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So, apparently...


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...I'm better at FE when distracted.

No, really. Some of you may have heard that FE7 has been pissing me off lately. I've been trying to S rank HHM. Kinship's Bond (11 turn Defend Nils) kept kicking my ass, and I had actually stopped playing for about a week after 15+ tries because I was too frustrated. Then as I'm waiting in line with some friends for HP7 Part 1 I pull it out and decide to just have a go at it, see what happens, half playing, half conversing. Of course, this is the time I finally clear the map. Not when I'm fully focused devising the best strategies I can, but when I'm just moving units to see what happens.

A couple of the friends I was with are actually familiar with the game and were watching in the latter half, since it was at that point I was saying stuff like "Holy crap, I might make it" and "Oh damn, someone's gonna die this turn, I know it." But as much as they kept saying "someone's gonna die, you're gonna fail," (horrible friends, I know) no one died, even after Hector took a crit from the boss, leaving him with 3 HP (it did 30 damage) and then being attacked by a Nomad (who could only do 1 damage). Hell, before even that Isadora got attacked by his Spear while wielding her Silver Sword because I didn't know he moved, leaving her with a mere 8 HP, followed by an Archer and Nomad attack, both of which she was lucky to dodge. However, I had Priscilla with Physic, Serra, and Ninian there to save the day, so even though Hector missed his first 88 (displayed) on the boss, Kent was lucky enough to avoid a crit (7) while lowering him enough for Hector to try again after Ninian refreshed him and I finally cleared that map on the last turn.

Oh, Heath and Rath also got a level each. Yay experience.

And then we watched Harry Potter. And it was awesome.

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I remember being stuck on that fucking chapter for a long time trying to S EHM until I randomly aced it through intervention by Lucius. That's about when I started to appreciate Lucius, too.

Now I'm stuck on Kenneth and I think my only salvation will be intervention by Erk.

Edited by Integrity
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How did Raven do?

With help from Barrier he tanked Mages with Oswin. He hasn't been getting much Strength.

Deathly Hallows Part 1? I hope it was better than Half-Blood Prince...

You say that like Half-Blood Prince was bad.

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Half Blood Prince wasn't bad. The only movie I really had more than minor complaints about was Order of the Phoenix, and that was because it was too short considering it was the longest book.

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Half Blood Prince wasn't bad. The only movie I really had more than minor complaints about was Order of the Phoenix, and that was because it was too short considering it was the longest book.

I felt Order of the Phoenix dragged a bit (the book), so I'm happy they condensed it. Been years since I read it, anyway.

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