Charlotte thought to herself. "I am fine I think, the other priests healed me. I'm glad that Arrin got better. We really should get moving though, we'll be in trouble if Jace finds out I've returned..." her voice trailed off

Travis started moving after hearing Caw's report. This appeared to be some weird sort of battle site, with blood and a...giant hole in the ground? No people in sight though. That coward Derek must have ran away once he heard I was coming. Travis thought to himself. He didn't know quite where he was, somehwere in Septimus he figured.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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After she gained her footing, Iso let her go only to find himself barely able to stand up straight. He was expecting this but was caught off guard nonetheless. He wanted to talk to Alferis as soon as they returned but he could barely keep himself up. As if on cue Reika vomited all over him. Iso gave a disturbed look and then turned away.

Iso: (Well that's as good an excuse as any.)

He looked around for a place to sit while he waited for Alferis to clean himself off.

The Septimus Base

After showing Mana around the laboratory and facepalming repeatedly as she put the researchers on edge with her Etain personality, he dismissed her for a short while. The next time he saw her would be the examination and he would let her roam freely in the meantime. Meanwhile Karina having been bored decided to do the messenger's job for him and headed up to Damian's room. A quick knock on the door, and then she waited.

OOC: Herp derp

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The Messy One

"Dammit Reika," he snarled, taking off his shirt and pouring some of the water from his waterskin on it before heading outside and rubbing it on the grass to get it off. He poured a little more on, to make sure it was clean. He left on the ground to dry and headed back in to the room.


"There you go sweets," said Dimitri, giving the horse a bit of time to graze. It had been a bit since he set out on the shortcut to Septimus. If his information was correct on these people, they were heading to Septimus.

At the very least, he can gain information on them there or search around.

"Ok, these is enough," he said, giving the horse a kick in the sides. They rode down the plains for a bit until they reached the woods. This was how Septimus got to Vaorin quickly. A small path on the woods. It would only take a couple of days if he wasn't in such a hurry, but for now, he aimed to reach Burgosas possibly by tonight.

Dimitri was quite glad he chose a strong and well rested horse.

Dimitri himself wasn't a particularly impressive looking man. Mop top looking black hair, blue clothing, with a green cape. Slung on his back was a shortbow with a quiver of arrows, perfect for shooting on horseback. He carried a small bedroll and backpack on his back as well. At his sides was a small knife for cutting fruits and the like, a coin pouch secured tightly on his belt and another pouch for messages and the like.

"Maybe if I hurry, I can meet all the cute boys."

Edited by Yoshimitsu
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Hearing the knock on his door, Damian's reverie was vanquished completely for the time being.

Walking to the door and opening it, he saw the mercenary, Karina was standing there.

"Something wrong Karina? Miss me already?"


As the shock of the sudden warp hit her, Aiya toppled over. As they rematerialized, she landed with a resounding thud, falling on her ass, back in the castle grounds of Burgosas.

"Urgh... that was a lot worse this time around... I wonder if it was because I was riding Ulfy last time..."

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"I think we're just waiting for the people who stayed behind," Kelas told Charlotte. "Anyway, I'm glad you're all right..." She turned away. She needed to talk to Cess and Irina as well... well, there was Irina. She walked over. "I... are you and Kiev all right? I wanted to thank you for helping me... helping my brother."

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Irina and Kiev

Kiev looked around at all of the uncomfortable humans and lowered his head. That wasn't good. Was the whole group suffering? He didn't know how to fix that many humans. Maybe the hero horse Amari knew how. He spotted her quickly and walked over to get her attention. He needed to point out that the humans were acting strange. Strange that she had begun running around initially. Perhaps she was trying to do some exercising of her own. Meanwhile Irina was looking around herself. She felt fine, though a little unnerved by the heavy magic. When Kelas came up and thanked her she smiled.

Irina: It was no problem at all. Any friend of Iso's is a friend of mine. Besides, I know what it's like to want to help out a brother. It's part of the reason I'm here in the first place. Kiev looks fine too ... wait where's he going?


The woman grinned while playfully tilting her head at Damian.

Karina: Hmm maybe I did miss you. Or maybe Ixion wants to get started.

She made a friendly gesture pointing down the hall. A clear sign that it was his turn for a preliminary.

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"Well, I guess I will have to disappoint you for now then." Damian replied with a playful smirk, beginning to walk down the hall.

As he reached the door to the testing area, he knocked on the solid slab of wood.

"You wanted to start with me, Ixion?"

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Amari approached her herd, whinnying a greeting. As she slowed in front of them, though, some panicked, as though a predator were about. She noticed that Kiev was following behind her. She turned to face the wyvern: now was not the time. She snaked her head back and forth, shooing him.

"He's not attacking the horses, is he?" Kelas asked worriedly. "Wait, no... Amari's got it sorted. All right then."

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Irina and Kiev

Kiev lowered his head a bit sad. What did he do wrong this time? He only wanted the humans to start acting normally again. He tried one last time to get her attention on them by straightening his entire body and pointing at the main group, but making certain to aim for the ones lying on the ground or otherwise obviously not alright.

Irina: Err ... I think he's alright but, may he's feeling weird from the warp?

Ixion's Laboratory (There is a real reference coming)

As Damian knocked on the door, a very loud and rocky explosion sounded off on the other side followed by voices Damian could hear though muffled by the layer of wood and stone between them.

???: Oh my goddess! What went wrong?!

???: I warned you that you would cause an explosive reaction if you put that much power into a single barrier stone. I cannot make use of assistants if they don't listen. I'm done here. Try not to destroy anything else.

As the door opened, smoke rushed out from the room and Ixion appeared with his mouth covered.

Ixion: Ah, Damian. Follow me. We'll, use the other room for this. Unlike the Headmaster, your condition can be more regularly contained even in its more violent stages. I'll be taking more aggressive steps in addressing your condition as a result.

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"Is that so?" Damian asked to confirm.

'More aggressive methods? I suppose that lends to a likely higher success rate...'

As Damian followed Ixion, he wondered just what those methods would be.

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Mr. Ixion

As they made their way through the halls, Ixion began his explanation.

Ixion: The first step is to examine the connection between you and Gae-Borg. This will help me to see which one of you is truly closer to winning this struggle for control. After that, your mind must be ... exposed. As I said before, to truly conquer something, you must understand it. I'll need to experience this with you however to actually discern what's going on and I too will be heavily effected as a result. Not to alarm you, but we will have to rely on the researchers to keep us both in check, myself to a lesser degree, but ... there are some risks involved.

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"I knew there was danger when I signed up for this... there has never been a lack of danger as long as I have had this lance. Risk is as natural as breath... with no risk, comes no reward, as they say." Damian replied, seemingly unfazed by the information.

Of course, he was apprehensive, but there was no point in vocalizing it. It would do no good.

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Rita and Cess:

Cess wrapped his arm in his cape as a make shift sling, before walking with Rita down the hall. He was having trouble moving his arm, but it wasn't extremely painful. The warp was a bit disorienting, and both of them were feeling a bit dizzy. Rita tripped, before picking herself up and running over to Kelas.

"So! I have discovered your secret Kelas!"




Pary took his leave of Viveka, before wondering down the hall, and outside to the courtyard, where he sat under the tree and laid down for a nap.

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Rita and Cess:

"Why, that you can wield a sword of course! And that means.....we must duel! I must fight every sword wielder alive, of course. En garde!"

Rita drew her blade, holding it at Kelas.

"I'll be over here, not getting blood on me." Cess walked over and sat on a bench.

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Kelas rubbed her forehead, attempting to drive off the headache that would inevitably be coming her way soon. This was definitely better than being jumped on, but... "Rita, I barely know how to use this thing. I only just started learning. I'm not going to fight you, I wouldn't even be a good practice target."

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