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Ask the person below you anything you want


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Like say for instence what is your favorite band, then you the next person who posts shall answer. If you intend to not answer certain questions, then don't answer. Just don't ask anything personnel to avoid the problem completely. And oh yeah, no personnel questions allowed.

"What is your favorite band?" then the next person answers next.

Since no one is above me, I answer no question.

Aka: This topic is soley created out of a way to keep from being bored everyday after a few hours online. Trust me, it's better than being bored all the time! =DD

Edited by Princess_Priscilla
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Who is your most despised FE character? I will murder him/her for you! (for Spy/Spykor)

*Pffftt.... I'm so lulzy when I get bored from my video making*

Edited by Frostbite
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Who is your favorite Fire Emblem character?

Edited by Princess_Priscilla
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Undecided, because they both seem to be good countries.

What is your favorite FE Holy Weapon?

Edited by Princess_Priscilla
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Well.... Final Fantasy IX, Resident Evil and Fire Emblem (for the storylines) and Secret of Mana (for unusual gameplay)

Your best character or MVP in FE games?

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Some are okay... but other I don't understand yet.... Cause I happen to use any character freely.... on my own.... luckily I'm not like those GFaqs morons, they scare me....

Whom do you think is the most "ew" Michallis archetype?

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