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FE6 HM Drafting tourney


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He ended up taking Zealot and Echidna right before I was going to. I'm not very impressed with my team at all, though, except for Dieck.

...It doesn't help that Ellen and Sue are OHKO'd by the wyverns that have 7 move and fly over all of the terrain in the chapter...

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You mean Chapter 7?

I am currently strugling in that chapter, as the only character being able to go solo is Alan, but the problem is him and the rest of my group take on different sides. And it doesn't help that Roy and Lott deal a total of ~5 damage in one round, and are 2HKO'd in return.

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Yeah. The most demoralizing part is that even Sue's Steel Bow doesn't put them into OHKO range for anyone else, except Marcus's Silver Lance with 2 uses left. I think the Steel Axe comes a little short...

The main problem with the chapter is everything going on: not getting killed by wyverns, not getting swarmed by other enemies while trying to avoid wyverns, getting the important villages, and finishing in a good amount of time.

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Let's just turn this into a complain about draft tournaments thread.

Works for me. I'm going to bring Zeiss into C21x and have him brutally murdered. I know it's not his fault that I forgot he was required to access the chapter... Doesn't stop me from blaming him, though.

Also, just checked. Those wyverns in C7 have around 34 HP and 13 Def. Sue (base level) with a Steel Bow does 19 damage at about 59 HIT. Not even the Silver Lance can finish one off in one hit; it needs two. It's also the only weapon I have that can combine with just Sue to kill them, since Steel Axes are too heavy and Iron Axes are too weak. Did I mention it only has two uses left?

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If you can have a mounted, trade the Silver Lance to Zealot once you recruit him after Marcus attaks the Dragon Rider. It should kill him off provided that it doesn't miss. Or you can bring Dorothy and use her to chip some damage as well.

Edited by UberLughFTW
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From the looks of it, you didn't train Lugh. In HM, you especially need to train magic units when the chapters have Dragon Riders. If you can have a mounted, trade the Silver Lance to Zealot once you recruit him after Marcus attaks the Dragon Rider. It should kill him off provided that it doesn't miss. Or you can bring Dorothy and use her to chip some damage as well.

The issue is that it's a draft tourney. You can't just muscle your way through everything with whichever characters you please. Or, well, you can, but it'll cost you.

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(Also, don't be demoralized! I believe in you all!)

Thanks Balcerzak. I WILL PREVAIL!!!

The issue is that it's a draft tourney. You can't just muscle your way through everything with whichever characters you please. Or, well, you can, but it'll cost you.

Exactly. I didn't draft Lugh or Zealot or Dorothy, unfortunately... I've been relying on Marcus with an Iron Axe, Rutger's Killing Edge criticals, Sue's Steel Bow not missing, and Zealot being able to wear the one closest to him down before he dies as an NPC. My most recent run ended with me being able to kill all 3 of the wyverns, but Rutger, Dieck and Ellen getting killed by the reinforcement cavaliers (I don't think those guys exist in NM...).

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They exist, but they may come earlier in hard mode. I definitely remember them, though.

Oh. Well, in HM they arrive on turn 10 or 11, I believe. But when I did my first run of the draft in NM, they still hadn't arrived when I killed Devias on turn 12. Unless I killed Devias early, and that's why they didn't show up.

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The issue is that it's a draft tourney. You can't just muscle your way through everything with whichever characters you please. Or, well, you can, but it'll cost you.

You can only deploy characters you drafted and those that are forced. So, really only Zealot can actually help you with a penalty. All the others aren't allowed to be deployed (Trent and Noah aren't particularly useful here).

Exactly. I didn't draft Lugh or Zealot or Dorothy, unfortunately... I've been relying on Marcus with an Iron Axe, Rutger's Killing Edge criticals, Sue's Steel Bow not missing, and Zealot being able to wear the one closest to him down before he dies as an NPC. My most recent run ended with me being able to kill all 3 of the wyverns, but Rutger, Dieck and Ellen getting killed by the reinforcement cavaliers (I don't think those guys exist in NM...).

Unless you are planning on going to Sacae, how do you plan on getting to 20x? Zealot is required for 20x Ilia.

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You can only deploy characters you drafted and those that are forced. So, really only Zealot can actually help you with a penalty. All the others aren't allowed to be deployed (Trent and Noah aren't particularly useful here).

The specifics tend to vary wildly from draft to draft on how exactly penalties can be assessed, and what is or isn't acceptable for non-drafted folk. This one allows deployment, and a fair amount of non-combat use. Combat use could then be selected at a penalty. So, assuming he had recruited Lugh (probably not, he's out of the way with a small core team), he probably could have attempted to use him at (heavy relative) turn-count penalty.

Unless you are planning on going to Sacae, how do you plan on getting to 20x? Zealot is required for 20x Ilia.

Radiant has Sue on his team, so will probably definitely choose Sacae, despite his also having Tate giving him the other option.

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Radiant has Sue on his team, so will probably definitely choose Sacae, despite his also having Tate giving him the other option.

Yeah, even though I've heard Sacae is harder than Ilia (makes sense, looking at enemy AS), I don't think Tate is going to be able to gain more experience than Sue when I have Sue for much longer.

Particularly since Tate will probably be used mostly as a ferry, and take an early promotion.

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