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The best FE8 hack evar


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So yeah. I'm testing out Seth's growths. He gained +2 HP, +2 STR, +2SKL, +2SPD, +2LUK, +3 DEF, and +3RES on his first level.

What kind of steroids did you feed him? :awesome:

Not doubling sucks, though. >___<

That will change very quickly though. My Super Seth gained +3 HP,STR, SKL, AND SPD, plus +2 LUK, DEF, RES. It's like having delicious cake every second.

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I always had the thought of just using a RNG to make everyone's bases and growths would make quite a silly fun hack.

Edited by Iced
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If all else fails, I'll learn to insert and put in my naked!Seth instead. :awesome:

I can totally make a patch for you if you want

As a veteran whose been around the hacking community since years before nightmare, this sounds like the best hack I've ever seen.

10/10, would vote again.

Figure out which part of that is a lie!

I second this declaration.

I would TOTALLY agree with anything (except for two things) the original SoC has to say just for teh lulz

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Seth's growths are actually just his normal growths + 200%, with HP capped at 255%. So getting only +3 RES is actually pretty bad :P.

I think I really should make Seth level 10 or even 12 like I originally intended... or make his growths just, say, +75%.

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That's exactly the point that it wasn't meant to be :P. From level 10, even if Seth reaches level 20, it's barely capping most stats. But to actually get to that point is pretty tough. Still, it wasn't meant to be entirely balanced, rather, a parody of balancing attempts.

Maybe in a more serious hack for a character like that, 100-130% growths in everything except 250% HP, starting at, say, --/5 with unpromoted level base stats. Then assuming you can get him to --/15, you're looking at everything being in the 15-20+ range and HP being mid 40's

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That's exactly the point that it wasn't meant to be :P. From level 10, even if Seth reaches level 20, it's barely capping most stats. But to actually get to that point is pretty tough. Still, it wasn't meant to be entirely balanced, rather, a parody of balancing attempts.

Maybe in a more serious hack for a character like that, 100-130% growths in everything except 250% HP, starting at, say, --/5 with unpromoted level base stats. Then assuming you can get him to --/15, you're looking at everything being in the 15-20+ range and HP being mid 40's

I think that characters like that are just dumb. Either it's practical for them to gain levels quickly, in which case they're really good, or it's not practical, in which case they're really awful. It's a lot harder to balance than a regular character.

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Anyway. Imma comment on some of the characters I've used.

Going Eir route because I like it better.

Eirika: I think her speed got decreased a little, but not too badly. Gaining STR pretty fast, though, 9 at level 11 already, with that base of, what, 4? She has no defense though. Or Res. Which kinda sucked since she was always my secondary magetank on my no-healer runs, which is most of them. Seth gives her 3 DEF which is pretty useful.

Seth: Two words: EFFING GODLY.

Franz: So, I was training him, since I want that delicious +5 ATK/DEF support set for Seth. But then he had three levels with single stat ups and I'm like, screw this. At least I can still get 5DEF with B Natasha.

Natasha: My healer of choice---except with no mag this time. Quite speedy, though. Already 11 speed and only level 4. Though if she gets no speed I'm going to have to drop her and promote Artur.

Artur: Who gained one mag but at least he has bases. Is almost level 10 so I'mma promote him soon.

Colm: Is actually pretty good.

Joshua: WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM???????????? All he gained was HP. That's it. I'm going to try to see if Marisa is any good when she comes, and of course, Gerik.

Kyle: Is pretty damn good here. At least on my run.

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Anyway. Imma comment on some of the characters I've used.

Going Eir route because I like it better.


Let's look at character growths...

Eirika: Yeah, her STR growth is awesome, SPD is average, and DEF is practically nonexistant (she does have decent HP though, lolfighterEirika).

Seth: Yes.


Okay, that's enough. Wait, it really isn't. AHHHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

I'm not going to do this often. Here's Franz's RNG generated growths:

HP: 67%

STR: 9%

SKL: 62%

SPD: 7%

LUK: 56%

DEF: 9%

RES: 23%

Total: 233%.

Natasha: Yeah. Terrible MAG growth (Moulder's is actually great but he sucks everywhere else)

Artur: His growths are also pretty bad actually. But they're decent where Franz's aren't.

Colm: Yes. He has one major problem.

Joshua: He's a bit of a good tank actually... 83% HP, 50% DEF, and actually decent but not great SPD. Usable at worst, downright useful at best.

Kyle: Yeah. Again, one major problem.

There is one character who's ended up with amazing growths:


HP: 86%

STR: 64%

SKL: 34%

SPD: 49%

LUK: 56%

DEF: 29%

RES: 58%

Only one stat lower than his normal growth, and it's SKL. Big boosts to STR, RES and LUK.

Also the trainees. I'd use one of them. Ewan is amusingly tanky (94% HP, 72% DEF, 47% RES), Amelia's an all-arounder with incredibly speed.

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Eirika is going to eat all my defense boosts.

Maybe I'll pick up Joshua again, because Marisa's gains have been even worse so far (LOLLUCK). Josh's bases are at least good to start, even with only three levels gaining nothing but HP and one point of RES.

Oh yeah. I've been using Tana but she's been not been so spectacular either. I'll probably just switch her off for Cormag, then, when I get him. Good thing the only support I built is SethEi, as well.

Eh. Artur has 6 base Mag, He got one extra. I promoted him so now he has 9. He has good speed. There are monsters and he has Slayer. Problem solved. :P

Maybe I'll train both Amelia and Ewan, who knows. Ewan can summonspam (or go Mage Knight) and Amelia can be a third Paladin.

Anyway, I think Gerik and Innes are staying in the team. Innes has good bases and Gerik is insta-promoted. He's only actually gained SKL, but hey, axes have crap hit.

Saleh gets to stay no matter what. <3

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What's sad is that at thd time, this might actually be the best FE8 hack ever (most of the good ones aren't done yet like Sacred Dawn, and I'm not sure about ones that are already released). ._


Should I LP this? Should I shower the horrible onto my 1300 subs? DO I DARE?

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You've just been so bogged down looking at all the bad ones that the good ones are obfuscated.

Yup, probably.

FE8 has seen a recent influx of suck.

^hey I said "like" Sacred Dawn, yours is good too D:

Edited by Luka Megurine
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My comment was more directed to the fact that you didn't mention my FE8 hack, or Dancer's FE8 hack, which were both out at the time of your post, and are both pretty darn good, as far as FE8 hacks go.


Tables. Tell me what I should do.

Yeah, it's incomplete.

It's still been released, though. What's yur point? MINE'S FARTHER ALONG THAN YOURS

Edited by seph1212
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My comment was more directed to the fact that you didn't mention my FE8 hack, or Dancer's FE8 hack, which were both out at the time of your post, and are both pretty darn good, as far as FE8 hacks go.


Tables. Tell me what I should do.

Yeah, it's incomplete.

It's still been released, though. What's yur point? MINE'S FARTHER ALONG THAN YOURS

If you want to LP it then go ahead. I can make an 'intended' version too if you want where Seth is at his more reasonable level of --/12, otherwise, I'd advise not using him (otherwise, as soon as he hits --/5, it's game solo time).

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Unless you completely nerf Seth to the point of no return, it's Game Solo time anyway.

--/12 is gaining, like, 35 exp for killing a boss and 1 exp from everything else. With his high level, he practically has to kill every boss from prologue to chapter 8 to get even a few levels (that's maybe to --/15 or --/16). And that's not going to be easy. Doable, yes. In fact, with a little favouritism he's still pretty awesome.

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