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Funniest Quotes In the Tier Lists

Dark Sage

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From Narga: "Tormod can't actually do what Mist can do, and Tormod costs just as much in bexp, if not more. Additionally, he is taking away god-mode Reyson because you want to give the Knight Ring to him. Or did you actually mean KW? If so, then you really really suck with resources given you want to give Tormod something he can't even use. And what do you mean a half-support for Jill? Also, remember, it's 2 defence for Titania, possibly 3, since Rhys is never going to be around her."

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In an Echidna vs Fir debate at WoD, I was defending Echidna saying that she could use a Killer Axe to ORKO many enemies in Chapter 13. In addition I showed that she's still usable in Ilia against weighed down pegs. Also showed how Fir's durabilty is balls (2HKOd by pretty much everything). The answer of the opposite side: (Translated from spanish)

So should we waste some valuable EXP and also a Killer Axe so she can kill those enemies? She's simply not worth it, as it was said the only good thing about her is her outstanding SPD and SKL compared to the rest and to that you add that her CON will make her lose A LOT of SPD with any axe, she can only help a little in the next 2 chapters and she also get way too much damage because of her UGLY DEF, she simply doesn't help and period.

I still laugh whenever I read that. After I countered that he answered with some 20/20 Fir > --/20 Echidna. Ha.

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So he's saying that a Killer axe and a bit of exp is somehow worse than being stuck with swords and given favoritsim. And ignores the fact Killer Axes don't way her down that heavily and that she can still kill everything on Chapter 13, saying Fir is better for....some reason?

Comedy gold.

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"Gerik doesn't have the con to wield axes" - some guy from GameFAQs

I tend to disregard tier lists and choose characters I like, but honestly, that's the worst tier list argument I ever heard, especially since it holds no truth whatsoever, unless he's using a Brave Axe or a Devil Axe. And even then, he can attack with the remaining 8/9's of the axes without attack speed loss.

And why would you say that about Gerik of all people? He's got the best con out of all of the GBA FE Heroes, so if Gerik's con isn't "good enough" for him to wield axes, then which hero's constitution is?

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"Gerik doesn't have the con to wield axes" - some guy from GameFAQs

I tend to disregard tier lists and choose characters I like, but honestly, that's the worst tier list argument I ever heard, especially since it holds no truth whatsoever, unless he's using a Brave Axe or a Devil Axe. And even then, he can attack with the remaining 8/9's of the axes without attack speed loss.

And why would you say that about Gerik of all people? He's got the best con out of all of the GBA FE Heroes, so if Gerik's con isn't "good enough" for him to wield axes, then which hero's constitution is?

That is just a joke people at GameFaqs made up. It's obvious that Gerik has the con for all the good axes which the only other hero which rivals Gerik's manly con is Dieck. But some people decided to troll/make a fad by saying "Gerik doesn't have the con for axes," when he most certainly does. It's like saying "Danved is most certainly not Devdan," even though it's probably obvious.

Remember not to take everything seriously. It might just reek of a troll.

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It's funny to go through and find old posts in the tier list. It's so adorable how clueless everyone was back then!

You know, Zihark's rather low strength growth is all that's keeping him out of top now that I think about it. If he had 10-15% more strength, I'd put him up there right under Reyson.

I don’t see ... how Heather stealing everything in part 3 with the bowgun-disarm-steal combo could only reach mid.

Volke, Stefan and Muarim are all better than the CRKs. Kurth > Vika and Nealuchi > Sigrun.

About Soren:

You're probably right. Although, he does hit resistance and can heal on promotion so I have to keep him above Gatrie and Boyd.

But I still think Lyre > Gareth. You can give Gareth special attention to make him useful, but you can do the same with Lyre as well. She's also around longer and can support. Blood Tide is overrated, you have Ena anyway, and Gareth isn't doing anything else.

Matrona only heals 1 unit and you have up to 17, so I don't see why that was brought up. As for fortify, you could use it quite a bit in 4-E(3) since dragons have some ridiculous hit rates and damage.

Laura gets Speed. She's no tank, but more durable than Rhys. Otherwise, ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...
Can you explain why you put Ike > Boyd, and why Reyson is an entire tier down relative to the other tier list?

The Reyson is fairly simple, at least to me. When Reyson chants, all he does is refresh the four units nearby him. That's it. He doesn't do much else at all. Sure, those for units may be able to attack again or move into better positions, but they are the ones who are doing it. Even though Reyson is the enabler, it is still those units who are doing it. Not to mention that Reyson will not always refresh four units and those four units will not always be Jill, Oscar, Kieran, and Titania either. As a result, he drops.

Wow, that is the most retarded sandbag I've ever read.

What happens when Reyson is not there? Those units don't get refreshed (btw those four you mentioned all have Canto, making it extremely easy for them to make a diamond formation for Reyson). All turns that you shave off, all extra enemies that you killed as a result don't happen. "But they're the ones doing it" is, again, the most retarded sandbag I've ever heard to try using as a counter to that. Reyson's abilities allow this to happen and as a result he receives the credit for the increase in positive performance. He has a much greater effect on overall performance than you are giving him credit for.

I originally wasn't going to post at all in this thread because we already have a list with weird rules, but I couldn't let this slip by.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Once again, regarding Echidna, (Dondon) vs Fir (HorioInui) at the FE6 tier list topic:

Fir joins before Echidna. Echidna is good for supporting Gonzales and Lalum, Fir is good for supporting Shin and Noah. Echidna wins supports, Fir wins join time by a bit. Fir is good right when she joins. She's one of your fastest units and has good Str/Skl. She is at a really low level, but with really high stats for that level. She gets tons and tons of EXP for doing just about anything and her good stats and growths make very good use of that EXP. She can kill a few enemies in her joining chapter and gain a few levels. Then there's a cluster of axe d00ds to get rid of in the next chapter. A lot of them. Then lots of reinforcement axe d00ds. Then half a chapter before Echidna joins. I'd say having Fir at 10/0 is fair. I typically have her higher, but 10/0 is enough for modest use of her.

Is your skull denser than depleted uranium. I am not going to reiterate the same argument 14 times just so you can ignore it and come up with some blanket bullshit of your own.

Edited by Flint Eastwood
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It's funny to go through and find old posts in the tier list. It's so adorable how clueless everyone was back then!

I don't have to go back to the old posts to find stuff like that. I just need to read posts from certain people made now if I want to see that.

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I used to think Shinon > Mia.

Oh dear.

Well, it's not bad, you know. Shinon has higher chances of 1RKO'ing as long as he doubles with a Killer Bow, or Silencer. But Mia has the upper lead because of Vantage + Adept. And they're both High tier units anyway.

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Except Mia can easily face more than twice as many enemies as he does. It's hard to contribute much to efficiency when all you do is a single attack per player phase and nothing more. He's got his uses since he ORKOs (or comes close) when you only have wing!Titania and Ike doing so (and Mia with a 60 to 70 % proc rate depending on if she's using a steel blade or a crit forge) so that puts him so high on the list, but there's only so much he can take credit for.

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Settle down Narga, this is for funnies not for debating.

I had a few stowed in my profile, but that's about it:

(am I an ace debater now?)

No. That was bad, and you should feel bad. You disgrace the name of Grand Elder Smash -- may he debate forever -- who provided the plebeians of Serenes Forest with the secrets to his debating prowess, etched in stone tablets marred with the tears of his adversaries.

Your argument had no misquotes, no LOLs, no aizenstomps, no appeals to popularity, no phalluses, no insults, no rhetorical flourishes, and it was far too short. Consider yourself excommunicated.

I'll repeat myself anyway. Neph has issues even visiting houses. She gets 3-4HKO'd

The thread where smash says that Nephenee can't visit houses because she gets 3-4HKO'ed, is undoubtedly the greatest opportunity cost analysis of all time. I printed it out, folded it into a tri-corner pirate hat, and am currently wearing it as I type this.

I like using bottom tier, anyways. On my H5 runs, I typically field Jeigan and Wendel for the whole game and add George, Astoria, Minerva, Midea, etc. as full-time units.
That's the only problem with difficulty in Fire Emblem. At some point, no matter what, it's going to become doable. It just depends on how much the player has prepared and taken the time to do so.

Yeah, I hate games that are beatable too. I also hate book series that have an ending, movie series that don't abruptly end, and kittens.

Especially kittens.

I got to 3-P.

Literally, my second move (the first being Rolf moved forward so I could see through the fog). Mia attacks an SM. She hits, gets critted on the counter, and dies.

And here I thought crit rates didn't matter unless you're Aran.

I got to 1-4.

Literally, my second move (the first being Leo moved forward so I could weaken a cat for Aran). Aran attacks a cat. He hits, gets critted on the counter, and dies.

Replace anyone that faces a crit chance and gets 3HKO'd, and I can make a billion more of these scenarios.

A competent strategist would notice that Mia can die, so why not let Rhys or Soren attack first so Mia can kill him without a counter. Then again you have proven time and time again that you aren't one, so I guess I'm wasting my time.

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Except Mia can easily face more than twice as many enemies as he does. It's hard to contribute much to efficiency when all you do is a single attack per player phase and nothing more. He's got his uses since he ORKOs (or comes close) when you only have wing!Titania and Ike doing so (and Mia with a 60 to 70 % proc rate depending on if she's using a steel blade or a crit forge) so that puts him so high on the list, but there's only so much he can take credit for.

Yep. Mia is awesome. It's just surprising to see a Sniper get that high in FE. And I forgot Mia was Top...

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