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Tales of Heroes Signups

Light Lord

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It's up to you really :/ Considering how the post was mainly recap/replay of the soldiers actions, followed by a nonsensical recruitment the post doesn't need to be "fixed", it needs to be "redone." :/

So essentially it's not "Do you want him to redo his post?" but "Do you want to use his post?"

Since in all honesty, Rafael or Oifaye turning up to the scene (considering their former location) seems like timewarping to me.

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ignore it

Yes Sir!

Wait, why the hell am I listening to Kai?

Yeah, ignoring it I am. Kanami, go post something pertaining to the soldier holding Amera down. Choose to help, or point and laugh XD

Option 2 sounds so~ appealing XD Damn character personality restrictions. XD Edited by Kanami
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yeah, why are you? how about you do the opposite and wait for light?

If he really wants to get upset about it, he's going to have to just get over it, 'cause, seriously, that post is time skipping, repeating what I posted, and ignoring most of what's going on XD

He's new to RPing, so I can forgive him, but I really think it would be in the RPs best interest to ignore the post.

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Could have hurled myself at the guards, but didn't feel like getting slaughtered by guards this early. XD


No hard feelings for ignoring your post mkay~? :P


Not really my business, but you seem to be following chapter 1 of LoAF again XD Might be an idea to interact with People (Other Rp'ers) and stop playing with yourself. (I am of course referring to your own npcs, nothing sexual, honest) XD

@RP in general

How this is going to work is beyond me XD Scattered across the continent, lalalala lah~


@Lumi, Nice follow up :/

*Is happy to see external type Rp'ers*


Not my fault! You didn't state what type of animal your character was, and more importantly, you let Cams post go, why bully me? XD

As luck would have it, Bullet managed to wake up to a commotion. He sighed. What was he thinking, dozing off around here? Barhara was never quiet. Less than a mile away from him was a crowd apparently gathered around a cat-eared girl in a tree.


Not sure if I should rush too far ahead, I suppose Cam would want to react to the situation in some manner (a bit late for that now XD) And waking up/coming home to several pages of two/three people speed posting isn't exactly fun :/

Edited by Kanami
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Not really my business, but you seem to be following chapter 1 of LoAF again XD Might be an idea to interact with People (Other Rp'ers) and stop playing with yourself. (I am of course referring to your own npcs, nothing sexual, honest) XD


hm, maybe i should have specified who the brat was...

oh well

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Anyone feel like enlightening poor Kanami? What does "asdf" stand for? Since I don't think Seph means Japans air force XD

@Kai, not complaining, but I'm curious as to why you do that? You did it often in LoAF as well, where you'd post a cliff-hanger like post (almost as if you expect one of us to intervene). When you already were planning to fill it in with your own Npc/temp character.

I'm assuming you don't mind Lumi taking the role of the "kid" so this isn't me giving you tips or anything, but if you wrote the whole thing up in one go you wouldn't have people butting in. I'm actually happy with the Rp'ers so far in the sense that their willing to interact with eachother. And continuing to do cliffy posts will just mean you'll have people butting in frequently (hopefully).

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Nyeh, I can post, I just don't know if I should.

I've noticed alot of people who've originally signed up for this still haven't posted and I didn't want to progress too far since people tend to feel "late" when they join after several pages. Though more importantly, I'm wondering if I should give Cam a chance to respond. Otherwise Bullet will just turn into the stray shit stirrer who yelled out, caused trouble and then fled the scene XD

I suppose I could make a few more posts. Though Light was on a few seconds ago, and I figured he might have something to say :/

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Sorry about time troubles and the mistake made with putting me and Oifaye out of nowhere with the soldiers thing :facepalm: my bad.

:facepalm: I hate to be a noob in this, I hope I get the hang things quickly...

If you guys think a post must be ignored...do it but state that you skipped the last post, only that.

Darn it with my schedule...I'll be seeing what to do and how to proceed with mine, I wouldn't mind if someone could tutor me or give me a tip please.

EDIT: I should consider moving this to the RPG Chat or Feedback...

Edited by Light Lord
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Sorry about time troubles and the mistake made with putting me and Oifaye out of nowhere with the soldiers thing :facepalm: my bad.

:facepalm: I hate to be a noob in this, I hope I get the hang things quickly...

If you guys think a post must be ignored...do it but state that you skipped the last post, only that.

Darn it with my schedule...I'll be seeing what to do and how to proceed with mine, I wouldn't mind if someone could tutor me or give me a tip please.

No worries, you're new to this I've RPed for, like, two years, but stopped for two years, so, I might be just as bad sometimes XD

No sweat off our backs to let you get into the hang of it.

EDIT: Kai's right. Read some good books, maybe the LotR series, or something else action and adventury.

Edited by seph1212
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Sorry about time troubles and the mistake made with putting me and Oifaye out of nowhere with the soldiers thing :facepalm: my bad.

:facepalm: I hate to be a noob in this, I hope I get the hang things quickly...

If you guys think a post must be ignored...do it but state that you skipped the last post, only that.

Darn it with my schedule...I'll be seeing what to do and how to proceed with mine, I wouldn't mind if someone could tutor me or give me a tip please.

Not going to tutor you, but I can give the occasional tip. First tip being to "Not take control of other people characters" like you did with the guards. If you wanted to do something like that post, it's probably better to spawn your own guards onto the scene.

As a general rule, I never speak "like this" on behalf of a character not under my control. (Npc's created by others). You've got some privilleges as the RP creator to take over characters when necessary, but people generally don't take too kindly to it.


Your biggest obstacle at present is probably getting everyone together into one group. (Unless you plan to have several events occurring simultaneously across the continent (not recommended)).

As for getting people together, don't try to force your character to meet them, order us around via OoC (this thread) :P

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