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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 20: Bait and switch


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As Isotov and Kelas said that it had in fact been Alferis, and not Rita, who had caused the commotion, Aiya performed a double-take.

"What has been up with Alf lately? I think something about him is changing... he hasn't been acting like his old self... like something is up with his head..."

As Alferis himself awoke, Aiya turned to him.

"Alf... are you feeling okay? You've been acting different and I'm worried about you... is there anything strange happening you want to tell me about?"


"So that's what the issue is... you saw when I blacked out... what happened after that?" Damian asked, attempting to sit up for the conversation.

Managing it, he looked toward Ixion for his response.

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"I don't know...I've been hearing voices lately. And it's like there's another person in my head. It keeps telling me to kill you guys, but I don't want to. And now there's this hole in my memory. So odd..."

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Charlotte was rather distressed by the events that were occuring with Alferis and the others and spoke up "Sometimes I hear voices in my head too, but I'm pretty sure that's the Goddess. I don't think she would tell you to kill us..."

"And just who are you anyway?" Xaver asked the strange man. "I'm not sure we can trust that you're not working for them."

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Cess and Rita:

"Are you Cess?"


A messenger reached into his bag, pulling out a letter. Cess quickly opened it, reading though several times. He stood, tears in his eyes, before heading inside and retrieving Rita.

After explaining, they headed towards the city gates.

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"No, I'm not squeamish. I can handle getting dirty and seeing and smelling bodily fluids is something I'm used to...though I have to admit, I've only seen human injurry on a small scale. I don't know how...killing...someone will effect me. I'd rather not have to do that, but... I have to be able to defend. If that means taking out a threat, I'll do it if I know how to," replied Tas. His thoughts returned to Shamus. The fact was that there were people who were willing to kill even the youngest of wyverns. If that man had had an actual weapon...Tas would not have been able to save the hatchling without at least recieving some horrible injurry. He had to prevent that type of scenario from happening.

"Also, elegance in the sky can keep someone from being hit. Speed and maneuverability are where Namid and I excel. We can escape most fights, especially in mountainous areas. That's something you're taught as a courier: how to fly away and avoid attacks. But now that we don't have our allies to return to, that can't be good enough," Tas pointed out, "I still need to learn how to take a hit and, myself, attack, especially if we're going to be travelling with this group. I know what our potential is. Namid is a mountain wyvern: a feared breed. I'm sure that at least that can help this group out when the time comes."

ooc: Found an excuse for his daunt skill! XD "Oh gosh it's a mountain wyvern. O_O"

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Suspicion, Take 2

"... I suppose that is not unreasonable to think. However, I doubt that if I were working with your pursuers, I would not attack you on sight," Henry pointed out, face neutral. "But I would never harm one of Her servants. As for who I am... I suppose I am a servant of hers, as well."

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"Heh. Guess I'm cracking up then," Alferis said, a forced chuckle escaping his throat.

"Look I'm really sorry about before guys. Just forget the whole thing. I didn't mean all the bad things I said to you guys."

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"Not all who claim to serve the Goddess actually do so" Xaver retorted. "Still, I suppose we're not in a position to refuse help at the moment." he said, beginning to walk down the road once again.

"Well, that commotion seems to have died down at least." Morgan said, looking over to the other side of the room. "Conrad and Tessa appear to be missing though, any idea where they went?" she asked of no one in particular.

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Iso had been leaning back and listening for a bit, but raised an eyebrow as Alferis approached and explained his situation. He couldn't help but roll his eyes again after that.

Iso: I don't see anything we can do about that Alferis. I suggest you talk to Morgan about it. She's the mind scrambler, not us.


Irina: Evasion and defensive tactics. Well evasion isn't my strong suit but you've already got that covered. I can help you get some basic defensive moves down though. After that we could move onto more advanced stuff.

Irina was actually feeling a bit eager and wanted to go get their weapons so they could practice then, but like Tas had pointed out already, the next landing really would be a better time for that. The group may have been preparing to head out any minute.


Ixion: First the lance took over your body again and managed to get one shot in before the researchers restrained him with a barrier spell. The barrier was quickly shattered however and I was forced to inflict a serious injury on you to put an end to the violence. The lance made one last attempt to destroy me however and the lab was lost in the explosion. Two of the three researchers are nothing but fried bones now and that lab room was destroyed. Another will have to be outfitted to replace it. A minor setback but progress was made, if only a little.


Kamilla: You're a servant of the Goddess? (He probably won't do anything to us, but we have to be careful too, right? Liars are everywhere.)

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"No thanks, I don't want my mind wiped," Alferis said neutrally, his eyes narrowing a bit. "Anyway, you don't have to believe me, but it's the truth. Either way, I doubt we're going to be able to plan something against those demons together."

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Tas' smile widened. "Thank you, Irina. I really appeciate this. At the next landing, I could begin teaching you how to raise wyverns, as well, if you'd like. I have to get back to Namid to check on the eggs. I suppose I'll see you in the sky. Goodbye! I look forward to the lessons," Tas replied before carrying the hatchling back over to Namid.

The larger mountian wyvern was still grumpy. A continuous, low-toned, quiet growl rumbled from his throat as his wings twitched. It was maddening staying on the ground for this long for no reason. He was so frusterated by it that he didn't even notice when Tas returned with the wayward hatchling.

"Hello again, Namid," cheerfully greeted Tas.

Namid grunted.

"I need to check those eggs. Could you watch the little one for me?" asked Tas, kneeling down beside Namid.

Those were good words. Namid was finally allowed to spread his wings, stretching them while Tas unstrapped the bundle. Namid, meanwhile, kept a careful watch on the hatchling curled-up on the ground.

The eggs were definately warm. But were they too warm? Tas couldn't tell. "Hmm." (For now I'll leave them out, but I'll have to watch them carefully so that nothing happens to them. I see why father only gave me one hatchling to look after. I wonder how he's doing with his two?) Tas kept the blanket-nest next to him as he leaned against Namid, looking at the eggs. (I guess this is good practice for me, anyway. Which ones are mountain wyverns and which are plains wyverns? Lets see... Mountain wyverns eggs are slimmer while plains wyverns' eggs are more spherical... They certainly are similar, though... Oh and mountain wyvern eggs have a darker tan coloration while plains are lighter. So... Two plains wyverns and a mountain wyvern egg.) Tas smiled at the eggs, proud of remembering how to identify them. "And this one..." Tas began, lightly touching the shell of the mountain wyvern egg. Suddenly he stopped and pulled back his hand in shock. "It's...so close to hatching..." (I hope we get to that base within a couple weeks...)

ooc: had to remember and retype the talking to Irina bit because of a misclick. :facepalm: It's not the same, but it's similar and all I can remember.

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Iso shot Alferis a bit of a condescending look before closing his eyes.

Iso: That's right. We won't be able to work together. I don't work with people like you. It's too dangerous with what's at stake.


Irina: Later then.

She waved goodbye to Tas before taking Kiev's reins and leading him over to Krinkov and the pink wyvern. She looked them both over and sighed.

Irina: Hmm.

She stared at them and the two wyverns stared right back at her. She was beginning to wonder what Lev planned on doing with the pink one. They had a few options but she wasn't certain where his thoughts were. He wasn't far away. In fact he was heading over it looked like. It was probably about time they talked about it.

OOC: Stay tuned. I'm not feeling a monologue right now, honestly. *gasp*

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"If you're going mad, you need to find someone else to help you before you can try to help that person," Kelas told Alferis with a sigh, not sure if it was a good idea to mention the identity of the one endangered. "Otherwise, you're just putting everyone in danger."

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"... That is what I have become, yes. Now, stay ahead of me," Henry said, before ushering Kamilla ahead. Taking up the rear, the man drew his sword, keeping an eye out for attackers.

All's Well That Ends Well

No one had died or been permanently crippled, which was a pleasant surprise, Derek thought, just after returning from the battlefield. The rest of the group split off into their own little circles, but the cavalier had other matters to think about. Immediately after checking his sword for any damage, - there was a scratch or two, but nothing serious - he found a quill and some paper, and began to write a letter. He paused every now and then, to think about how to word the next line, but the Jerdonian otherwise kept on writing, head down, and out of the way of the rest of the group.

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With a soft sigh, Esphyr drew her sword. She could see her own reflection along the light of the blade, glinting and shimmering. The scars on her face, the worn body, the exhausted gaze. She was a mess. Yet, she knew that what it was that she must do would result in an even bigger mess, likely a new scar or two as well. Who was she to shy away from such a wound though? She wasn't some coward to run away due to just personal issues. Sheathing the blade, she looked towards the spot where she had seen Aiya vanish off to. This was going to hurt. She would need to confront the woman though about her misdeeds and problems. She could not think of a better answer, not that thinking was her strong suite. She had to simply buckle down and push through Aiya's rage, hoping to make peace with the girl.

"I will need to apologize to Irina too." she said before she started moving to meet up with Aiya.

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"I know...at the very least, perhaps you could tell me who would be good help for this. You and Iso and your brother are out of the question now," Alferis sighed.

"Madness is merely a slight obstacle. I'm not going to let it stand in my way. If you can tell me somebody who can really help me out, then you've already done enough."

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"Huh?" Alferis stepped back, surprised at the nomad's exasperated tone. "What'd I do wrong?" Women.

"Forget it. You don't want to help out at all. I get it. You're against me aren't you," he said quietly, scanning Iso, Kelas and Aiya. "I should've known. You're just going to use me as bait or cannon fodder. You want me dead, I know it. Don't try to hide it from me any longer. I'm on to you."

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"Oh hell, is he going to attack again?" Kelas muttered. Aloud, she said, "Hey, calm down! Look, I'm sorry. There's just nothing I can do. Please get help from someone." The bench she was sitting on wasn't very good for inching away, so she started to look for openings in case the bandit attacked again.

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"Um Alferis, I don't think anyone here wants you dead. I'm not sure what's wrong, but it would probably be good if you calmed down..." Charlotte said, keeping her distance from the man.

"We should get there in about half a day if we hurry." Xaver said to Kamilla and the tall guy. "Try to keep up, we don't need them catching up to us." he told them as he picked up the pace.

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"We aren't going to use you as fodder Alferis. You are overreacting. Just because someone doesn't want to help you with something doesn't mean they want you dead, and I don't even know what you are trying to do, so I don't know where the sudden animosity towards me came from... is this about Reika again? I don't know what the hell you see in that woman, but ever since you started sticking up for her, you've been acting crazy all around." Aiya said to Alferis, taken aback that he would think they would throw him away as simple bait.

"Is is her daggers? Did she use them to mess around with your head Alf? Something has to be causing this. This isn't like you."

As Esphyr began to approach, look on her face showing her intent to speak with Aiya, and not looking as though she would waiver in her determination, Aiya sighed.

"And now this. Why can't I get a break?" She muttered under her breath.


"Is sees me as a host... I knew that much already." Damian replied to Ixion, laying back against the headboard.

"I need to make it recognize me as it's true wielder... how do you suggest I go about that?"

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As Esphyr entered, she looked over at Alf. A wince of pain, both for the bandit and the gathered people. Though she did not know what argument was ongoing, she knew one thing; that she was not a part of it. "I'm gonna have to stick my foot in this anyways, may as well get into the thick of it"

"I don't know what's going on, and I don't really care." she said, her voice neither pushy or snobby. Instead, she was trying to sound submissive, despite the arrogance of her words. "Please, I'm friends with Alf... and... Aiya is Damian's wife and... Ummmm... I don't want to see you fighting. Can one of you tell me what's going on?"

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Isotov sighed. A lot of people were gathering around for the Alferis situation and he knew there wouldn't be any more real rest. He was too annoyed to consider not offending anyone and avoiding another verbal confrontation wasn't his biggest concern. He answered Esphyr's question first, his eyes conveniently closed and clear agitation in his voice.

Iso: Can't get forty seconds of leave from this drama. Alferis is completely insane, and I don't want any part of it. If you're his friend, rein him in and give us some space.


Ixion: You need to first understand how that lance operates at its deepest levels. We both must. Once we do, I can come up with a true solution. My best guess at the moment though is that this is going to be a violent process. (I may need to construct a few training chimeras as well.)

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Those words. She was acting innocent, submissive... as if she thought it was just going to go away because she groveled and wanted to make it all better? As if. The mercenary had wormed her way in before, and Aiya had no doubt she would try to do it again.

"Oh, so I'm his wife now? What a quaint thing for you to say. If you think that, why the fuck did you steal him from me and leave me alone at the goddamn royal ball?!" Aiya looked toward Esphyr with anger and hurt easily visible in her eyes.


"More violent than it's been already, then?" Damian asked with a sigh.

"Well, whatever needs to be done, I will do it."

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"I didn't steal him! I didn't want to steal him at least!" said Esphyr, objecting. "I... I saw you two dancing out there on the floor, having fun, being... a perfect couple... and I was envious! I admit it. I was being an envious wench. That is why I fought Irina over the dress. Because I wanted it to make Damian happy and... I was too afraid afterwards to apologize." said Esphyr, her voice lowering itself in shame. "I didn't want to hurt anyone. I just wanted to have a good time. I... I heard you talking to Irina Aiya. I don't know what I can say beyond that."

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