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My now completed S rank HHM run


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Hm, I don't know. That was definitely awesome, but Interceptor is known for cranking those out.

Hm...Out of all 11,000+ of them, I wonder what my most awesome post on this forum was...

Whatever it is, it'll be topped soon enough.

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Whatever it is, it'll be topped soon enough.

LOL I know what that's implying

too bad I have no idea what you two look like, though :(

Red Fox's post about alcohol sounds cool, but only if she really does drink

and one day drinks with me ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

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Whatever it is, it'll be topped soon enough.

Is that because every time I post it's my new greatest post ever? Aw...

>implying it is veiled at all >_>

Looks like Inui still has a few things to work on.

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@ the canine and fruit: you're both retarded

if only you were, in fact, the kind of person that goes out...

probably more than most people here tbqh but whatever

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I just remembered something, and due to a combination of it happening on this run and not wanting to make a new topic, I figured I'd ask here.

On The Berserker, Priscilla had 21 Mag for 29 atk with Thunder. Kaim has 22 Res, but when I went to see how much she could do it was 0. Is there a reason for this I missed?

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Thrones give +5 resistance, but you still should have been able to do 2 damage...

He's not on a Throne (but wow, I just checked and I never knew Thrones gave +5 Res).

Edited by Sadistic Fox
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He's not on a Throne (but wow, I just checked and I never knew Thrones gave +5 Res).

Yeah, it doesn't show up, but I didn't realise until... I think my FE6 HM run. :Lugh: hates thrones.

But Gates (which are more common anyway) don't give out 5 res, so he still had fun with Zinc!

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I think GBA thrones are my second least favourite terrain in all of FE. Particularly fe6 thrones that also cost Roy 2 move instead of 1. Only terrain more annoying are fe5 thrones (10 def, yeowch).

But then, fe5 has Asvel and Grafcalibur, so maybe I shouldn't find them as annoying as I do. Both give 30 avoid anyway, and the 10 def can be ignored with Asvel. The +3def/5res in fe6 and fe8 can't. And you don't have 13mt weapons that only cause -3 AS on a character with a decent spd base and 75% growth. And 100% crit on the pursuit attack on pretty much everyone.

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I think GBA thrones are my second least favourite terrain in all of FE. Particularly fe6 thrones that also cost Roy 2 move instead of 1.

FE6 thrones also have those disgusting avoid bonuses, to the point where even insanely accurate dudes like Rutger have problems. 2 move thrones were annoying initially when I didn't realise they had an extra cost, but now I keep it in mind and it doesn't trouble me.

My least favourite terrain type is probably... desert, for slowing down my beloved Paladins. It's almost like they didn't want Paladins to have an overpowering movement advantage on every single map in the game!

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Same bonuses in fe8 as in fe6. In fact, fe7 had the same bonuses as well in japan (according to the page on this site about gameplay differences). FE7 thrones just got nerfed for North America. Consider it a less drastic change that they made to make it easier on Americans than removing Maniac Mode.

And I mentioned that both fe5 and gba thrones had the same +avo of 30. Castles in fe4 also have 30 avo. I just didn't find it quite as annoying as the +5 res and low power of magic units in general in fe6. I don't really mind 70% hit rates on bosses, it's just <5 damage that is really annoying. I mean, bosses should be tougher than the average enemy and not die in a single encounter (or even 2 units attacking). It's sad when a boss can be ORKOd most of the time. Like 4HKOing with a swordmaster that doubles and has 70+% crit with a killing edge. If he had a 100% hit rate then that would be a 91% chance of ORKOing. Bosses are supposed to be tougher than that. They are bosses.

And I don't really care about Paladins, so I don't mind desert. It's actually kind of fun to run around with flying units and completely outmaneuver the enemy. And magic units that aren't on horses. And airlifting Dieck or something and having him say "hi" to a bunch of enemies. And consequently "bye" to them a few seconds later.

My second favourite chapter in fe9, for example, is the desert chapter. My first is the prison chapter and trying to get max deployment to escape + the 3 recruitable NPCs without getting caught. And I like 2-3. I think there's a theme here. It's not that I'm a pacifist (so very not), it's just fun trying to do something different in a chapter.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Same bonuses in fe8 as in fe6. In fact, fe7 had the same bonuses as well in japan (according to the page on this site about gameplay differences). FE7 thrones just got nerfed for North America. Consider it a less drastic change that they made to make it easier on Americans than removing Maniac Mode.

Really? Well, it's a lot more noticeable in FE6. Faster bosses and less accurate weapons, I guess.

And I don't really care about Paladins, so I don't mind desert. It's actually kind of fun to run around with flying units and completely outmaneuver the enemy. And magic units that aren't on horses. And airlifting Dieck or something and having him say "hi" to a bunch of enemies. And consequently "bye" to them a few seconds later.

I love Paladins and Valkyries. Pegasi too. But I hate movement penalties in general. It's no fun to crawl forward fighting like two enemies at a time, not being able to make any interesting maneuvers. I think the best desert map was FE8, just because rather than having the desert just be a 'fuck you, you have to crawl around really slowly all the time', it actually used it to divide up the map into two sections, more like a real terrain feature.

And I hate FE7 Rain and Snow as well. I think I actually hate them even more than desert because I can't even use fliers.

My second favourite chapter in fe9, for example, is the desert chapter. My first is the prison chapter and trying to get max deployment to escape + the 3 recruitable NPCs without getting caught. And I like 2-3. I think there's a theme here. It's not that I'm a pacifist (so very not), it's just fun trying to do something different in a chapter.

I find the desert chapter in FE9 really boring. Mainly because it can be trivialised so easily with Marcia. Rout maps are much more interesting because I have an excuse to wait around and slaughter everything. For example, I love the Rout maps in FE10. Especially since they're generally designed to prevent you from using very few characters. I wish I had excuses to train more units, but sometimes it's just so inefficient.

So yeah, my favourite thing in Fire Emblem is killing lots of stuff in biiiiiig sprawling non-linear maps. No frills (I don't like the stupid traps in the Divine Weapon levels in FE6, they can go to hell).

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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  • 4 weeks later...

What CAN she do to it? Every time I've played she's only been able to deal 1 damage or so with the Sol Katti. Is there something I'm missing?

Supports and a high level?

20/15 Lyn (RF's was higher) has 19 str on average. Sol Katti has 24 mt (12x2 because of effective damage). So 43 atk. Florina support alone makes 46 atk. And she'll probably double. 6x2, but a rather high crit rate. So, she's doing 24 damage pretty often. This beats what Hector can do in one hit (though if you manage to cap his spd he can double).

Oh, and RF's Lyn was given the energy ring and was at 20/17. That's 20+2 str so 22. 22 + 24 + 3 = 49 atk, or 9x2 damage. 36 when she crits once.

Her lyn actually skill screwed by 2 so instead of 14 base crit only had 13. Florina support so 28 crit. Sol Katti has 25 crit. 53 crit against 24 luck. 29% crit rate.

.71 x .71 = .5041 = 50.41% chance of no crit, so 18 x .5041 damage.

.29 x .29 = .0841 = 8.41% chance of two crits, so 54 x .0841 damage.

1 - .5041 - .0841 = 0.4118 = 41.18% chance of one crit, so 36 x 0.4118 damage.

18 x .5041 = 9.0738

54 x 0.0841 = 4.5414

36 x 0.4118 = 14.8248

so on average she does 28.44 damage. (and an average lyn should have 29 skill at this point so should have a bit higher crit. 30%. 49% chance of no crit, 9% chance of a double crit, 42% chance of a single crit. I'm not going to calculate average damage again, though, but it will be a little higher. Might reach 29, not sure.)

By comparison, an average 20/20 Hector has 30 str and a 36mt weapon. That's 66 atk, or 26 damage. Even with a support (only Eliwood is easy) that's only 27 damage. On average, she beats Hector. Well, this Hector also has 21 spd so a wing lets him double and he'd win on average. Of course, Hector won't likely be 20/20 so out goes the doubling option and his damage gets even worse.

If you don't like average damage, she's got a 49.59% chance of doing at least 36 damage, and a 50.41% chance of doing 18. 18 is still not bad, and she's quite likely to do a fair bit more. And in the rare situation she double crits, things get amusing since she does 54 damage. Almost half its hit points.

Also, if you are playing slowly, it's not outside the realm of possibility for her to have a Kent support or something. Possibly as much as +2 atk from a B, or she could just get a C with two people and get at least +1 atk, or +2 depending on which people. And if you cap her level and give her the LM energy ring then that's 23 str. 47 atk before supports. Up to 52 atk after supports. 12 damage a shot even without critting. 24 damage total. 48 on a single crit, 72 on a double crit. And she'll have more crit due to those extra supports. Lyn can rip this thing apart on a casual playthrough where you don't try to S rank or blitz through the game and just want to go at a calm, non-turtling pace.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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