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Battle Sprite Splicing Competition


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I might try this. These somehow look easier than mugs. Or at least less intimidating.

... got a good laugh out of Spoon's post, though.

Edited by Luka Megurine
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I just made this up after seeing the contest. My battle sprite equips two weapons, so that is why it is like that. The character is facing one way at first, and then switches to the other. The bow is mostly made out of modifying the sword/ spear, with a little bit of custom.

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Holy shit it's Anime advertising Windows. My mind has just been blown .______.

OFF TOPIC, Soluna, Dan ALS said that you made his hack's banner. D'you think if I supplied you with a color scheme and sprites that you could make one for me, as well? Pweeeease? :3

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Holy shit it's Anime advertising Windows. My mind has just been blown .______.

OFF TOPIC, Soluna, Dan ALS said that you made his hack's banner. D'you think if I supplied you with a color scheme and sprites that you could make one for me, as well? Pweeeease? :3

Haha, it's actually just some meme that came form Japan called OS-Tan. I only got interested because Nanami is fucking adorable

Of course~ I should be done with it even today depending on what you want. Just send all of what you need as soon as possible. :3

/derails topic

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Haha, it's actually just some meme that came form Japan called OS-Tan. I only got interested because Nanami is fucking adorable

Of course~ I should be done with it even today depending on what you want. Just send all of what you need as soon as possible. :3

/derails topic

Namami? I've got no clue who that is .___. She is adorable, though

Really? That's, like, totally awesome 8D

I do have to finish a sprite for it, but, as soon as I have said sprite done, I shall send the stuff off to you! Thanks.

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Crap. That green thing, behind the lance? Unintended. How is it that I can fail so much with only a battle sprite?


Personally, I didn't really notice it until you pointed it out. It's a nice sprite. :)

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