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My parents are talking to one another


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When my parents speak to each I can't help but think how fitting this song is

Particularly when they yell fight, although at least they still use words, because it would suck to get caught in the crossfire if they started summoning aeons and throwing blitzballs at each other:(

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Actually I think the sort of fighting that typically happens when that music plays is the watery destruction of entire cities and the haphazard wielding of giant bladed weapons acquired from awkwardly twisted spaces residing in sternums.

Close though!

inb4 "It's relevant because that entire game was about father and son disagreement"

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FF X was the first one I actually owned and what led to me getting other games in the series to begin with, hahah.

You and me both.

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hahah nah, my sister got knocked up and miscarried again

For a while my father was pretty sure that my mom had an affair earlier than he knew and that my real father was some random guy, but we're pretty sure I'm his now.

Unless I am an alien.

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hahah nah, my sister got knocked up and miscarried again

For a while my father was pretty sure that my mom had an affair earlier than he knew and that my real father was some random guy, but we're pretty sure I'm his now.

Unless I am an alien.

Or a half-human hybrid.

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