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Major pwnage (or getting pwned) in school tests.


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I got through high school on minimal effort with over a 4.0 GPA, SATs fine on the first try, and enough AP credit to get me out of about a semester's worth of classes.

Naturally, college then proceeded to stab me hard in the face, and I reacted like a dumbass. I think I got like a 17% on the one math exam last semester. My achievement for this semester is getting off academic probation.

Moral of the story: Don't be me, learn to manage time and ask for help on things before you're on fire.

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I got fucked over pretty bad in a couple of my classes after getting ridiculously sick and not attending class after I'd already missed a couple days in each out of laziness. So I've been playing catch-up quite a bit. Had poor scores on a few recent tests, and I'm pretty sure an exam I had a bit ago was at best a B-.

Also, I have a powerpoint presentation in Japanese first thing in the morning, and I haven't begun memorizing any outline on how to proceed with it, since I forgot about it and decided to recycle one from another class. So I'm going to look like a total jackass by the end of the day as I feebly try to put together sentences using up-to-date sentence structure. I'm going to look like Stuttering Stanley up on the podium. It will be fucking awesome.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Argh, lol.

Those tests. Math 251. I hate those tests that are designed to make you feel stupid. Despite a GIANT curve and all, I hate it when they're designed to make you feel like you failed, by giving you questions you can't effectively answer.

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Is it just me or is 251 a universal number for evil, evil math? That was the course I had issues with too (though wasn't part of the math department).

For me it was the homework that was more of the issue: the course was effectively run by TAs, and they assigned problems they thought were interesting, not necessarily ones that would take less than 20 hours a week to finish the assignment. Of course, I handled it entirely wrong too, but the course is/was pretty damn hard.

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