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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 20: Bait and switch


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"Which is why I must train you!" Rita ran up to her, grabbing Kelas' hand. "I've always wanted a pupil! And Derek is never around, Aiya is busy, Eric is rude, and Esphyr is boring and lazy! You are the one I need!"

Rita backflipped to her stance, staring at Kelas. "Now, hold your sword like mine, then come at me, with a quick slash."

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"Okay, that's enough," Kelas snapped, reaching out and grabbing Rita's other arm and twisting it behind her back to get her to stay still. "You now owe me a new quiver. If you try to attack me again, you'll probably also owe me medical bills. Or be paying your own, more likely. Stop running around like an untrained puppy and think about what you're doing. Do I make myself clear?"

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"Very good! But, a true sword fighter wouldn't be so careless." Rita took her arm, swinging Kelas onto the ground, knocking her on her back.

"You have good basics, but close combat flips and other moves of the sort are still alluding you."

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Amari looked up. Someone was fighting with Kelas? This was supposed to be a safe place... Well, then.

With a shrill whinny the mare vaulted the fence and ran to help, coming up behind Rita as the woman knocked Kelas to the ground. Amari's shoulder rammed into Rita's back, knocking her to the ground, and the mare skidded to a halt, planting a hoof between Rita's shoulders before she could get up.

Kelas climbed to her feet, dusting herself off. "All right, you're apparently completely mad. I suspected as much. Now wait here a moment so the nice healers can help you, hey?"

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Isotov hadn't managed to find a place to sit before he saw Rita accosting Kelas again. He stood by at first but as things escalated he found himself pulled in her direction.

Iso: Dammit, Rita.

Once Kelas hit the ground, Iso cracked his knuckles in preparation to take measures of his own. He wasn't about to let his friend get thoughtlessly assaulted by Rita over an apprenticeship. He stopped when Amari came over and calmed down seeing Rita swiftly dealt with. Amari had at least eight hundred pounds on him and that was reassuring. He decided to watch for a moment.


As they arrived in another room, Ixion opened the door to see that a few more researchers were getting things ready. There was only one chair in the room, and a chamber in the back.

Ixion: First I will need to create the link between us. I will see how you function normally. Afterward you will be required to go through several trials so that I can understand your state during life and death struggles. We will take a short break at that point.

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There was a flash of light, and, much to Alex's dismay, the group had returned. That meant more security problems, but at the very least, the princess was back. After seeing that Charlotte was alright, the general patrolled the courtyard, in an attempt to keep the chaos to a minimum. Then, on the other side of the area, the female myrmidon, who was with the Princess back near the border, was busy accosting the nomad lady, who apparently was not in the mood for sparring. Eventually, the myrmidon attacked the nomad. For the love of... Can these people avoid killing each other? the Comet thought, running over to where the two were arguing. By the time she arrived, however, the nomad's horse had jumped the barrier between the yard and the stables - an extraordinary feat -, and was pinning the myrmidon down.

"... Miss, I can take care of her now," Alex said, slightly amazed at the animals' protective instincts. "If you would move your horse off of the aggressor..."

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"Mind, she's fast," Kelas said, signaling to Amari to move once the general was close enough to get hold of Rita. "What about 'don't attack your allies' do you not understand?" she asked, bending down to look and see if Rita's eyes showed any signs of concussion. "What exactly is wrong with you?"

Amari lifted her hoof when ordered, but kept a watchful eye on Rita. This one had something wrong with it: did it have the biting-madness, maybe, like dogs got? Amari shouldered Kelas away; it was dangerous to approach the mad-dog-woman.

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Escorting The Mad

After the nomad's horse moved off of the myrmidon, Alex took her arm and hauled her up, wrenching the sword out of her hands at the same time. Tossing the weapon aside, the general produced her own greatspear, and turned over to the nomad and the fire mage. "Do you wish to press charges? I'm throwing her in the dungeons, regardless."

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It didn't take Tas long to recover from his disorientation. For Namid it took even less time, though he didn't take to the skies as he wanted to mainly because the eggs that were still bundled in Tas' blanket was still trapped under his wing. Tas hated doing that to Namid, but it was the best way to keep the eggs at a good temperature in this situation and durring this time of the year. Namid, at this point, was hunkered down, baring his fangs and growling at the ground.

Tas sighed, brushing his hand against the wyvern's side. "Namid... Look, I understand you don't like this," Tas attempted to console. Namid, at that point, shifted his gaze to Tas without changing his stance. "Do you want those unhatched chicks to die? We have to take care of them for now."

Namid's rumbling growl softened. He knew it was importent. He just hated acting like a mother curled about her eggs! Sure he wanted to help protect them, but this was just humilliating... And under his wing! He couldn't fly properly with them below the joint! Namid hissed at the ground in his frustration. But at least Tas knew how to strap the egg-bundle there without the straps chafing his wing. When it came to wyverns, Tas was a very knowledgable human. Tas was very smart, so Namid would listen to him. Tas knew what he was talking about. ...Still, Namid wanted to fly! Being on the ground so much was making him anxious... So far from the sky for so long...

Then, Tas' voice came up again. "We'll fly when I think the eggs are warm enough for us to. Don't worry, it shouldn't be too long, now. In fact... I was hoping to talk to the other wyvern riders some more. When the eggs are warm enough, we can get better-aquainted with them, alright? You need to get used to the other wyverns, to...even the bull."

Namid knew who the bull was and bull wyverns were dangerous! Tas wanted him to get used to him?! Definately not until he could fly again at the very least! Tas mentioned that... If Tas thought it was for the best...maybe... Tas was pretty good at keeping his distance from danger. But was Tas making a mistake? Namid would trust him for now...but he wouldn't allow him off of his back when the time to "get used to" the others came...

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"Sir Henry, may... May I ask you a question?" Kaileen placed her hand upon the man's shoulder. "When you got your message, did... did you see the goddess?"

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"A link huh? I'm guessing it will be something like those mana threads you implanted in Isotov and Viveka?" Damian replied, looking around the laboratory they had entered.

"I suppose the headmaster is hiding her identity again? After Staff Sergeant Max Fightmaster, I would loathe to see what she is doing this time." Damian said to Ixion with a sigh, ensuring no one but the dark druid would hear.

"Well, I suppose we should get started."

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Isotov and Friends

Iso: Err ... yeah I'm with Kelas on this one. She's being a nuisance but I wouldn't feel right pressing charges. Part of me is hoping there's some sanity left in her. We're being disappointed on every encounter though.


Seeing the commotion in the distance, and watching Amari go over to save the day yet again, Kiev felt a bit unhelpful. He pointed out the problem, but couldn't get Amari to understand before something bad happened to the jerky maker that road her. It didn't feel good and he slowly made his way back over to Irina, completely depressed. If he couldn't learn to speak in a language Amari would understand, he wouldn't learn to be a hero.


Ixion: Correct. That is the exact method I plan to use, though it will only be used for this purpose. After that I shouldn't have any need of it. As for the Headmaster ... she is ... not going to make this process any easier, but I hope she can see the benefits for all those involved. Now as you said, it is time to begin. I will need you to hold still for a moment while I forge the link.

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Vision Of The Past

Henry paused for a moment, before responding. "... Yes, I did, in fact. The Lady had flowing red hair, and seemed to have been very young-looking. However, she was rather pale... And it seemed that she was getting more and more ill, as we spoke," he concluded, tilting his head down. "I suppose she must be in an even worse condition, now."

Off To Jail, Then

"... Very well, then," Alex said, before whispering to one of three soldiers that had arrived after their general. The man immediately was sent off, as the other two soldiers took the prisoner in each arm, and led her down to the prison cells. "A courier was just sent to the Church. We will have her in a cell, until the bishop arrives."

OOC: Halberdier X 2 HP 12 STR 5 SKL 6 SPD 5 DEF 6 RES 4

Those are the stats. Have a nice attempt to break free.

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Well considering we teleported away from the earth demon I doubt we will be tracking him anytime soon and he holds no more Crimson Weapons anyway. Morgan thought to herself. So who does that leave as our enemies? Helenos has been rather quiet lately, but she is still around I wager. We have not run into any rotted areas lately, but perhaps someone else has...

Morgan walked over to Alex. "You, Septimian General, have you heard of any odd things happening with Septimian land recently? Plants dying, tendrils attacking people, things of that nature?"

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"She has gotten weaker then." said Kaileen with a sigh. She gave a small tug on the shoulders of both Henry and Henry Jr. "Why did I leave her?" she whispered to herself, as she pulled both of them closer to her. "I'm sorry Henry. We're near the capitol now though. Loo-Sorry."

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"... There were reports of a rot a fortnight to the west," Alex said, with an odd look on her face. "However, nothing has been said since. I was planning on sending an expedition to investigate... Why do you want to know?"

End of Service

As the trio approached the gates of Burgosas, Henry the senior stopped, for a moment.

"... I think I shall depart, now," he said, turning around. "I doubt I can find much to guide me, here."

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"Demonic activity most likely." Morgan answered. "You do not need to send an expedition, they would probably be annihilated. Our group will be investigating this matter, and should be leaving shortly." She looked around, there appeared to be some commotion involving the manic sword woman again. Unfortunate. Tessa also had to be gathered, not to mention Kamilla.

"Where did you lock up Kamilla?" Morgan asked Lev. "We will be leaving soon and I suppose we will be taking her with us."

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Isotov and Irina

Iso still felt tired but he had a few things to take care of. Kelas' slashed quiver strap caught his attention though.

Iso: You alright? That's the only thing she damaged, right?

Irina meanwhile was trying to figure out why Kiev wouldn't keep his head up. She could tell when a wyvern was feeling down, especially her own and Kiev seemed to be depressed. She sat down in front of him and took hold of his head with her hands to make him look at her.

Irina: What's wrong?

All she got back was a puppy-eyed stare.

Irina: Are you hungry still?

Food? Of course he was hungry, but he was also unable to realize his dream of being a hero, not if he couldn't communicate with the hero horse reliably. He let out a moan and then lied down next to her.

Irina: If it's not food then what on earth ... hey, I can't fix wyvern depression. I need to take you flying or something.

Priority Number One

Lev had been about ready to go see her again, but Morgan was one step ahead of him. Kamilla was her first question and he gave her an obvious cue of his answer before even speaking by resting his face in his palm.

Lev: She wasn't locked up, Morgan. Too many guards and too many witnesses to risk it. I'm a liability to the IM if I get caught doing anything illegal, and since I have a contract with you, I won't be the only one the authorities are looking for. What I could do was keep her from leaving the castle which is exactly what I did ... until the signal came. I knew I wouldn't be able to drag her along on such short notice. These is why I asked you what your priorities were. If Kamilla isn't still in the castle somewhere, then she's likely heading for that church of hers. On foot she couldn't have gotten far though and Krinkov still has her scent. Now, do you want me to track her down and meet up with the group later, or leave her be?

Forging A Link

Ixion carefully placed his hands each about an inch from Damian's head, one on each side. He closed his eyes so he could better sense the energy flowing around. With quick mental motions he span a thread of mana in between them and both ends stretched out colliding with their minds. A few seconds later, Ixion opened his eyes and put his hands down.

Ixion: It's done. Now, I need to have a closer look into your mind. If you'll take a seat.

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"I think we will need your services in the upcoming confrontation. Those shields Ixion gave us presumably do something." Morgan responded to Lev and sighed. "I should have killed her when I had the chance...no use dwelling on that now I suppose. We will simply have to deal with any problems Kamilla causes in the future."

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Lev: Yeah ... you could have killed her, but could you have done it without being noticed? We have to be careful in some places. Having the law on our tails is no better than having some church zealots after us. Never mind that though, there really isn't any point dwelling on it. You'll have to explain to me how this Kamilla business got started though one of these days. Irina doesn't tell me anything.

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The Kitchens

Now that he had had some time to properly wake up and had begun to make up for the meals he'd been skipping, Arrin was feeling much better. It was a little disconcerting that he'd remained unconscious until the tome had been returned, but now he had it back, and needed only to recover.

Still, it had been a frightening experience overall... the knowledge that little time remained certainly changed one's perspective, he realized. He'd always expected from books and the like that the knowledge of one's impending death would serve as a trigger to start really living for however long was left, but... even as he'd calculated, he hadn't really believed his answers, had quietly assumed despite attempted acceptance that something would change and he'd be all right. Furthermore, he'd been too ill to do any of the "life to the fullest" sort of things that they did in books.

But he was all right now... he just had to keep being careful, so that he didn't end up severed again... and he should talk to Kelas about this. The realization was sinking in that his sister had nearly died in his stead. He wasn't quite sure what he could do, other than thanking her and making sure she was all right, but... he should definitely to talk to her, he was sure.

He put away his dishes and thanked the kitchen staff, then headed back outside. Looking around for Kelas, he saw her busy talking to Rita. As a scuffle broke out he realized that he didn't really want to be involved, and that Kelas probably had things under control. For the moment, he'd wait... perhaps he could find Tessa and tell her that he had the tome again? He headed back into the palace to look for her.


"I'm fine," Kelas reassured. "She wasn't aiming to actually hurt me, I think, she was just cracked in the head enough to try a practice match with live steel. Anyway, she'll be leaving us alone for a bit." She picked up her quiver and sighed. "She'd better pay for repairs, though, I liked that quiver..." After a moment she shrugged. "Ah well. I guess we're just resting for now until we get the others and work out where to go next?"

Amari watched the mad-dog-woman be taken away, then decided to dismiss herself. Nothing interesting happening now; if the humans were going to stand around talking, she might as well go back to the herd. She headed back to the corral.

Far away

Gradually Katie awoke again, and pushed herself into a sitting position, leaning heavily on the front of the saddle for support. Neria turned to look as she got up. "You are hungry?" she queried, halting the horse. Katie nodded. "Well enough. It is mealtime anyway." Neria helped Katie down, finding a rock for her to lean against, then set about getting out food supplies.

Katie thought back again. It was seeming more like she'd actually been rescued; perhaps this was not just some cruel twist? The scenery seemed a little familiar, too; the trees and terrain were definitely Elyisiman. Was she being taken home?

Did she want to go home? She should be with-- No, she realized. She shouldn't be with that group of lunatics. She'd had a goal, and been sidetracked. Distracted. Granted... some of the distraction hadn't been unenjoyable-- she shook her head, no point remembering a face she probably wouldn't see again-- but it had been a distraction. She was supposed to be avenging her students, but she'd... gone off track, and nearly died as a result.

Could she even get vengeance? Even with her voice back, or voiceless casting... she was fragile. She'd been made acutely aware of this. What could she do against that monster? What chance did she have?

She was shaken out of her questioning once more by Neria, appearing with food. Startled, Katie jumped a bit, then shrunk back against the rock miserably. She was more nervous than before, she realized. "Here," the older woman told her, pressing a bowl of soup into her hands again. "We are only few days from TISME. Mean time, what happened to you? What did you... were involved in?"

Katie sighed and dug for the pen and paper Neria had given her earlier. Demons, she wrote simply, trying to conserve space on the page.

Neria's eyes widened. "I think I have not got enough paper for full story," she said at last. "Do they continue after you?"

Katie shrugged. They probably were, she thought grimly; the little stabby one would want her toy back. Knife sharpener, punching bag. Now with paper and pen, for information! Information... that she didn't have. She stared sullenly into the distance, contemplating her inevitable recapture.

Neria's brow furrowed with concern, but she did not show fear. "I have holy magic," she replied. "We should be safe. Still, should keep moving..."

They ate for a while in silence, then packed up. Katie resignedly got back on the horse. It was only a matter of time, either until they reached their destination or were attacked, she thought...

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