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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 21: In Destruction's Wake


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Turning first to Aiya, Tessa asked the red-head for a quick explanation. "What on earth happened to the count!? This burn looks serious. I only hope that―" Realizing Luc was still conscious and that it would be unwise to mention the possible ramifications of the injury, or of the tendency of burnt flesh to adhere itself to fabric, she bit her lip and cut off the current train of thought. A little further investigation revealed a bit of a puzzle for her however, as the visible burn by itself didn't seem capable of having incapacitated the man to this degree...

Before the wyvern rider had a chance to answer, she gave further instructions. "Here, we need to lay him back down. It'll be much easier to work that way than with you hoisting him."

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"Oh, sure." Aiya replied, doing as Tessa asked, and laying Luc back down.

"As for what happened, he was hit pretty hard by one of those sages. Took what looked like a Thoron blast dead on, and was knocked out cold. I took the attacked out, but I couldn't stop her before he got hurt." Aiya said, explaining the situation leading up to the injury.

"I wasn't sure what to do to heal him, so I thought I should bring him to you..."

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Arrin found a target: a thief was aiming for Kelas, who was protecting an unconscious Isotov. Heinz had jumped in, but wasn't having much success. Arrin took aim with Elthunder.

(4,2,1) Hit! Arrin does 7 damage!

The thief was hit, and staggered, but his attention was also gained.

(2,3,6) Miss!

Arrin dodged the knife and tried to get another spell ready. "Arrin, take care of yourself!" Kelas called. He looked to be holding his own... and she couldn't stay like this. She dropped to her knees and sat, pulling Isotov to lean against her shoulder, and watched the thief warily. She couldn't help Arrin from here... she had to trust his ability to survive.

Arrin 12/12, Thief 2/9, Arrin +5EXP

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Luc Altair

Luc choked on his own words as he felt his body settle down. Only a single syllable escaped his lips. "Ha."

The Fargo

Things had gone swimmingly ever since Fargo chose to run around and flail about like a madman. No one had suffered any grevious injuries or anything! He truly was doing a good job. Fargo commanded his horse and at the final enemy, and missed spectacularly with his swing.

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Ahhh, electrical burn, Tessa thought, and nodded. Everything was clicking into place, and she chided herself for not thinking of it earlier. Especially considering she'd nearly suffered the same fate. Thinking of that brought an involuntary frown to her face for a moment, before she cleared it, and gave thanks to The Lady for the protection she had been granted. She just needed to confirm something else really quickly then.

Gently reaching out, she grabbed the cavalier's wrist, and checked for his pulse. It was as erratic as could be expected at this point, so her first priority was getting the man's heart rhythm back under control. As she finished that, the count let out a small sigh of relief.

"Okay, just a little bit more work. The most dangerous part has been taken care of, I just need to worry about the surface wounds at this point. You're going to be just fine, Count." With a smile and a reassuring tone of voice, she laid a comforting hand on his forehead before returning to task and finalizing the ministrations.

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Seeing that Luc was being tended to, Aiya looked about, to see combat was still occuring.

A knife-wielder rather close by seemed uninjured, and was getting dangerously close to the temporary triage infirmary.

Leaning towards Tessa, Aiya motioned towards the thief before charging at him! The powerful vertical swing sent the man's blood spurting every which way, and he barely held on, making two quick swipes towards Aiya, however, her armour stopped them cold.

Aiya(4,5,6) 9 hit - 8 Avo, hit! 10 Mt - 2 def = 8 Damage!

Thief(6,3,1) 11 hit - 5 Avo, Hit! 5 mt - 6 def, Tink!

Theif(4,3,5) 9 hit - 5 Avo, hit! 5 Mt - 6 Def, Tink!



Exp + 5 Roll

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Helios had felt a strange sensation, and his previous nicks and scratches had been cleared up. Looking around briefly, he didn't notice anyone near enough to have healed him, so he was slightly confused by the matter. This left an opening which the enemy thief jumped on and exploited, causing the most significant damage he had taken yet. Though, compared to Eric's blade, or Alphonse's blade, such wounds were nothing. There was no way the prince was letting himself lose to a common scum like this. Firing back with another shot from Fimbulvetr, he winced again as his spell arced wide. He was really having and off day today. There was no other possible explanation.


Helios: [1,1,3]

Hit: fail

Thief: [6,6,1]

Hit: yes

Damage: 2 + 6 - 4 = 4!

Helios 8/12

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Looking about for anyone else who might need a healing, he saw the wyvern rider he healed upon his first encounter with the group fighting one of the remaining thieves. Applying his physic staff he healed her, though she hardly seemed to need it.

Aiya 15/15

Beau 9/9

Beau +8exp

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Luc Altair

Relief flooded into the wrecked body of the Count of Directus. Invigoration urging him, Luc opened his eyes to survey the battlefield. It was a taxing task, but far less than earlier. The first thing that greeted his sight was the ever-vigilant face of Tessa. But before he could open his mouth to thank her yet again, an enemy came charging at them. And once again before Luc could settle his thoughts Aiya had struck out at the man, nearly killing him outright. Luc let his eyes close in relief. He was in excellent hands and had no need to worry. "Thank you," he mouthed to both of the girls.

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Seeing the thief crumple to the ground before his eyes, Heinz glanced back briefly, silently thanking the thunder sage. Picking up the knife that had missed the thief before, he threw it at point-blank range, the blood seeping out of his throat as the man's head slumped back. (Link -6 dmg).

Straightening up slowly, Heinz pulled the other two knives he had thrown at the brigand, wiping them clean on the dead man's armor. They were stronger than I thought, I suppose. "But it could've gone worse," he mummurred to himself.

Heinz: 8/12 HP (+10 exp)

Thief: 0/9 HP

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Seeing one enemy remaining, Viveka saw a chance to take action. She wasn't sure why exactly, but she really wanted to take her target down and quickly flanked the thief that was maneuvering in between his attackers. As soon as he spotted her, he dove out of the way only to be skewered by her change in direction. As she angled the lance, the thief fell to the ground and died. She landed near those fighting the man and was joined by Irina.

Viveka: Is that all of them?

Irina: Looks like it. I'm going to go check on Tas and the wyverns.

She did as she said and landed right in front of Tas dismounting and slowly coming up to him.

Irina: Hey, you alright? I'm not surprised that happened but I should have been more alert.

Viv attacks thief

Viv rolls 6,4,2


HIT 11 vs Evade 8 = HIT

DMG 6 vs DEF 2 = -4 hp KO

Viv hp 12/12

Thief hp bleeding out


Viv: +10

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As the knife-wielder was cut down by Viveka, Aiya smirked at the blonde pegasus knight for a moment.

"Stealing another's hard earned kill now, are we?" Aiya said jokingly to the Elyisimian knight, before replacing her zweihander to it's sheath on her back.

As she looked back over to Luc and Tessa, Aiya decided to go and check up on the pair. Walking up behind Tessa, she began to speak to the young valkyrie.

"So, does it look like he'll be alright?" Aiya asked concernedly, hoping not to distract Tessa from healing in the process.

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"So who were these enemies anyway? They had far more magic than common bandits and they lacked the insignia of the soldiers we saw earlier. Some new foe perhaps?" Morgan guessed, surveying the scene of the battle.

Tristan merely stood in shock, his sword still embedded in the bandit. Charlotte laid in a bleeding pile somewhere.

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The Fargo

The battle was over and Fargo was beaming with pride at his own greatness for not contributing anything to the battle. Now he just had too--wait, he was supposed to rescue people, not flail about in combat! Oh Captain was gonna be sore about this, and that whole electric shock thing too. Fargo kicked his horse into a run over to where Charlotte lay bleeding in a pile. He grabbed the Princess like the bad bad man he was and carried her over to the carriage area. "Need a little healing here!" he shouted to anyone in range.

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"I'm coming," Beau called to the man in a drone, readying his heal staff, "If you would, please set her down so I can reach." The thirteen-year-old almost sounded bored as he looked up at the man with his large, stonelinke, blue eyes.


For a moment, Tas didn't even notice that Irina was there. Then his mind registered and he lifted his eyes. He was horrified. He didn't speak. Even though he was still a little injurred, it wasn't worth his attention.

Then, he found his voice, as quiet as it was, "I..." He looked down again and tried to continue, "I...almost... ... H-he was... ... ... My lance, it..." He couldn't finish. Instead he just looked over to where his hand gripped his lance. The priest's blod was running down his gloved fingers and even a few drops flowed down his wrist and arm. He stared at it almost in fear. Even Namid was quiet: just curled up.

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The Fargo

"Right, right," Fargo said and set the Princess down.

A Paul

Did these people have any desire to wage their battles quietly? As a loud-mouthed buffoon he was appalled at their lack of elegance!

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"You don't need to thank me, silly. You just need to stay alive," Tessa ever so gently admonished Luc, in response to the count's first actual words since her arrival on the scene. "As long as you're alive, that means The Lady has something still planned for you. It's my job to make sure you can do your part in that." Adding in a smaller voice, she continued, "Plus... it's not just a job. I don't like seeing friends hurt."

Just then, Aiya returned, and inquired after the cavalier's condition. Reaching down, Tessa checked his pulse one more time for confirmation sake, then squeezed his hand and said to the both of them, "Okay, you're good for now, I... I'm probably needed to go off and tend to the someone else now, most likely. Thanks for looking after him before I could get here, Aiya. It helped a lot."

Turning to check on Fargo's latest call for help, she saw that the young Bellemire was already handling it, so looked around a little further. Spying General Conrad laying unmoving on the ground several dozen meters distant, she sprinted over to check him out.

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Luc Altair

"Again and again I am in Tessa's debt," Luc said as he watched the troubadour leave. From the fight in the canyon to this brawl she had saved his life three times by now. And what had he done for her? A day at his mansion and a dress he forced upon her. Luc nodded, when this was all over he would find some way to repay the girl for her blessings, and any more she would no doubt give to him.

Luc slowly craned his neck and looked at Aiya. "Thank you again, Aiya." Luc took in a deep breath. At the very least Luc had already aided Aiya in the past. But still, that did not say she should not be given compensation or such. "If you wouldn't mind, could you relate what happened? My mind is a tad foggy from this." All he could remember was a flash of green and pain from some lightning attack. It was easy to reason she had rescued him, but what of his assailant? And the others--Thunder included--how were there injuries? Tessa had already relented so she had already seen another. Luc had to know.

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"Well, the ambush began with an attack on General Conrad. He was taken out in a single blow, and collapsed where Tessa is tending to him now. You were the next target. The thunder sage launched a thoron spell at you, and you and your steed both fell... I divebombed the sage and managed to take her out before she attacked anyone else, but her men held strong until they were completely routed." Aiya said, relaying the situation to Luc.

"That's right, I was going to find Kelas so she could have a look at your stallion, but I haven't managed to locate her yet..." Aiya finished, looking downcast as she gestured to Thunder. The steed seemed to be in better shape that his rider, but Aiya was no expert on horses, so she could not tell if her intuition was correct.

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"Dunno who, but they came outta nowhere," Kelas replied as Morgan wondered aloud who the attackers had been. "...But we're all right... I think..." she added more quietly. Arrin was safe, Tessa was all right and healing people... she sheathed her-- no, it had been Megae's sword. It wasn't hers.

Now that the battle was over, it began to sink in what had happened. They had been attacked out of nowhere by yet another enemy, but this one was unknown. When did it stop? How many groups were out to get them? How many people had they nearly lost today, before lunchtime, even? She wrapped her arms lightly around Isotov's shoulders. "You'd better be all right," she muttered. Tessa had helped out and she could tell he was breathing steadily, but still, people could be lost after battles, not just during them...

She shook her head: what-ifs would not help. They had to find out who these people had been, and retroactively panicking was useless. She stayed put, waiting for the healers to finish with more urgent patients.


"Thanks," Arrin told Heinz, backing away from where the enemy thief had fallen. "You all right?" It looked like the man wasn't about to fall over, anyway... and there were more urgent things. He looked around. "Kelas is all right..." he mumbled to himself, then turned to go find Tessa and Beau. "Is there any way I can help?" he asked as he walked over to Beau, who was closer.


Eventually Tobe realized that the sounds of fighting had ceased. He waited a bit to see if it would start again, huddled up and shivering with fear.


Amari stopped short: she'd been just about to kick in the thief's skull when Heinz finished him instead. She'd done her best to harry the enemies during the fight, but they'd been too good at dodging to kick. Now she trotted over to Kelas: her rider was all right, but the red man apparently wasn't. Amari could tell that Kelas was worried, and probably about multiple things, like humans usually were. Well... this wasn't really any time to sulk. She nickered softly and leaned her head against Kelas' free shoulder for a moment, trying to calm her. "<Thanks>," Kelas told the mare quietly.


Francis eventually calmed down. His rider had dismounted, and he'd fled a little ways off, pausing to watch and see if his herd-mates would also come. They hadn't, and the battle had ended. Everything smelled like blood and steel and Francis didn't like it but the Lady and the Boy and the lead mare were all there, so he'd better check it out. He trotted over and investigated: the lead mare was with the Lady, who was holding the rider from before. Huh. Francis wasn't really sure what holding meant with humans, but it usually meant they liked each other; the fact that the Lady evidently liked this person raised Francis' opinion of him significantly. However, there was nothing he could do here. He trotted around, observing.

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Luc Altair

Luc took in all the new information in silence. Conrad did not have the motions of one who would know the wards of magic, but he was as stout as they came and yet he fell so easily. And Luc's own training--memories of the day Merigold ruined his hand swept by--proved inadequate as well. Just another pebble on the pile of things to improve. Aiya's quick defeat of that Sage after was a great boon, her weapon arm was probably stronger than his own it seemed.

"Thunder," Luc steered his neck and words towards his mount. Like his hand, memories regarding his first meeting with the steed came flooding by. "That, will not be so easy. Thunder is not a friendly beast." Indeed, Luc would probably have to be told the information so he could do handle any health concerns. Even n this state, Thunder would likely be violent. "I should probably be the only one to touch him." Luc let out all the air in his lungs and took a few quick gasps of air. Even that would not be easy.


The large stallion reared its head and let out as large a neigh as it could muster. The Luc should be here. Where was the Luc? The steed called out for the Luc again.

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Looking over the lance she'd been using, Viveka saw a lot of blood on it, coming up to nearly her grip on it. She quickly held the lance further toward the blunt end hoping to keep her gloves clean and quickly heard Aiya speak to her. A kill thief? She grimaced.

Viveka: When in a group of unorganized mercenaries, military vacationers, and morally bankrupt magic students, do what they do.

Meanwhile Irina was breaking apart herself seeing Tas in the state he was. She closed her eyes tightly trying to stay composed. She didn't know what to say or what to do for him. To her battle was natural, and she had no trouble at all killing an enemy combatant. She always felt a bit weaker than other mercenaries, but compared to Tas, she was a cold blooded killer, maybe even similar to Victor in some ways. She had no idea what to say so she came forward and wrapped her arms around Tas. Holding there for a moment, she spoke into his ear.

Irina: I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to go through that. (I'd forgotten ... it's been so long. The first time is always the worst no matter who it is.)

Lev sighed watching them before climbing down from Krinkov and leaning up against him.

Lev: (Irina has this. Maybe I should check on my employers.) Hm?

Lev quickly noticed that he was still holding the hatchling in his arms and grimaced.

Lev: Oh right, you.

As Tessa came over to where Conrad was Thunderbolt and Illiam looked right at her alerted by the foot steps. Seeing that it was only the one that healed, Thunderbolt stepped aside revealing Jasmine sitting with Conrad's head rested in her lap. She looked up and smiled.

Jasmine: He's alive, but ... could you heal him? He has a burn on the inside of his armor. Magic really packs a punch.

Isotov slowly opened his eyes and let out a pained moan. He could already tell he was in the arms of Kelas and off his feet. A bit frustrated, he quickly complained.

Iso: Urrrg. Not agaaaain.

unbeknownst to him, his irises were glowing again, a bit too brightly to tell there were even eyes behind the light. Smoke also began rising from Proxima as it lied over his lap.

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"'Not again' indeed--" Kelas began, instantly ready to start on another "try not to die" lecture, but broke off as she noticed Isotov's eyes light up. "Oh gods, you're glowing again. Is there a healer free?" she called, regaining her don't-panic mindset from the battle.


Amari backed away; suddenly there was magic in the air, and she didn't want anything to do with it. It was emanating from the red man, and she already knew that she wouldn't be able to convince Kelas to get away. She headed away, hoping that there weren't going to be any explosions or anything. Explosions were loud and generally frightening.

She heard an odd sort of whimpering issuing from the front of the carriage, and stuck her nose into the driver's seat to find Tobe, tear-soaked but almost starting to calm down. At the sight of the horse he crawled out, wrapping his skinny arms around Amari's head for a moment. "I guess I best try to help," he mumbled into Amari's forelock, and let go. He looked around the area: healers were dealing with the wounded, but there was a horse down that nobody was paying attention to. Maybe he could help it? He headed over cautiously, Amari following along to make sure the small human did not get into trouble again. She recognized the stallion he headed over to, though she didn't know him too well.

Tobe cautiously approached Thunder. "Easy," he murmured at the injured horse. "What happened t' you?" Very slowly he began to reach towards Thunder's neck.

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When Fargo set the displaced princess of Jerdon down, Beau set his heal staff to work. In the midst of the healing, Arrin showed up asking if he could help in some way. "Wait," he shortly replied, trying to focus on the healing. He'd been healing throughout the battle but now that it was over, he was beginning to feel the wear it had had on him. (These people attract destruction at every turn, it seems.)


"..I... I've never hurt anyone like that before... I've...never drawn blood," Tas managed, gathering strength from Irina's empathy, "I don't think I k-killed...him... But he was... He was a holy man. And I spilled his blood... I stained something..." Tas was a little confused about his wording. He knew what he'd stained: the priest's robe. But even so, he felt like he'd stained something else - some part of himself.

"Irina... What was it? What's changed?" he asked.

The hatchling, meanwhile was looking around the battlefield in surprise. There were a lot of humans but they were acting like meals: like dead things. Were they dead? What happened?

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Luc Altair the Fargo and Thunder

As Luc looked at Thunder he saw that young boy from earlier who's name he never caught. Luc opened his mouth to shout, but a coughing fit stopped his words.

Thunder looked at the human thing near him. Anger swelled up inside. This was not the handle-men, this was not the Luc. That only meant the hurters. With all his force the horse thrashed about to knock away the hurter. Never again!

Fargo was mindlessly watching the little man go about his work when a bad feeling deep inside told him to look up. That little kid from earlier was next to Thunder. Uh oh. "Get away kid!" he yelled too late. Thunder was shaking violently. "Oh boy," the cavalier muttered as he took off running.

Luc saw Fargo rush past towards Thunder and the unknown boy. Good, Fargo's armor was thick and could easily take one of Thunder's lashing. The boy would not be so fortunate.

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