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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 20: Bait and switch


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Iso: From what I can remember ... unusually organized. Most of the children in Red Wood fortress were training to be mercenaries. Somehow I don't think "mercenary" is the right term for IMs. They work for money but the similarities end there. Most of the people I knew, Levski, Ivan, Vladimir ... they spent time training and play fighting, or picking on the girls. I spent most of my time studying with Irina and my mother until she decided to become a wyvern rider. Probably the only good memories I have left before the demons came.


Angel: Well I'm glad we were able to get you something you like on a wild guess. That doesn't happen very often. Someone says "get me whatever" and I get a little nervous. I come back with whatever and suddenly I owe them an apology. Not that I fixed them a chicken dinner.

She playfully winked as the Colonel ate. Outside the room the hero and sword master were standing idly and listening. The sword master raised an eyebrow.

Sword Master: (I wonder if angel is her real name or if it was something she earned from the "well treated" patients.)


Ixion: Tabula Rasa. No I don't believe in it either. There is too much evidence to the contrary, even with you excluded.

As Mana described her view of the world to Ixion he became both intrigued and suspicious.

Ixion: Well I suppose I will be seeing it, but tell me, what about your world view causes you to imply so much caution?

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Promoted to Guard

"I do not know, milady," Alex began, before she was interrupted by a messenger, who whispered quickly into the generals' ear. "... Seems that was the order. I am to accompany your group, in the interest of keeping you safe," the soldier finished, groaning mentally. Guard duty. With this group, of all people... Ugh.

At Risk For Baldness

"... I suppose you could always ask the General to release you from this duty," Derek said, raising an eyebrow at Susann's resumed grazing. "Though, I can't say I would prefer Ilyphina. Too loud... but, I guess it's personal opinion."


Apparently, the hatchling disliked pigeons. As soon as the message was taken, a BIG ORANGE FURRY THING jumped at Loc! He almost broke his wing, when the hatchling human took the BOFT away! Maybe he wasn't so bad, since there was bread, too! But, not good enough. The pigeon almost flew away as another note was added to his leg, and the word "owner" came out of the hatchling's chirp hole. Wearily, Loc chirped a response, and began to fly to Mistress again.

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Kelas thought back to her own childhood. "That sounds... structured," she replied redundantly. "For me... it was mostly looking after Arrin, minding the sheep, the horses... there were other kids, I know, but... I don't remember their names," she realized with... sadness? Guilt? Horror? But it was a little... relieving somehow, though she immediately felt a twinge of guilt for thinking it: she did not have to carry these names with her, along with all the others...

She thought further. Did she remember the adults, the animals? Her parents, an aunt, an uncle, the few elders who had survived the attack... a few blurred faces that must have been friends of her parents... a horse or two... she remembered that there had been a dog, but not what it was called... what about events? Before the attack, she could remember... snippets. Holding a little squalling, wrinkled thing and being told that it was her baby brother... playing with some cousin or other, and the dog... trips to town markets, with noise that drove her to hide behind the forelegs of the horses, back when she fit... snippets, mostly happy, like she imagined most people remembered, and less of the baggage that she'd been carrying.

"I'm beginning to forget," she said, with a mixture of relief and remorse. "I... maybe I'm getting better? Maybe I won't see things now when the attack, the... scars are mentioned?" she mused hopefully.

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Iso: Really?

Iso was a bit surprised that Kelas couldn't recall so much as people's names. He wasn't sure what to make of it and it was made clear in his voice and expression that he didn't know what to think. It could have been a good thing or a bad thing given her past. When she spoke again, it wasn't much clearer but she seemed alright. Memories of Kelas' last episode came to mind at the mention of the attack and Iso lowered his head a bit and began staring at the floor. His face was nothing but concern and remorse.

Iso: Maybe you are getting better ... still. I think it would be better if we tried to avoid the things from our past that hurt us. I have enough nightmares about my past to never want to think about them when I'm awake. We'd be better off focusing on the good we've been fortunate enough to experience.

Viveka and Sunny

Viveka: I ... well. I can't ask him ... ... it's so damn complicated. He knows I won't too. How do I say this without sounding paranoid?

She reached over and gently opened up Susann's jaw so Derek could get his head out of her mouth. Then she began stroking the pegasus' mane again as she began. The sad look didn't leave her face and the dismayed tone didn't leave her voice.

Viveka: When I first encountered this group I was just a lieutenant but the General promoted me to Captain. It's not that I didn't earn it, but military politics is about as evil as regular politics. We're all in the same damn army. We fight for the protection of Elysima but that isn't good enough! Everyone's so focused on ranking up that they become proud, haughty, jealous bastards when someone else gets so much as a commendation. Everyone is split up into their own little cliches and factions all helping each other to get to the top at the expense of everyone else. I had no choice but to do the same.

Her stroking steadily turned into a hug as she rested her head against Susann's cheek.

Viveka: There's nothing better than having a colonel or general in your corner. Nobody will mess with you if you do. General Jackson ... mmm Conrad ... he was impressed with me and pretty much took me in. With his help I was able to really work my way into the military. I got smarter, faster, and even with all the competition, I loved being in the military. But because of how I came to be where I was at the time, I have a lot of enemies. Half of them are the same rank as Conrad. The others are their high ranking stooges.

She sighed and released her pegasus who quickly began staring at Derek's hair.

Viveka: I guess what I'm trying to say is ... I need Conrad. As much as I loved the way things used to be, it's over now. I can't go back on my own no matter how badly I want to. Without him they'll ... they'll capitalize on every little mistake I make. I'll either be propositioned into working with people I hate and made a ranking tool, or they'll sabotage everything I do until I'm ousted from the army. Happens all the time. I was happy because no one could touch me. I could deal with concubine rumors if it meant I was safe, but if I return to my old duties without him, I'll be under one of the colonels' command and they never cared much for Conrad, me, or any of the other loyal troops under his command. They'll give me one chance to abandon him, and then they'll rip me to pieces and scatter me to the four winds one reprimand at a time.

She finished with a feigned chuckle.

Viveka: I'm basically screwed no matter what I do.

OOC: That's how badass Derek is. He's developing Viveka and Conrad at the same time, the latter not even being around, and all while helping to console a severely fragile pegasus.

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"We can't leave it behind entirely, but we will keep moving forward," Kelas agreed. "And... things are getting better. ...I've got friends now. And things are going to keep getting better." Slowly, a rare genuine smile formed on her face, slightly sad, but definitely there.

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"Because it is difficult, different, alien... and easy to lose yourself within. Too easy for you to end up flapping about, trying to escape through some high-up window while screaming about how dead and confined the room is. My daughter went through the same phase until she turned six, and my grandchildren were all stricken with claustrophobia and a... obsession... with the outside world. While I would never run tests on them, I don't need to to know why they are like that. It is the wind spirit blood in their veins. It wasn't until my great grandchildren that they became more... normal. Too even glimpse in to my mind is to see the world you know for certain to be twisted about. No mortal is safe from it, not even you."

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"Well, I certainly do appreciate it. It's been a while since I've had something like this." Damian replied, noticing the wink.

'Is she flirting with me? I thought nurses only did that in saucy bard's tales... ah well.'

"So, Angel. That is a rather uncommon name, don't you think? Not that it isn't becoming of you." Damian asked the nurse, sitting upright with a playful smirk.

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Oh my god, I just realized I'm helping develop Conrad too:

"Oh, well...." Rosalind made her way back into the carriage, looking out the window.

Vera put her armor down, before signaling the carriage to go again.

"I've told you several times not to let your guard down. Even a child could do something. And now that someone knows two Halton Commanders are roaming around Septimus, well that can't be good."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry Vera. But he was all alone. I hate children being like that."

"Well, your intentions were honorable."

They both sat in silence a while, the horses hooves outside, and the wheels clacking the only sound.

"Say, Vera. What is your uncle like?"

"Well, it's been a while since I've seen him. I think when I was 16. But he was always very noble, and level headed. I joined the army because of him. And he was always talking about this up-and-coming new recruit that he was fond of. I think he saw a lot in her."

"He sounds very nice. I can't wait to see him."

"Hehehe. Don't worry. He's hard to miss. He towers over everyone with his armor, and his presence is quite something too."

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"Ugh... Thank goodness," groaned Beau as he heard the sound of trotting and the carrage rolling away. As he continued walking, he was silent, as he had learned to be since leaving Bellmire Estate. His thoughts continued to swirl about his mind, however, as per usual. (I don't think they recognized me. Of course, they being Halton generals, I can see why. Given their ranks and possible upbringing, they are quite possibly only aquainted with a handful of nobles from their own country, preferring to associate with those of similar occupation and - most likely - higher rank.)

He closed his eyes as he continued his thoughts, feeling what remained of the sunlight on his face, letting lose a small sigh. (Ahh, the military... They have a higharchy of their own, not differing so much as to the classes of standard society. Get on the good sides of those whose stations are beyond yours to better your position. Perform for those below you to keep their favor and gain support. Never show weakness. How similar they are...)

When he opened his eyes again, he frowned a bit. This was a section of his journey that he would rather avoid. There wasn't a whole lot of cover. It was still better than rewalking old roads since it was liklier to be caught by the local bandits, but the paths he had not yet traversed posed a different kind of threat. Again, if he was recognized, it would bode ill no matter if the one who saw him was friend or foe. (Hopefully they will simply think I am a priest on my way back to my home church. Though I'm uncertian if that story will hold... In fact, I doubt it will. Oh well. For now, that is who I am to those whom I meet.)

Suddenly, a thought struck him, though it didn't slow his steady pace. He wrinkled his brow in confusion as he walked th road he was hardly paying attention to anymore. (Why was I so open and friendly when speaking with Arrin and his companions? Or rather, most of his companions... With that one man, Pary, I managed to retain my character. Yet... Was it because he is a student of TISME? That is probably what it was. Those mages - even first-circle mages - are to be held in high regard in my opinion. Father may say that they are simply the lower-class hoping to climb higher than the world they were born into and laugh at their efforts but... Isn't that something to admire? They refuse to remain sub-par for their entire exsistance, raising the banner of their nameless houses until they have their own surnames and are of a much higher standing. Not all can make it so high as my own station - in fact, many never make it to anything more than a mage grunt - but it is still somewhat remarkable, no matter what father says. And the magic its self... Incredible! Stunning displays of thunder, radiant blazes of fire, the whimsical dance of wind... Even dark magic has its own, mysterious enchantment. Really, natural magic is quite magnificant. Even so, all the more curious and brilliant is light magic. Supposedly coming from Ziatani, according to what most would say, though of course not in those words. The same credit is for the staff's healing magic. I still put forth that light magic is of the same sort as natural magic, coming from one's own mana network, but in a far more advanced way. Staves, reflecting Tani and Sunyou's love for the 'inferiorities' of flesh and blood. More like amusement, though I will not say they do not pitty us. Of course, the natural magic being the gifts of Zia and Orai in their respective sorts, wind being from Zia, fire from Orai and the sky-fire being thunder from both. And of course, there is dark. That one seems to be more of their frustration and malcontempt that druids can manipulate for whatever reason. Fascinating, altogether. Though light is even more curious, being of a different substance entirely. For most users, the staff is also wielded and so Tani and Sunyou weaken the light. Yet it... Is it possible that just as dark is the destruction wished by the powerful spirits that light is Oraisunyou's wish to strengthen humanity? Bizzare, but that might be... When I find Sisrae, I'll have to present this idea.)

ooc: Seriously, though, don't be afraid of being sent off. If there's anyone on the road who would notice Beau, feel free to have them talk to him if it's within their character. He's kind of lost in his thoughts anyway, so he wouldn't be the first to notice who's where.

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Iso: (Friends? Heh. I'm really glad she thinks of me that way.)

Noticing the smile on her face, Iso couldn't help but do the same, though his was devoid of any sadness at that point. He was a bit too distracted to think back on it.

Iso: Right, you said it. Things are getting better. Don't forget that. Keep believing it just like I said before. That's the way to go.


Ixion: Should someone like you be baring children in the first place? Hybrids only seem to create problems. Even my chimeras are prone to some very debilitating conditions. Most of them would run wild without my guidance. Not unlike you during your fits of rage.

By then they had reached one of the lab rooms from before. This was the same one that linked to the confinement area. Inside the same researchers looked up. It was that time again.

Ixion: As for your mind, I will be neither "cocky" nor "frightened" when approaching it. Take heed though. I am not the only one who will be "seeing things". These mana threads have a tendency to transfer both ways and in unguided bursts. Isotov was a prime example. I recommend you remain completely focused on your own mind for this, otherwise, some of my memories could bleed into your mind. Beneficial for a spy, but unlikely for you ....

Ixion carefully gauged her response. He suspected from the beginning that she had ulterior motives for coming along, but he wasn't yet certain whether it was the crimson weapon research, or something else entirely. While what he had just said was true, his reasons for stating it were not for safety concerns. He wanted to see what she would do with such options at her disposal. The researchers' jaws dropped at what Ixion had said. Did this winged woman really need to know that she could so easily gaze upon his memories while he was inside of her mind? They didn't say anything, but they were all on edge now.


Not making a tutorial for mana threads just yet since no one seems to be on the verge of blowing them out of proportion but I will say this because it's semi-important depending on what Mana(or anyone else) does.

What Ixion just explained is the memory bleed process. It happened between him and Iso a couple of times. Anyway, these memory bleeds only happen and can only happen when Ixion is actually accessing the thread(trance state), and only if the target is thinking about Ixion himself or something related to him. Similar thoughts cause random(but relevant info: relevant info meaning what is relevant from the perspective of those linked) transfers of memories between linked people. It occurs in very small bits though.

I need to stop explaining these but after the rudoberry and a couple of other bits, I'm extremely paranoid for some reason.


Angel: I rather like my name. Mother's idea. Couple that with my work and you have a woman people can trust to take care of them.

She slowly leaned in to speak into Damian's ear.

Angel: Just between us, my full name is Angelina. That's where it comes from.

As she leaned back she smiled.

EDIT: *whistles innocently*

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Two days left before retirement....

That was what Terry was thinking right now. Having worked as a guard of Burgosas for 20 years, he was about done. Especially with the events in the last few days. Wyverns, balls, crazy druids. He was just a guard for cripes sakes! How was he supposed to handle such things?

Spotting a lone figure coming towards the gates, Terry stood up tall, his hand near his sword handle. On closer inspection, it was a girl. A blonde haired girl, very beautiful and very youthful it seemed. Hard to believe there was a girl like that traveling around. In her hand was a lyre, so she was clearly a minstrel.

"Ah lass. Welcome to Burgosas. Excuse me if I check your pack though. Regulations and all. Have to make sure your not carrying anything illegal or dangerous around here. Damn spirit leaf smugglers...."

"Oh, no problem," said the girl, handing the pack over, keeping a close eye on it.

"Lessee..." Not much in here. Some rations, a book of wind magic, a book or two...not much she was carrying. Clearly the wind magic book was for defense, as she was carrying no other weapons. She kept most of her stuff on her belt it looked like.

"Ok, you're good to go. Enjoy your stay in Burgosas," said Terry, handing back the girl's pack.

"Thanks," she said, heading straight through into the city.

"Just two days left before retirement...." said Terry, leaning back against the gate.

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"Very well it appears that we all all prepared, let's get moving." Morgan and others began to proceed out of the palace towards the western gate of Burgosas, proceeding westward where the rot supposedly was.

Meanwhile, Tristan watched the group from high atop a building. I should follow them if I want to get out of here...but if I show up too early they might turn me over to Mother and Father. "Bellerophon, be a good pegasus and try to stay quiet, all right? I'll give you a carrot if you don't make too much noise!" ^_^

Bellerophon could barely contain himself. The two other pegasi must be awed in the presence of his magnificence, and those scaly beasts must bow before him as well. The wingless pegasi would do well to know their place and follow his orders. Soon, they would all be led by his glorious majesty.

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"Huh? Where's everyone....oh crap," said Alf, spotting Reika follow after the group. Running at top speed he headed towards the gates. He was right near the group when he bumped into the blonde haired bard.


"Oh excuse me," said the girl. "I didn't mean to...hey you look familiar."

"Oh yeah, you were that bard in Vaorin a few years back. Nice to see you again. Remember me? I was with the guy who was kissing another guy and..."

"Yeah! I remember. Heh heh. Those were terrible jokes."

"Yes. Well anyway, I'm sort of in a hurry now. Nice seeing you again."

"Ok. I'm leaving here tommorow after a performance here. Pretty big one. Maybe we'll meet on the road?"

"Maybe. See you around I guess," said Alferis, grinning as he caught up with everyone else, a grin on his face.

"What are you so happy about?" Reika said, looking at him oddly.

"None of your damn business," he said, thinking back a little on Aiya's words.

I should really do something to make it up to those two though...

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Luc Altair

Thankfully by what little Luc was gleaming from the others current actions weren't part of some self-destructive plot for once. But on the downside of that positive, any intruding into an others business without such a reason was remarkably rude, so Luc had little more to do other an sit and wait until some inevitable conflict arose and required his mediating. It didn't arrive. Instead, Morgan had hurried them off and out of the city. That was remarkably bad for Paul, if the spy hadn't already snuck back inside Fargo's bag.


Paul hadn't snuck back inside Fargo's bag and was busy doing his job for once. "Jeez, where's that church thingie? And I really should have gotten a description of that girl from him. Jeez, if I didn't already know what she looked like this could have been trouble."

Luc Altair

Of another worrying concern was General Alex was now apparently accompanying them. That could easily make any actions Luc wanted to carry out incredibly difficult in the future.

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"Yeah." Kelas sat quietly for a bit, then noticed Morgan striding purposefully down the hall and out the door. "Looks like it's time to get on the road again..."

Heading outside, she saw that the group was mostly ready, and Arrin had already saddled Francis. He was heading towards Tessa; Kelas figured he'd be all right on his own for the moment, catching up with a friend. She saddled Amari, but let the mare roam loose, staying on foot as the group started out.

Amari was a bit bored; Kelas had been walking more lately, not that she minded, but she found that being left to her own devices was not particularly interesting when her herd-mates were with their respective riders. She ambled along, occasionally stopping by other horses to visit, otherwise walking beside Kelas. It wouldn't do to let her human get too far.

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"Right...Hey Kelas!"

"Look, I know I blew off the handle and I'm sorry and all. And I know that's not enough. So I was wondering if there was anything I can do to help you to make up for it. It just doesn't seem right for me to do nothing..."

Look at him. He's like a puppy, following after everyone like that Reika thought in disdain.

Ah well, could be worse. At least I know one thing. He's too stupid to do a good job of stabbing me in the back.

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The group began to move out and Namid could hardly stay on the ground while Tas bundled the eggs back up and strapped them to Namid's back. Making sure the rigging was set and everything was in it's place, Tas stretched one, final time before climbing into his amusingly anxious wyvern's saddle.

"Haha! Alright, alright. It's time to take off, now. Be sure to stay with the others. This isn't an urgent delivery and we can't be flying ahead. After all, your wings are longer than the plains wyverns'," warned Tas, gripping the saddle with one hand and gently but firmly holding the little wyvern to his chest with the other. Leaning in, he gave the command and Namid launched himself into the sky. His wings had been aching to feel the wind again! The anxiety of both wyvern and rider was beginning to calm, even as Namid made a wide backloop to stretch his wings and back. When Namid was level again and flying at a slow enough pace above the others, Tas began to look for Lev, Aiya and Irina. There were Jasmine and Vivika to think about, too, but the two that he felt he needed to speak with somewhat urgently were Lev and Irina. Even if he saw them, it would be very difficult to speak with them due to the rushing wind. Perhaps it would be better to wait until they landed. Even so, it seemed right to be flying somewhat near his fellow wyvern riders. (I wonder if they have a particular formation they fly in?)

Both should be informed about the eggs' conditions. Namid was flying more slowly than Tas was used to, rarely having to beat his wings. Tas knew that keeping a slow pace would be difficult for Namid, but he also knew that Namid was simply grateful to be in the sky again. The flight thus far was so smooth that Tas relaxed in the saddle and stretched his back. keeping his arm about the hatchling, he sat upright and shifted his other hand to namid's reigns, holding them loosely. The hatchling was keeping close to Tas for warmth from the afternoon autumn air, but he stuck his face foreward to feel the wind rushing by, making happy, little cooing noises. Once again, his tail was wrapped about Tas' torso. Tas had gotten quite used to this. Idly, he began taking inventory. His lance and javelin were strapped to Namid's side for easy use. The eggs were wrapped in his blanket to keep them warm and secure, strapped down with wyvern saddle rigging behind the seat of the saddle so that Tas himself could serve as a windbreak. His money was in a puch in a saddlebag allong with a full vulnerary and a knife he used for pitting fruit and boning meat. Extra rigging and a few cloths used for cleaning were also in said saddlebag. Namid was happy, the hatchling was behaving and healthy and the eggs were at a fantastic travelling temperature. Everything was in order with him. Again he brought his attention to the surrounding sky, looking for his fellow fliers.

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The carriage rolling along, it wasn't long before it slowed down and rolled through the gate, passing several people fleeing on the way, and noticing large fires as well.

"How are we going to find him Vera? What's going on?"

"I don't know. I've foretold the palace of our arrival. They were supposed to help us find him."

As the carriage pulled over to the gates, the drivers hurried over, opening the door. Vera stepped out, looking out of the door. Her trunks were unloaded onto the ground, before Rosy sat down on top of it. "Can you look a little more enthusiastic? Septimus isn't so bad."

"But...it's got Septimians."

As the girls stood, waiting for an idea of what to do next, Vera took her General's insignia out of her pocket. She walked over to some soldiers. "Excuse me, I am Major General Vera Tyrell. I am here in regards to a General Conrad Jackson of Elysimia. It is very urgent news. Do you know where he is? What is going on here?"

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Damned if you do, Damned if you don't

"... I wish I had a mentor, like that," Derek said, thoughtfully, before moving on. "It really is sad that the military is like that. Squabbles like that need to be left to the nobles. But, I understand your point. ... I'm going to guess someone is reliant on you, if you're doomed when you leave the military. Tell you what. In a few days, I may split off from the group, to visit a friend. I'll see if he can arrange something with the Elysimian rule, that can have you acquire a battalion. He has contacts, to say the least."

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BORING OLD PARY WITH NO BARRIER: ((Nothing to see here))

Pary had gathered his items from towning, before returning and walking over to Viveka and Derek.

"Are we getting ready to go?"

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Before they leave ...

Her Language

Viveka was completely stunned by Derek's offer. The thought of being in command again was like a dream coming true. She didn't even let herself think about how it was possible for any of this to take place. Just the thought enthralled her. She was feeling better already and didn't want to lose that feeling by trying to play the realist.

Viveka: D-do you mean that? To be at it again would be so wonderful and ...

That was when she had to stop herself. Try as she might, she was a thinker and a few things stuck out. Getting a battalion of her own would require her to be the rank of a colonel which would take some serious effort on her part given recent events like the battle at Selizara which she was already reprimanded for. It would also require that she leave Conrad's side indefinitely and as much as she wanted to support her family, she still enjoyed working for the general as well. They were still receiving income at the very least.

Viveka: Okay I've got to ask, exactly how would that wor- not that I wouldn't be grateful ... just ... I'd be stupid not to ask.

After they leave ...

This Little Rider Went To Market

On their way out of the city, Irina and Levski stopped by the food market. They were heading for the wilderness and this was their last chance to stock up on food for the wyverns. They wouldn't miss out on it. It cost them most of the money they were carrying, but they managed to buy enough chickens to last about four days. They were all stuffed into one cage though and tied to Kiev's back. These weren't just for Kiev though. Half of them would go to the pink wyvern who wouldn't be allowed to feed herself until fully trained. As they drew closer to the gates, Irina began thinking about how she was going to approach training an adult. Then it hit her that she didn't know when she had eaten last. She had to ask Lev.

Irina: Lev. Quick question. When was the last time that wyvern I'm training ate?

Lev: Umm ... one ... two ... ... three days ago?

Irina gasped and slugged Lev on the shoulder making sure to strike at the right angle so her hand wouldn't be sore again.

Irina: Three days?! Are you joking?! Tell me you're joking!

Lev: Not really. Couldn't let her hunt on her own until she's trained, and Krinkov didn't bring back food for her.

Irina: Why didn't you get her any food?! What the heck is your problem?!

Lev: Need I remind you that wyverns only think three things: Food, Mating, and Territory. You said you want my help and I'm helping. Pinky over here needs to rely on you for her meals, not me. Now that you're her trainer, she's your responsibility. It's not my problem, especially not after I helped you purchase all the chickens you'd need to feed not one but two wyverns.

Irina: Yeah but ...

Lev: You'll get over it.

Irina: That's just mean. Wyverns can go a long time without food, but that doesn't mean they don't get terrible hunger pains as often as we do. They really should get to eat each and every day if they can.

When she caught a glimpse of something she looked up to see Tas flying around over head. She smiled remembering the weeks prior when she used to be the one flying around above the group whenever possible. Playing the helpful scout. Things were a bit different now though. She wanted to take the cage off of Kiev and tie it down to the pink wyvern so she could fly around for a bit, but decided not to be any more cruel to the already abused wyvern.

Searching The Pages of Hellfire

Isotov was traveling closely behind Irina and Lev but had his head in Proxima's pages. He still couldn't find the passage he was looking for. It was wearing on his nerves being unable to find a simple page in a book he had completely memorized. Was it even real? Or was it just a vision he'd seen as he was severed? A message from Proxima itself? No it wasn't a message from Proxima, it couldn't have been. Seemed like the author left the eventual wielder a message, but he could just barely remember what the message said which was why he had to find it. This was going nowhere. He continued to search while occasionally grunting.

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"It's fine, just... don't try and drag me into anything again," Kelas replied. She couldn't help but be a little nervous around Alferis now, after his little display. "If you'll excuse me..." Noticing that Amari was not currently beside her, she instead headed over and fell into step with Isotov in case the ex-bandit tried anything. "Something bothering you?" she asked, noticing his frown.

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Not anywhere near anything else

The scene with Niko and the others appeared to have been temporarily diffused for the moment. I guess I should watch my back...if I thought that dumbass were capable of anything.

She decided to go over to the man who had apparently gotten this vodka for her as a gift. "Hey uh, Petrov, fancy sharing this drink with me? You did buy it for me after all, only fair you get some."

Svetlana hissed at the intruder. "Oh can it Svet." Xenia said, tossing Svetlana a particularly chewy mackerel.

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Iso looked over to see that Kelas was now flanking him and calmed down a little bit. There was no need to get too worked up right in front of her.

Iso: You remember when I was severed? A page with red writing appeared in front of me while I was ... blind I guess. I knew ... somehow I knew it was a page written somewhere in Proxima. I can't quite remember what it said though. I thought I'd try to find it again but it's not here.

He grunted before flipping through random pages, then continued.

Iso: Kelas, I have this entire book memorized, every page, every word in exact order. It's not here, but it was ... it had to be. I'm looking for it because it said something about Proxima's true potential or something. It may be the most relevant page in the entire book but I can't find it.


Peter's face turned a bit red for a moment.

Peter: (Share? Oh wow. I didn't know she shared with people with that kind of principle in mind. I don't drink though. No ... no. Never turn down a good thing. Even if you risk waking up with a bad headache and your money stolen.) Only if you don't mind, Xenia. I was just glad to have you back with the IM and knew that I would probably be the only one ... so I got you that, and the fish for Svetlana since she's your wyvern. I think you should always feel welcome in your own home so to speak. Heheh.

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Knowledge is Power

"It could work a few ways," Derek said, giving an answer that was not really an answer. "May be a promotion, may be just a squad sent to observe us, may even be a guard detail. I have another idea, but it depends on what may happen in the near future. I'm sorry, but I'd rather not go further with explaining. Personal reasons." The cavalier was rather glad, as the call to leave came. He really didn't want to discuss his past, at least, not yet.

"... Let's talk about this later," he finished, before retrieving Ann, and riding over to where the rest of the group is.

OOC: Tac Nuke next post.

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