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Is there an English Patch?

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I saw the date "TBA 2011 for both NA and EU territories" on numerous sites for this game, so don't worry about the delay in NM unless the time comes when you don't see any DS1 games on shelves as new, and even then, don't even think about going to an illegal ROM site to download it to your CPU thinking it's not coming to the States under legitimate channels, unless these two things occur as well:

1. You don't see any English versions of NM on eBay, Amazon, etc., for sale or auction, and...

2. The only versions of NM that you see anywhere, whether online, in the store, etc., outside Japan are Japanese versions of that game...

Since the DS/DSL/DSi(the three versions of the DS1 that had their names unchanged for non-Japanese editions)/DSLL(which is the only version of the DS1 that was called something different outside of Japan: In the DS LL case, it was called DS XL outside of Japan) has at least a half-year left in the tank(upon 2011's beginning in 2.5 months from now) before the 3DS completes its coup(due to the 3DS being a successor to the DS1) on the DS1's spot on store shelves and takes over the DS1's spot, while the console(handheld in this case) whose spot is to be taken won't be manufactured as new in terms of new copies of that particular handheld afterwards(same is true for the games). Knowing the aforementioned, like it or not, I expect New Mystery to be released as possibly one of the last first-party titles, if not the last first-party title, ever to be released on the DS1, in the North American/European market...

Edited by shadowjam
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But the 3DS can play DS1 games, so at least it shouldn't suffer FE5's fate.

And, I doubt this, but it's possible: Maybe we're getting a 3DS version. I know NA's getting a 3DS version of a Prof. Layton. Maybe this is getting the same? It would explain the delay.

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But the 3DS can play DS1 games, so at least it shouldn't suffer FE5's fate.

And, I doubt this, but it's possible: Maybe we're getting a 3DS version. I know NA's getting a 3DS version of a Prof. Layton. Maybe this is getting the same? It would explain the delay.

actually how many oficial N. America versions of FE do we have?

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And, I doubt this, but it's possible: Maybe we're getting a 3DS version. I know NA's getting a 3DS version of a Prof. Layton. Maybe this is getting the same? It would explain the delay.

I doubt it, FE8 came out on the GBA even after the DS was released in America. Also, Layton 5 is being released on the 3DS in all territories.

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5 games.

Note that the important part isn't that we have 5 games in the series, it's that we have 5 consecutive games. That's what sets a precedent.

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I doubt it, FE8 came out on the GBA even after the DS was released in America. Also, Layton 5 is being released on the 3DS in all territories.

Oh. I heard that one of ones that was DS in JP was getting a 3DS release elsewhere. If Japan's getting it, too, then us getting FE 3DS right now is even more unlikely.

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I don't see the point of remaking the original games if NA and other countries don't get to play them. So, I'm sure it will be out at some point. If for some reason it's not I believe that's Japan's loss.

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This isn't tales of, we're going to get it, be patient.

If you're that impatient, looks up big klingys notes, find the original fe3 script and play through glued on the computer...

Ha ha ha ha, "Tales of" Series... BandaiNamTROLL...

Yeah, again, don't worry... NA will be seeing an FE12 release sometime in the future.

That, and there's the FE3 translations scripts and such...

and then there's the other option of learning Japanese, but that's just me. 冗談、冗談だよ

Edited by shadowofchaos
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This isn't tales of,

Burn. Stupid Namco Bandai.

Anyway, ever since FE7, we've gotten every FE game to come out since then. I see no reason why FE12 won't eventually reach our shores. I predict somewhere between Dec. and Feb. personally.

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'Cause everyone's built out of money these days, amirite? Every Tuesday morning, I bathe in jam.

It was weird with the translations. One set got well-translated names, the other well-translated...everything else.

Edited by Furetchen
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Hey guys is there an English patch for Fire Emblem 12?

Because it seems that we in North america are not getting a release

Almost half of SD's sales came from outside Japan. Why would they fail to release the sequel here? If they do, it's a very stupid decision.

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'Cause everyone's built out of money these days, amirite? Every Tuesday morning, I bathe in jam.

It was weird with the translations. One set got well-translated names, the other well-translated...everything else.

Indeed. I forget what the reason for that was - I do know, however, that the same happened with Advance Wars: Dark Conflict/Days of Ruin - the difference from FE11 is that NOA provided the superior translation (and humour)

Oh, and I agree with NOA having some better translations - But Dolhr and Archanea were embarassing.

Edited by Callum
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Indeed. I forget what the reason for that was - I do know, however, that the same happened with Advance Wars: Dark Conflict/Days of Ruin - the difference from FE11 is that NOA provided the superior translation (and humour)

Oh, and I agree with NOA having some better translations - But Dolhr and Archanea were embarassing.

But O'Brien is intrinsically a better name than Brenner. I care not what ANYONE else has to say.

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But O'Brien is intrinsically a better name than Brenner. I care not what ANYONE else has to say.

Fair enough. Truth be told, I thought Sigismundo was a fitting name for the douchebag - Still, a shame about the lack of humour (for the most part)

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