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Tales of Xillia


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It's already looking way better than Vesperia... but my problem is that the anime cutscenes are very poorly animated at times -- it's the little things that bug me.

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Bawb you should play Legendia then, that was the first Tales game where someone not only didn't use swords but used their fists. And Senel looks nothing like Yuri Lowell, either.

As for the stateside release, I have some hope because of TotA 3DS and Graces F. We just gotta hope those do well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bawb you should play Legendia then, that was the first Tales game where someone not only didn't use swords but used their fists. And Senel looks nothing like Yuri Lowell, either.

As for the stateside release, I have some hope because of TotA 3DS and Graces F. We just gotta hope those do well.

I played it. It was okay. I wasn't really a fan of many of the characters. Plus, playing TotA right afterward kind of made me forget it existed. :P

I don't think TotA will do well on the 3DS. ToGF, on the other hand, I am buying a PS3 specifically so I can play it. :D

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I think that Graces f and Abyss3DS will have to live up to Namco's expectations in order for us to see a localized version of this game. Which, even if it happened, would be 2013 at the earliest, since we've already had to wait 2 years to get some form of Graces over here. I really do wish it get's localized though, I really like the Tales games; it's one of my favorite series. Though it's success isn't really the fans' fault. Namco doesn't advertise enough. The only game they really advertised was Symphonia, which turned out to sell great. Hmmm, could their possibly be a connection there?

Xillia, however, is looking great. I believe it's being developed by Team Symphonia, right?

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*sigh* I thought I was done with the Tales series...

Then I looked at one of the trailers in HD...

I freaking pre-ordered it at Play-Asia.


Here's to hoping it's not a "great movie" like FFXIII.

Edited by shadowofkitty
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I played it. It was okay. I wasn't really a fan of many of the characters. Plus, playing TotA right afterward kind of made me forget it existed. :P

Really? I was fuckin impressed with the plot and characters after Abyss, and I liked the gameplay despite it being barebones-simple.

TotA will have the "early RPG for 3DS" thing going for it.

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Really? I was fuckin impressed with the plot and characters after Abyss, and I liked the gameplay despite it being barebones-simple.

TotA will have the "early RPG for 3DS" thing going for it.

I vaguely remember the only people I cared about were Will and Chloe. Also, I only played it once 5 years ago when it was released, and at that time I had friends telling me "Abyss is way better! Just you wait!" So it's very possible my current opinion is biased.

This is true. Honestly, TotA will be the main reason I'll even be getting a 3DS in the first place...

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The game really looks like Tales of Final Fantasy XIII. Not so much in the story, but the style.

That's what I thought as well...

The movement, the world look, and even the "small chat" when walking around in the world.

Hopefully, the gameplay isn't as linear as freaking FFXIII >_>;

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