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The Mafia sticky (and my semi-leaving note)


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Okay, let's move on to the election.

Since we only have 3 candidates (as far as I can tell), STV should be simple. The way it works is that you order the people from your first choice down to your last choice. Then once all the votes are in (we'll say next Saturday because I was slow getting started) I'll count up who voted for whom in first ONLY. If that person gets above 50%, they win, if not, the person who was last gets eliminates and everyone who voted for them, has their second vote counted. In that way, everyone effectively has one (single) vote but it can change depending on who is least popular (transferable).

Those are the mechanics. All you do is send me a PM and list them in order from first to last, I'll deal with the mechanics.

The candiates are:



Life Admiral


Edited by I Eat Tables
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I thought nobody wanted me to do it >.> No one nominated me or anything. I would have taken it if I knew I was considered

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I was kinda expecting Rein to nominate you but oh well.

And I wouldn't mind you taking it too. You're relatively active in the mafia section, you've run great games and you know what you're doing.


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Oh... sorry Levity :P. I've added you now and I only got one vote so far so I'll just add you in and they'll probably notice (if not I'll pester them later in the week) :).

Also nominees can vote and can vote for themselves.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Yes, but there's two downsides:

1) Doing STV, which is simple but significantly fairer, would be difficult.

2) It would be impossible to prevent trolling votes (read as: people who don't play mafia) unless voting was made public, which can sometimes bias people's votes (unlikely but whatever).

So, yeah, but, meh.

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And now, Life looks at the candidates!

JB25 - My nomination and my opinion of the best underrated player here.

Life Admiral - Class A Dick and whatever horrible words you have for this fucker.

Balcerzak - Too inactive to be running the show.

Bizz - Is Bizz. Needs no introduction because she is more than an introduction.

VOTE AWAY! :awesome:

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Well, Life has been pressuring me to reveal the results (I was waiting on someone who I mentioned earlier, who voted before I realised Levity was running).

So, here we go.

Round 1:

Levity: 4

Life: 2

Balcerzak: 1

JB25: 1

These results are a little unrepresentative as both Bal and JB got lots of 2nds and 3rds. But I digress. Both Bal and JB are eliminated and votes for them are redistributed.

Round 2:

Levity: 4

Life: 4

And here we have a problem. After consulting a few people, they decided I should decide who wins. Which I did by averaging everyone's position on the chart, and a fair bit of deliberation, and I've made my decision.

Levity will be taking over my role.

I'm just going to reveal the votes as received without putting names to them. I think that's easiest and everyone who voted can see their vote there.

  1st    |    2nd    |    3rd    |    4th
Life      | Levity    |	JB25      | Balcerzak
Levity    | Balcerzak | JB25      | Life
Balcerzak | Life      | JB25      | Levity
JB25      | Life      | Levity    | Balcerzak
Life      | JB25      | Levity    | Balcerzak
Levity    | JB25      | Balcerzak | Life
Levity    | JB25      | Balcerzak | Life
Levity    | JB25      | Balcerzak | Life

Yes, there were three sets of identical votes at the bottom there. As for my decision, I made it based on activity (Life is more active than Levity), friendliness (Levity wins that by a little), vote averages (Levity averaged 2nd on the list, Life was 2.75th), organisational skills (both have plenty of these, but Life wins a little I'd say) and that's about it. As you'll see, that was two categories to two, so it wasn't an easy call.

So, that's that. I'll be asking Levity to transfer over the information in the Sticky into a new thread (which is the easiest method of changing hands) and etc. over the next few days or weeks. And, yeah.

Peace out.

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Yes, there were three sets of identical votes at the bottom there. As for my decision, I made it based on activity (Life is more active than Levity), friendliness (Levity wins that by a little), vote averages (Levity averaged 2nd on the list, Life was 2.75th), organisational skills (both have plenty of these, but Life wins a little I'd say) and that's about it. As you'll see, that was two categories to two, so it wasn't an easy call.

What the fuck is this shit? She wins friendliness by only a little?

I demand a rejudging of my character.

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What the fuck is this shit? She wins friendliness by only a little?

I demand a rejudging of my character.

[spoiler=Dark Secrets]What's really going on here is

Levity has actually been manipulating us all from almost the beginning. Tables was actually a puppet mod installed by her while she pulled the strings from behind the scenes. When Tables was exhausted of his use, Levity attempted to ensure a quick transition to her own, more direct tyranny and so in a last ditch effort, Tables sent out this warning signal and so it's more true than it seems.

Also, I can't help but feel like I've posted something like this before.

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I find it hilarious that I got 4 last places and 2 firsts (neither of those were my votes). I'm not pissed about any part of this (it's not like being President since this means doing extra work without getting paid for it) but I just want to know if those stemmed from the whole "Slayer" thing of me being a dick.

EDIT: Well OBVIOUSLY Lightning would vote me last. And probably Slayer too. But who else's intelligence have I insulted to warrant a last place finish?

Edited by Life Admiral
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I probably could've put you in third, but I was more thinking friendliness factor. Also, I lied: mine was the second vote.

Because friendliness is required to update the list of current Mafia games.

Yes, your logic makes absolute sense.

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