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Major pwnage (or getting pwned) in school tests.


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Hmm....it seems that after getting college, I've been getting blasted one way or the other by difficult exams and such.

So, put some test scores you thought were ridiculously amazing/shitty, and why you managed (or didn't manage) to make the grade.

Single Variable Calculus, Limits and Integrals for Engineering Majors

Class Average: 31/100 Me: 56/100 Curved into an A-, wtf. And this is just limits and basic stuff, that guy made it purposefully hard so some type of curve would emerge from the depths of our raging, swearing souls.

Quantum Mechanics (Also called Chemistry), given by a professor with a PhD in "Philosophy of Chemistry"

Average: 26/52 Me: 20/52 Curved into a C-, also known as Asian-fail/death. I believe I didn't memorize the guy's "personal handbook" well enough. He tested from there, not out of the textbook.

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Well, it was AP Physics last year, and our teacher curves the average to a 85, so... I got a 31/39 on this test, but it was curved up to a 100. Victory is mine.

But then there's the Magnetism chapter and I screwed up bad. even after curves I only managed a 78. Usually my Physics grades are in the high-80s-anywhere in the 90s, but magnetism...gaaaaaaah.

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Some Maths Test: 42%, class average was 44% as kind of a protest at the substitute who'd replaced the original teacher who was on leave for a couple weeks.

I construct essays from pure bullshit. They are usually graded pretty high.

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But then there's the Magnetism chapter and I screwed up bad. even after curves I only managed a 78. Usually my Physics grades are in the high-80s-anywhere in the 90s, but magnetism...gaaaaaaah.

Ah, magnetism. -shudders- Luckily the professor who taught me magnetism was known for letting us use a formula sheet during exams and usually using plug-and-chug problems on tests. Unfortunately while I didn't really understand the concept of things and the class averages were usually high to the point of a negative curve emerging, it was all good.

Also, something I heard from a friend the other day about a very hard and awesome physics professor: Awesome in that people understand the concepts and everything, hard in that his problems are impossible to do.

Their Average: 16/102 Merely writing out the formulas net that many points. Writing "over 9000" on a question also nets a single point.

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Best exam ever:

Professor gives a four question essay exam about circuits. The problems are all something that has never been seen in the class before. Students are only graded on one question. That's the final for 40% of the class.

I get to take that class next year (probably).


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Who knows. Its in California. Heheh.

What college? I live in California.

I'm in high school, so no epic fails or wins.

I guess one could say it's an achievement that I consistently get A's on tests without studying at all, except in my math classes.

I failed a Pre-Calculus test today, in which I feel very stupid for. I tried to get help, but he had no time. I got less than a 50% graphing sines, cosines, tangents, and their inverses. I'm not sure why, but graphing is ridiculous as its hard to me. In the given formula, y=Asin/cos/tan(bx-c)+d, I can find all the variables (a/amplitude, b, c, d, h, k, and period), but I'm horrible at graphing it.

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I got a 96 on my first psychology exam without studying or anything. my friend studied that whole week and got an 85 haha.

Thats about it really. The professor makes that class so easy. I can get a 77 on my next exam and still get an A in the class.

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I can't do trig for shit, and its not even very important in higher math classes.

UCLA is the place. No no no, you may not look for me over there.

What? What kind of classes do you have that don't use trig. I struggle with trig mightily, and every semester I have a math class, trig inevitably comes up and is a major part of at least one unit of the class, so I end up having to try and relearn a bunch of stuff about trig.

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With single-variable and multi-variable calculus classes, trig is only very minor. No need to graph and all. Just need to know what'll come out of sin(pi/6) and other things.


Consider yourself somewhat lucky, we graph all the time in my multi-variable calc class (which is my current math course).

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Paper assigned by my history teacher, a former district attorney from Manhattan. Rest of class, their papers are bleeding red ink.

Mine is handed back with not a single red mark on it, given a 96. Why? He didn't want me to get too complacent, so he didn't give me a 100.

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Consider yourself somewhat lucky, we graph all the time in my multi-variable calc class (which is my current math course).

Nevermind. I guess I'm the lucky one. Didn't know you needed to graph in multivariable. All we're doing are double integrals, triple integrals...

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Nevermind. I guess I'm the lucky one. Didn't know you needed to graph in multivariable. All we're doing are double integrals, triple integrals...

Yeah, we do double and triple integrals, etc. There's usually one question on each exam (which have 6 questions max) that requires graphing out something. And we're not allowed to use calculators on exams. :/

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I trolled most tests in pretty much every High School course. I almost never knew when they were happening, and never prepared (of course, it's High School, nobody really needs to), and always got close to 100%, tending towards perfect. High School level essays are great too, because you essentially cannot fail, and I consistently could achieve top marks with the writing skills I developed while arguing with people on the internet in my younger years (lolwut).

But I have a friend who can claim far better than this. He has almost never payed attention in a course, in fact, he puts negative effort in to most portions of his life. When he is being taught something, he is actually doing other things the whole time, so he has shown up for almost every test he has ever written without even knowing what it was on, let alone how to DO the material. He passed Physics 11 and 12 by looking at the formula sheet 5 minutes before the test, asking me "So what am I actually looking for?", and then bullshitting the rest. He can answer questions correctly that he doesn't understand in the slightest through a combination of cross referencing, general knowledge, hazy recollection and guess and check. And he's dyslexic.

Basically High School is fucking hilarious.

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