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The Mafia sticky (and my semi-leaving note)


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So there's one more person who's IQ I've insulted. I'm going to guess Raymond.


When did you insult my IQ? I can remember Spoon insulting my playing style multiple times, but not the former.

I didn't vote at all.

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EDIT: Well OBVIOUSLY Lightning would vote me last. And probably Slayer too. But who else's intelligence have I insulted to warrant a last place finish?

Well, mine, but I didn't vote...and if I did you'd probably've gotten second.

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When did you insult my IQ? I can remember Spoon insulting my playing style multiple times, but not the former.

I didn't vote at all.

That time where you cockblocked him in the mafia where Ether, Slayer and I were mafia, and you ratting out BIzz in PTG IIRC.

EDIT: I think it was this game.

Edited by JBCWK
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That time where you cockblocked him in the mafia where Ether, Slayer and I were mafia, and you ratting out BIzz in PTG IIRC.

EDIT: I think it was this game.

I might have gone after Raymond a bit for ratting out Bizz but the game that you're referring to would be the Mostly Harmless Mafia game. When I tried leading the village and Raymond straight up cockblocked me.

EDIT: Yep. Granted, I should have just posted my role PM out into the open since I had the numbers role. So fuck up on my part.

Role: A numbers role. It does what the name implies, simply knowing the numbers of the factions. Nothing more, nothing less.

Player: Life Admiral wanted to lead (literally the only person who tried to lead before WoMC got the leadership role shoved down his throat), but was hounded at every turn by Raymond for absolutely no apparent reason. He wasn't inspected night 0, Raymond undermined him when possible, and then WoMC decided to throw a posting restriction on him to kill him for a silly reason, which he forgot about and died because of. Him not being on very much didn't help things either.

I need a SF game where I can actively stretch my legs since I've been solely playing Smogon since PTG. And this is a problem since I keep playing kinda stupid in Smogon.

Hopefully Bizz's CM4 will allow me to regain my form without, you know, getting killed ASAP.

Edited by Life Admiral
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Because friendliness is required to update the list of current Mafia games.

Yes, your logic makes absolute sense.

I'd personally prefer that the person updating the list is at least somewhat approachable. Grated, JB isn't always the friendliest guy in town, but whatever.

I never said there was a method to the madness.

Edited by Luka Megurine
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I'd personally prefer that the person updating the list is at least somewhat approachable. Grated, JB isn't always the friendliest guy in town, but whatever.

I never said there was a method to the madness.

Kinda depends. I'm only unfriendly to those who can't be bothered to think before posting.

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I suppose one qualm I might have about Life would be his ability to either A: fool the town into oblivion, or B: practically single handedly eliminating the mafia. Now sure, we're supposed to do this. But occasionally I and probably some of the others would like to be able to do something, and not just wait around until Life tells us who to vote.

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I suppose one qualm I might have about Life would be his ability to either A: fool the town into oblivion, or B: practically single handedly eliminating the mafia. Now sure, we're supposed to do this. But occasionally I and probably some of the others would like to be able to do something, and not just wait around until Life tells us who to vote.

Psych, I don't want this to happen because it sucks some of the fun out of a game.

Seriously. I want someone to out-think me in a Mafia game. I've been asking for this to happen for the longest time. And very few people do that (best example is Tables in Train Mafia II).

Do I want you to follow me all the time? If it's beneficial for your team, it might not hurt until you can stick a knife between my shoulder blades (if I'm not on your faction). If we are on the same team and you have an idea, tell me about it and implement it. Contrary to my member title, I'm not God and I don't want to be.

Edited by Life Admiral
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Mmm, I remember that mini mafia game I killed Life in

God, I still have no idea how I won that

This is another example of me being out-thought.

People who have tried to out-think me:




People who have succeeded:



Note the lack of names from the first list. I don't mind that fact that I lose sometimes. I mind that most people don't even try to beat me by using their brains.

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ANYWAY, Levity, if you could copy and paste the first two posts of the Mafia HQ thread into a new topic, then I'll contact the mods again and we'll get this ball on a roll.

I didn't mention this before, but the mods seem slightly in favour (more precisely, I think none are against) someone from the mafia community getting (hidden) mod powers over the mafia forum. I.E. Levity would be getting the power to make stickys, delete and edit posts as appropriate, in the Mafia subforum, but her member title will still just be Member. So yeah (whether this bit actually does happen or not I'm not sure yet).

Edit: To a point, Obivam did succeed. You just had to kill him to silence him. But... yeah.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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This is another example of me being out-thought.

People who have tried to out-think me:




People who have succeeded:



Note the lack of names from the first list. I don't mind that fact that I lose sometimes. I mind that most people don't even try to beat me by using their brains.

It's rather not easy to get past you, you know. I for one get rather intimidated when you become my number-one obstacle and I have to somehow find my way around you without getting caught. You're sharp. I've really learned from my Train Mafia days, though.

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Off-topic but eeee I have a puppy on my lap and she's so adorable. <3 eaaaa the adorable is making me post

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I didn't mention this before, but the mods seem slightly in favour (more precisely, I think none are against) someone from the mafia community getting (hidden) mod powers over the mafia forum. I.E. Levity would be getting the power to make stickys, delete and edit posts as appropriate, in the Mafia subforum, but her member title will still just be Member. So yeah (whether this bit actually does happen or not I'm not sure yet).

Edit: To a point, Obivam did succeed. You just had to kill him to silence him. But... yeah.

I smell dictatorship coming... Now I wish that I got elected since I would wreck havoc.

Xeld didn't really succeed since nobody took his warning seriously (I should have been the next lynch vote).

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Ah, yes, Mostly Harmless Mafia. But that was Spoon picking on me, not Life.

Also, Life, I did try to out-think you. Multiple times. It's just that I always failed - sometimes because we've actually both been town, sometimes because I really just fucked up.

I guess the main reasons why I'm getting worse and worse is that the games here keep getting larger and larger, as well as more complicated. But I won't deny that I myself am at fault as well - I am overthinking things way too much. My judgement on situations was much more reasonable when I still didn't know the people around here very well. Right now, I'm taking people's usual behaviour into account way too much when making decisions, and am thrown off all the more when they suddenly do something unexpected - this is also the reason why I suck so bad at predicting Life. He simply never acts the same.

Maybe I should become more active again in order to work on this. However, it isn't exactly very motivating if the host of the game already tells you in advance that he's going to give you a ton of shit if you happen to make a mistake. We aren't gods. People make mistakes. But giving them shit for their mistakes doesn't help them improve at all.

Just my two cents.

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I remember when I tried to get Bizz to help me kill you Life. But then she blabbed it. >_>

She was kinda on my team.

That being said, had you not done that, you probably would have been lynched. I saved your ass in that game for the lulz.

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I guess the main reasons why I'm getting worse and worse is that the games here keep getting larger and larger, as well as more complicated. But I won't deny that I myself am at fault as well - I am overthinking things way too much. My judgement on situations was much more reasonable when I still didn't know the people around here very well. Right now, I'm taking people's usual behaviour into account way too much when making decisions, and am thrown off all the more when they suddenly do something unexpected - this is also the reason why I suck so bad at predicting Life. He simply never acts the same.

Maybe I should become more active again in order to work on this. However, it isn't exactly very motivating if the host of the game already tells you in advance that he's going to give you a ton of shit if you happen to make a mistake. We aren't gods. People make mistakes. But giving them shit for their mistakes doesn't help them improve at all.

So I'll add you to the list. I won't actually edit that post but I will acknowledge that you've tried.

I'll give you guys a tip that applies to any mafia game. Rather than attempt to predict what I'm going to do, assume that I'm going to make the best move for myself. And then counter that with your best move assuming that I make my best move. It works for anyone who thinks logically if you can piece the puzzle together (I won't purposely make stupid moves to throw you off because a stupid move doesn't help my position). It won't guarantee you coming on top but it gives you an idea of what's going on in people's minds. As long as they're playing with their brains and not their hearts (this means emotionally).

EDIT: I hope people take this idea to heart. It can really change your style of play and make you more dangerous.

Take Slayer for example. I pick on him a lot (might be an understatement) but I also know that he has incredible intuition. The problem is that he doesn't know how to use it correctly.

So if he believes that someone is Mafia, the first thing he should say is "what would be that person's best move if they were Mafia". And then, he should think of the best way to counteract that. If Slayer starts thinking things out rationally and adding proper logic to his thoughts, he could become really dangerous.

Edited by Life Admiral
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However, it isn't exactly very motivating if the host of the game already tells you in advance that he's going to give you a ton of shit if you happen to make a mistake. We aren't gods. People make mistakes. But giving them shit for their mistakes doesn't help them improve at all.

I really actually do agree on that. Hosts of games should be encouraging and elaborate more on how people can improve from their mistakes, not ridicule others for it. I personally hate it when others tell me I'm an idiot, so it kind of hinders the way I play sometimes. <__<

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I really actually do agree on that. Hosts of games should be encouraging and elaborate more on how people can improve from their mistakes, not ridicule others for it. I personally hate it when others tell me I'm an idiot, so it kind of hinders the way I play sometimes. <__<

That was aimed at me, wasn't it?

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That was aimed at me, wasn't it?

Actually, no, I was more aiming at epicmafia. >_> When did you call me an idiot, again? I can't remember.

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