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The Assassins Guild


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I was town, d00d.

Unless you meant this? http://s7.zetaboards.com/the_cara/topic/942516/26/

I assumed he meant this


Sorry about the edit I had to fix the link, but its still in the one minute gap

Edited by mikethfc
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I've been mafia here a grand total of three times, I think.. First time I died n1. Second time I was trying to bus, and it didn't really work very well but we ended up winning, and third time was linked game. So no, not really much of a long history.

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Lightning, don't you have a long history of giving up as mafia as soon as people are suspicious?

There's a difference between suspicious and proven guilty.

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Sorry guys. Yeah, I think the lynch is obvious by now and nothing's going to change it. But I have to catch up with... the internet in general (been offline since Friday IIRC). Expect flavour and night phase this evening (GMT, ergo ~5 hours)

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As the crowd came to their quick conclusion, they grabbed the protesting Martin Dobrzykowski aka Spy, tying him to a tree in the corner of the park. Leaving him there under watch, the rest of the crowd left, and headed away for a few hours of peace. Many checked in to local motels, getting a few precious hours sleep; others went to eat a full meal in peace. A few headed to the local church, feeling their prayers were needed more than ever. For once, the people felt peaceful, and happy they'd made the right choice.

Later, that evening, they headed back. Martin, still tied to the tree, had mellowed a bit, and even got some rest himself. But as the crowd returned he tried a new tactic, one more familiar to him. He caught the eye of one of the women in the crowd. "You know, honey, you should be helping me get out. I could make it... worth your while, if you get what I mean." he told the woman, trying his best seductive skills. Unperturbed by the comments, the woman walked straight up to Martin and, without speaking, drew a knife, holding it to his throat. "Mmm, I like a woman with attitude. Why don't you put that away and take me home with you... as a slave to your desires." His comments fell on deaf ears, as the woman, pulling the knife from his kneck, stabbed him twice in the chest, then once, for revenge, in the groin. Martin coughed and froze in pain, and quickly fell into shock and finally, sleep.

Dear Spykor,

You are Martin Dobrzykowski, the Shadow

When you were 13, you joined a local gang in the city to prove that you were hard. Going around the city, threatening people you didn’t like – or just flat out beating them up – and sleeping with whatever girl you wanted – whether she wanted to or not. It seemed like your idea of paradise, and life was your plaything.

By the time you were 16 you became the de facto leader of the gang, but asides from that your corrupted life continued the way it already was for the next few months. Eventually living this lifestyle, it was inevitable that a few fights would get out of hand, and in one of them you made your first kill. At first this left you depressed and suicidal, but you eventually overcame your guilt and emotions and within a month, you’d even killed a second time. Unperturbed this time, killing to extort money from those who wouldn’t give it to you even became commonplace in your life. Of course, police exist, and shortly after you had an APB out on you. That APB still exists, but now you’re in a different city. Why? Someone identifying themselves only as ‘The Master’ came along and told you to follow her in exchange for protection.

Now, at 17, you’re the youngest member of the Assassin’s Guild, but that doesn’t stop you. You’ve killed before and experienced far more than any normal 17 year old, but you still love your life and regularly go out, against the Master’s wishes, to ‘charm’ the girls in the city. As a result of your creeping around, you can follow someone each night. While you might not actually do anything to them, they’ll be scared by the event and might not do anything the next night.

You are known among the assassins as ‘Scimitar’. You are allied with the assassins, and win if the assassins kill all of the targets, even if you are killed before that point.

It is now night phase. You have until 9pm Wednesday to submit orders.

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