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lol at me being scum. Weapons just always votes for me.

Further analysis to come when I have more time. I will say that anime conventions are pretty awesome, and I got some neat figmas. (Eltoshan, Tilytu, Tohsaka Rin :wub:) I don't know if Ether/Snike were in the IRC channel over the past week when I was talking about going, but if so they can confirm. Like it matters though.

I can confirm that you were away during that time.

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lol at me being scum. Weapons just always votes for me.

Further analysis to come when I have more time. I will say that anime conventions are pretty awesome, and I got some neat figmas. (Eltoshan, Tilytu, Tohsaka Rin :wub:) I don't know if Ether/Snike were in the IRC channel over the past week when I was talking about going, but if so they can confirm. Like it matters though.

Only scum go to anime conventions.

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It is information the town does not need to operate effectively, but may potentially help the assassins.

Maybe it's just because I haven't played Mafia in a while, but I can't think of why the Town knowing your role before we lynch you is beneficial for the Assassins. If you're not going to be helpful to the Town I see no reason not to ##Vote: Raymond.

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You know what we should all do?

2 main choices

1 We vote Raymond and if he's scum its alright, if he's not we vote WOMC's ass off.

2 We vote Weapons because of his 'claim'

Truthfully neither appeal, you've seen how eager WoMC can get to lynch people based on nothing to very little.

I have a guess as to what Raymond's role might be and its probably not worth us trying to Myrrhder him.

In conjection with the most likely detective being Abel I'm inclined to abstain for the time being.

Ether has already vouched for WoMC which is how we learnt he's military, given that WoMC hasn't rebuked this claim, its likely that they are both army as for the mafia to risk exposing two members so early on seems implausible.

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But if I'm right in assuming, then I suppose the only way the recent events have occurred is via a framer type.

##Vote JB

I'm still believing Weapons due to a few facts, and since there hasn't been any other recent targets, it's just business.

....Maybe Mike. >_>

Edited by Psych
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I have made up my mind. Raymond did not only act highly suspicious, but we have a cop claiming against him, and someone has vouched for the cop's trustworthiness. Even if this is wrong, we will get valuable information from it, the identities of one or two mafia, which our vigilante can work on.

##Vote: Raymond

Also, I would like to bring up one more thing - if the Doctor is reading this, I would ask you to protect Groner. The vigilante must be protected.

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I have made up my mind. Raymond did not only act highly suspicious, but we have a cop claiming against him, and someone has vouched for the cop's trustworthiness. Even if this is wrong, we will get valuable information from it, the identities of one or two mafia, which our vigilante can work on.

##Vote: Raymond

Also, I would like to bring up one more thing - if the Doctor is reading this, I would ask you to protect Groner. The vigilante must be protected.

And if a framer targeted Raymond then we lose our cop and any furhter ML allowances?

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You know what we should all do?

2 main choices

1 We vote Raymond and if he's scum its alright, if he's not we vote WOMC's ass off.

2 We vote Weapons because of his 'claim'

>_> Suggesting the second option at this moment in time is incredibly stupid in my eyes.

First, we look at option 1 which is to lynch Raymond who has been highly suspicious and has a cop against him. If he is guilty, cool, we killed scum, if he isn't the possibility of a Framer and WoMC being guilty come up assumning Raymond isn't the miller.

Second option, we lynch the cop claim which causes us to either lose a cop, a townie, or scum. Personally, I don't believe scum would risk outting themselves as a cop right now, so I'm leaning towards Raymond being guilty as he hasn't tried to convince us other than telling us it's a mistake. Tell us why it's a mistake.

##Vote: Raymond

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Hey, wait a minute... Ether says that WOMC is trustworthy, if we vote Raymond then we find out that WOMC was lying, we get 2 free kills.

Man, I didn't want to vote for Raymond, but it seems like the best option. Sorry, Ray. :(

##unvote: JB25

##Vote: Raymond

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The only problem I have with a Raymond lynch right now is the possibility of a Framer, because if Raymond turns up innocent we will lynch WoMC next. However, if Raymond was framed and they're both innocent, we will have wasted two lynches.

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... Could someone give me kind of a summary of what's been happening lately? <___< I'm sorry, I had to go away again and I feel like shit for being inactive. I should be active again starting now.

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Here ya go.

-WOMC made a claim about being a cop and having guilty on Raymond.

-Everyone believed him except few people.

-I am a vigilante.

-The plan right now is to lynch Raymond. If he's scum, WOMC is safe. If he's not, we lynch Weapons and maybe Ether because of him saying he's trustworthy.

That's about it for now.

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^Good plan. We get a scum either way, unless Weapons is being stupid. And Weapons isn't stupid.

I was at my girlfriends today :wub: , sorry for being inactive.

##Vote: Raymond

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... You know, Raymond always seems so enigmatic when he's playing mafia. <_-_< I don't know why. Groner, though, I have a new respect for you.

##Vote: Raymond

I'll just go with this. It seems really sheepy of me and I don't really like Weapons in the first place, tbh. I'll see what happens if we lynch him. <_________________<

uuurgh feels like hypocrite

... maybe I need to go read more thoroughly

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Here ya go.

-WOMC made a claim about being a cop and having guilty on Raymond.

-Everyone believed him except few people.

-I am a vigilante.

-The plan right now is to lynch Raymond. If he's scum, WOMC is safe. If he's not, we lynch Weapons and maybe Ether because of him saying he's trustworthy.

That's about it for now.

The problem with jumping onto lynching WoMC if Raymond is innocent is the possible existence of a framer. I'm pretty sure two scum would not stake their lives to kill a single townie.

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The problem with jumping onto lynching WoMC if Raymond is innocent is the possible existence of a framer. I'm pretty sure two scum would not stake their lives to kill a single townie.

As I said earlier, the chance of a framer and cop both hitting the same target on night 1 is very low. Low enough that we can disregard the possibility.

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Anything is a possibility until we discount it. If Weapons ends up dead and I find out Groner killed him tomorrow, I'm voting Groner.

Saying something didn't happen because of low chances is offering yourself up to the slaughter. It's stupid to think that.

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