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Sorry 'bout Dirk. He needed someone to do, and he only hates Amera, so... XD

So instead of the wolf eared girl, instead of the crazy pyromaniac, he goes for the the severly burned burly man?

Well, that says something about Dirks sexual preference at least I suppose :/

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So instead of the wolf eared girl, instead of the crazy pyromaniac, he goes for the the severly burned burly man?

Well, that says something about Dirks sexual preference at least I suppose :/


I honestly can't believe I seriously typoed that. Woooow. THIS IS THE LAST TIME I GET ONLY 5 HOURS OF SLEEP.


Ah, well. You've got crazy instinctual wolf girl to deal with, so, have fun.

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>_< Crazy animal instinct, my animal instinct would be to run if I was surrounded by fire >_<

Now I need to fight crazy Amera before I can get out XD Ah well, now I'm in trouble XD

I would agree, but, run where? XD There's fire EVERYWHERE~~

I do want to see how you deal with her, though.

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Have to resort to short posts now :/

It's less fun knowing I can't kill/be killed >_<

Though I suppose I'll unlock that later since she'll need to die someday if she's a baddie.

I've got a question though

If Amera bites me and I survive do I get to be a furry too? XD

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Have to resort to short posts now :/

It's less fun knowing I can't kill/be killed >_<

Though I suppose I'll unlock that later since she'll need to die someday if she's a baddie.

I've got a question though

If Amera bites me and I survive do I get to be a furry too? XD


I don't think that's how it works XD

Dernit XD Was hoping she wouldn't be a villain, but, I'm not exactly helping, am I?

@Kanami is your RP still open for sign ups, or have I missed the boat?

Scratch that, just found out it was dead.

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Getting up is fine and all Cam, but I really hope you've either time skipped, or aren't stupid enough to come after me XD Not this soon XD, Don't know how good healers are supposed to be, but I was hoping Bullet had been burned enough for me to leave a mark on him, for memories sake :P


Yeah, killed it off, while it was grovelling on the ground being beaten to death by the savage whip of inactivity.

I'm not suited to directing big plots, screwing/rail-roading the plans of others and short term chaos is something I'm much more suited to.

*Notices how much of the RP is Amera/Bullet/Shiris based at the moment*

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Getting up is fine and all Cam, but I really hope you've either time skipped, or aren't stupid enough to come after me XD Not this soon XD, Don't know how good healers are supposed to be, but I was hoping Bullet had been burned enough for me to leave a mark on him, for memories sake :P

Yeah, that was meant to be a timeskip.

Also, Bullet still has some pretty noticeable scars on him. Nothing that might unduly affect his combat performance, but they're there~

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Seppphhhh >_<

Now what am I supposed to do?

I can either wake up and kill Amera, or I can get knocked out as well and we can both die in the flames XD

What is it with you people and passing out mid lunge

Well, you said you didn't have the strength left to use your fire anymore, but nothing would be stopping you from taking Amera's sword and killing her with it. I was hoping for mercy, but you're Kanami, so, dunno why I was hoping for that XD

If all else fails, there's Dirk. He wont kill Amera when she's unconscious, because that wouldn't give him the satisfaction of doing such. So... We'll see how you play it out XD

Heck, the fire wasn't THAT bad where Amera and Shiris were, so you could have her pass out and play it by ear XD

Literally all your choice right now.

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Killing Amera = Premature end

Dirk = Don't think I want to get captured just yet XD

Pass out = ... Fire not bad? Where? In Freege? Fire=spread=death XD

Ah well, guess I'll have to reconstruct Shiris then :/

Arrrgh, defeated once again.

Don't quite get that last part about reconstructing and such.

Kanami, I can edit my post to something else, if it's too much trouble for you XD

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It's no trouble, Kanami's brilliant mind will think of something! XD

Give me a few secs to write it up, I know what I'm doing now.

Edit: Well, there goes my plans of being a villain XD

Tired now, think I'll get some rest.

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