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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 20: Bait and switch


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"No it's just a thought. I don't know. I was just wondering if it was the bandits I was part of see. I was done with them when that...incident happened. And I was wondering if it was the guy who took me in. I don't know though. It probably wasn't."

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"Hmph. All alike. Wild wolves defending your own pack. I have as much a reason to hate you as Aiya does. But... I only want that one. The one who did this. If you know who it is and hid it from me, neither Hell or Reika herself will be able to protect you from me. That... is something I can not forgive. Not yet at least." said Esphyr. She stood on the tips of her toes, trying to get as close to Alf's face as possible. "Are we clear Alf?"

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"Quite clear. Calm down, I don't know anything. It may have been the bandit gang I was raised in though. But like I said, I'm not at all sure. And if I find out, I'll tell you ok? I thought you trusted me more than this," Alferis said, backing up a bit.

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"I don't know how much I trust you. Some days I feel you are a friend, the next I don't know... and then the next I wake up next to you with a hangover." she said, landing back on her feet. "But... if I have even a chance of finding this person, there are only three people I will let stand in my way. My parents... and one other. And I'm not ready to make it four or five or six yet. I just don't know how much I trust you."

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Alferis blinked rapidly, trying to comprehend what she said. Some days she liked him and some...what?! Why didn't she tell him? She made no indication.

"...what? Sometimes you don't- you make no indication. You realize how much I trust you? And care for you? And....oh no. Don't blame me for that. Don't. I didn't do anything," he said, glaring at Esphyr.

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As Luc addressed Aiya once again, she was brought out of the stupor the memories sentenced her to.

"Oh, Luc..."

Looking around, Aiya didn't see anyone... threatening.

Checking herself over, she attempted to stand. Her wounds mostly healed, she managed it easily enough, although the fall left her quite sore while doing so.

"Y-yeah... I think so. Thank you Luc."

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"I know you wouldn't Alf. To murder a innocent woman, even if she lived, is not like you. However... trust... is a fickle thing. I mean... I don't know quite... how to describe it. It's not like it's some point blank value where, if someone trusts you enough, you can get your own harem of woman and gaggle of willing slaves. It's hard. I don't doubt you will be there at my back, but... there are also days where you, I, feel alone or sense that I need to make it by myself. Why do you think I didn't come to you for the ball; besides me being a bimbo jealous airhead about that whole deal? I knew you were going with Reika, and could... trust that I guess."

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"...It's Damian isn't it. He hates me. I know he hates me. And he's going to kill me when he finds out, but anyway. We've only known each other for a short time I guess, that could be it kind of. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to seem kind of needy or anything. I'll show him how far a harem of women can go up his..."

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"I'm not going to sell you out to him Alf. The only thing I sell is my sword, not my friends." she said as she approached him, standing on her tippytoes once again. "And he doesn't have a harem. He has Aiya."

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"Really now. Why should I trust you if you won't trust me? You want that guy badly enough to betray me, I can tell. You say you won't, by why should I trust what you say? You won't trust me at all," he said harshly, knowing fully well, he'd probably get punched for this.

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Luc Altair

"Ah, excellent," Luc said. Now though, the problem was where should she--or they--go? Back up with the others would just be unnecessarily problematic, and they had to remain on station in case they got the word to assemble. Where would be the best place to do so. Ah, and then it hit Luc, it was rather obvious in hindsight. "Since Alferis and the others will have likely returned to the room, perhaps we should take this chance to inspect our mounts?" Luc suggested.

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As soon as he uttered those words, Esphyr's hand balled up into a fist. With a swift motion, she swung low, as if to strike him in the groin. Yet, at the last second, her hand opened up as she suddenly diverted up towards his wound, grabbing two bits of enflamed flesh in between her fingers before giving it a cruel pinch. A second later, she let go. "You don't tell the woman who's trying to put you back together you don't trust her when her hands are already inside you Alf. I already know your secret and I can tell Damian any time I want to. The only reason I haven't is because I trust you. It's your choice. Trust me or don't. The only reason I haven't told him is because I trust you enough not to. Besides, I'm not the one you need to worry about. Unless I am mistaken, Aiya was muttering about bandits when I was down there. If you don't want her telling Damian, you need to show her you can be trusted."

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"Gah! You! Little....damn you for this. You can have Damian cook me for breakfast for different reasons and you...damn you," he hissed, his hands clenching into fists.

"If you're going to threaten to sell me out you got another thing coming. You realize that I can tell someone about what you did that you just told me. I didn't even consider doing it at all until you threatened to tell Damian about what just happened but if you're going to force me into a situation like this..."

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"Yeah, that's probably a good idea..." Aiya replied, shaking her head, hoping to clear the heavy feelings. It didn't work very well, but she knew she couldn't dwell on that, not on those bandits.

She shivered visibly, before shaking her head again.

"Hey Ulfy, you around here?" She called out into the morning air.


Ulfhrahn flew low over the skies of Burgosas. The large buck had been rather easy to catch, but provided a good meal nonetheless.

Hearing the call from the castle, Ulfhrahn perked in it's direction. It seems his master wished to see him. Flapping with power in her direction, he launched himself through the air.

It did not take him long to reach the courtyard, and land near his rider, nuzzling her affectionately.

"Oh, Ulfy, there you are... I guess you were hunting outside of town."

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"I'm not going to sell you out Alf. I would be an awful blackmailer considering what I told you was true. If you want me to do something to show you that I'm not going to sell you out, name it. So long as it isn't something stupid, I'll do it. For the record, kissing you or something else that could result in misunderstandings counts as stupid."

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Luc Altair

A bull wyvern was an impressive sight, Luc admitted as he saw the creature land, but still, he much preferred a horse. Though it could never intimidate on the same level as the wyvern, it afforded Luc that balance he so desired.

Luc went to the stable and brought out Thunder, thinking along the way that he should probably get Fargo's horse out and about for a bit as well; though that might inconvenience Paul, Paul was plenty inconvenient as it was so making the spy grumpy wouldn't be that big a deal. The next time Luc saw Fargo he would have to tell his subordinate to check up on his mount more often. Luc wasn't aware of his slightly hypocritical thoughts.

Luc mounted his black stallion. The stable-hands had taken good care of him, much better than Luc could do. Perhaps Luc should learn a few pointers from them before the group was called? But no, that could possibly take too long. Perhaps someone within the group later? Yes, that was slightly more responsible with the amount of horses and likewise the group had at its command.

Thunder brought Luc closer to the wyvern and rider, close enough that Luc saw the massive creature nuzzling Aiya. "Impressive," Luc said seeing that such a large creature could be so precise and gentle.

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"What the..don't insult me like that Esphyr. All I want is to make sure that neither of us sells each other out or anything like that. I'm sorry for...whatever I did. You don't need to do anything. Just. Well. Ok, let's both promise that we never sell each other out again or hide something really important like this out. Like if you know who my real parents are or if you spot somebody from Vaorin tailing us, tell me ok and of course I'd tell you if I hear anything about those bandits."

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"Deal." said Esphyr, extending her hand to Alf. "Also, you apologize to Aiya as soon as possible." she added in. "Then it's a handshake. Also, Reika is my nurse for now, and failing miserably. Still, if she tells you something, you listen. She probably knows more first aid than you and I will teach her enough to patch you up if need be. I'm actually surprised that I'm the only one who seems to have even a faint clue, and all I know is what little I learned from TISME and from a short stint protecting some medics. Pretty useful."

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As Luc left and returned on his steed, he appeared to be intrigued by Aiya's interaction with Ulfhrahn.

"It must seem surprising, huh? That something so fierce and powerful can be so... calm? People always assume Ulfhrahn is violent because he is a bull raised for battle... but wyverns are like people, I mean, not every knight is an uncaring warmonger, despite looking fierce, right?"

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"I dunno. Right now, Reika I doubt can really heal anyone, broken hand and all. Besides, she needs a lot of nursing herself, assuming she doesn't kill whoever attempts it first," he chuckled, grasping Esphyr's hand and shaking it.

"Anyway, I'm glad we settled this. And I really hope this never happens again.

And Esphyr, I tried so hard to apologize to Aiya but...well, you'd have to see. I can't explain it exactly, but she seems to think I'm some other bandits and she's deathly afraid of me."

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"Reika likes stabbing and cutting. I'm just putting it to good use. Besides, a pummeled in face seems to be her new make up. As for Aiya, be upfront and simple about it. Give her control, let her rant, stay steady and don't run. She's likely going to say things that will hurt you emotionally. Don't run, but let her see that she scored a hit. Oh. And don't try to shift blame no matter what. Even if it works, women don't like dodgers in any relationship. Don't try it. Oh. And maybe take some sucking-up tips from Altion."

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Luc Altair

"Your words strike true," Luc acknowledged her sense. Deceit in appearance, and judgment by looks were both commonplace. Luc looked at Thunder; yes, looks were the reason he chose the black stallion in the first place. Standing tall above all the other horses, so superior, so dangerous. Luc let a small smile creep unto his lips as he remembered Thunder nearly killing him. Ah, the follies of youth.

And calm hm? It certainly did seem to be best to keep Aiya around her bull until someone wished to make amends then. Desirably her, since Luc would rather not see Alferis come and be ponced upon if Aiya was still stricken. "So, how long have you had Ulfhrahn?"

EDIT: Hope oops.

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"I won't suck up, that's something I'll never do. Ever. But thanks for the tips. Hold on, I'll find Reika and bring her to you ok? Aiya nearly killed her and she's been sick for awhile...oh look, there she is now," said Alferis, spotting Reika come in and collapse against the wall while Alferis exited the room and headed out to where Aiya was.

"Hell's he doing?" Reika muttered, watching Alf leave.

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"Going to mend some bridges, or drink. I hope the former since it's only 9 in the morning." said Esphyr. "Reika, you like stabbing and cutting people, yes? I'm going to teach you what little first aid I know, and some of it does involve using knives on people."

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"Well... Ulfhrahn hasn't been my mount for very long..." Aiya replied, trailing off, remembering Alicia.

A tear streamed down her face, which she quickly wiped away.

"Ulfhrahn was raised by my friend Alicia... well, her father... she was killed in a raid less than a month ago... Ulfhrahn came to find me after that... I was the only other person he seemed to actually care about... so... he's been with me since... since she died..."

Another tear. Aiya shook her head to try to clear it.

"I-I'm sorry... I need a minute, okay Luc?"

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