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Tales of the Abyss Mafia


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Thats kind of odd since you are usually backstabbing people in your greed to win. You had the perfect role to do it too....

You clearly have no fucking clue about what a Wolf is supposed to do, in that case.

Wolves are not designed to win. Wolves are designed to fuck the game up. Only overpowered wolves along with luck/stupid communities win.

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You clearly have no fucking clue about what a Wolf is supposed to do, in that case.

Wolves are not designed to win. Wolves are designed to fuck the game up. Only overpowered wolves along with luck/stupid communities win.

I didn't see you cursing everyone for your untimely demise, so I'll assume that you did your job? I'm confused again!

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Oh, here's something I just realised: This is like Viva La Mafia with half the people and more craziness. Joy! (Yes Life I didn't check the viva la mafia thread before)

Edited by JBCWK
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Oh, here's something I just realised: This is like Viva La Mafia with half the people and more craziness. Joy! (Yes Life I didn't check the viva la mafia thread before)

You just failed at life. No it isn't. Go speak to people who've played that game.

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I wasn't absent. D:

Your character, erm, ran off, and given the head count, it was deduced that it was you. I guess JB has a soft spot for cute things like you.

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(11:25:37 PM) eclipse~:

This mafia makes me want to play TotA.

(11:26:12 PM) hextator:

this mafia makes me want to punch babies

Oh here's another one

(1:20:28 AM) hextator:

that is why we must bust Sync open and reveal some answers!

(1:20:37 AM) hextator:

he is a pinata full of delicious answer candy.

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[spoiler=Huge-ass endgame]What the fuck happened?

Multi-faction game. This was a relatively small game cause SF is... well, pretty small in terms of mafia players. Basically, each faction had the ability to recruit people until Night 3, where everyone was recruited. For reference, here's a list of who was recruited, people in bold are those who actually supported that faction.


























The 6-2-6 split was incredibly stupid, because only RD went and chose Malkuth. Then again, they recruited both Serial Killers, so... >_>

Now, players!


Dear user,

You are Luke Fon Fabre, the Co-Pilot.


You are the son of Duke Fabre, and the replica of the original Luke, Asch the Bloody. You were created when Asch was kidnapped at the age of 10, a replica meant to replace Asch while Van made Asch a God-General. You were returned to your family, with no knowledge of anything, such as how to speak, or even how to walk. Eventually, thanks to the help of your friends and your parents, you grew up before going on your journey to save Auldrant from Van. You were bratty and spoilt, but by the end of your journey, you were strong and understanding of issues in the world. You’ve been pulled into this conflict due to being a noble of Kimlasca, while taking care of the God-Generals… again.

At night, you may send me a PM with the content: “Night X: Swapping USER”. You will swap your target with the other co-pilot, causing any actions done to your target to happen to the other person and vice-versa. If the other co-pilot dies, you will become the Pilot, where you can choose 2 targets to swap.

You win with the faction of Daath.

"You're finished! Arise, resound, and become the blade of destruction! Lost Fon Drive!"

Actions: Absolutely none.

Died: Night 4

It's a pity that Bizz had to leave early and then couldn't regain access. She would probably have helped Daath win even earlier, and I would have liked to see how well she would have performed in this game.

Tear/I Eat Tables

Dear user,

You are Tear Grants, the Tracker.


You were born as Mystearica Aura Fende, and you are the brother of Van Grants. The island of Hod was destroyed when your mother was still pregnant with you. You were saved by your brother, and you grew up on Yulia City, with Van and your adopted grandfather, the mayor of the city. You joined the Order of Lorelei at a young age, and Major Legretta became your mentor. Your cold, calculating mentality comes from the Major herself. You are also a descendant of Yulia Jue, and you are the only one whom can sing the Grand Fonic Hymn.

You found out that your brother was planning to destroy the Outer Worlds, and you took up a mission to find the Seventh Fonstone. You found Van on your quest, and tried to kill him, but you and Luke were involved in a Seventh-Order hyperresonance which warped the both of you to Malkuth. You met Colonel Jade Curtiss, and from there you got sucked into the plot involving the fate of Auldrant. You’ve been pulled into this battle due to being Luke’s fiancé, while hoping to convince Major Legretta to help you instead of fight against you.

At night, you may send me a PM with the content: “Night X: Tracking USER”. You will follow that person at night, eventually being able to find out who he or she visited during the night. You will know your result by daybreak.

You win with the faction of Kimlasca.

"O light that rains down on heaven and earth, bring my enemies to their destined annihilation. Fortune's Arc! ... and grant us the divine protection of thy brilliance!"

Actions: Night 0 - Van

Night 1 - Sync

Died: Night 2

Tables was the only person with access to all 3 forums, and he absolutely wasted it. He had the magnificent chance to do perfect shit, and he pretty much told everyone "hey im kimlasca". Urgh.


Dear user,

You are Jade Curtiss, the Fomicry Expert.


You’re an army-general in malkuth, and the Father of Fomicry. When you were young, you strived to be able to perfect all forms of magic, including the seventh fonon, which you could not control. You eventually used a spell involving the seventh fonon which accidentally killed your teacher, and you failed at saving her life. You eventually moved on and enlisted in the army, and you accompanied Luke on his quest.

During the Night Phase, you may choose to resurrect someone. Your target will be resurrected for the day, and they will be able to talk as well as provide information. Your target will return to the abyss after the day phase. You may not resurrect they same person more than once, and you may only use your ability once every 2 nights.

You win with the faction of Malkuth.

“I, who stands in the full light of the heavens, command thee, who opens the gates of hell. Come forth, divine lightning! This ends now! Indignation!”

Actions: none lol

Died: Day 3

Ether was inactive because of inactivity, and didn't use his ability at all. Also made pretty bad choices for his Malkuth picks. Had an amazing role, wish he could have used it.


Dear user,

You are Anise Tatlin, the Roleblocker.


You are the Fon Master Guardian, and you were assigned to protect Ion. Your family had troubles with debt, and so you were forced to work for Mohs in order to keep your family safe. You were with Jade when you encountered Luke, and you eventually followed him on his quest along with Ion. You were forced to betray the party, and you were the one responsible for Ion’s death after letting Mohs capture him. After Ion died, you rejoined the party, with the ambition of becoming the first Female Fon Master.

At night, you may send me a PM with the content: “Night X – Playing with USER”. You will bring Tokunaga to your target’s house and play with them the whole night long, causing them to be unable to perform their night action.

You win with the faction of Kimlasca.

”Now the fun starts! Fever Time, baby! Yeah, hah! And you don't stop!”

Actions: Night 3 - Sync

Died: Night 4

Oh good lord. She pretty much didn't post at all, and she saved the game for Daath by blocking Sync N3, saving Guy from death and allowing him to get his ridiculously OP role. One of Daath's 2 Kimlasca helpers.


Dear user,

You are Guy Cecil, the Gynophobic.


You were born as Gailardia Galan Gardios, a noble of Malkuth. Your entire family was killed when Duke Fabre attacked the Gardios house, and the maids in the house and your sister all died protecting you. Being trapped under their dead bodies, this triggered your gynophobia. You swore to take revenge on House Fabre with Van by becoming a servant of the House. However, your friendship with Luke made you change your mindset and you rejected the idea of revenge. You ended up travelling with Luke during his quest.

At night, you may send me a PM with the content: “Night X – Decimating USER”. You will attack USER, and with your lightning-fast attacks you will kill user before any other night actions can occur. As your overlimit gauge needs to recharge, you may only use this ability once every 2 nights. If you are chosen to kill for your faction, this kill overrides your cult kill.

Due to your gynophobia, if you are visited by a female for 2 nights in a row, your gynophobia will return. You will be so scared that you will suffer a heart attack and die.

You win with the faction of Daath.

"Prepare yourself for a blinding storm! Brilliant Overlord!”

Actions: Night 1 - Natalia

Night 3 - Arietta

Night 5 - Nebilim

Died: He didn't.

Holy shit, MVP. He made 3 amazing kills, taking out the Healer, Jailer and second SK. Was constantly talking with Eclipse and Slayer, and basically lied to everyone that he was cop. Everyone thought he was someone else, and he was absolutely brilliant. He also became MVP on Night 3 because of Dist, lol.


Dear user,

You are Princess Natalia, the Healer.


You are the beloved Princess of Kimlasca, and the daughter of Largo, the Black Lion. When you were young, you were taken from your parents to replace the stillborn Princess Natalia, the daughter of the king of Kimlasca, King Ingobert. Because of this, you grew up in the palace, and ended up being engaged to Luke Fon Fabre. However, at first you didn’t know that the Luke you knew was a replica, and that the Luke which you loved now went by the name of Asch.

You eventually found out, and began to depend on Asch more and more. The both of you loved each other, even though he wouldn’t admit it. Eventually, after Asch’s death, you decided to be strong, and to lead your fellow Kimlascans. Now, you’ve hung up your bow, and decided to follow the path of the Healer.

You are a very good leader, and you are loved by your subordinates. You may also seem conceited at times. You are also very much in love with Asch.

At night, you may send me a PM with the content:”Night [x]: Healing [x] user”. Your target will be saved if he is attacked by one party.

You win when the faction of Kimlasca.

Actions: Night 0 - Natalia

Night 1 - Natalia

Died: Night 1

Healer is my preferred name for Doc, so yeah. Thank goodness Groner didn't post, but at least Raymond tried to take control. Too bad Obviam OHKO'd him Night 1 though. I get the feeling that if he'd been given more time to make his picks (he had like 12 hours), he would have done better.


Dear user,

You are Fon Master Ion, the Double Voter.


You are the seventh replica of the original Fon Master, whom died due to an illness. You are also the leader of the Order of Lorelei, a neutral group in Auldrant attempting to stop the war between Kimlasca and Malkuth. Unlike Grand Maestro Mohs, you did not believe that the Score is the only path, instead believing that it was only one of several paths the world could take. You were eventually forced to read the Score in Mount Zaleho, a task that exhausted you to the point of death. After the final battle on Eldrant you were eventually resurrected, and took over the role of leader of the Order of Lorelei, and Fon Master, once again. You wished to have no part in this conflict, but have been forced to participate.

You are very mature and optimistic. However, you are very weak physically. Therefore, if targeted for a night kill, you will die even if you are protected by the Healer. You also trust Anise a lot, and enjoy her company.

Due to your influence as the Fon Master, your votes cast during the day will count twice. You do not have any other special abilities.

You win with the faction of Daath.

” Perhaps I can help. Here it goes…”

Actions: None

Died: Night 6

Ion actually saved the game for Daath late-game, forcing a tie on Day 5 and then confirming Asch's lynch on Day 6. Came active at the right time, though he was pretty much being made to post whenever Eclipse and Obviam wanted him to.


Dear user,

You are Mieu, the Unlynchable.


You are a Cheagle, and the Cheagle responsible for burning down Arietta’s home. You are only a young boy, and you were elected by the Cheagle Elder to accompany Luke on his quest. You have the Sorcerer’s Ring with you, which allows you to communicate with humans, and you can breathe fire, an unusual ability for a young Cheagle. During the Day Phase, if you are voted to be lynched, you will act so cute and innocent that everyone will decide not to lynch you. This will only work once.

You win with the faction of Kimlasca.

“I’m sad too. I love Master. He saved me once. I wish I could disappear instead of him.”

Actions: None

Died: Night 5

Did absolutely nothing, came off as scummy and Obviam pretty much posed as him. Fail.


Dear user,

You are Arietta the Wild, the Jailkeeper.


You are a former God-General, and you used to serve Fon Master Ion. Your parents died when you were young, killed when the island of Hod was destroyed. You were defeated by Anise in Cheagle Woods, a battle which you did not survive. You were eventually revived by Dist, after which you found out that the current Fon Master was nothing but a replica. You swore to take revenge on everyone for not telling you the truth, while hopefully being reunited with the true Fon Master himself.

At night, you may send me a PM with the content: “Night X: Trapping USER”. Your ligers will trap that person, and you will be able to anonymously message with that person. That person will be unable to perform their night action, and they will be protected from all night actions directed to them as well.

You win with the faction of Kimlasca.

"Now I'll show you how strong I am! This is it! Evil Light!"

Actions: Night 0 - Luke

Night 1 - Sync

Night 2 - Guy

Died: Night 3

Huh, wow. By blocking Sync Night 1, he made Sync think his kill still passed through as Sync's target still died anyway. Didn't make any crucial jails, and honestly should have thought of jailing her own team members to keep them alive.

Asch/Radiant Dragon

Dear user,

You are Asch the Bloody, the Co-Pilot.


You were a former God-General, and the original Luke Fon Fabre. When you were 7 years old you were kidnapped by Van, who replaced you with a replica in House Fabre. Van trained you to become his student, hoping that you would be able to help him in his mission to destroy the Score. Dist was able to resurrect you, and you eventually decided that you would pick up where you left off by killing Van. Of course, killing a few other people wasn’t out of the question as well.

At night, you may send me a PM with the content: “Night X: Swapping USER”. You will swap your target with the other co-pilot, causing any actions done to your target to happen to the other person and vice-versa. If the other co-pilot dies, you will become the Pilot, where you can choose 2 targets to swap.

You win with the faction which you supported.

“The weak should stay back. Annihilation! Rending Saber!”


With Luke now dead, you have the power to switch 2 people at once.

Actions: Night 0 - Van

Night 1 - Tear

Night 2 - Asch

Night 3 - Legretta

Night 4 - Asch

Night 5 - Asch/Largo

Died: Day 6

Radiant Dragon was a great player as well. While his switches affected absolutely nothing, he was able to keep Malkuth in it for the longest time. Sucks that he picked Malk, but he still tried his best to get as far as possible even though he knew he was doomed. Had he gotten a better role, he would have been stupendous.


Dear user,

You are Dist the Reaper, the Poisoner.


You are a former God-General, as well as a childhood friend of Jade Curtiss. The both of you were considered geniuses, and were taught by Professor Nebilim. However, the Professor died, and Jade was unwilling to use Fomicry to create a replica of her. You then made resurrecting Nebilim your life goal, and you eventually succeeded. Now, you’re out to kill everyone else for not helping you with your goal.

At night you may send me a PM with the content: “Night X: Poisoning USER”. You will inject your target with one of 5 poisons, which will be chosen at random. The poisons are:

A – Silences the player for the next day phase.

B – Kills the player the next night

C – Makes the player a bulletproof, in addition to their current role.

D – Randomly changes the target of the player.

E – Does nothing.

You win with the faction you supported.

“The Rose! R-O-S-E, rose! Dist the Rose!”

Actions: Night 0 - Jade (Silence)

Night 1 - Jade (Nothing)

Night 2 - Ion (Target change)

Night 3 - Guy (Bulletproof Vest)

Night 4 - Luke (failed cause Luke died)

Night 5 - Ion (The real poison)

Died: Day 7

Snike got screwed badly. He tried to unite Kimlasca while Bal took notes, then he allowed Daath to win by making Guy Bulletproof. His real poison, the one useful one, finally worked the night he didn't care about it.


Dear user,

You are Largo the Black Lion, the Bulletproof.


You were a former mercenary, and the husband of Princess Natalia’s nurse’s daughter. Because of the Score, your wife, Sylvia, was forced to give birth, and your daughter was taken to replace the stillborn Princess Natalia. Sylvia then committed suicide. You ended up wandering the world until you met Van Grants. The both of you agreed that Auldrant did not need the Score, and so you abandoned your former life as a mercenary and your daughter. However, now that the world has been liberated from it, you now wish to avenge Sylvia’s death, and no one will get in your way.

You are incredibly strong and bulky. You are also very loyal, not betraying Van even when Natalia pleaded you to. Finally, you believe in honour, telling the main party not to pity opponents after defeating them, so as not to insult them.

Due to your incredible bulk, you can survive one attempt on your life. You have no other special abilities.

You win with the faction of Daath.

Actions: None


She didn't make a target of herself, and she was able to get in contact with Obviam and Slayer pretty quickly. Was able to discuss strategy with them in private, and even though she nearly betrayed Guy, stuck with him in the end and won. Pretty smart player, did very well for her first mafia.


Dear user,

You are Legretta the Quick, the Watcher.


You used to be a Major in the Oracle Knights before becoming a God-General. You were Tear Grants’ teacher, and she looked up to you as a mentor and role model. However, your brother’s death was predicted in the Score, which made you depressed. You disliked how the Score dictated people’s lives, and you were sickened by how people grew dependant on the Score for everything. You even wondered if your hatred of the Score was already said in the Score itself.

Finally, you refused to be taken over by the Score, and so you joined Van in his quest to annihilate the Score. After working with Van for some time, you fell in love with him, and so you devoted all your time and effort to his plans.

You lost faith in the people of Auldrant, not caring about the deaths of innocent people. You only cared that Van’s dream of a replica world was realised, even if you had to die to achieve that goal. The only other person you seem to care about is Tear, but despite your constant attempts at convincing her to join you, she always refused, because she did not trust Van.

Even though the Score has been destroyed, you believe that people still believe in the Score, and so you continue to push on for the creation of a replica world.

You are very calculating, intelligent and dangerous. You are also good at hiding your emotions, which make you seem efficient and emotionless.

At night, you may send me a PM with the content: “Night [x]: Watching [x] user.” You will spy on that person during the night, and when day starts you will know who visited that person.

You win with the faction of Daath.

Actions: Night 0 - Van

Night 2 - Asch

Died: Night 3

Legretta was the last person to gain a faction, and she didn't even do anything in that faction. Epic fail.


Dear user,

You are Sync the Tempest, the Serial Killer.


You are a former God General, and you are a replica of the original Ion. You were one of 6 failed replicas of Ion, and so you were left to die at Mount Zaleho. Van found you there and took you under his wing. You ended up becoming a God-General from there and served Van until your death at the hands of the main party. You were resurrected by Dist, but out of pure rage you turned on him, and then you gave yourself a mission: To kill anyone who got in your way.

At night, you may send me a PM with the content: “Night X: Annihilating USER”. You will attack USER, and because of your expertise in martial arts and Daathic Fonic Artes, your target will be killed by you. In addition, you will be able to evade most of the attacks on your life during the Night Phase, However, since you take time to regain your energy, you may only kill on odd-numbered nights. You may not choose to idle.

You win when everyone else is dead.

“Now you die! Haaargh! Akashic Torment!”

Actions: Night 1 - Natalia

Night 3 - Guy

Died: Day 4

Serial Killer number 1, and didn't even kill anybody. Didn't try to stay alive, and tried to pull some shit but failed. Ehh.


Dear user,

You are Van Grants, the Nexus.


You are the former sword instructor and mentor of Luke Fon Fabre, and the main villain of the game. When you were young, you were forced to destroy the island of Hod by causing a hyperresonance. You eventually found out this was predicted in the Score, and this sparked your hatred of it. You joined the Order of Lorelei in order to gain influence, and you eventually plotted to remove the Score by replicating the entire world. However, you were stopped by Luke, and you were defeated. Now, you have been reborn using the power of Lorelei, and nothing will get in your way of destroying the Score.

Due to having the power of Lorelei and having such a wide influence, many do not dare to target you. However, due to being reincarnated, you may only receive partial immunity. On Night 0, you will start out as having an immunity to non-killing night actions (NKs). When you are targeted by a NK, you will swap to being protected by killing actions (KAs). Most actions which match up to your immunity will be redirected, however, all night actions that do not correspond to your immunity will succeed.

You win with the faction of Daath.

"Behold the power of Lorelei. Farewell! Ancient Requiem!"

Actions: None

Died: Day 1

I assigned WoMC with Spykor/Slayer to Daath because Doublevoter wasn't as good as the other roles. Nevertheless, ran his mouth off a bit too much and got himself lynched for it.


Dear user,

You are Gelda Nebilim, the Serial Killer.


You are the former teacher of Jade Curtiss and Saphir, and a retired Oracle Knight. You were considered a great teacher, and you created bonds with your students, especially Jade, who was a cold-hearted boy focused on perfecting the art of fomicry. However, when Jade attempted to use a fonic arte using the Seventh Fonon, it exploded and you were nearly killed. Jade and Saphir attempted to replicate you, but the replica lacked the First and Sixth fonons. It turned you into a monster, and you killed fonists to devour their fonons. You were eventually sealed away and defeated, but Saphir, now known as Dist, was able to create yet another replica of you, to become the bloodthirsty monster you were before. Now, you are determined to kill, and you will stop at nothing to succeed.

At night, you may send me a PM with the content: “Night X – Devouring USER’s fonons”. You will attack USER with your multiple artes, immediately killing them. In addition, because of the fear many have of you, most night actions against you will fail. However, because of your lack of fonons, you may only kill on even-numbered nights. You may not choose to idle.

You win when everyone else is dead.

"Know what true power is! Fragmented End!"

Actions: Night 2 - Tear

Night 4 - Luke

Died: Night 5

Balcerzak played much more srsly than Life, and got pretty far without really being suspected. Played rather smartly as well, but SK isn't a good role for this sort of game.

So, quick detail on faction kills...

Kimlasca: Night 3 - Legretta

Night 6 - Largo

Malkuth: Night 4 - Anise

Daath: Night 5 - Mieu

And that's it! It was a really fun game, a bitch to mod at times, but awesome nonetheless. I would have liked it if more players had been srs or played better, and utilized OC more (hell I even encouraged it). Good game, anyway, and hope you guys had fun.

Edited by JBCWK
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It seems that my switches didn't affect Night Kills... That would've been nice to know. I liked my role otherwise, though (my faction, on the other hand...).

However, Daath started out with an extra member... why, exactly? Because they had a double-voter in a multi-faction game?

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Actions: Night 0 - Luke

Night 1 - Sync

Night 2 - Guy

Died: Night 3

Huh, wow. By blocking Sync Night 1, he made Sync think his kill still passed through as Sync's target still died anyway. Didn't make any crucial jails, and honestly should have thought of jailing her own team members to keep them alive.

I fucking knew that jail worked.

But damn. Well done, Obviam.

And this was my wonderful little list, with explanations to some of the sidenotes in bold. I gave most of this to Psych except a few notes, and he did pretty little with it.

[spoiler=that list]Kimlasca-Lanvaldear (3 confirmed and living, 3 uncertain, 2 dead)

Natalia (Raymond)- Doctor DIED N1

Arietta (me)- Jailer

Anise (Cynthia?)- Roleblocker? Spot on here. Not of much use knowing, though.

Asch (RD? Life?)- copilot? * Hoooh boy. This might seem completely "What the fuck, how did you think it was Life". That was courtesy of a little idea Obviam gave me, an interesting conspiracy that in the end turned out to be wrong in which Life and RD pretended to be the other in a convoluted scheme to trick everyone. As far fetched as this seems, the main thing I had going for this was how EAGER Life seemed to be to prove he was Sync, posting pretty much the same role PM on both boards. Of course, he was Sync, so this was entirely me overthinking it. I honestly would've liked to see it happen because of how utterly hilarious it'd be if it was true..

Nibilim (unknown)- *

Dist (snike)- poisoner? ***

Mieu (psych)- unlynchable

Tear (IET)- tracker DIED N2 Provided me with this wonderful little list.

Malkuth (0 confirmed and living, 4 uncertain, 1 dead)

Jade (Ether)- Resurrector LYNCHED D3

Guy (unknown)- unknown ** In the end, he tricked me quite a bit, but I got some information out of it. I salute you for that excellent game.

Asch (RD? Life?)- copilot? * See above. Other notes: I was spot-on with him and Luke two being the co-pilots, all from little tip I picked up from Obviam claiming he was "co-pilot", spending about an hour looking things up about the game, and determining Asch and Luke were most likely the co-pilots... Though, the existence of the role itself was rather questionable.

Nibilim (unknown)- unknown *

Sync (RD? Life?)- Killer? **See above. I got a laugh out of him never hitting his targets.

Daath (4 confirmed and living, 3 uncertain, 1 dead)

Ion (unknown)- unknown

Luke (Xeld?)- copilot? Bingo, except obviously not Xeld/Obviam.

Van (WoMC)- nexus LYNCHED D1

Guy (unknown)- unknown **

Sync (RD? Life?)- Killer? ** See above

Largo (unknown)- unknown

Dist (snike)- poisoner? ***

Legretta (unknown)- unknown

* in both K-L and Malkuth

** In both Malkuth and Daath

*** in both K-L and Daath

That was one confusing as fuck but insanely fun game, Jaybee.

Edited by Haruhi Suzumiya
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It seems that my switches didn't affect Night Kills... That would've been nice to know. I liked my role otherwise, though (my faction, on the other hand...).

I think that as co-pilot, you needed Luke around so that your switch would work (otherwise, you would switch your target with nothing). Once Luke was out of the picture, you could switch people at will.

To a certain someone (you know who you are):


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Asch (RD? Life?)- copilot? * Hoooh boy. This might seem completely "What the fuck, how did you think it was Life". That was courtesy of a little idea Obviam gave me, an interesting conspiracy that in the end turned out to be wrong in which Life and RD pretended to be the other in a convoluted scheme to trick everyone. As far fetched as this seems, the main thing I had going for this was how EAGER Life seemed to be to prove he was Sync, posting pretty much the same role PM on both boards. Of course, he was Sync, so this was entirely me overthinking it. I honestly would've liked to see it happen because of how utterly hilarious it'd be if it was true...

It would have been hilarious. I laughed for about 5 minutes straight thinking about it after you posted your suspicions on the Kimlasca board. I bet my post above it, "Maybe I'll see if I can convince Sync to kill [Luke]..." didn't help ease your suspicons any, either.

Also, about Ether making bad picks, he recruited:





And myself

...I see nothing wrong with this team.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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I think that as co-pilot, you needed Luke around so that your switch would work (otherwise, you would switch your target with nothing). Once Luke was out of the picture, you could switch people at will.

I'm pretty sure my role allowed me to switch anyone with Luke, which would've gotten him killed Night 3 instead (and I may have had a slightly higher chance of winning).

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