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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 20: Bait and switch


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Luc Altair

Shortly after the minor effects of the return warp had worn away, Luc had ordered Fargo to accompany him some distance away from the bulk of the group. It wasn't his subordinate he was interested in however, it was Paul.


"Yes?" the slippery spy poked his head out from the bag he was traveling in.

"I need you to find someone for me," Luc asked. "A church-aligned girl named Kamilla."

"Oh my, in trouble with the church are we now? And why should I do this? My orders are only to spy on this group after all."

"Jeez, cut out that annoying stuff Paul," Fargo bluntly said.

"And if I said that girl once accompanied this group? Would that work well enough for you?" Luc inquired.

"I suppose," Paul drew out the length of the word for a solid minute in protest. "Alright, since this is bound to be slightly relevant, I'll go do some spying." Paul squirmed out of the bag and back to solid ground. "Ouch, I forgot how hard things like this were."

"Get going." Luc said a tad annoyed.

"So bossy, no wonder Fargo doesn't like you eh lazybones?" Paul joked before dashing off.

"Haha, that Paul. Such a kidder," Fargo nervously said.

Luc shook his head and turned around to lead back to everyone else. Byt the time they arrived, Luc was abundantly aware he had been too cautious with the location as everyone had already splintered into arguing groups upon their return. With a sigh, Luc returned to the midst of it all in order to gleam information again.

Fargo meanwhile just stayed to the side, content with being ignored.

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"I guess once we're not being dead? I expect that we'll get a little time on the road, at least, given the group's usual pace," Kelas replied. "It'd certainly be a good idea if we have time. For now I'm just glad that we're still around to wonder about it, though." She stretched, then winced at some of the residual soreness in her shoulder. "Even if my muscles disagree."

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Iso: Heheh. You always seem so happy to catch a break. Me? I think I've forgotten how to relax altogether. (Not that I forgot ... I just can't be comfortable for even a moment in my type of situation. Irina has me beat there.)


About a half hour after Angel left, there was a light knock on the door. The voice on the other side was Angel's.

Angel: Okay I think I have something you'll enjooooy.

As she opened up the door she could be seen holding a large tray of food, too large for someone petite like her to be carrying around but she seemed to have it firmly in her grasp. As she set the tray down on the bed, she took off the dome lid covering the food revealing a full course meal. A large chicken well seasoned and prepared, mashed potatoes covered with thick creamy gravy, two home style golden biscuits, green beans, cole slaw, and a large cup of punch. After showing him the food she faced him with a cheery smile.

Angel: Will this do?

OOC: Ivrinheim Fried Chicken for the colonel.

Checking In

Back at the Septimus Base in the center of Irvinheim, Ixion returned to the main building and made his way to Mana's assigned room. When he arrived, he gave the door a light knock and waited for an answer.

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"It's not so much the rest," Kelas explained. "This morning was... we got closer to total defeat than we usually do, I think. Even once we'd won, with the healers... I worried. So now I'm appreciating the fact that we're all right." She sighed, then shrugged. "We got through this, I reckon we can get through the rest of the way, too."

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Iso: (Damn right we were closer to defeat than usual. I think I was pretty much dead at the time. That was way too close.) That was pretty close, but after that I'm even more confident we'll win now too. Not sure what to do about Helenos but ... still.

OOC: Okay spawn the servant guy XD

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The stench of horse is a powerful one, especially when the steed is one that has poorly been maintained. As Altion strode alongside the body of his steed, his fingers ran over the hide of the animal, petting it softly. Even through the armor, he could tell that Gluesack's body had been beaten badly by his own actions. A sympathetic wince shot across his face as he brushed against one of the badly bruised area's, causing the horse to move in pain. "I'm sorry Gluesack." he said, stroking the horses head. "I didn't mean to hurt you. This is all new to me. You, this outside world, Kelas. I thought it would be like the romantic tales. People speaking with prose and nobility, strong knights in suits of polished and unmarred armor riding in to save the damsel in distress."

He took the brush that Kelas had instructed him to use and started to brush down the animal. "And... I didn't think I would be intrigued by such a dame as Kelas." he said, giving the animal a stroke. "Yet now look at me." he brushed again, his arms going in a wide stroke. "I am noble and upstanding to all, yet I trip over my words about her." he brushed again, his hand gripping the wood of the brush harshly. "To her I am but a idiot knight who can't even take care of his own horse!" He brushed much harder. Gluesack let loose a whinny of pain as the bristles of the brush dug in to a tender area of flesh. He pulled ahead, moving away from Altion. Altion just looked at the animal before falling to the ground, looking forlornly at the brush. "She's right."

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OOC: o_o I do not know of any brush that can cause that sort of pain even when used improperly, unless it's a metal curry comb (those are used to clean the other brushes themselves, not the horse.)


"Oi! Hey, let's hide!" the servant boy hissed to his page friend, spotting some targets down the hall. "It's them from before!" he giggled.

"I thought you said it was a lady," the page replied, perplexed, as they both crawled down to hide themselves behind a large potted plant.

"She is," the servant insisted. "Shush now, lessee if they do anything this time."

"You think they'll give us money to go away, like nobles do?"


"They're just talking. This is boring, let's go raid the kitchens..."

"No, just wait for't..."

Serious business

"Yeah." Kelas sighed. "...You're too good at acting like you're completely fine," she admonished Isotov. "Scared the hell out of me back on that battlefield." Impulsively she leaned over to hug him.

As soon as Kelas moved, a piping voice issued gleefully from one of the potted plants further up the hall. "Oh, there they go!"

Immediately Kelas was on her feet, startled, striding over towards the offending plant as her face picked up a slight but definite red tint. "I told ye t'shush!" came another, equally young voice. "Now we's in for it. Beg pardon," the servant boy said shamelessly as Kelas hauled him and his page accomplice out of the plant by their shirt collars.

"What the hell have we got here?" Kelas demanded.

"We, uh, we got lost?" the page ventured lamely.

"Shut up, Owen," his friend replied, remarkably calm for a ten-year-old being held up by the collar. "Might you be lettin' us go now, lady?" he asked hopefully.

"Only to get you overassuming urchins out of my sight," Kelas replied irritably, dropping them roughly on the floor. "Is there no peace to be found in this place?" she lamented as the boys scampered off down the hall, cackling.

OOC: You asked for it, Phoenix...

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OOC: ATTN Snowy: Ixion is awaiting a Mana response. Check third last post for details.


Iso: It's a ... the only way I know how to live ....

As Kelas leaned in toward him, little voices came from behind one of the large plants. He raised an eyebrow and Kelas quickly hauled out two young people. He slowly stood up and came a bit closer. They were even younger than he first thought.

Iso: I've seen better spies, honestly.

Once Kelas let them go, Iso chuckled. He wasn't entirely sure why they were really watching them but he still found it a bit funny.

Iso: Some peace? On the roof maybe heheh.

He let out a small sigh and sat back down on the bench and stretched his arms.

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The door cracked open, the amber eyes of Mana peering outside. "Hello Ixion." she said in a calm and even tone. "I take it you finished up with Damian... and that you succeeded in making the weapon very mad at you. You were lucky that I only caught the distant blast of that. I would suggest better wards in the future. TISME has some rather strong ones around it's labs, you could do the same with practice." She then pulled the door fully open, revealing the ink-stained hands and scratched flesh. "Give me a moment to put my room to order. I was using some ink I found when the blast hit, and haven't fully cleaned up yet."

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"Same damn kid from before, too," Kelas grumbled. "Seriously, I'd take the roof... wait no, it's probably colder up there." She sat down again. "Though really, I guess being deemed hilarious by a couple of ten-year-olds isn't anything to get worked up over... ah well."

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Iso: The same one? From the ball, you mean?

Iso smacked his face with his palm and hung his head.

Iso: So that's what that was about. (They won't be laughing when they reach puberty. That's for certain.)


Ixion: I sincerely hope you don't believe I wasn't expecting complications along the way.

When he saw Mana's hands his eyes winced ever so slightly.

Ixion: That doesn't need to happen again before we return to the lab and begin testing.

He reached into his cloak and pulled out a small golden medallion. Something about it was extremely abnormal. It gave off a powerful field of energy that even a normal person could almost feel. The power from it pressed out in all directions pushing other magical energies away with force. Ixion had been concealing it by crushing down on its surface with magical force.

Ixion: I pieced this together while waiting for Damian to wake up. It likely won't be comfortable to hold, but with this anywhere on your person, dark magic not specifically targeting your body won't be able to penetrate it. Keep in mind that this barrier repels all forms of magic. I've yet to create one advanced enough to repel specific types. You'll have to overpower it or it will fly right out of your hand. Not too difficult but a requirement as this is only a prototype, a temporary measure to keep things relatively under control ... and as always it is your choice whether or not you accept what I'm offering.


Medallion tutorial:

This medallion pushes magic away from itself like the opposite of a black hole. It's similar to sticking two magnets together on the wrong sides. Mana can hold this but it will feel like it's trying to get out of her hand pressing fingers open and such. Pulling her energy away from her hand and keeping it off can make holding it easier, or she can simply press against it with sheer power to overcome it. Like the blond guy said, while she's holding it, unguided(direct targeting) magic can't touch her. This medallion also makes a very good makeshift projectile due to the repelling force if done properly. Use your imagination here, an explanation isn't needed.

Side effects may include:

Magical attack interference (her wind attacks could be misdirected by the repelling force)

Tired hands (from holding it tightly for too long)

Power bleed (normal magical aura can be repelled from the user and cast off as low level energy)

Upset stomach (probably only Mana for some reason)

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"Yeah. Granted, last time was probably worse," Kelas replied. "Have to wonder what they're actually supposed to be doing while they're off harassing people though-- oh hey," she added, as the two boys reappeared running in the opposite direction, pursued by an exasperated maid.

"You little hellions! Go harass people in some other wing!" the maid was shouting, while brandishing a broom for emphasis.

"All right, this hall's boring anyway," the servant boy replied blithely, still sprinting. "These'n's just sit there and talk!"

Kelas dropped her forehead into her palm for a moment as the boys and maid disappeared around another corner. "Never a dull moment, I suppose..."

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"Geez pegasus. Clearly your rider didn't do a very good job training you," said Alferis, throwing up his hands and walking away.

"Geez...I've been kind of down lately. Something cheery...something cheery...Oh yeah, the boys used to make this one joke all the time..."

4 years ago

"Well these sucks," said a younger black haired young man, clutching his arm, the hand filled with blood.

"Eh, could've been worse Dimitri," said another young man, sitting nearby in the alley with his tomahawk in hand. This one had blonde hair. "Least you're not dead. It's like I always say, it could always be worse."

"True. Guess we head back to base then. Gotta report raid on soldiers a failure yes?"

"Uh huh....hey remember that one time when that blonde girl was playing the lyre for us? I'll never forget it. She said something really interesting."

"Yes I remember," said Dimitri chuckling. "Yes, she caught me kissing Terry nearby and well, it was shock. And then you walked in."

"Yup," Alferis grinned, knowing where this was going.

"And she said, "You know I should object, but I can tell you're happy.""

"You asked why," said Alferis chuckling.

"She said, "Because you're gay." God we were groaning after."

"Oh yeah. That was a bad joke. Still, you gotta admit, it's pretty funny she wasn't unnerved."

"Men liking men is uncommon and unnerving to people yes?"

"Yeah...heh. Anyway you really ought to rest for a bit before going out again, much less firing a bow or riding a horse."

The Present

"Heh heh. That was an awful pun. Been awhile since I thought back on Dimitri."

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Iso: Wow. Looks like they're ... notorious for this sort of thing. Huh. Hmm. There weren't a lot of trouble makers around when I was a kid. Just a few here and there, myself included but you can only get by with so much in a mercenary fortress.

Sunny Came Home (almost)

The blond one walked away again. It was probably better that way since he only wanted to be mean to her. She sniffled a bit and then turned around to face the main group. Viveka was mixed in with them which wasn't good. She didn't want to be crowded while she was so nervous. What if that giant lance breaking rock thing followed them back? What if it punched her again? That truly hurt and she didn't do anything to the rock thing. After remembering that the group actually managed to chase the it off, Susann began to think that maybe they could do so again. Crowded or not, there was safety in numbers. The blond one wandered off on his own so he was likely doomed. She wouldn't be doomed though. She began trotting back over to the group heading straight for Viveka who was sitting on one of the orange cases next to Jasmine. On the way she saw the green haired one. He wasn't moving around like the blond one had, and he was close enough to the others that she would feel safe. It wasn't too long before she was standing over his head and nibbling on his hair.

OOC: That title is just a yoink'd song name.

EDIT: Fix'd some overused words.

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"Thanks Ixion." said Mana, reaching out to grab it. "Nice to know you WHOOPS!" As she grabbed the medallion, the small circlet suddenly lurched forth out of her hand, repelling against Mana as if the half-spirit was little more than materialized magic. Mana's hand shot out, grabbing the device before it could fall to the ground and shatter into a thousand pieces. "Heh. Sorry." she said, her fingers curling about the small object tightly, digging in as the nails bit into the metal to keep it steady. With the medallion secured, she looked at Ixion again.

"Complications are a simple matter of science Ixion. If everything went the way we planned it, life would be easy. I came here knowing I would be exposed to dark magic and would need to brace myself against it. I just didn't expect it to happen with such force while I was alone in my room. Either way, I suppose it would be best for me to leave the medallion here while you and I work together to deal with my problems." she said as she put the medallion down on a small table. Almost instantly, the medallion pushed away from her and flew across the table, coming to rest just before it went flying off the end and crashed to the floor.

"I'm ready! Do you plan to start with a simple mana tether, or external observations?" she said with a smile.

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My Hair Is Not Grass, But Oh Well

After a few minutes more of writing, there seemed to be something grazing at his head. Briefly looking up, Derek saw that Viveka's pegasus, Susann, was nibbling on his hair. Thankfully, the drool was not getting anywhere near his paper, nor was it very painful, so, after briefly locating Viveka visually, the man went back to writing. A few minutes later, he was done the letter, rolling it up to prevent drool damage. Derek then sat there, for a while, not really minding the the hair damage the pegasus was dealing him. Eventually, though, he got up, and tried to pet the flying horse, only to have Sunny back up a few feet, as if afraid of his hand.

"... Shy, are we?," he asked the pegasus, before sitting back down. "Oh well, if you don't want me to touch you, so be it."

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Old Habits

When the green haired one sat back down Susann cautiously nudged closer and closer. His hands were back in their place again so perhaps it was safe to resume. She wasn't exactly she why she chewed on hair but she knew it made her feel a bit more comfortable with something to distract her. With that, she slowly began nibbling on Derek's hair again.

Not far away Viveka was looking at her left leg again. The bruise was gone and it appeared as if nothing had ever occurred there, but she wasn't really thinking about the wound she received. She was thinking about the choice she'd made. The first to attack. That was a gigantic risk to herself which she didn't realize at the time. She remembered charging in to quickly gauge the target's strength so that the others wouldn't go in blind. It wasn't a selfless deed for her though. She wanted so badly to go back to fighting with a brain, her blitz was just her only way of doing anything even remotely strategic. Breaking her lance and getting thwacked was hardly strategic though. The party was bound to find out about the demon's rock hard defenses without too much loss regardless. She sighed and let her head tilt a bit to the right relieving a bit of tension.

Jasmine meanwhile was simply brushing her hair to straighten it out with one of Viv's brushes. A second after she finished, she saw Susann and Derek and started giggling which got Viveka's attention.

Viveka: What is it?

Jasmine didn't say anything. She covered her mouth with one hand, and pointed with the other. Viv took a look for herself and immediately slammed her eyes shut. Jasmine quickly did an impression of Derek, and then of Viveka.

Jasmine: "Ms. Viveka, I'm afraid I can't be around a woman who can't keep her pegasus in line. My awesome hair will be at dire risk. Farewell" "No! Don't leave me! People will think something's wrong with me, like I'm hiding something ugly! Like ... like a cyst!"

Viveka: Shut. The hell. Up.

She quickly stood up and hurried over in their direction leaving a laughing Jasmine in her wake.

Ixion Tales

Watching Mana attempt to handle the prototype medallion was almost humorous to Ixion. His face showed nothing though. He simply waited for her to overcome the odd device and place it down before getting back to business.

Ixion: I intend to start with both actually. I'll be examining you from the inside while the researchers focus on the outside. They'll be taking notes of everything as well which should also save some time here. I believe firmly that I can help Damian to overcome the crimson lance Gae-Borg. I am not one hundred percent certain regarding your condition, however I plan on finding out. Now, if you please, follow me.

As he turned to head back down the hallway, he stopped for a moment and turned around.

Ixion: It would make the process easier if you remained relatively normal during the examination. Cat noises will ... distract the researchers ... and deliver me a headache.

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"Oh fine. But I'm telling you it was for a greater purpose! It was for SCIENCE! So yea, no acting like a half-cat hybrid, I promise." she said, falling in to line behind him. "Honestly though, it was needed for science. I'm being honest. Just not science you would agree with, I'm sure. The type that belongs in a institutionalized lab normally, but needed to be outsourced on the account of me not being able to find any volunteers to run around and act generally annoying. You'd think that would be easy. It isn't. I mean, we could force them into it, but... TISME hasn't done that since I took over and I swore it never would again."

Mana fell into line behind Ixion as they passe through the fortress. As they did, the castle assistants came out to look at the woman, glares of irritation and disgust at the woman whom had been such a thorn in their sides in less than a day.

OOC: I can't focus on this right now. Chat too interesting. May add in more once it dies down.

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As Angel lifted up the platter, Damian was impressed by the food spectacle presented to him.

"That is... quite impressive."

Taking a bite of the chicken, Damian's eyes lit up.

"This is... amazing. Did you make this?"

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Nibbling, Continued

Apparently the nibbling was amusing to someone, as Derek heard laughter coming from around where Viveka and Jasmine were sitting. Ignoring it, he did look up, as someone else, Viveka herself, approached him. Standing up again and wiping the drool vainly from his hair, he turned to the pegasus rider, a slightly sheepish expression on his face.

"Apparently my hair is tasty," he began, gesturing to Susann. "Anyways, are you alright? I saw your lance get snapped by the stone demon, but I thought that since you were still conscious, it had missed you..."

Air Mail

Already he was back to delivering scrolls, Loc grumbled, as he flew back over Burgosas. Mistress had fed and cleaned him, but then put one of her super-long paper-things to his leg! After spending a few days flying back to the usual destination, he found that the Mistress' friend had left. Luckily for Mistress, he remembered her friend's odd hatchling, and saw him along with Master. What would she do without him? he thought, All this, just for food. Maybe he should start running scrolls for shinies, like Master used to for swinging his long-hard-sharp-thing. The pigeon was distracted, as he saw the hatchling, finally. Swooping down, he let go of the scroll, and perched on a railing, beside the hatchling, just in case he had food.

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Viveka and Sunny

Viveka: I'm fine I just ... I'm really sick of getting ambushed every couple of days. I'm sick of fighting like a grunt instead of working with an organized group.

She let out a heavy sigh and gently stroked Susann's mane as she continued.

Viveka: You know, even with all the rumors about me and the General, I really miss Ilyphina. I had a life, dozens of friends, status, command of the General's battalion when he was busy, fantastic food, and now everything is just drama and dirty clothes.

Susann listened carefully as Viveka flapped her lips. She seemed awfully sad again. This was getting to be common and worrisome. If she was sad all of the time, she wouldn't be able to protect her from things, especially not the rock thing. She shivered and then began nibbling on Derek's hair again.

Viveka: ... Sunny!


It put a smile on her face that she was suspected of making the food. She had but with some help from the full time chefs as well.

Angel: Oh I had some help with this, but that was just to get you fed faster. Why do you ask?


Ixion: Science? Are you people trying to understand the human psyche? Because if so I would think there are better ways. Ordinary philosophy will teach you more than poking for reactions will. "True philosophy invents nothing; it merely establishes and describes what is." ... another way of putting it.

OOC: Quote by Victor Cousin

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"While I do not disagree, there is more to it. There is also to understand and to explain. It is impossible to truly describe, only observe outwards emotions. Even with a invasive glimpse into someone's mind, it is unbearably difficult at best to understand why a person thinks what they think. Several of the more advanced scientists suggested that we are all born essentially 'blank'. That we can be molded in to whatever external forces desire to mold us in to. They call it Tablua Rasa or something like that. I disagree with the theory. I'm living proof it isn't true in fact. No matter how hard one seeks to try, I can not cast dark magic like you Ixion. Likewise, you will never be able to cast like me. We waste words on philosophy though. I suppose I should tell you what to expect." Mana took a deep breath, readying herself for her own explanation.

"While it is true that I am human Ixion, I am also a spirit. As a spirit, I see the world in a manner in which you can not expect to see it in. Things are... shaped differently, move differently, act differently to me. I see the wind. Gouts, breezes, whispers. I see it all. I see it easier than I see your face. I see the confined would about me, the extra pressure, the confined and stale air. It's scary, terrifying. I'm not claustrophobic... I worked hard to learn to see the world like you humans do. Five years just to be able to see the walls as straight instead of curved and flowing like a floodplane. Ten more years to be able to perceive a hallway as more than a river of air. I knew the difference between men and women before I could see a window as anything less than a tiny doorway to fly through. It is a different world Ixion. A world I mentally suppressed to interact with humans. A world which you have to see to begin to understand what I am before you can even try to fix something."

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Charlotte walked over to Alex. "So will you be traveling with us? Or have the king and queen assigned you to stay here? I would certainly welcome your company, but I do not necessarily require more protectors, so either is fine with me."

Morgan began walking the halls of the palace and came upon a rather disoriented Conrad and Tessa. "We are leaving shortly, please gather your things and meet in the courtyard." The two of them looked somewhat bewildered, but went to go gather their animals form the stables before reuniting with the rest of the group in the courtyard.

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"Back in the camps there were a lot of kids just roaming, but not much trouble either, since there were always adults and dogs and horses on the lookout, and we all had chores to keep us busy," Kelas mused. "A mercenary base? What was that like?"

Tessa-searching and mail retrieval

"What's this?" Arrin asked, surprised, as a carrier pigeon appeared in front of him. "This isn't for me, is it?" he asked, picking up the scroll it carried. He opened up the scroll to see who it was for.

Dearest Ilony, it began. Arrin nearly dropped it in surprise. "Something for Teacher? I... guess not everyone heard about that..." He continued to read, as the cat jumped off his shoulder and went to chase the pigeon.

Have been hearing rumors about Crimson Weapons. Just checking in to see if Arrin and you are doing alright. I tried contacting you via other methods, but no response. Listen, if you and the boy need a place to stay, my study is always available. If your research is accurate, we must not let Daranau fall into the wrong hands. Please reply, so I don't assume the worst.


Anne the Green

"That was one of her best friends," Arrin remarked quietly to himself. He should send a reply, he realized... Quickly he scooped up the cat, and put out some bread for the antagonized pigeon. He got out a pen and parchment and quickly drafted a reply.

Dear Lady Anne,

I'm sorry to tell you that my teacher--

He paused; his hand was shaking a little. He'd gotten better at talking about it, but writing seemed more... more final somehow. Even after a couple of months and all these mad adventures, he realized, he still almost expected her to step out from behind some corner and tell him what he did wrong on this test.

--has passed away. It was an anti-Crimson faction; I don't know much else, but I feel it unsafe to say much more in writing at the moment. If possible, perhaps we should meet at some point? I am currently unavoidably caught up in certain events, but I will write to you when I have a chance.



He paused. He wasn't sure how to write it now; she'd always had him use her last name, but it seemed... strange now that he'd found his family. He settled for a compromise.


Arrin Adai Haldensra

He rolled up the letter, then attached it to the string round one of the pigeon's legs. "Can you take this back to your owner?" he asked, hoping it understood.

Seeing Morgan striding down the hall, he realized that it was probably time to go, and that Tessa might be outside. He headed out to the stables and brought Francis in from the pasture, and clumsily groomed the gelding, happy to see the horse again.

Free-range children

"Tobe, do you think she's going to tell my parents about this?" Owen asked worriedly as he and his servant friend trotted off down the hall.

"Nah, she never does for me," Tobe replied airily, deciding that they'd run far enough and stopping to lean against the wall.

"That's because you haven't got any," Owen reminded.

"Sure I do," Tobe protested. "Some guy called Kleine, or sommat. Old Maid Yulenne said I better find him and ask him for money, sometimes. Mayhap I do, I can get out of here."

"Don't you like it here?" Owen couldn't imagine not liking the palace. His classes and page-errands were hard enough, but it was fairly jolly otherwise, he thought.

"You got it easy, Owen. I got to run up'n'down and do messages and clean and--" Tobe started on what would have been a long and exaggerated rant, but Owen stopped him.

"All right. ...Do you think you'll find him?"

Tobe looked thoughtful. "I dunno," he replied. "Hope so."

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