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Plants vs. Zombies Ranking Thread!


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So I was playing Plants vs. Zombies, when I realized the number of situational plants you get tends to be troublesome. As such, I will now dedicate a topic to the criticisms and rankings of the different plants. Feel free to correct me, but do provide a reason. Eg. "Peashooters up." is not acceptable. "Peashooters should go up because they have a fairly low sun cost, and are one of your initial plants in almost any game, they should go up by at least half a point" is acceptable, and will be debated.

Plants will be ranked on several factors.


If a plant costs lower sun, then it goes in their favour. If a plant costs more, it'll drop their score.


If a plant can be planted again in a short amount of time, then they go up. They drop if it takes them half the game to get back into play.


If a plant does more damage, then it goes up. Beginning to see the pattern?


How far can the plant shoot? A higher range means dead zombies faster.

Attack Speed

This one is fairly judgemental, and not all plants possess it. This does play a factor though.


Does the plant provide anything special to your gameplay, be it negative, positive, or situational?

10 means that this plant is the equivalent of Seth, 5 means it's average, and 1 means that it's a crappy plant that should be avoided at all cost.

As such, let's start off the list!


9.5-Sunflower, Sun Shroom

9-Lily Pad, Tall Nut

8-Wall Nut, Snow Pea, Squash, Spikeweed, Fume Shroom

7.5-Puff Shroom, Tangle Kelp

7-Peashooter, Ice Shroom, Doom Shroom, Repeater, , Sea Shroom, Potato Mine, Plantern

6.5-Cherry Bomb, Scaredy Shroom, Threepeater,Jalapeño

6-Torchwood, Cactus


5-Hypno Shroom

4.5-Grave Buster








Recharge-Fast/Very Fast



Attack Speed-0

Utility-Produces 25 sunlight about every 10 seconds. Works both during the day and at night.


The Sunflower, from its stats, may seem like a crappy choice for a plant, until you look at the Utility. In this game, every plant needs sunlight to be planted, and the Sunflower provides just that. Therefore, it is an absolute necessity for this game if you ever plan on beating it. As for tips on how to pull it off properly, put them at the back. I find that two rows of sunflowers works really well, as they can provide you with enough sunlight, without being too intrusive on the rest of your game plan.

Final Thoughts

Stick 'em in the back and remember to get their sun. The only thing barring them from a perfect 10 is the fact that they can't attack.







Attack Speed-Average


The Peashooter is the first basic plant you get. It fire one pea at a time, at an average pace, with average damage, and fairly decent range. However, this plant makes a great starter, as it can take down the first few zombies that come in while you're still focusing on your valuable Sunflowers. Also, if you really want to get rid of them, then you just simply dig them up and plant something else.

Final Thoughts

They make great starters, although they may not make it to the Final Wave.



-Multiple users claimed that Peashooters were too high. Dropped from a score of 8/10 to a score of 7/10.

-IOS claimed that Fume Shrooms were too low. Fume Shrooms were raised to a score of 6.5/10 to a score of 7/10. Source.

-IOS posted of a couple of resources showing the usefulness of the Gloom Shroom upgrade. Fume Shrooms rised from a 7.5/10 to 8/10. Source

-Kevin argued Fume Shrooms > Repeaters. Repeaters dropped from a score of 8/10 to a score of 7/10. Source.

-Kevin also argued Threepeaters down. Threepeaters dropped from 7.5/10 to 6.5/10. Source.

-Kevin argued Gravebusters up. Gravebusters rose from a 4.5/10 to a 5/10. Source.

-Kevin argued Potato Mines up. Potato Mines rose from a 6/10 to a 7/10. Source.

Edited by Soren37
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I think you're possibly putting Peashooters a bit high. Useful in World 1, I grant. But anywhere past there and their usefulness fades. World 2 you have Puff-Shrooms, which can just barely kill basic zombies, and don't cost any sun at all. World 3-1 they get, cause Puff-Shrooms can't be used. 3-2 you get Squashes. They cover your early defenses when combined with Wall-Nuts easily until you get out better offense. Same for World 4. World 5 Peashooters shouldn't even be considered, given the roof prevents them from being used effectively. Maybe drop them down half a point, if not a whole point?

P.S: Peashooters shoot 1 pea per second.

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Problem with Squashes vs. Peashooters is that Peashooters remain forever. 50 Sun to kill a single ordinary zombie earlygame is ... hefty, to say the least. Peashooters cover you earlygame, and remain all the way 'til the end...100 Sun to be a capable offensive force up until ... a long time into certain maps, is quite a good deal. Conceded that they probably won't be used in the night maps and DEFINITELY not on the roof.

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Another thing to note is potato mines can be used very well against early zombies when you get them, which isn't that long after the first level. Just stick them near the back of the lane that you see the zombie on and it should be ready when it approaches. Given the slow rate of early zombies, it should be off cooldown when the next one arrives and it only costs 25 sun. Just sayin'

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Peashooters vs. Squashes

Peashooters are extremely useful in World 1, 2, and even oozing over into part 3 they're still helpful. The only thing I've seen so far that can be a definitive replacement for the Peashooters is the Split Pea.

Moving on to today's plants!


Sun: 150

Recharge: Slow

Damage: Massive (OHKO)

Range: 3x3 Grid centred on the Cherries.

Attack Speed: Fast (One time use)

Utility: Able to quickly clear an area.


The Cherry Bomb at the start is an excellent crowd clearer. If you have a Buckethead Zombie with two Pylon zombies behind him, a Cherry Bomb can fix that problem. However, you get better bomb and destructive plants later on, and the fact that they cost less sun with a better recharge goes against the Cherry Bomb. However, it has a very nice early game, and makes the waves a lot easier.

Final Thoughts

Good at the start, but drifts off quickly.



Sun: 50

Recharge: Medium

Damage: None

Range: 0 (Can't attack)

Attack Speed: 0

Utility: Acts as a barrier.


The Wall Nut is your first defensive plant, and my God, it's an amazing plant. It has a high amount of health, and takes minimal damage from zombie attacks. It's cheap, and allows your team to stay alive long enough to really destroy everything. There is a downside though. The Wall Nut can be jumped, flown, or climbed over. This means that your squishy plant that was critical to your plan is now open to sharpened teeth.

Final Thoughts

A very useful plant, makes a great early game wall, and can even be used in the mid-game.


Potato Mine

Sun: 25

Damage: Massive (OHKO)

Recharge: Medium

Range: 0 (single square hit)

Attack Speed: Medium

Utility: Takes a while to arm itself, but once it does, it's ready to blow.


The Irish side of me wants to give the Potato Mine a perfect 10 just for being a potato, but the science part is smacking sense into me. The Potato Mine is a low cost, high output plant, if it wasn't for the charge up time. The Potato Mine has to take some time to get itself ready to blow up, which means you can't use it to deal with crowds as easily as the Cherry Bomb. It's because of this that the Potato Mine is delegated to a back row position as a failsafe, or either a medium row position where it can hide behind other plants.

Final Thoughts

While it's helpful, it's dwarfed by the instant use bombs. If you feel like you'll need a failsafe, then go right ahead.


Edited by Soren37
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Sunflower, 9.5


Just because they don't attack?

Ok, if sunflowers aren't perfect for you why you don't go play without sunflowers so zombies give you what you deserve!

It's ridiculous!

They give sun, without them you easily die!!!

Why you don't go inside the game and attack zombies?Is not that easy!

They deserve a 10!

Peashooter, 8


They're trash!(well, cactus are worse)

They aren't as cool as other plants to deserve an 8, use them on floor or night, so you will learn why they're useless!

They deserve 6.5 or less!

Cherry Bomb, 6.5

6.5? 6.5?!!

Because they recharge slower? Not great deal at all!

They're awesome! They equal with jalapenos, they can save your plants from total destruccion, and if you think they don't deserve more than 6.5, face a huge wave with giga-gargantuars, zombonies, etc. Jalapenos and Squashes can't do that alone, they need there thrid partner: the Cherry Bomb.

They deserve aproximatly 8.5!

Wall-nut, 8


They're as same as peashooters, only pawns.

They're easily killed, and can be jumped by dolphins, pogo's, etc.

If you think they deserve an 8! Survive a huge wave with them! Impossible, that's why plants are defeated in I, Zombie.

They deserve aproximatly 6.5! Or less...

Potato Mine, 6


Who don't like potatoes!Please!

They are very usefull, the first zombie appear when it's fully charged, the same happens to the second, they allow you to plant sunflowers faster, sunflowers and potato mine are friend! And they only cost 25 sun! 25 sun for a massive damage! Game-break!

They deserve 8 or more!

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Sunflower, 9.5


Just because they don't attack?

Ok, if sunflowers aren't perfect for you why you don't go play without sunflowers so zombies give you what you deserve!

It's ridiculous!

They give sun, without them you easily die!!!

Why you don't go inside the game and attack zombies?Is not that easy!

They deserve a 10!

Looks like you don't seem to be aware this ranking takes offensive capabilities for equal on all plants. If Sunflowers could attack, then they could have a 10 (unless their attack is pathetic, but nothing to worry about, their utility already seems to lock them to at least that 9.5), but they don't, and as of the ranking's trail, they get penalized for it.

So really, you don't really give backing enough for your claim...

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Sunflower, 9.5


Just because they don't attack?

Ok, if sunflowers aren't perfect for you why you don't go play without sunflowers so zombies give you what you deserve!

It's ridiculous!

They give sun, without them you easily die!!!

Why you don't go inside the game and attack zombies?Is not that easy!

They deserve a 10!

Peashooter, 8


They're trash!(well, cactus are worse)

They aren't as cool as other plants to deserve an 8, use them on floor or night, so you will learn why they're useless!

They deserve 6.5 or less!

Cherry Bomb, 6.5

6.5? 6.5?!!

Because they recharge slower? Not great deal at all!

They're awesome! They equal with jalapenos, they can save your plants from total destruccion, and if you think they don't deserve more than 6.5, face a huge wave with giga-gargantuars, zombonies, etc. Jalapenos and Squashes can't do that alone, they need there thrid partner: the Cherry Bomb.

They deserve aproximatly 8.5!

Wall-nut, 8


They're as same as peashooters, only pawns.

They're easily killed, and can be jumped by dolphins, pogo's, etc.

If you think they deserve an 8! Survive a huge wave with them! Impossible, that's why plants are defeated in I, Zombie.

They deserve aproximatly 6.5! Or less...

Potato Mine, 6


Who don't like potatoes!Please!

They are very usefull, the first zombie appear when it's fully charged, the same happens to the second, they allow you to plant sunflowers faster, sunflowers and potato mine are friend! And they only cost 25 sun! 25 sun for a massive damage! Game-break!

They deserve 8 or more!

Sunflower's weakness is the fact it can't attack which is explaied pretty clearly. If that's not a flaw, which if it is defies your titling of it as perfect, then what constitutes a flaw?

The fact that Peashooters have early avaliability is the only reason that it has a moderately high score, though their exact placement can be disputed.

So Peashooters suck because they become outclassed, but this same type of thinking doesn't apply to cherry bombs? If you're going to put Peashooters down due to outclassig, then the same must be done to cherry bombs.

Regarding walnuts. Your whole argument against them is basically, "Survive a huge wave with them!" Can you survive a huge wave with only sunflowers? No. The point of tiering non attacking plants is based on how well they can synergize with other plants.

25 Sun for a single kill isn't the greatest conversion rate ever. How do they help you deploy sunflowers?

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Sunflower's weakness is the fact it can't attack which is explaied pretty clearly. If that's not a flaw, which if it is defies your titling of it as perfect, then what constitutes a flaw?

The fact that Peashooters have early avaliability is the only reason that it has a moderately high score, though their exact placement can be disputed.

So Peashooters suck because they become outclassed, but this same type of thinking doesn't apply to cherry bombs? If you're going to put Peashooters down due to outclassig, then the same must be done to cherry bombs.

Regarding walnuts. Your whole argument against them is basically, "Survive a huge wave with them!" Can you survive a huge wave with only sunflowers? No. The point of tiering non attacking plants is based on how well they can synergize with other plants.

25 Sun for a single kill isn't the greatest conversion rate ever. How do they help you deploy sunflowers?

If sun flower can't have 10 because they don't attack, then, no plant can have 10, because attacker plants can't produce sun, and sun producers can't attack.

Cherry bombs aren't outclassed, they attack 3x3, jalapenos a whole line, (9). Somethimes, cherry bombs kill more, sometimes, jalapenos do it.

When I said survive with wall nuts, I meant using them as defence, zombies whould eat them fast, and jumper zombies jump them.

25 sun for a kill is good, potatoe mines allows you to plant sun flowers faster because they don't cost 100, and they work for the same: free a line for you at the begining, to build sun production fast. The cheat in this game is to think like the game producters: find how they use plants; peashooters and wall-nuts are the plants they give you before having mushrooms, catapults, more instant kill and tall-nuts. So that means outclassed plants such as peashooter and wall-nut shouldn't get their ranking too high.

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If sun flower can't have 10 because they don't attack, then, no plant can have 10, because attacker plants can't produce sun, and sun producers can't attack.

Cherry bombs aren't outclassed, they attack 3x3, jalapenos a whole line, (9). Somethimes, cherry bombs kill more, sometimes, jalapenos do it.

Who knows, it may be possible for plant to do get a 10, we'll have to wait to find out. Sunflowers get that high score with utility alone is because their utility is vital, unlike others utilities that only help you, but aren't vital all the time.

By the latter stages, Zombies may quickly crowd the lanes, that while both are equally usable, you'll want the cheaper, faster-recharchable Jalapeno rather than the Cherry Bomb for the job.

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Who knows, it may be possible for plant to do get a 10, we'll have to wait to find out. Sunflowers get that high score with utility alone is because their utility is vital, unlike others utilities that only help you, but aren't vital all the time.

By the latter stages, Zombies may quickly crowd the lanes, that while both are equally usable, you'll want the cheaper, faster-recharchable Jalapeno rather than the Cherry Bomb for the job.

If the need is vital why it doesn't have 10?

Yes, zombies can crowd areas, cherry bombs are more expensive, but because they kill 3 lanes, jalapenos, only 1. And, 3x3 is enough, if zombies are everwhere and far from the cherry bomb, that means you're a noob or you'll die, easy.

And fail, cherry bomb and jalapeno have the same cooldown time to wait.

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Because they can't attack. Can you understand it? Doesn't look like it.

Ok, I thought you guys would be smarter than that, plants aren't suppose to have ranking, they're all needed, sunflowers give sun, potatoe mines and squah kill the first zombies for you to be able to build sunflowers faster, peashooters, used when the first mini-waves of zombies appear, wall nuts, due to their cost, are able to defend at the beggening, while the time pass, you will have more sun, to replace outclassed plants with betters to fight when the huge waves are starting, no plant is perfect, but with all the utilities they have they all work in group to defend your house from the zombies, I think this thread is spam, because I alredy explained why: the unification of the skills of all plants makes them possible to work in group to work properly and correctly.

I was testing the people that replayed me, to see if someone could manage to get the conclusion I gived.

Well, if you still want to make war with me, then your wasting your time, let's be like the plants, and have a great time like a group without fights and disscutions. :)

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If sun flower can't have 10 because they don't attack, then, no plant can have 10, because attacker plants can't produce sun, and sun producers can't attack.

When I said survive with wall nuts, I meant using them as defence, zombies whould eat them fast, and jumper zombies jump them.

25 sun for a kill is good, potatoe mines allows you to plant sun flowers faster because they don't cost 100, and they work for the same: free a line for you at the begining, to build sun production fast. The cheat in this game is to think like the game producters: find how they use plants; peashooters and wall-nuts are the plants they give you before having mushrooms, catapults, more instant kill and tall-nuts. So that means outclassed plants such as peashooter and wall-nut shouldn't get their ranking too high.

...10 is Seth quality. Nothing can touch it.

Not if you use them properly, like...y'know SUPPORTING them with shit. Like they're meant to be used.

Sunflowers come at the beginning of the game! Damn, they suck!

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Ok, I thought you guys would be smarter than that, plants aren't suppose to have ranking, they're all needed, sunflowers give sun, potatoe mines and squah kill the first zombies for you to be able to build sunflowers faster, peashooters, used when the first mini-waves of zombies appear, wall nuts, due to their cost, are able to defend at the beggening, while the time pass, you will have more sun, to replace outclassed plants with betters to fight when the huge waves are starting, no plant is perfect, but with all the utilities they have they all work in group to defend your house from the zombies, I think this thread is spam, because I alredy explained why: the unification of the skills of all plants makes them possible to work in group to work properly and correctly.

I was testing the people that replayed me, to see if someone could manage to get the conclusion I gived.

Well, if you still want to make war with me, then your wasting your time, let's be like the plants, and have a great time like a group without fights and disscutions. :)

Dude, are you aware this is a ranking thread, not to mention ranking of a collaboration of opinions rather than a general one? >_>

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Ok, I thought you guys would be smarter than that, plants aren't suppose to have ranking, they're all needed, sunflowers give sun, potatoe mines and squah kill the first zombies for you to be able to build sunflowers faster, peashooters, used when the first mini-waves of zombies appear, wall nuts, due to their cost, are able to defend at the beggening, while the time pass, you will have more sun, to replace outclassed plants with betters to fight when the huge waves are starting, no plant is perfect, but with all the utilities they have they all work in group to defend your house from the zombies, I think this thread is spam, because I alredy explained why: the unification of the skills of all plants makes them possible to work in group to work properly and correctly.

I was testing the people that replayed me, to see if someone could manage to get the conclusion I gived.

Well, if you still want to make war with me, then your wasting your time, let's be like the plants, and have a great time like a group without fights and disscutions. :)

The only conclusion I've been able to draw is that you need to double checking your sentences.

If you believe this thread is spam, why would you incite more action in it. The general approach to spam, which this is not, is to let it die. The point is, the walnut's score is directly related to the unification of other plants' skills as it provides a barrier, certainly not to everything but it can hold a wave back a few seconds, letting the timers reset. Also, regarding outclassing. It does not matter that they become outclassed. What matters is when they get outclassed. It's like Fire Emblem, you can get a late game unit that outclasses everyone, but that doesn't mean that unit will be tiered higher. The point of this list is to say how useful each plant is during the course of the game.

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Current Arguments

Sunflower Score

Sunflowers are extremely useful, yes, but the fact that they cannot attack makes them not perfect. You see, with a scoring system, 10/10 is considered "Perfect". There is no flaw or error with whatever it is in question. 9.5/10 implies that the plant is extremely useful, but there is one little thing that holds it back. This being the fact that the Sunflower cannot attack.

Oh, and it is possible to beat a level with Sunflowers. You just need a lot of sunflowers and some luck.


I'll admit that I have over-ranked the Peashooters. They do make a nice first plant though, as they have a foothold in most of the game. Around Level 4-1 is when they might stop seeing playtime, as you need your utility plants for that, but before then, they have three worlds of use. I'll drop them down to a 7 or a 7.5, depending on what you guys think.

Cherry Bombs

Cherry Bombs are expensive, single use, and have a slow recharge. While they do clear out an area better than the Jalapeño, the fact that the Doom Shroom exists. However, bomb plants are not meant to be used over and over. They're an emergency use only, and the Jalapeño offers this for less sun, which bumps it up. The fact that all of them are single use with fairly high sun costs doesn't really help.

Wall Nut

I think everyone else has summed up my feelings nicely. Wall nuts get such a high score because they can help your plants survivability and offer a barrier during waves or when you need a quick stop to let the timers refill.

Potato Mines

25 sun for one kill doesn't net you much. The Peashooter that costs 100 Sun can get much more kills throughout the game, and offers you a lot more in terms of kills per sun cost. 1:25 < ~30-40:100.

And gccmvmk, your writing seems to be a tad bit flammable. I am ranking the plants based on their performance, sun cost, attack speed, recharge time, and utility that they provide to the team. I do allow other people to argue my opinions up or down, but the way your doing it seems to be making people angry.

Today's rankings!

Snow Pea





Attack Speed-1 pea/second

Utility-Freezes zombies on contact.

Remember Peashooters, and how they didn't deserve an 8? Snow Peas do. They are essentially a carbon copy of the Peashooter, except that they can freeze the zombies, cutting their movement time and eating time in half. IN HALF. Cripes, those zombies barely move now! Other than that, there's no real difference between them and the Peashooters.

Final Thoughts

Good plant, should always have a couple around.







Attack Speed-Slow (30 seconds per kill)

Utility-Consumes a whole zombie, but takes a long time to recharge.

The Chomper is an interesting plant. It functions like the Potato Mine, except that it's reusable. It OM NOM NOM's a single zombie, and it takes about 30 seconds to consume said zombie. That zombie is guaranteed dead though. I'm not sure what would happen though if the Chomper ate a zombie, and then the Chomper died. They can also reach one square in front of them to grab a snack. However, the fact that they take so bloody long to eat means that you'll have to barricade them to try and protect them, which can be costly and not that effective, considering how brutal the waves can get.

Final Thoughts

Good when you get him, but don't expect to see him too much.


Edited by Soren37
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I'm not sure what would happen though if the Chomper ate a zombie, and then the Chomper died.

If that happens, you just loose the Chomper. It's not like the Zombie it's eating is going to be back to the lane and continue walking. lol

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Also, how would you beat a level with only sunflowers?

Just a guess, but use Sunflowers to wall the zombies until the final wave, then let the lawnmowers take care of the zombies. Mind you, that would be fairly unlikely.

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Just a guess, but use Sunflowers to wall the zombies until the final wave, then let the lawnmowers take care of the zombies. Mind you, that would be fairly unlikely.

That as well is the only thing I can think of for. Unlikely indeed, since the Sunflowers' recovery time is not fast enough to prevent the Zombies from advancing, especially when coming through all the lanes...

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Anyway, what the fuck? Chompers take 30 whole seconds to eat a zombie, when usually it takes 1 snow pea to slow the fucker down, and then use the Cabbage/Butter plants (forgot their names, derp) to kill one in about 1/3 the normal amount of time. Also, heard of Squash? Yeah. Those things are faster and kill pretty damn effectively. Your shooters can do the rest. And if you REALLY have to, the bombs exist.

EDIT: This was directed to the guy who got his posts deleted.

Edited by JB25
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Chomper Attack Speed wording changed.

As for the sunflower levels, just keep planting sunflowers. it may not be the best plan, but it might get the job done.

Today's rankings!






Attack Speed-2 pea/second

Utility-2 peas per second

The Repeater is a carbon copy of the Peashooter, but it essentially takes the place of two Peashooters in one square. Actually, it is two peashooters in one. Twice the sun cost, twice the peas, everything's the same pretty much. This means that you can plant one Repeater, which means you have another space to plant something else that can help you.

Final Thoughts

Good plant. I've never really used them, but maybe I should.


Puff Shroom




Range-Short (3 squares or so)

Attack Speed-1 spore/second


The Puff Shroom may seem bad. It's weak and doesn't have a very long range. However, it's nocturnal, and costs nothing. That's right. NOTHING. And because the night chapters don't have any falling sun, it's harder to get your Sunflowers and early defenses up to par. You can now just plant 2 or 3 rows of Puff Shrooms while your Sunflowers catch up, and then you can dig them up and replace them with something more worthwhile.

Final Thoughts

It may seem useless, but it's a necessity for the night chapters.


Sun Shroom





Attack Speed-0

Utility-Produces 15 Sun at first, and then makes 25 Sun.

While the Sun Shroom may seem like a good replacement for the Sunflowers, I'd have to beg to differ. In the nighttime chapters, Sun is a very important resources, and while the Sun Shroom may cost less Sun than the Sunflower, it will end up producing less Sun as time goes on. The only time it produces more Sun is when you stack them. Granted you can do that fairly early. Regardless of whether it produces more or less Sun than the Sunflowers, it is nonetheless a Sun producing plant, meaning it's very easy to score.

Fun Fact

I've never used them. I now have. They were extremely useful and helped set up my defenses faster. Score will not change, as they already have the highest score a non-attacking, utility plant can have.

Final Thoughts

It produces Sun, so you're almost guaranteed to want to use it.


Fume Shroom EDITED x2



Damage-Normal, with splash in a straight line.


Attack Speed-1 burst/second

Utility-Penetrates screen doors and ladders. Nocturnal.

The Fume Shroom makes a decent replacement for the Puff Shroom, and seeing as it can penetrate those nasty Screen Door Zombies, it almost guarantees it a place in World 2, but it vanishes after that. World 3 and 4 don't have screen door zombies, and World 5 the plants can hit the Ladder zombies on the head. This means that Fume Shroom is in one world, and that's it. However, it offers an upgrade into the Gloom Shroom, which allows it to hit all zombies in an area, and the Gloom Shroom is one of the most OP plants in the game.

Final Thoughts

Very useful for taking care of those pesky Door zombies. Very little playtime, though, but has the Gloom Shroom upgrade.


Edited by Soren37
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With regards to the Sunshroom, I'd just like to say; you get two rows for the price of one of Sunflowers, and by the end of the stage you're producing fully twice as much sun. Even before you're making slightly more. I'm not arguing it up or anything; the extra space given by sunflowers is superb (and if you use two rows of sunflowers, you'll be flooded regardless), it's merely a matter of taste whether you opt for it or not.

For the Fume Shrooms, I'm almost certain that Catapults hit the zombie in the head rather than the object it holds, and even without this I feel it's somewhat overrated. But, y'know, margin of error and all. P&Z's all about choices, after all, and mostly everyone seems to at least somewhat agree with everything you've said...ignoring That Guy of course.

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