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Kingmaker Mafia


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Addressing me acting scummy... I'd like to know why/where so I can defend myself. But I suspect it's just a gut instinct, based on that last post mostly? I just found it amusing that WoMC took it seriously, and even more amusing that it got the king killed. Shame Psych wasn't mafia, I guess.

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And as I've responded to you a million times, (insert party hard video here).

Also, King doesn't have to lynch someone, guys. It just says if they don't vote. Meaning they could NL and live. Just to put that out there.

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Also, King doesn't have to lynch someone, guys. It just says if they don't vote. Meaning they could NL and live. Just to put that out there.

I think it would be a good idea to assume that NL is going to count as not voting until Weapons says otherwise, since the mafia isn't going to be shy about lynching townies if they're made King anyway. It's not like we're getting a lot of information outside of lynches, anyway.

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Radiant Dragon decided it might be a good idea to roam the streets at night. He was, of course, promptly met by bad people and shot.

"Hey, how come our kill target always conveniently happens to find it a good idea to go out at night? I think crime rates could probably drop by at least 50% if people stayed inside and locked their doors."

It is now day 3.

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FOS on shaman.

but No Lynches are booooring. killing is fun!

It sounds a bit suspicious to me, sure no lynches almost always resul in minimal info but it slows down the victory for mafia, and allows more time for a slip. Besides, randomly killing will mostly end up in the death of a townie.

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FOS on shaman.

It sounds a bit suspicious to me, sure no lynches almost always resul in minimal info but it slows down the victory for mafia, and allows more time for a slip. Besides, randomly killing will mostly end up in the death of a townie.

Killing at random can certainly lead to unfortunate consequences, but a NL is not a good idea if there are other alternatives. The Lynch is the one thing town has in order to assert itself and is the prominent info-gathering tool of the town.

Especially in a game such as Kingmaker where there are no cops, watchers, trackers, or anything of the sort that we just love to cling to around here. If we do not use logic and deduction to root out the mafia, and just NL instead, we get nowhere, and the Mafia gets a free day. Minimal info is the absolute worst thing we can imagine in a game like Kingmaker, because no power role is going to step forward and say, "Oh hey, ___ is Mafia, so you townies don't gotta do nothin'"

##FoS: SlayerX

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FOS on shaman.

It sounds a bit suspicious to me, sure no lynches almost always resul in minimal info but it slows down the victory for mafia, and allows more time for a slip. Besides, randomly killing will mostly end up in the death of a townie.

As I have pointed out before, lynches are literally the only option available to the town. If we do not lynch, then nothing happens for the town and the mafia get another kill. No lynching is perfectly fine early on in complex games where you have cops and watchers and what have you that can find out information. But no such option exists for us.

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Joke comment was a joke.

I mean sure we have basically no info but also what info are we going to get? Better just take a chance. We're either gonna win or lose and no lynching gives us a 0% chance to kill a mafia compared to random lynching, which also isn't good.

Sure, I would be more on the lookout for kings who are over eager to kill someone, but just taking a random lynch isn't necessarily the worst thing ever. For all we know you could just be trying to prevent town progress. or maybe you are just actually thinking. Who knows.

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A. SlayerX

C. Anouleth

D. Azusa Nakano

H. Spykor

I. Unbolded

J. Luka Megurine/Loputousu Rocks

K. Pariah

L. Strawman the Sawman Shaman

Well thing is a no lynch could potentially save us from a MYLO. Or would it be LYLO? I always get it confused :wacko:

If i didn't count wrong, there are eight people left. If there are 3 mafia, there are 5 town. If the king lynches a townie, the mafia will win. Unless they retardedly hit the hero.

Of course there is always the chance there are 2 mafia and we have a lynch to spare but, we are not going to get anything just hastily lynching. Talking is the best way to get information which is something i don't feel we have done a lot of.

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Slayer is right, actually. If we lynched incorrectly today and there's 3 mafia, then we lose tonight. If there's 2 mafia and we lynch incorrectly, exactly the same problem tomorrow. So unfortunately, I think a NL is best today. Kingmaker should make himself king tonight (as far as I can see, that's a valid move), then there are two clears (Luka + King), so he has a 3/5 chance of hitting scum.

So, yeah, Luka, your best move is likely a no lynch. Although before you do:

Rulecheck: Does NL mean nobody dies or will you be counting that as 'not voting' and therefore kill the king?

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4 mafia would be cruel and unusual considering we have absolutely no investigative roles.

Also, even if it did count as not voting, I would technically live because the Hero can't die, right?

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