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DA125's Sealed Sword Playthrough


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Chapter 21: The Sealed Sword

Holy living fucking shit, IS? You really expect me to take on 20 wyverns? Oh well, since I conquered the living hellhole that is Sacae, I can handle a few dozen wyverns. Well, at least Miredy and Bors think so.

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Clarine, Saul, Shin, Gonzales, Miredy, Ray, Percival, Douglas, Niime, Dayan, Fa, Yodel

Not Joining:


Difficult chapter, which is mostly due to all the fucking dracoknights. The dragon masters are especially dangerous because they have silver lances and can cause 20+ damage to most of your units. There are also two Mamkutes and a Bolting sage near the throne, but they are easy enough to deal with. Do not bring any weaklings to this map, because I can tell you right now, they WILL die. If you have any filler units, BRING THEM NOW, because if you try to use only ~10 units, you will likely get overwhelmed and killed. Having a high def unit, such as a general or dragonmaster, will be a big help if you run into a tight spot. Even after getting past all the bullshit this map has to throw at you, you still have Murdoch to deal with. I'll talk more about him when the time comes, but I can give you a hint: bring a magic user, and he'll be so much easier than it needs to be. To unlock the gaiden, you will need to complete this chapter in 30 turns or less. Also, Miredy and Zeiss must be recruited and NOT KO'd.

Before I started the chapter, I sold a boatload of items, in preparation for all the shopping I'm about to do this chapter. Also didn't forget to put the Silver and Gold cards on Roy so I can access the secret shop. I'm also bringing Fa this chapter, as well as everything after C22 because you HAVE to bring her in C24 and I'd like to have a decently trained Fa before then. I thought about Lalum, but she dies so easily, it was more trouble than it was worth.

I moved all my units south, having Roy stop to buy shit at the armory, and Fa using the angelic robe(Percy and Alan picked them up). Lance also used the energy ring. Bors manages to critkill the Elfire sage. Only after 2 turns, and paladin/dracoknight reinforcements appear to my south. Dieck goes after the bishop, then Shin kills the dragon master. Miredy and Bors barely manage to KO two dracoknights, then I form a wall protecting my healers. Lance and Percy get attacked by the reinforcements (with Lance killing a jav!DK with a crit), and the archers still insisted on attacking Miredy. Anyway, Fa goes back to deal with the pally that Percy weakened, and Dieck kills the DK that attacked Shin. Miredy kills the DK and Ray and Rutgar go after the archers. I form another wall, but nothing dies(Clarine couldn't kill her DK and the javelin pally attacked.). I then form another wall closer to the enemy; while Yodel goes to the village, I form an L-shaped blockade protecting my not-so-meaty units. Ray killed several paladins, and Lily took out the dragon lord. I moved my units back a little further, this time, getting ALL my frail units out of range as well as using Bors and Gonzo to tank. Gonzo managed to kill two pallies and Bors weakened a dragon lord. Gonzo kills said DM, then the posse moves forward a little more. This time, many pallies die and one of the DK's gets greedy and goes after Doug(the DK dies next turn). By turn 9, I managed to clear out all the reinforcements, thanks to my semi-turtling strategy and the fact that Gonzales and Dieck are fucking beasts(Bors and Lilina too, but one has fail offense/PWN durability and the other is hard to raise and is usually frail and slow).

After I bought 3 Rings, 3 Shields, 2 Robes, 2 Wings, a Amulet, and 2 Body Rings at the secret shop, I moved my units into the zone where Gale would spawn. He did just that on turn 12. Also, an entire mob of dracoknights spawned from the northeast and the south. Bors provoked a Mamkute into getting weakened and subsequently killed by Rutgar. While Miredy distracted Gale(it was only fitting. And I'm not going to bother killing Gale. Usually, he does fuck all anyway, as he likes to cling to people.), I took care of the reinforcements that spawned to the south, as well as Fazilla killing off the SE Mamkute. As for the temple itself, I waited for the sage to run out of Bolting charges, then killed him and the two Knight killer armors(had Ray equip Nosferatu as a precaution). As for Murdoch himself, ...OMFG, those are some good stats. 62HP/28Def means that he's very hard to take down without magic, and 40 atk means that anything not wearing a thick shell(which is limited to Bors/Barth/Treck) is going to be on the ass end of a brutal assbeating. Of course, that means just about nothing to Lilina. She basically flame-broiled Murdoch in a sea of flames(it's pretty funny how a loli was able to do something that would take someone like Rutgar 5 rounds to do), and after 20 grueling, yet suspenseful turns, Roy capped the throne(not before I used some stat-up items.)

Roy      	01  20  40  14  14  18  16  10  05  06 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  15  39  30  17  25  19  05  25  05  A Roy/B Gonzo
Alan 		02  07  44  24  17  19  11  12  04  11  A Lance
Lance   	02  07  41  17  21  23  09  12  07  11  A Alan
Bors      	02  13  54  23  21  21  19  30  04  16
Dieck    	02  11  54  25  22  20  12  12  06  14  C Rutgar
Rutgar   	02  14  48  22  27  30  07  12  09  07  A Clarine/C Dieck
Ray      	02  10  43  26  21  21  09  09  21  07
Saul      	02  15  39  18  23  25  03  09  26  07
Shin      	02  09  44  22  24  28  16  10  05  07
Miredy 		02  08  50  25  23  20  09  21  05  10
Clarine 	02  08  35  14  14  25  20  06  16  05  A Rutgar
Gonzales    	02  10  60  30  17  23  15  12  01  16  B Lilina
Percival   	02  05  43  17  13  18  12  14  11  12
Douglas   	02  08  46  19  13  08  11  20  05  17
Niime   	02  18  25  21  20  16  15  05  18  04
Dayan   	02  12  43  14  16  20  12  10  12  08
Fazilla   	01  04  28  05  05  05  12  02  08  01

Swag: Holy Maiden, Malte, Knight crest, Energy ring(x3), Dracoshield(x3), Angel robe(x2), Speedwing(x2), Body ring(x2), Talisman

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Rutger wouldn't need 10 rounds if you had the Armourslayer. 48ATK, so he 4HKOes, and a 50% chance to crit on his attacks.

49 to be exact, as Rutger procced str before I got into the throne room. I didn't have an armorslayer on me because Roy had a full inventory when I was buying items. With Percy's silver sword, it would have taken Rutger five rounds, assuming none of those hits criticaled and the throne healing was accounted for(I actually did playtesting, and it took him 3 rounds. Dieck took 4.)

Note that 10 rounds was an exaggeration.

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Just want to ask, did you end up facing every single reinforcement?


Probably need to google translate if you want to understand, but basically there are zones that determine if there are going to be reinforcements. If you are in the zone, you get to face the reinforcements (up to a certain number of rounds). Once everyone is out, no more will be caused by that zone. You have a potential 5 fliers at this point. Miledy, Zeis, Tate, Thany, Juno. Going Sacae you still have 4 fliers. Aside from Miledy they all have a lot of Aid (14 for promoted Zeis and Tate, 15 for promoted Thany, 13 for Juno). They can pick up almost anybody. Of course, if you are going to rely on Bors then you are stuck with causing at least one set of reinforcements since none of them can pick him up. Well, your Thany is still tier 1 I think so she can pick him up if that is the case.

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Just want to ask, did you end up facing every single reinforcement?


Probably need to google translate if you want to understand, but basically there are zones that determine if there are going to be reinforcements. If you are in the zone, you get to face the reinforcements (up to a certain number of rounds). Once everyone is out, no more will be caused by that zone. You have a potential 5 fliers at this point. Miledy, Zeis, Tate, Thany, Juno. Going Sacae you still have 4 fliers. Aside from Miledy they all have a lot of Aid (14 for promoted Zeis and Tate, 15 for promoted Thany, 13 for Juno). They can pick up almost anybody. Of course, if you are going to rely on Bors then you are stuck with causing at least one set of reinforcements since none of them can pick him up. Well, your Thany is still tier 1 I think so she can pick him up if that is the case.

Well, technically, Shin and Dayan also have enough Aid to pick up Bors, but I was mostly using them to move Gonzales(who has the same Con as Bors). Also, no I didn't. I managed to stay out of the yellow and black zones on the map, so I didn't see ALL the reinforcements. Luckily, the paladins were basically joke enemies anyway. Even the dragonmasters were easy once you reduced either their hit or their damage to single digits.

And yes, I used the Wars of Dragons map to determine at which point Gale would appear(because I did not want to go in that space unprepared.)

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If you have any filler units, BRING THEM NOW, because if you try to use only ~10 units, you will likely get overwhelmed and killed.

Bringing more units just to fill up empty deployment slots is about the worst idea you can think of for this map.

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Bringing more units just to fill up empty deployment slots is about the worst idea you can think of for this map.

That's not why he said to do it. He's suggesting that he'll lose if he only has 10 units so he's bringing more so that he'll actually win, not just for the sole purpose of filling all the deployment slots.


I was talking about fliers that can move them. Sure, some mounted units can do it too, but mounted units can't avoid the yellow area. They just barely make it through the green area. Admittedly, I normally just let Dieck and Clarine kill all the reinforcements sprouting from the green area. Just sorta leave them on the trees with Fire and Hand Axe and let them have fun while trying to build support points to maybe one day get a C. If they already have a C, I just do it since I'm pretending they have a prayer at a B.

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Chapter 21x: The Silencing Darkness

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Shin, Saul, Miredy, Ray

This chapter isn't too overly difficult. You should be familiar on how to deal with Fog of War by now, but in case you don't know about the traps, there are fire tiles in the outer corridors that will deal a fixed 10 damage, similar to Chapter 8x's lava tiles. Also, spikes will come out of the walls closer to the throne. These spikes don't cause a whole lot of damage and you can get tinked by them with as little as 10def.

I decided to split my posse into two smaller groups. Bors, Dieck, Shin, Saul, and Ray made up the western team, and Roy, Lily, Alan, Lance, and Miredy will make up the eastern team.

West Group: I sent my posse towards the western corridors, having Saul use his talisman. Dieck killed both mercs on the enemy phase, and on my next PP, I wiped out the sniper and hero using Saul and Ray. Next EP, Ray takes out the general, and Bors provokes the sniper. After dealing with said sniper, the party goes into the west corridor, takes out two more snipers, a knight, and a hero. Further up, Shin crushes a druid with a crit, then the party took a U-turn to the next corridor(Ray got silenced so I had to pick him up). Bors got hit by the fire trap, but I was astute enough to not put Dieck near one(he crushed the merc nice and easy.) After the flame room, Dieck took out the armorslayer hero, and Bors killed the shaman. I waited for Ray's silence to wear off then had him destroy the berserker. Saul went after the Fenrir druid, while Bors blocked the sniper's access to my weaker dudes. While the druid did run away like a little pussy, Saul DID manage to kill the killer bow sniper.

East Group: I sent my posse towards the eastern corridors. Lance killed a merc on the EP, as well as Miredy almost doing the same. Alan and Lance kill off the sniper and hero, after which, Lily healed Alan. I then moved into the corridor after Miredy KO'd the knight, crushing a hero and sniper with Miredy and Lance, respectively. Next turn, a Fenrir shaman attacks Miredy...and dies next turn. The turn after that, Miredy provokes the sniper into going in close range so Alan could kill it. I then picked up anybody with low move and U-turned to the next corridor. I dropped them off once at the flame tile corridor. I killed both knights, then moved farther forward. Lily provoked the knight killer general into dying, then Miredy killed the lancereaver merc and the general(the shaman and sniper decided they wanted to die, too). She also KO'd another Fenrir druid(Note: Even on Normal mode, those things HURT). I was still able to heal it off, though.

Once the two groups converged, the rest of the level was like taking a Butterfinger bar from a baby with Aspergers. Saul takes out the bastard that silenced Ray, then Bors provokes the hero into leaving his position. Alan and Lance take out the two remaining druids and Shin gets the boss kill. Oh, and after 27 grueling chapters of being stuck in the first tier, Roy finally gets his mitts on the Sealed sword,... and promoted to Master Lord.

Roy      	02  01  44  16  17  20  16  12  10  08 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  16  39  30  17  25  19  05  25  05  A Roy/B Gonzo
Alan 		02  08  45  24  18  19  11  12  04  11  A Lance
Lance   	02  08  42  17  21  24  10  12  08  11  A Alan
Bors      	02  14  55  23  21  21  20  30  04  16
Dieck    	02  12  55  25  22  21  13  12  06  14  C Rutgar
Ray      	02  10  43  27  21  21  10  10  21  07
Saul      	02  15  40  19  24  25  04  09  30  07
Shin      	02  10  45  23  25  29  16  10  05  08
Miredy 		02  08  53  25  24  21  10  21  05  10

Roy's Our Boy, eh? Well, he can now gain EXP again, not that it matters since he still sucks ass aside from his speed. Still, not a bad Roy overall.

Swag: Sealed sword, Apocalypse, Elixir(x3)

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Fenrir druid(Note: Even on Normal mode, those things HURT).

Yeah. I forget what their magic is on NM, but on HM they have 29 so 44 atk. They've probably got at least 22 on NM, so 37 is still quite painful.

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That's not why he said to do it. He's suggesting that he'll lose if he only has 10 units so he's bringing more so that he'll actually win, not just for the sole purpose of filling all the deployment slots.

Uh, that's exactly what he said. "Filler units." Not a good idea on chapter 21.

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Uh, that's exactly what he said. "Filler units." Not a good idea on chapter 21.

But to him a "Filler Unit" is like Percy or Dayan. They aren't exactly going to get themselves killed any time soon in chapter 21.

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He's not trying to go as fast as possible, though.

It's still a huge pain in the ass. You know that your core units are more than good enough to power through the chapter; bringing other fillers means you have more units to worry about and a higher chance to screw something up.

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Chapter 22: The Never Ending Dream

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Clarine, Ray, Miredy, Saul, Shin, Gonzales, Astol, Chad

Coming because I want to access my stat boosters:


Firstly, if you haven't collected all the Divine weapons, this is the end of the road for you. In order to go past this chapter, you must have all the divine weapons(Durandal, Malte, Armads, Miurgre, Forblaze, Aureola, Apocalypse)and the Sealed Sword intact, as well as having Fa NOT KO'd. As for the chapter itself, there are 38 enemies on the map(not counting Zephiel), all armed with some badass weaponry. In order to reach the throne room, you need to stand on two switches on the northern corners of this map.

Again, your army is split into two groups. My western force consists of Bors, Dieck, Rutgar, Clarine, Ray, and Astol. My eastern force is made up of Roy, Lily, Alan, Lance, Miredy, Saul, Gonzo, Shin, and Chad. The tent's on my eastern group.

West group: I sent all my units up, restored Astol's status after he got hit by the berserk staff(three times). Rutgar and Ray proceeded to destroy the first two enemies that crossed paths with them, then Dieck and Bors formed a wall protecting my other units from the devil axe berserker. Dieck killed said berserker, then Ray killed the merc. Bors destroyed another druid before the group dealt with the western treasure room. Dieck blicked yet another goddamn berserker, then Bors lures in and kills the silver sword hero. Dieck destroys yet another steel axe berserker, and Bors/Ray tag-team a general. While Astol gets the chests, Ray destroys the brave sword hero(everyone else moves back to converge).

East group: I sent all my units up, then killed the first two enemies with Shin and Roy. Next turn, Shin proceeded to kill a second merc, as well as killing a druid on the enemy phase. Roy then lured in and killed another berserker the next turn. The general was killed by Shin's counterattack(dumbass), then he(Shin)positioned himself to take out the brave axe hero(he kills the hero in two rounds). Roy lures in and kills the silver axe hero, then the army moves south. Roy blicks another berserker, then Miredy destroys a hero. As for the snipers, Gonzo kills those guys, then I have the group meet at the door.

Once the group converges(and using my stat boosters), and Astol steps on the switch, as Chad had done before, i enter the throne room. The heroes first get destroyed, then Rutgar and Roy killed the Mamkutes. As for the druids/sniper/bishop, I let Alan and Lance take them out. Adter dealing with some of the reinforcements, it was time to take on Zephiel himself. Since this was Roy's battle, I let him fight Zephiel. Taking a look at his damage and my own, I would 3RKO the king of Bern with the Sealed sword, and he was doing the same to me(and that was taking his Lilina support into account). Luckily, one of those hits was a crit, and he fell in two rounds. Roy seized afterwards.

Roy      	02  05  48  20  20  20  18  15  11  08 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  16  39  30  17  25  19  05  25  05  A Roy/B Gonzo
Alan 		02  09  46  24  18  20  11  12  05  11  A Lance
Lance   	02  09  43  17  22  25  10  12  08  11  A Alan
Bors      	02  16  57  27  21  21  21  30  04  16
Dieck    	02  13  56  25  22  22  13  12  06  14  C Rutgar
Miredy 		02  08  53  25  25  22  10  21  05  10
Rutgar   	02  14  48  22  27  30  07  12  09  07  A Clarine/C Dieck
Clarine 	02  09  35  15  14  25  20  06  17  05  A Rutgar
Ray      	02  12  44  28  22  22  10  10  21  07
Saul      	02  15  40  21  24  25  04  09  30  07
Shin      	02  12  46  24  26  30  17  10  05  08
Gonzales    	02  11  60  30  18  26  15  12  01  16  B Lilina

Taking a look at my stats, I have to say that some of my units got divinely blessed. I mean, Bors with capped strength? The only stats he comes even remotely close to capping are HP/spd/def, but str too? Wow, Bors actually turned out better than Oswin or Gilliam did when they reached 20/20(since when does a 'bad' armor turn out better than two 'good' armors?) Also, Roy got some nice gains in this chapter alone. Go Roy.

I'm not going to bother putting in Chad or Astol's stats(since by now, I couldn't give a rat's shit about them), nor am I going to talk about the wagon(because putting in the wagon's stats is about as pointless as trying to use Fiona in FE10 or trying to use Wendy in this game.)

Swag: White gem, Dracoshield, Wyrmslayer, Nosferatu, Sleep, Swordreaver

Before you say anything, yes, I did reach Chapter 23, so I can get the good ending.

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Before I start Chapter 23, I'd like to point out that I'm open to do either Sacred Stones or Blazing Sword right now. I'm not doing a Let's Play of Radiant Dawn until I get my Path of Radiance Let's Play completed(I'll update that soon enough.) I'll put up a poll soon, but until then, that's it.

P.S: Thank god this game is almost done. All that's left is this chapter, the chapter with Jahn, and Idoun herself. Other than Roy and Fa, who are forced for the dragon temple itself, I was planning on bringing the following party:

Rutgar  	Durandal
Miredy   	Malte
Bors      	Armads
Shin      	Miurgre
Lilina    	Forblaze
Saul      	Aureola
Ray   		Apocalypse
Clarine   	Holy Maiden

In case you are wondering about the others, I have my reasoning for not bringing them:

Dieck: He's basically Rutgar with slightly more HP/str, but significantly less AS/crit.

Gonzales: I value durability over offense, and Bors has an 18 def lead over him.

Alan: Has speed/defense issues.

Lance: Has strength/defense issues.

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Before I start Chapter 23, I'd like to point out that I'm open to do either Sacred Stones or Blazing Sword right now. I'm not doing a Let's Play of Radiant Dawn until I get my Path of Radiance Let's Play completed(I'll update that soon enough.) I'll put up a poll soon, but until then, that's it.

P.S: Thank god this game is almost done. All that's left is this chapter, the chapter with Jahn, and Idoun herself. Other than Roy and Fa, who are forced for the dragon temple itself, I was planning on bringing the following party:

Rutgar  	Durandal
Miredy   	Malte
Bors      	Armads
Shin      	Miurgre
Lilina    	Forblaze
Saul      	Aureola
Ray   		Apocalypse
Clarine   	Holy Maiden

In case you are wondering about the others, I have my reasoning for not bringing them:

Dieck: He's basically Rutgar with slightly more HP/str, but significantly less AS/crit.

Gonzales: I value durability over offense, and Bors has an 18 def lead over him.

Alan: Has speed/defense issues.

Lance: Has strength/defense issues.

You don't really need that many offensive units. You could just use Alan and Lance as transport. And they probably both double with wyrmslayers and probably 2HKO (it is NM so that should be easy). Lance maybe has issues with 2HKOing, but with an Alan support I wouldn't be surprised if he can pull it off regardless.

Also, you barely even need AS here. Most of the enemies are super slow in chapter 24. And Dieck will probably OHKO with Durandal on NM. Does Rutger? I'm not certain.

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You can pretty much just use Percival with Malte and Durandal and have him solo the map with some healing support. Extend this to any mounted unit with 2 S ranks.

I wouldn't suggest that you do Blazing Sword. I'd 1-up you before you can blink.

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Chapter 23: The Ghost of Bern

A.K.A Brenya's Last Stand

Starting Units:

Roy, Lilina, Alan, Lance, Bors, Rutgar, Dieck, Clarine, Miredy, Shin, Saul, Gonzales, Ray

New Units:


Coming because of special circumstances:

Fir, Wagon, Astol

This chapter is fairly easy. There are a lot of enemies(mostly wyverns, druids, and Mamkutes), but luckily, no reinforcements, so that should give you some breathing room. There are three ballistae on the center island, so fliers shouldn't tread there unless they are wearing a Delphi shield. You will get your final recruitable character on this map; however, you need to visit his village with either Fir or Bartre. If you have a trained Fir, good for you. If not, then I hope that you have somebody durable that can rescue her, since a 1/0 unit in this map is a bigger liability than Gordin in FEDS H5.

Note: THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BUY SHIT AT THE SHOP! I highly recommend you bring the silver card.

I moved all my units up toward the village, then next turn, Fir entered the town to recruit Karel. Roy destroyed the Mamkute blocking the way, then Miredy picked up Fir to give to Bors. Using my remaining units, I formed a wall to guard against the huge wyvern army that was charging my ass. While most of the guys in the north seemed interested in Mirdey for some reason, Lance manages to dodge a killer lance DM(Clarine killed it next turn). On the next phase, Clarine and Shin removed wyverns to allow Dieck to kill the horsesalyer DM. On the next EP, Clarine gets lucky with dodging three wyverns unsupported, while Ray simply wipes out two more N wyverns. I take out the last wyvern near me, as well as the two druids that had been stalking me, then waste away at the ballista ammo. After the ballista ammo was gone, I moved forward again. Dieck made short work of the dragon master after Bors weakened it, then the Mamkute was provoked into coming to us. After stealing his red gem, then offing him with Rutgar, I pressed onwards, only to deal with the remainder of the wvyern squad.

The last of the enemies weren't too bad, other than the status staff guys. While I was combating the fags here, I did the Fire Stone mug trick with Astol, then wasted the remainder of Brenya's Bolting with Saul. After I killed the enemies, Rutgar took on Brenya, who was soon killed with a Killing Edge crit. After buying some more items, and using the rest of my stat boosters, I seized.

Roy      	02  06  49  23  20  21  19  15  11  08 	A Lilina
Lilina    	02  16  46  30  17  25  19  05  25  05  A Roy/B Gonzo
Alan 		02  09  46  24  18  20  11  12  05  11  A Lance
Lance   	02  09  43  17  22  25  10  12  08  11  A Alan
Bors      	02  17  58  27  21  21  21  30  04  16
Dieck    	02  15  58  25  23  22  14  15  06  14  C Rutgar
Miredy 		02  12  54  25  26  23  10  22  05  10
Rutgar   	02  17  58  24  29  30  09  14  09  12  A Clarine/C Dieck
Clarine 	02  11  35  16  14  25  21  06  18  05  A Rutgar
Ray      	02  13  45  29  23  22  10  10  22  07
Saul      	02  18  40  22  25  25  04  09  30  07
Shin      	02  12  46  24  26  30  17  10  05  08
Gonzales    	02  11  60  30  18  28  15  12  01  16  B Lilina
Karel    	02  19  44  20  28  23  18  15  13  09

Not giving a shit about anyone else.

Swag: Red gem, Blue gem, Wo Dao, Firestone

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Chapter 24: The Truth of The Legend

Starting Units:

Roy, Fa, Lilina, Bors, Rutgar, Clarine, Saul, Shin, Ray, Miredy

This chapter is the only thing that is standing between you and Idoun. As for the enemies themselves, every single enemy here is a Mamkute. Despite their great hitting power, they have no AS to speak of, and pretty much anything can double them(and their attacks don't have the side effect of negating defense like Wretched Air does.) Also, you have access to all 7 Divine weapons and the Sealed sword, so if you can't ORKO them with said weapons, you suck. In order to complete this map, you have to seize a total of seven thrones(yes, I counted.)and this map, as a result, gets boring very quickly. Still, you gotta go through this fuckhole if you want to beat the game.

Throne Room I:

I move all my units to the left, and into the first room on the map. Bors lures in the two Mamkutes sitting in the room, then Roy and Fa take the kills. Fa kills the douche on the throne, and Roy caps the throne after I get my units into position.

Throne Room II:

On the next turn, Bors chips another War Dragon, after which Ray kills it. The Golden Avenger then sits in the range of two more Mamkutes, as always. After Roy and Fa kill off the dragons, Fa then takes out the throne guardian. Roy caps the throne afterwards.

Throne Room III:

Ray destroys a reinforcement dragon with Apocalypse, then Roy cuts down another dragon. Lily and Fa take out the two dragons not sitting on a throne, then I destroy the guy on the throne with Fa after some guys tickle it. Roy caps yet another throne.

Throne Room IV:

After Bors shows off, Rutgar kills off the two dragons. Roy and Lily manage to OHKO their reinforcements to stall time, while Fa ripped apart another War Dragon sitting his ass on the throne. Again, Roy easily caps the throne.

Throne Room V:

Clarine and Miredy pick up Roy and Fa. Shin kills yet another war dragon, then Bors does his thing, again. After I dropped the dragon loli and Roy, Ray and Rutgar clean up the remains, then Roy kills the guy on the throne and caps aftrewards.

Throne Room VI:

Sir Gold kills one of the Mamkutes, then leaves some for Fa and Rutgar. He then kills off the Mamkute sitting on the throne. Roy seized not long afterwards.

Throne Room VII:

After my posse stalls for time against the reinforcements, Lily and Miredy take out two more Mamkutes, then Roy enters battle with Jahn(Jahn got his ass ORKO'd). After using my Hammerne to restore the Sealed Sword to full uses, Roy capped the final throne.

Roy      	02  10  53  25  23  23  22  16  11  08 	A Lilina
Fazilla   	01  12  38  11  12  12  22  04  11  01
Lilina    	02  16  46  30  17  25  19  05  25  05  A Roy/B Gonzo
Bors      	02  19  60  27  21  21  22  30  04  16
Miredy 		02  13  55  25  26  23  10  22  05  10
Rutgar   	02  17  58  24  29  30  09  14  09  12  A Clarine/C Dieck
Clarine 	02  11  35  16  14  25  21  06  18  05  A Rutgar/C Dieck
Ray      	02  13  45  29  23  22  10  10  22  07
Saul      	02  18  40  22  25  25  04  09  30  07
Shin      	02  12  46  24  26  30  17  10  05  08

There is no swag. The stuff I have is enough.

Unfortunately, that is true. At least Roy and Fa got some nice levelups.

Next up is idoun. Stay tuned for the grand finale of this playthrough.

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Final: Beyond The Darkness

Starting Units:

Roy, Fa, Lilina, Bors, Rutgar, Clarine, Saul, Shin, Ray, Miredy

This chapter is short and pathetic. The enemies are the remnants of the War Dragon squad. They aren't that much stronger than the ones in Chapter 24. The boss is a complete joke; she gets 2HKO'd by Roy, and most of your other dudes can muster 20+ per round.

Saul and Shin destroy two Mamkutes blocking my path. The rest of the posse moves forward. Next turn, Ray takes out the single Mamkute reinforcement, then Roy takes on Idoun SSBM style.

Epilogue(I got most of these from GhebFE):

Roy, Pimp Lord/Lilina, Ostian Loli

Roy took Lilina back home to Pherae. A year later, they married and united the Lycia alliance. As the new king of Lycia, Roy took great care to make sure Lycia was peaceful and prosperous, not the hellhole that Bern tried to make of.

Bors, Golden Avenger

As newly-crowned general of the Neo-Lycia army, Bors formed his own well-paid knight squad. It soon became an official force and one to be reckoned with. His army made lots of money, both for the army and for the Neo-Lycian Kingdom.

Alan, The Red Knight

Deciding not to follow Lance to the Dread Isle, Alan continued to work for Roy. He was charged with overseeing the reconstruction of Roy's whore house. He worked hard, but was happy.

Lance, The Green Knight

Lance left the Royal guard and his family to look for his lost father. He would eventually find him on the Dread Isle. He returned to Pherae shocked and disappointed.

Dieck, Wounded Tiger

Dieck renounced being Roy's crony and started working for Bors. He later found out that Bors worked for Roy so he still had to see Roy every day. He was super pissed off at this realization.

Rutgar, Lord of the Sword/Clarine, Unruly Loli

They fell in love amongst conflict, but Clarine was a princess, and Rutgar was but a common mercenary. The differences were just too great. Before parting, Rutgar told a weeping Clarine he would return. He didn't.

Saul, The Pervert

Saul continued to manage Roy's collection of whores. He actually managed to score with a brown haired woman with a thing for perverted bishops.

Shin, Quiet Nomad

After returning to Sacae, he ousted Dayan, and became the new Silver Wolf of Sacae. Some say his skill with a bow was the stuff of legend, but others said it was simply a hoax to make Shin look good.

Gonzales, Ugly Brigand

Gonzo returned to the Western Isles, and tried to settle in a quiet village, where he was once again greeted with stones and degrading insults. He eventually burned down the village and found a job working for Bors.

Ray, The Dark Shaman

Ray continued to master the dark arts. Eventually, he made improvements to the game's dark magic, and reintroduced the Luna spell. He and Lugh eventually reunited with his lost mother, Nino.

Miredy, Crimson Knight

Miredy journeyed around the world to look for Gale, but the only person of interest she found was Heath. She went back to Bern extremely heartbroken, and never got over the loss of Gale.

My Rankings:

Tactics: C

Survival: A


Weapon: D

Time: A

Funds: B

Overall Rank: B

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Congrats! Nice epilogues XD

I agree; The final boss is pathetic. Although IMO, after playing through Sword of Seals, and not let anyone die, and have to restart many, MANY times, we all deserved a pathetic boss.

(Well, at least I thought I did :x )

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Congrats! Nice epilogues XD

I agree; The final boss is pathetic. Although IMO, after playing through Sword of Seals, and not let anyone die, and have to restart many, MANY times, we all deserved a pathetic boss.

(Well, at least I thought I did :x )

Thank you for your positive feedback. I actually thought my character endings were amusing. Shame the actual character endings in this game are so pathetic.

Yea, IDK why they made Idoun as pathetic as she is. My guess is that the harder the game, the more pathetic the final boss(Inversely, the easier the game, the harder the final boss.)

If that's too theoretical to accept, think of it this way. FE6 HM is mind-stakingly hard(the only games that are more difficult are FEDS H5 and FE3DS Lunatic), but Idoun is a complete joke. Compare that to Hector Hard mode, where the enemies are jokes that even Marcus(as shitty as he is) could trivalize, but the Fire Dragon takes forever to die unless Hector/Eli/Athos gang up on it and does 39 damage regardless of defense with perfect hit.

The only exceptions are the DS games, where Mediuth has godly stats(especially in FE3DS Loony mode, 99HP/60Atk/30AS/30Crt/40Def/30Res? Jesus Christ.)

EDIT: I will be doing a hard mode Let's Play of this game soon enough. But not now because I need to mentally prepare myself, and choose my team. I will also be doing Sacred Stones(because I can do two Let's Plays at once.).

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Thank you for your positive feedback. I actually thought my character endings were amusing. Shame the actual character endings in this game are so pathetic.

Yea, IDK why they made Idoun as pathetic as she is. My guess is that the harder the game, the more pathetic the final boss(Inversely, the easier the game, the harder the final boss.)

If that's too theoretical to accept, think of it this way. FE6 HM is mind-stakingly hard(the only games that are more difficult are FEDS H5 and FE3DS Lunatic), but Idoun is a complete joke. Compare that to Hector Hard mode, where the enemies are jokes that even Marcus(as shitty as he is) could trivalize, but the Fire Dragon takes forever to die unless Hector/Eli/Athos gang up on it and does 39 damage regardless of defense with perfect hit.

The only exceptions are the DS games, where Mediuth has godly stats(especially in FE3DS Loony mode, 99HP/60Atk/30AS/30Crt/40Def/30Res? Jesus Christ.)

EDIT: I will be doing a hard mode Let's Play of this game soon enough. But not now because I need to mentally prepare myself, and choose my team. I will also be doing Sacred Stones(because I can do two Let's Plays at once.).

Excuse me for noticing you using the words "Marcus" and "shitty" in the same sentence, which also didn't include the word "isn't." Seriously? Have you ever attempted a HHM run without using Marcus?

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