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I am performing an AAAA ranked run log.



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3) Have Noish buy an Iron Lance and Slim Sword from the shop (Slim Sword is for further help in activating Charge).

Minor things like this aren't going to win it for you, lol.

You might be underestimating just how difficult this is. Don't be surprised if at Ch4 you realize you're never going to make the EXP requirement. It's simply that harsh.

General tips:

- Fin needs only a minimum amount of kills. His availability is enormous. Elite Ring + arena might even get him to L30 or close to it.

- Ardan and Azel need everything they can get. Everything. If you can trade gold for EXP by slowly poking a brigand to death while he's burning a village, do so. Same for Dew.

- Don't feed anything to Ethlin. She has staves.

- Cuan does need quite some kill feeding since he leaves early. He makes good use of it in Ch2 though.

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I know minor things like that aren't going to win it for me, but it can't hurt either, right? Arden gets about 4 more Avoid I believe from having a Slim Sword, and he has more Defense and HP than Noish, so I just figured he'd be a better user for it.

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I know minor things like that aren't going to win it for me, but it can't hurt either, right? Arden gets about 4 more Avoid I believe from having a Slim Sword, and he has more Defense and HP than Noish, so I just figured he'd be a better user for it.

I'd focus on how the slim sword has more hit and mt than iron swords. You have a limited number of steel swords anyway. I know there've been arena battles that Arden only won because I gave him the slim sword.

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Hmm...how about I just have Ethlin sell her Slim Sword so that both Arden and Noish can have one? It's not as though I'm actually going to have Ethlin much.

She still needs to promote, probably. And level 25 or more would be useful I'm sure. Not sure how easy it is to make her do that off staves alone when you only have prologue + chap 1 to 3.

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Well, I'm not having her go defenseless. I'd be getting her Arden's Iron Sword to give her more Evasion against the Brigands in Chapter 1, and so she can get a limited number of kills in the Arena.

And, actually, leveling her off of staves is a great deal easier than you might think, if videos off of Nico Nico Douga are anything to go off of.

Also, from now on, I'm not allowing myself to watch the Nico Nico Douga videos for guidance. That's a restriction I'm placing on myself, as I don't feel like I'm really earning anything if I try to just copy what they did.

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Definitely turn off the animations, but other than that, I'm quite enjoying this so far. I don't know enough about ranking FE4 to help with strategies, however; for the record, though, promoted Azel kicks ass.

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And, actually, leveling her off of staves is a great deal easier than you might think, if videos off of Nico Nico Douga are anything to go off of.

Also, from now on, I'm not allowing myself to watch the Nico Nico Douga videos for guidance. That's a restriction I'm placing on myself, as I don't feel like I'm really earning anything if I try to just copy what they did.

To my knowledge, Nico RNG abused.

Also, I think you care too much about ORKOing (what with the Charge and stuff) and not enough about getting EXP to dumbshits like Ardan.

Hitting enemies gives about a third as much EXP (10 +/- 1 per level difference vs. 30 +/- 2 per level difference), and guys like Sigurd and Lex don't need many levels to destroy the arena, whereas guys like Alec, Noish, Azel, and Ardan really struggle to get through the last half, which is also the part which actually gives good EXP and gold. Having gold lets you afford better weapons and rings, which in turn helps you go further in the arena. Fin has the best availability in the game and access to something like 8 arenas, he has no reason to be getting kills.

Other things worth noting:

Many bosses are a very high level, and are thus worth having a ton of units attack them before you get the killing blow. For example, the Prologue boss is Level 20, meaning that a level 4-5 unit hitting him is worth something like 25EXP, so if you have, I dunno, Alec, Noish, Fin, Lex, and Midir do that, that's something like a level and a half and a turn saved since Sigurd can now just go up, finish the boss, and seize on the canto.

Ardan needs EXP badly. I don't know how Nico did it but Ardan didn't even gain a level in the Prologue and I would be surprised if yours is Level 5 after Chapter 1. His offense is mediocre and his move sucks, but for an A run you simply cannot dump him on the sidelines. Between Diedre, Dew, and Sylvia struggling to hit 10 (which loses you 60 levels, already over a third of the tank!), there's no reason to leave Ardan behind too.

Fin doesn't need kills. He has access to 8 arenas and higher level Gen 2 enemies.

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What recording device are you using to record this? Because in a worst-case scenario most recorders allow you to fast-forward while recording.

But this is interesting, I'll be keeping track of this.

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To my knowledge, Nico RNG abused.

I know. But they still have good strategies in terms of the ones that don't require RNG abuse to work.

Also, I think you care too much about ORKOing (what with the Charge and stuff) and not enough about getting EXP to dumbshits like Ardan.

Eh, I'd like to be able to do so on units if I can help it.

Hitting enemies gives about a third as much EXP (10 +/- 1 per level difference vs. 30 +/- 2 per level difference), and guys like Sigurd and Lex don't need many levels to destroy the arena, whereas guys like Alec, Noish, Azel, and Ardan really struggle to get through the last half, which is also the part which actually gives good EXP and gold. Having gold lets you afford better weapons and rings, which in turn helps you go further in the arena. Fin has the best availability in the game and access to something like 8 arenas, he has no reason to be getting kills.

Yeah, but see, you're forgetting, Fin doesn't have just the Steel Lance. He also has the Javelin, so even if I give him a Steel Lance, I can still switch to the Javelin if I simply want to weaken an enemy rather than kill him. I just want to be able to kill things if I need to. I just like having options that way.

Still, you are right about the importance of Gold conservation. That's the part of the run that scares me most to be honest.

Many bosses are a very high level, and are thus worth having a ton of units attack them before you get the killing blow. For example, the Prologue boss is Level 20, meaning that a level 4-5 unit hitting him is worth something like 25EXP, so if you have, I dunno, Alec, Noish, Fin, Lex, and Midir do that, that's something like a level and a half and a turn saved since Sigurd can now just go up, finish the boss, and seize on the canto.

I know. Looking back on the Prolouge, I realize that I messed up when I had Sigurd park right next to Gerrard. It made it so that I couldn't hit him with anyone else but Midir without sacrificing a turn. I'm kind of wishing I hadn't done that now...

Still, speaking of boss abusing, I've cooked up a little plan. See, you get the Sleep Staff from Clement after killing him. Now, I'm not completely sure it'd be practical, but I was wondering. Would it be possible for someone like say, Dierdre, or Adean to get that staff, then use Sleep on Zyne and/or Eltshan, and have Azel, Arden, Lachesis, and whoever else needs it go to town on their butts? That way, until Sigurd is ready to conquer the castle, I can boss abuse off of those guys without wasting any turns.

What do you guys think? It'd be tight trying to raise Adeans Magic high enough for it to work, but I would also have the Magic Ring to fall back on if Adean's having problems. She'd also probably need the Bargain Ring of course.

Ardan needs EXP badly. I don't know how Nico did it but Ardan didn't even gain a level in the Prologue and I would be surprised if yours is Level 5 after Chapter 1. His offense is mediocre and his move sucks, but for an A run you simply cannot dump him on the sidelines. Between Diedre, Dew, and Sylvia struggling to hit 10 (which loses you 60 levels, already over a third of the tank!), there's no reason to leave Ardan behind too.

Dierdre has the Circlet, which gives her both Pray and Life right? If that's the case, couldn't I abuse Pray with Dierdre if I get her stats just right? Then go through Arena battles by doing that?

Fin doesn't need kills. He has access to 8 arenas and higher level Gen 2 enemies.

Hmm...perhaps. I suppose I could've had Cuan share in some of Fin's kills, but I was worried about getting Fin up to respectable fighting strength. I mean, if I make him TOO weak, he won't be able to take care of himself enough to actually GET experience, right?

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Hmm...just so we're clear, I am NOT going to manipulate the RNG by burning RN's in the Arena. Not sure whether I made that clear or not, but I am NOT going to resort to that. I am going to beat this game entirely FAIR and SQUARE!

Also, does Dierdre even stick around long enough to use Sleep on Eltshan? If not, her only target is Zyne, and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to boss abuse him with any sort of convenience.

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Alright guys, after much Arena battling and toying around with it, I am finally ready to start the Chapter. However, I have a question. Do you guys want me to show all of the arena battles in regular motion, fast motion, or not at all? If you don't want me showing them at all, I'll just tell you my results.

The reason I ask is because I went through a lot of complicated steps to achieve the results I did without intentionally Arena Abusing, and I thought it might be more interesting to see me put all of my steps into practice, rather than just write them all down.

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She does not, but Elto has 30 Res anyway (20 base +10 from Mistolteen)

I once slept Elto (for fun) with 30 lvl Aideen (wrap abuse) 26 + 5 Magic ring = 31 Magic ^^

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Alright guys, here's the next video! Unfortunately, the RNG seems to change in subtle ways depending on how you start the chapter so I oouldn't duplicate those "complicated steps" that I did.

What do you think? I could still use some suggestions on what tags to use on this video. I mean, I want it to be viewed, but I don't want to be obnoxious about it and paste a whole bunch of tags to the video of terms only faintly related to the video.

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What do you think? I could still use some suggestions on what tags to use on this video. I mean, I want it to be viewed, but I don't want to be obnoxious about it and paste a whole bunch of tags to the video of terms only faintly related to the video.

If you want your videos to be viewed, they need to contain what people want to see: certain males or certain females killing powerful bosses with tons of favouritism and/or luck. Preferably in final chapters. From the long, long time I've had a Youtube channel, the FE7 video where Isadora beats Morph Linus with two lucky critical hits still gets the most comments/views by far, whereas most of the low turn videos I have up get nearly none. Except those where Lilina is involved. People are weird, and dumb.

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If you want your videos to be viewed, they need to contain what people want to see: certain males or certain females killing powerful bosses with tons of favouritism and/or luck. Preferably in final chapters. From the long, long time I've had a Youtube channel, the FE7 video where Isadora beats Morph Linus with two lucky critical hits still gets the most comments/views by far, whereas most of the low turn videos I have up get nearly none. Except those where Lilina is involved. People are weird, and dumb.

Oh god this. My most 2 viewed videos are FEDS2 Lunatic Final Chapter and a compilation of my game overs in Ch. 11

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Ok, I have conquered Genoa in 6 Turns. The first three turns were sheer hell just because I couldn't figure out how to position units so that Azel could get access to kills without putting himself at risk, plus Aira kept moving in ways I didn't want her to, but, I figured it out eventually, and now things are going pretty swimmingly...

Although, I'm kind of starting to dislike this challenge. It's been more annoying than hard so far.

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