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I get the feeling Tables will still be unhappy with the results, even after the extension. Little has changed in the way of new votes, though there was some additional discussion.

I guess I'm back to bolstering another vote on the 'not me' camp, this time before the deadline, solely because I know my death will be a disadvantage to the town, whereas Jean-Marc could still flip scum, even if he's terminally inactive. I've played past games of mafia with members like that.

##Vote Jean-Marc

Also, since I still have my reservations about Weapons, I'd like the tracker (assuming one exists) to follow him, make sure to confirm or deny whether he actually visits who he claims to visit when we reconvene tomorrow. Unless of course someone has a better idea.

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Paraphrasing night results is fine, quoting them, even in part, is against the rules, as is posting things that look like quotes of your flavour.

Let this be a final warning regarding that.

Something like 5 hours left?

Also Strider hasn't replied yet, so... yeah, no replacement coming, it looks like :(.

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Past the deadline but if memory serves its deadlocked between Bal and JM so

##Vote Jean Marc

I generally dislike the inactivity=scum mindset but the town isn't gaining anything from his presence so, far less than we are from Bal at any rate.

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Jean Marc (4): Balcerzak, (Balcerzak), (Groner), JB25, Mikethfc, Radiant Dragon, (Radiant Dragon)

Balcerzak (0): (Psych)

Weapons, I think you're not using the ## format so I'm missing your votes.

Our meeting today was slow, with little discussion. The events, the deaths, of the last two nights, and the survival of Nicolas, have sucked our morale, and some people haven’t slept for days. I’ve managed a few hours each night, but had the same nightmare every time... as I sleep, I hear deark, sinister laughter... the sounds of swords... I feel surrounded, enemies on every side, then... nothing. Suddenly, as I think it’s over, pain shoots through my body. I look down, and see a blade, protruding from my chest, as I wake in a cold sweat. Does this dream mean anything? Am I having a vision of my future? I don’t know...

Today, after our discussion went into the night, we decided on who to kill. As we announced our decision, he stood there, immobile, white as a sheet.

“Any last words?” I asked, having been tasked with killing him.He whispered something, inaudiable to me. I leaned in closer.

“Sorry,” he said, almost too quietly to hear, “Sorry that my dad did this. Tell my family I...” He froze mid-sentence, then looked at the crowd. Nobody would look him in the eye. I knew... we were about to kill Colton Le Povidevin, an innocent man. I knew what I had to do.

“Go.” I whispered back. “Run.” He looked at me, turned and looked towards his home.

“Thanks... thank you, Abel.” He replied, and turned, sprinting away from the crowd and from me. As he did, the crowd saw what was going on and started shouting.

“Stop him, Abel! What’re you doing?” I turned back to them, and told them... he was with us, and he was leaving now.


Colton ran the full distance to his house, and got ready to evacuate the city. He didn’t know where they’d go, but with his father injured, they would be safe elsewhere. But as he entered the house, something was wrong. No lights were on. Books had been overturned, and his noted rifled through. He cautiously looked around, before noticing a figure, standing there.

“Thought you’d run?” The man said, moving towards him. “That you’d leave town? I don’t think that’s going to happen.” He pulled out a dagger, and lunged onto Colton. Colton fought back, but having run all the way back home, was out of energy, and easily overcome. The knife slid up towards his neck. Colton closed his eyes, and stopped fighting.

Dear Jean-Marc,

You are Colton Le Povidevin, the Son.

What do you do when your dad snaps and decides to kill over a dozen people? What if one of them is you?

You used to be close to your dad, helping him run Povidevin Incorporated, but then things changed suddenly. Someone, by some means unknown to you, had attempted to take over the company by illicit means, and framed you for it. Your dad, of course, realised it couldn’t have been you doing it, and quickly worked out who it was... his brother, your uncle Rolf. Unfortunately your dad didn’t realise that you were being framed, instead assuming you were a poor accomplice, and now you’re marked for death too.

You’ve become somewhat of a leader among the townspeople, although does that mean anything to them? Who knows. What does matter is that your name is well known, so you’ll have to think carefully - blend in, or assert your innocence?

You are allied with the town, and win by killing everyone allied with the assassins, even if you are killed before that point.

Night phase ends 12pm Friday. Orders submitted after that point won't be counted.

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Hey, was Jean-Marc an ordinary townie, or did he have some kind of power? I'm leaning on the former, but I would like to know for sure.

Standard townie who was mentioned in the OP, if he was here he could've said he was Colton and nobody would've been able to counter-claim proving him town.

I suppose WoMC investigating Bal tonight is the best course of action.

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Yeah, so Bal has about a 90% chance to be mafia now; I think I'll investigate him.

Right. Because my pressure vote to make him talk, that I even unvoted (which quite possibly could have cost me my life), as well as my clear statements that indicated I didn't really think he was scum are a perfect indication that I'm just all sorts of shady business.

But please, by all means investigate me so you can clear me tomorrow. I'll look forward to a clean slate. I just hope that by having broadcasted your (already obvious) choice, the assassins don't try to find some way to fuck with it.

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Standard townie who was mentioned in the OP, if he was here he could've said he was Colton and nobody would've been able to counter-claim proving him town.

I suppose WoMC investigating Bal tonight is the best course of action.

Hmm... Okay.

I agree that this would be the best course of action, barring any Framers or Lawyers screwing things up. As such, WoMC should probably investigate someone else, just in case.

Edited to change a mistake that changed the meaning of the post.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Fuck what Tables said about orders not being allowed in past 12PM on Friday.

Morning. Flavour will come from yours truly if I can study Tables' writing style a bit within the next couple of hours.

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