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Trolling Team


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My friend and I have decided to have a battle between our SoulSilver versions, with cheated Pokemon. I've decided that aside from building an actual team, I'm going to build a trolling team to use first, just to piss him off. But my team's sorta mediocre, so I was wondering if I could get some ideas to make my team even more irritating. I'm especially looking for Pokemon to replace EffingBats and IHerdULiek. The team is partially cheated, so I can get 252 in all EV's 31 in all IV's, any nature I want, I have infinite of all TM's/HM's, and can catch any Pokemon at any level. But I can't give Pokemon moves that they can't learn, and I can't alter Pokemon's abilities or base stats. Here's my current party (assume they all have 31 IV's and 252 EV's in every stat):

Spikes/Forretress (male)

lvl 100

Nature: Naive


-Stealth Rock

-Toxic Spikes


Hp:354 At:279 Df:379 SA:219 SD:197 Sp:196

Notes: I lay 3 Spikes, 1 Stealth Rock, and 1 Toxic Spike, and then either switch for GodofDeath or use Explosion

Flimsy/Blissey (female)

lvl 100

Nature: Bold


-Sleep Talk


-Focus Blast

Hp:714 At:107 Df:130 SA:249 SD:369 Sp:209

Notes: I use Rest to restore Flimsy's ridiculous Hp, and then use Sleep Talk in hopes of a Focus Blast or a Protect

IHerdULiek/Mudkip (female)

lvl 50 (being leveled up)

Nature: Docile





Hp:157 At:122 Df:102 SA:102 SD:102 Sp:92

Notes: Moves chosen because they are annoying or have to do with liking (Attract/Captivate). Take a guess where I got the name.

EffingBats/Zubat (male)

lvl 50 (being leveled up)

Nature: Calm

-Confuse Ray




Hp:147 At:87 Df:87 SA:82 SD:101 Sp:107

Notes: Moves chosen because their names involve annoyance. Name is shorter version of a meme.

GodofDeath/Butterfree (female)

lvl 100

Nature: Hasty


-Hyper Beam

-Dream Eater

-Sleep Powder

Hp:324 At:189 Df:179 SA:259 SD:259 Sp:262

Notes: Whirlwind is used with Spike's Spikes/Stealth Rock for cheap damage. Problem is, Butterfree's not that fast. The name, GodofDeath, is a pun off of Ash's Butterfree in the Pokemon Abridged Series (one of them, anyway).

TopPercent/Rattata (male)

lvl 100

Nature: Relaxed

-Iron Tail


-Zen Headbutt


Hp:264 At:211 Df:185 SA:149 SD:169 Sp:218

Notes: He's in the top percent of Rattata.

So there it is. Any ideas you have for annoying, stupid, or funny Pokemon are welcome.

Edited by Ragnell
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Any trolling team needs a FEAR. Ditch TopPercent and get one.

btw, a FEAR is a Rattata with the following:

Preferably level 1

Hold item: Focus Sash

Needs Quick Attack and Endeavor

Nobody cares about the other 2 moves because they'll never be used.

The strategy is to switch it out (preferably when one of your guys gets KO'd and they're on the last 'mon, otherwise it has a high chance of fucking up) and have it use Endeavor ASAP. Since it's level 1 it'll be hit first, survive with 1 HP because of Focus Sash, then use Endeavor to bring other dude down to 1 HP. Next turn use Quick Attack. It's totally useless on ghost-types and it's not really practical per-se, but since it's a trolling team you gotta have it.

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I think that you should definitely consider putting your Foretress in the lead position, and dropping Explosion and Toxic Spikes for Rapid Spin and Payback. I don't know why you would use a Ratatta outside of FEAR, and even then FEAR has no chance of doing its job with the prevalence of entry hazards and priority moves. And then you have some other members that are also unviable, such as Butterfree and Zubat and Mudkip. Blissey may or may not be a viable member, seeing as half of your team is outclassed in today's metagame and will need to be replaced, leaving Blissey as a teammember up in the air. Also, I don't have any clue why you would lead with Blissey when you could lead with something else.

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Is your friend like a friend that you can battle wirelessly or over the Wifi? If it's over the Wifi then you don't need to train your Pokes at all. They automaticallly set the level depending what the host has chosen.


I would suggest Wish over Rest and replace Rest Talk for Toxic. Since you are trying to troll your friend, Toxic stall is and can be annoying to deal with. Plus, Toxic and Wish both work well with Protect. That way, you won't be walled by all Ghost types.

I would suggest a Defense boosting nature for your Mudkip since you have no attacking moves and you already having a move that drops Sp.Atk by 2 stages.

As for your Zubat, I believe that Calm nature is -Atk and +Sp.Def. In that case, since Frustration is a physical move, Careful nature might a better choice since it's -Sp.Atk and +Sp.Def.

I just wanted to remind you that you lay 2 layers of Toxic Spikes.

As for the Butterfree,You might want to consider Bug Buzz over Hyper Beam since it does render your opponent a free turn. Also, is there particular reason that you chose a +Spd nature that decreases Def? If not, then Timid can be another choice.

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I think that you should definitely consider putting your Foretress in the lead position, and dropping Explosion and Toxic Spikes for Rapid Spin and Payback. I don't know why you would use a Ratatta outside of FEAR, and even then FEAR has no chance of doing its job with the prevalence of entry hazards and priority moves. And then you have some other members that are also unviable, such as Butterfree and Zubat and Mudkip. Blissey may or may not be a viable member, seeing as half of your team is outclassed in today's metagame and will need to be replaced, leaving Blissey as a teammember up in the air. Also, I don't have any clue why you would lead with Blissey when you could lead with something else.

I'm just using this team against my friend, and neither of us are what you would consider experts of Pokemon, so it's not like this team is going to win any tournaments. I'm doing it for giggles, so I don't mind the weaker Pokemon so much, as long as they're either funny or annoying. I don't even really care that I win the fight, just that I piss him off, though winning would be pretty funny.

Also, I'm a bit of a Poken00b, so I just listed them in a random order. I would probably lead with Foretrees like you said. And I'll use a FEAR, I'd never heard of it before (again, I'm rather new to actually making good teams). Would it be possible to lock the opponent in the battle with a Mean Look prior to using FEAR? I'm sure my friend has never heard of a FEAR, so he definitely won't be prepared to deal with it. And yeah, my Zubat and Mudkip suck pretty bad, but I figured I might get a laugh out of their names, so I threw them in for the heck of it. Any better suggestions are welcome, since I planned on replacing them.

As for the Butterfree, I was looking for something that could learn Whirlwind (for the stupid entry hazard ploy), and I noticed that I could nickname a Butterfree after the one in the Abridged series, so I chose a Butterfree. If you have a better suggestion for a Whirlwinder I'm totally open to swapping it out. Perhaps a Crobat?

Is your friend like a friend that you can battle wirelessly or over the Wifi? If it's over the Wifi then you don't need to train your Pokes at all. They automaticallly set the level depending what the host has chosen.

I don't have Wifi at my house (well I do, but for some reason my DS can't access it), so it will be local.

I would suggest a Defense boosting nature for your Mudkip since you have no attacking moves and you already having a move that drops Sp.Atk by 2 stages.

Noted. I think I just took the first Mudkip I found and used it, since I figured I'd replace it later anyway.

As for your Zubat, I believe that Calm nature is -Atk and +Sp.Def. In that case, since Frustration is a physical move, Careful nature might a better choice since it's -Sp.Atk and +Sp.Def.

Cool, though I am looking for something to replace Zubat.

I just wanted to remind you that you lay 2 layers of Toxic Spikes.

Oh, another of my friends told me that only five entry hazards can be laid at a time, but I see that that's not the case.

As for the Butterfree,You might want to consider Bug Buzz over Hyper Beam since it does render your opponent a free turn. Also, is there particular reason that you chose a +Spd nature that decreases Def? If not, then Timid can be another choice.

Can do. The nature was from laziness. I was too lazy to look up the code for Timid nature, and I happened to capture a Hasty one, so I just went with it.

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The only Rattata set you should run is FEAR. Nothing else matters. Also, a Para-flinch Togekiss is hilarious and troll worthy. I assure you. Toxic and Wish are mandatory on Blissey, and Seismic Toss if you can.

Fortress should be your lead. Drop Toxic Spikes. It takes two layers to make it really useful and setting up 6 layers of spikes take too long.

Also, if you want to be a major dick, drop Butterfree and get a skarmory. Does the exact same thing, except with physical durability and healing.

Also, the ultimate troll just runs a Yachechomp. That will ruin anyone's day. Unless the battle is more laid back, your team isn't a very good trolling one. Blissey and Fortress are a good start though. Crobat works too. The rest is eh, especially Butterfree.

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The only Rattata set you should run is FEAR. Nothing else matters. Also, a Para-flinch Togekiss is hilarious and troll worthy. I assure you. Toxic and Wish are mandatory on Blissey, and Seismic Toss if you can.

Fortress should be your lead. Drop Toxic Spikes. It takes two layers to make it really useful and setting up 6 layers of spikes take too long.

Also, if you want to be a major dick, drop Butterfree and get a skarmory. Does the exact same thing, except with physical durability and healing.

Also, the ultimate troll just runs a Yachechomp. That will ruin anyone's day. Unless the battle is more laid back, your team isn't a very good trolling one. Blissey and Fortress are a good start though. Crobat works too. The rest is eh, especially Butterfree.

First off, the battle is quite laid back, but I'm always ears for some better trollers.

Yup, I think I'll run a FEAR. I'm switching up the Blissey with Toxic and Wish like people suggested, and I'll get rid of Toxic Spikes on Foretress too. But what should I replace it with? And if I cut Toxic Spikes, should that change up my strategy with my Whirlwinder? Crobat has great speed to hit first with Whirlwind, but Skarmory can definitely take a lot more hits, so I don't really know which to pick. And if I want to throw a Mean Look in for the Fear, then Crobat's my only option (not saying that I necessarily should, but it's an option).

Also, I'm switching out Mudkip for a Paraflinch Togekiss, and I'll switch out Zubat for a Stockpile Staller Cradily. I considered a Yachechomp, since it's obviously cheap and annoying, but I don't think it's quite as obnoxious as some of the other options. As for Butterfree, I'll switch it with either a Crobat or a Skarmory (probably the latter), depending on whether I'm going to spam Whirlwind or not.

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Uhh... why not just run FEAR Smeargle? You get a free Spore as your Focus Sash activates, then Endeavor + Extremespeed the switch-in. If you're running Trick Room on other Pokemon, use Dragon Rage over Extremespeed and throw Destiny Bond into the last slot.

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Im seeing so much fail that its not fun anymore.

1. Whirlwind is -6 priority means only time you move first with it is when your opponent uses Whirlwind/Roar or trick room so you want that extra bulk from skarmory

2. If you switch any way outside of baton passing you lost mean looks effect so crobat cant even give it to FEAR.

3. The most annoying thing in pokemon is stallrein parafusion and paraflinch or FEAR isnt even near it period. Even if it makes Fear fail.

Edited by Sho.M
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Since it looks like you are going to hack to get your ivs and evs anyway why not just go all out and give everyone wonderguard and use a sableye it looks like a troll and give it toxic recover heal bell and splash that should piss him off

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I'm trying to make it look somewhat legit, since my friend's not totally into Pokemon, and I doubt he'd even notice that all my Pokemon have perfect EV's and IV's. But he does have pretty much every Pokemon's movesets and abilities memorized, so I'm only using actual abilities and real moves that Pokemon can learn. The only thing I'm hacking are stats, and only to make them as good as the Pokemon could legitimately be (the only slightly unrealistic thing in my party is the fact that my team has 252 EV's in every stat, since I don't have a code for a realistic EV distribution).

Oh, and I swapped out the FEAR Ratatta for a FEAR Smeargle. I'm also still agonizing over whether to drop the Paraflinch Togekiss and Stockpile Stall Cradily for a Stallrein/Abamosnow combo.

EDIT: Also, he and I outlawed legendaries, so no Arceus team. I was rather surprised that he didn't ask to ban all Ubers, so I guess he doesn't know about Tiers. I'll have to take advantage of that in my actual party.

Edited by Ragnell
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As I said stallrein + Fear dont work. Infinite hail makes Fear's focus sach less than useless. Also stall cradily wont work without sandstorm so... Also with Hail snow cloak is as bitchy as it gets. Also FEAR Rattata is more unpredictable than Smeargle because in friendly match you can make it w/e level top percentage rattata is and pul out its mah tp Rattata lead act to make your friend let his guard down and actually attack while having lv 1 smeargle is very suspicious. Also cause your friend is unaware of tiers its safe to assume he hasnt realized true power of pseudohaze and taunt so puting in something that can truly use their absence would be killer. Lets say Bp Ninjask for some serious haxpower.

Just think about these.

EDIT If you cant deside why dont just use fear and paraflinch and stuff in troll team and make your real team hailstall? Trust me it does miracles against any noobish players if you know what you do and its not that hard to learn

EDIT I just realized that I forget about pass chain. Thats almost as troll as hailstall

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As I said stallrein + Fear dont work. Infinite hail makes Fear's focus sach less than useless. Also stall cradily wont work without sandstorm so... Also with Hail snow cloak is as bitchy as it gets. Also FEAR Rattata is more unpredictable than Smeargle because in friendly match you can make it w/e level top percentage rattata is and pul out its mah tp Rattata lead act to make your friend let his guard down and actually attack while having lv 1 smeargle is very suspicious. Also cause your friend is unaware of tiers its safe to assume he hasnt realized true power of pseudohaze and taunt so puting in something that can truly use their absence would be killer. Lets say Bp Ninjask for some serious haxpower.

Just think about these.

EDIT If you cant deside why dont just use fear and paraflinch and stuff in troll team and make your real team hailstall? Trust me it does miracles against any noobish players if you know what you do and its not that hard to learn

EDIT I just realized that I forget about pass chain. Thats almost as troll as hailstall

Oh, crap, I meant to say I'd take out the FEAR and the Paraflinch, not the Stall Cradily. I get that hail ruins FEAR. But I'm just doing a Smeargle instead of a Ratatta so that I'll at least have Spore/Trick Room to mess up Pokemon or two in my friend's party if he realizes what I'm doing. And I think he's smart enough to know something's going on when he sees a Lvl 1 Ratatta, though I will admit he might think I'm just being an idiot and going for lulz.

Also, Cradily can stall outside of Sandstorm, it's just not quite as easy. I'm just hooking Cradily up with Stockpile, Toxic, and Recover, plus an attack move just in case. I suppose I could swap out the attack move for Sandstorm and give Cradily a Smooth Rock to double its length, but I don't know if wasting a turn for Sandstorm and dropping Leftovers is a very good idea.

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I would still say that Cradily needs Sandstorm. Its stallish without it as well but in friendly match Cradilys one big thing over other stallers is much less usefull. As such it would be wise to use someone bulkier. Also its kinda out of place. You have toxic spikes so toxic is kinda filler here im well aware that stallrein has it. Dont use on him either If you fear that you lose them focus on keeping them up we all know theyre removed easily by poison types like um wait im sure there some in that are actually used outside low tier limitations like um what was it oh right gengar who flies and er roserade? Also if adomasnow does anything before him, cradily will be lot weaker than usually and having sandstorm in team freaturing minor hail stall is just asking for problems. Its about synergy I bet 5 whatever currency you use I miss spelled that one. Oh and out of box, Clefable can do Cradilys stalling AND have synergy with hailstall. Yet again out of box Lv. 100 smeargle. Has spore and can pass everything Water ring to everyone. Now without suspicious Lv. as well! Win-Win? This kinda reminds me of my BP Blaziken in UU that somehow turned into choise spec Sceptile. Funny shit happens when you star to make teams people

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