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Anonymous pansies suck.


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This has actually crossed my mind before, but I just laugh at how many people on this site and others have a false sense of importance. Like, maybe we should explain that nobody gives a fuck if they're online here or not? I mean does anyone here actually give a fuck aside from little boys who want to cyberstalk other members? Because they don't count.

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I'm going to rant about anonymous pansies.

At first, it started like some kind of fad at the FE4 THREAD. But then, people at Oujay's only got contaged by FE4 THREADers. ERL, Kai and Lumi went from awesome to not-so-awesome. (Well, only Lumi, since ERL and Kai fell from "Guatemala to Guatepeor". And awesome, admireble guys like Furet-chan...well, I don't mind, but with someone of his category and ego, it doesn't give such a good impression.

Basically, the reason for doing it is "zomg i want my privacy and people are gonna kno when im here". As if you were popular celebrities and everyone cared, which, by the way, not many, if any, don't care. (Unless it's Proto's case when it comes to Rhythm or mine with Kyllu a few months ago)

Then there's the case of lurkers. Now, I am not going to call any names. But there are pathetic cases of a few that just lurk around, defriend the people that they find of "the wrong associations", and pretend they don't exist, as if we cared for their presence. This is the most pathetic act.

Lol, not saying I haven't been an anony-mouse pansy myself. But at least I've done with a reason, instead of "hey lets just follow everyone elses example olol". Yeah, way to be a human being. At least I'll stand aside, and be a human resistent being.

just relate to people on a communcationale levele...

Pordue moi fracais

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