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Donkey Kong Country Returns


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It's pretty awesome. Decently challenging, though your mileage may vary since I absolutely suck at the rocket parts, despite them being my favorites. There's also those puzzles to collect too if you're into that. Cranky's still got his sense of humor which is just perfect.

I'm at 5-1 right now. Some of the later world 4 levels were pretty tough.

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I just got to 3-1 and decided to take a break so I can do other things like poop and eat.


The rocket part gave me a little grief at first, but I got my head around it.

My most embarrassing so far was dying four times respawning at the checkpoint in the Minecart level because I couldn't land back in the cart for the life of me.

Is it just me or are the roll controls (and blow, especially blow) a little finicky?

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My most embarrassing so far was dying four times respawning at the checkpoint in the Minecart level because I couldn't land back in the cart for the life of me.

Is it just me or are the roll controls (and blow, especially blow) a little finicky?

I can see what you mean. I think that happened to me a few times.

Yeah I found them pretty annoying as well. It was at its worst against the first bosses. You do not want to clap on the ground when you want to roll over something...

But yeah the game is fucking awesome. I should go play it now.

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Played the first 3 stages, liking it so far. Though like with New Super Mario Bros Wii, I dislike how limited the control options are. There's no reason why they shouldn't include the option to choose a Gamecube controller or change the rolling move to a button instead of having to shake the Wiimote.

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Played the first 3 stages, liking it so far. Though like with New Super Mario Bros Wii, I dislike how limited the control options are. There's no reason why they shouldn't include the option to choose a Gamecube controller or change the rolling move to a button instead of having to shake the Wiimote.

I didn't look much into it, but I think there's an option to assign various moves. Maybe the rolling is in there.

At any rate, I completed the sixth world just now. Loved the fifth one, the sixth a bit less but it was still enjoyable.

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3-5 (or was it 3-6?) just kicked my ass seven different ways and I finally got my first Game Over. The boss, by comparison, was easy. WORLD FOUR TOMORROW

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3-5 (or was it 3-6?) just kicked my ass seven different ways and I finally got my first Game Over. The boss, by comparison, was easy. WORLD FOUR TOMORROW

3-5 was great!

Anyway I just got to the final world myself. The 7th world might give you a few feelings of nostalgia.

Aaaaand I just finished the game. Or at least the main story.

Edited by Adon
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So I just finished this game. The verdict? Pretty good but a bit lacking. I definitely still prefer DKC2, and maybe 3. Some problems I had:

Animal buddies. Only Rambi (Squawks doesn't count), and at an average of once per world. Disappointing.

Tag team removal. I haven't tried the 2 player yet, but the ability to switch between Kongs depending on who's skill you needed was an awesome feature in the past (though I think it was only significant in 2 and 3, not 1). Diddy is little more than a power-up in this.

Lack of other Kongs not Cranky. This one wasn't too big of a deal for me, but the inclusion of them in the past added a certain atmosphere that's now gone.

Personally I also preferred how they (DKC2 specifically) did the bonus stages and secret levels in the past. I felt bonus stages were hidden better before (though it could also be because I'm better at finding them now) and I liked how you used the Tokens from those to get to the Secret world place. I also liked the DK coin system, which is gone, seemingly replaced by the puzzle pieces, which I don't like as much.

Of course, I'm probably biased towards DKC2. It's only one of my favorite games of all time (probably my favorite SNES game). If you look at this game as a sequel/remake of only DKC, it does a great job, with the only real setback being the lack of animal buddies. There are also no water levels, but I never really liked those anyway. Some of the level designs are really awesome and I also like what they did with the KONG letters.

Edited by Sadistic Fox
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Tag team removal. I haven't tried the 2 player yet, but the ability to switch between Kongs depending on who's skill you needed was an awesome feature in the past (though I don't think it was in the original DKC, just 2 and 3). Diddy is little more than a power-up in this.

Also in the original. I always loved using Diddy even when the big guy was better for the job.

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Also in the original. I always loved using Diddy even when the big guy was better for the job.

I know the tag team part existed, but was there any difference between the two? I don't remember there being one.

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I know the tag team part existed, but was there any difference between the two? I don't remember there being one.

Well, Donkey Kong's roll was stronger. There were a couple of things that Diddy bounced off and the big guy killed. I'm not sure what if any advantages there were to Diddy, though. Been too long.

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Well, Donkey Kong's roll was stronger. There were a couple of things that Diddy bounced off and the big guy killed. I'm not sure what if any advantages there were to Diddy, though. Been too long.

Hm, I vaguely remember that now. In fact, what were his advantages over Dixie in 2? I vaguely remember him being faster and having higher/longer jumps (helicopter hair aside), though I feel I may be remembering wrong. If that is the case, perhaps that's where he beats Donkey as well.

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Hm, I vaguely remember that now. In fact, what were his advantages over Dixie in 2? I vaguely remember him being faster and having higher/longer jumps (helicopter hair aside), though I feel I may be remembering wrong. If that is the case, perhaps that's where he beats Donkey as well.

It would make sense. Even though physics doesn't agree, video games often have the whole "bigger guy has faster drop speed" type stuff going on. Diddy was probably more Sword-master and DK more General. Well, not to that extent, but still.

I think I remember feeling like Diddy had better flow or something. Like he was more responsive and moved around better. DK felt sluggish. Though that could've easily just been a perception thing and not the actual reality of the game.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I know the tag team part existed, but was there any difference between the two? I don't remember there being one.

DK had a down B move he could use to find buried treasure bananas

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Hm, I vaguely remember that now. In fact, what were his advantages over Dixie in 2? I vaguely remember him being faster and having higher/longer jumps (helicopter hair aside), though I feel I may be remembering wrong. If that is the case, perhaps that's where he beats Donkey as well.

Diddy has a quicker throw and a longer jump, while Dixie can jump higher and has the helicopter spin. I can't remember enough about the original DKC to know the differences between DK and Diddy.

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Diddy has a quicker throw and a longer jump, while Dixie can jump higher and has the helicopter spin. I can't remember enough about the original DKC to know the differences between DK and Diddy.

DK can kill some enemies that Diddy can't, and can pound the ground (like said above). It's like his down B in smash brothers. I can't remember if there are any others, I've only played DKC once myself.

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