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Tales of Xillia


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It's just the New Game Anime Sequence... not something that'll probably spoil major things. It only sets down the basis of everything. Like... Jude running late. Their meeting. Milla worrying about something. etc.

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Been watching some videos. So far so good. Gameplay looks nice. Graphics are, as expected, quite nice. Typical cheesy dialog and cutscenes, admittedly, but I'd almost be disappointed if it weren't. Typical Sakuraba music, yes, but there's little to complain about for most people since most people adore his music. I think the Hi-Ougi's could be a bit more dramatic and have greater hit-sparks and hit-sounds (sometimes it just felt like there was a guy and then a magic animation overlayed his animation and then a number saying how much damage happened pops up, instead of like "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! asdkljasldkjasdkjasdjaskljjdasd *epic damage*"

They also feel more like blast caliburs in that they feel shorter/quicker and more like they are a genuine part of the battle as opposed to a mystic arte which pretty much stops time while it's happening (everyone just freezes, guys take their time doing their moves, BAM, return to original dimension).

Obviously I hope it gets released in NA and I hope it does well and despite me not having a PS3 I hope I can get it... and things are looking bright: besides relations between fans and Namco becoming better, the sales (as Tangerine mentioned) have been quite great and hope-inciting and the game does not involve too many "unknown" characters (I haven't seen any cameos from games that haven't been localized, whereas I think Barbatos [cameo in ToV/ToV PS3] and Veigue [cameo in ToG/ToG F] haven't been in an English game... or else I just totally missed out on the localizations of their respective games).

You'll probably here more ranting from me soon since I have nothing else to do but wish I could play more Tales games... *sigh*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Holy... this makes me want to jump up and down for joy. Originally came to the game section for an entirely different game, but this gives me hope. I'd pretty much given up on seeing new Tales games, but... maybe we'll see more. I don't want to get a PS3, but looks like I need to. Wish we had gotten a PS3, would be nice to not have to buy one, but between Tales games in general, FF games, and a couple of other games, looks like I need to. Sucks that it's getting all of the JRPG's now, but guess I expect as much, 360 just gets all the western games as well as the PS3.

Haven't looked into it too much, but I want to play it. I liked Vesperia plenty though.

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Any idea why this one is selling so much better than the others? It looks like an alright game, but I'm not seeing anything that makes it super special.

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It does seem odd how well it's selling. Maybe they're advertising it better, or maybe the fans in Japan are worried about the series dying too and people are just buying it more than normal. Does seem odd, mostly since so much of it is so soon into release, just seems really out of the ordinary.

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It's because it's on the PS3 originally and the others were not. It is by far the most popular console in Japan for software sales, and that is the Tales games' main market.

The 360 has basically been discontinued in Japan; Japan refuses to buy the 360 and its games, even after all the support Microsoft bought from Japanese developers. At this point I'd say that it's safe to just flat-out call it xenophobia :P:. You've gotta understand their culture or something to get it I guess. The PlayStation 2 is STILL selling better in Japan than the 360. Weekly. Like it is legitimately selling more consoles every week than the 360 is. The PS2. From 10 years ago. That one :P:.

Graces Wii is tougher to explain. Graces PS3 did better than it, but the Wii does have higher sales than the PS3 in Japan. The only conclusion you can come to there is userbase. More people with PS3s want JRPGs than the other consoles. Considering its predecessor is the greatest JRPG console you can get your hands on, it'd probably not be out of the realm of possibility to say it carried the fanbase over. I would expect mothership Tales games to either stay on Sony consoles from now on, go multiplat for real, or simply move to handhelds to cut development cost in the future.

I'd personally like to see a 3DS or Vita mothership title :P:.

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Yeah, but this isn't just about Xilia selling better than Vespy or Graces, Xilia has sold better than all other Tales in such a ridiculously short time. Really feels like I'm missing something. But eh, I'm certainly not complaining.

Also, there's Innocence R for the Vita coming. Innocence is probably my favorite Tales game (even though it hates the player), so hopefully it'll be good.

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Well, it's generally regarded as having the best Tales battle system, but the story and characters so far seem to be pegged as average. I'm guessing it's still the PS3 thing. It's the first Tales exclusively for the PS3, so it adds some degree of hype for the title in Japan. It's not being marketed any differently than other Tales games though.

I'd say it is pretty normal, if not for the fact that it has done better than the PS2 titles already, which makes no sense. The PS2 is the best selling console of all time and was more popular then than the PS3 is now by far. They could have another Tales of Symphonia on their hands; sells ridiculously well despite not being much higher quality than the rest of the series. It's at the right place at the right time :P:. With these sales it could possibly dethrone Symphonia as the best selling Tales game, if it gets a worldwide release.

Tales of Symphonia sold around 350,000 in Japan lifetime, Xillia is close to doubling it in only a month of sales. I would be very surprised if they do not give this game a shot in NA and EU, to be honest. Very surprised.

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If they don't I'll be incredibly upset. I'd like to see them bring the Tales games over here and stop keeping them exclusive to Japan. Same goes for Fire Emblem, but they're at least doing a much better job since they brought the series to the US than Tales has done. Much more hit and miss Tales-wise, which is a shame.

And... honestly, the 360 has very little exclusive to it that appeals to me, and my tastes are culturally, at least game-wise, more along the lines of Japans, so that's hardly surprising. The 360 is marketed heavily towards the US, and it's games (which few are exclusive anyways) appeal more towards those in the US. So I don't find it surprising or xenophobic or anything like that. I do still find it odd Xillia does so well, but if it's gameplay is so good, that could explain it. Tales definitely shines, relative to a normal JRPG, in it's gameplay (which is funny, since I find the genre shines most in story relative to a WRPG, for instance). Still find it incredibly odd that Xillia has outsold all other games so fast though. It's not just the volume of sales, but the speed of them, that's perplexing.

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It's because players take a more active role in the game than the typical RPG.

It has that fighting game mechanic integrated into the battle system, which pretty much why this series has a unique appeal to the RPG gamer world.

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I dunno, the Tales series isn't all that popular itself. These are just good sales for a Tales game. I wouldn't even chalk it up to the battle system :P:. Dragon Quest is the king of old-school and DQ8 sold 2.2 million in Japan alone in the first week, which is better than nearly all of the Tales games combined lifetime totals. Just in the first week. Lifetime sales of DQ8 in Japan were 3.6 million, which actually is better than every single Tales game combined in just their most popular region.

That's the reason we have so much trouble getting games like Tales over here; they're just not popular. It's super unfortunate. Plus NamcoBandai are really dumb and release them at horrible times - they released Tales of the Abyss at the same time as Final Fantasy XII. Really >_>.

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Eh, I do kind of feel that unique appeal. I got sick of turn-based strategies with constant menus all the time. I liked how I could control the character almost completely--where I moved, what moves I did and when, and obviously combos... I like the "real-time" more than the "turn-based". I liked how it wasn't just random chance of dodging, but I could actually jump over enemies to dodge them, or backstep, or in Tales of Graces, sidestep, and then Mystic Artes/Hi-Ougi's, while many games have "ultimate finisher moves", I feel that the way the Tales games implemented them into the battle system was the coolest.

And yet in many other aspects, i.e. not the battle, the game feels like an RPG.

eh, don't mind me, I'm just ranting about whatever comes to my mind... I probably said some stupid stuff ^_^

Anyway, NamcoBandai doesn't know how to advertise or sell their games well, we know this much. They know how to make awesome games but it's like they get braindead after that.

I mean, I don't know ANY friends IRL that have played a Tales game. I mean I've never met a person face-to-face that has played a Tales game (except for this one friend who I FORCED to play a Tales game, let him borrow it and all, and he liked it but he got stuck so he quit, but anyway that doesn't count because I was the one who introduced him). I even know friends who play Fire Emblem but no one seems to play Tales. We need a Tales character in the next Super Smash, NOW!

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Dragon Quests popularity is... bizarre. You can't really use Japan's love of Dragon Quest as a good example of how well Tales does in comparison, I imagine if it weren't for how well it does in Japan, the series would be dead, since it never makes stellar sales anywhere else in the world. Comparing it to the FF series, while still biased, is at least relatively more accurate.

But I would say they've got a decent level of popularity. Not as much as it deserves, but I blame that more on the way it's advertised and things of that nature. A Tales character in SSB would be neat, but that wouldn't happen sadly. Tales is far from Namco's most iconic series, it'd be Pacman, Tekken, Soul Calibur, etc. Still, if they included a rep from the series, it'd probably be Lloyd, since Symphonia is decently well-known, or Cress (or is it Cless, not sure which one it's supposed to be), due to being the main hero of the original game.

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^Of course it's very very unlikely for it to happen but a guy can throw out random ideas and dream XD That's why Tales just has its own games with a ton of old Tales characters bunched together... (Radiant Mythology, Tales of Heroes Twin Brave or whatever the fuck that weird game is called, and others).

bla bla bla

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Didn't they make it a law that DQ can't be released on a weekday, because so many people were skipping work to buy it? Japan fucking loves its Dragon Quest.

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It's not a law, but they stopped releasing it on week days for that reason, or so I've heard. I've never looked into it much. DQ isn't my interest really.

And you forgot Tales of Vs. Wish I had that in the US, would have at least liked to try it, and see the story, curious what it'd be like.

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lol. I didn't say "popular" per say.

It has a unique appeal. Mention "Tales of Symphonia" in a room full of gamers, and one of them is bound to have the "Final Fantasy VII"-esque reaction.

Yeah, Symphonia is a bit of an odd man out in the series. For some reason it got really popular despite not even being any better than the rest of the games. Not really sure what it was, but Xillia seems to be doing the same thing. I am equally confused about it :P:.

Dragon Quests popularity is... bizarre. You can't really use Japan's love of Dragon Quest as a good example of how well Tales does in comparison, I imagine if it weren't for how well it does in Japan, the series would be dead, since it never makes stellar sales anywhere else in the world. Comparing it to the FF series, while still biased, is at least relatively more accurate.

But I would say they've got a decent level of popularity. Not as much as it deserves, but I blame that more on the way it's advertised and things of that nature. A Tales character in SSB would be neat, but that wouldn't happen sadly. Tales is far from Namco's most iconic series, it'd be Pacman, Tekken, Soul Calibur, etc. Still, if they included a rep from the series, it'd probably be Lloyd, since Symphonia is decently well-known, or Cress (or is it Cless, not sure which one it's supposed to be), due to being the main hero of the original game.

I wouldn't say that. Dragon Quest isn't what it is in Japan, but it's still a consistent respectable seller. Using 8 for comparison again, it sold around 650,000 lifetime in the US and around 700,000 in EU. DQ9 did around 500,000 in US and 700,000 in EU. If Tales is staying alive with sales like that in their best region, DQ would be fine with those numbers in two regions even without their Japan sales. The DQ games have never had huge budgets, but I imagine DQ9 had more money put into it than the rest, so that trend may continue with 10 as well. They might get a budget cut if their Japan sales didn't exist, but I doubt it'd be dead.

I would expect them to put a character who can actually promote their series in a game like that, if they did it. Nobody is going to buy Tales of Xillia if you put Lloyd or Cless in the game for promotion. Not only that, but Namco is not going to put their game on the Wii or Wii U after the poor performances, so the core audience they'd be trying to pander to can't buy their new game to begin with. It didn't help Metal Gear Solid 4 any to have Snake in Brawl, I doubt it'd help a Tales game :P:.

Didn't they make it a law that DQ can't be released on a weekday, because so many people were skipping work to buy it? Japan fucking loves its Dragon Quest.

Long live the old-school :o.

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Well, yes, but this is about hypothetical Tales representation in SSB. They didn't include Sonic/Snake to try and sell games, so I don't see why Tales of Xillia would matter (especially since there could be another Tales game by then). And if they included someone from Tales, they'd pick someone major for the Nintendo side of things, which would be Cless or Lloyd for the most part.

Symphonia and Abyss, both seem oddly popular. Though, since they started branching out to other markets more, Tales is definitely gaining in popularity. It didn't do so good until Symphonia though. Honestly thought when I first looked into the series that it was the first US title, but that isn't the case if I'm remembering correctly.

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Well, yes, but this is about hypothetical Tales representation in SSB. They didn't include Sonic/Snake to try and sell games, so I don't see why Tales of Xillia would matter (especially since there could be another Tales game by then). And if they included someone from Tales, they'd pick someone major for the Nintendo side of things, which would be Cless or Lloyd for the most part.

Symphonia and Abyss, both seem oddly popular. Though, since they started branching out to other markets more, Tales is definitely gaining in popularity. It didn't do so good until Symphonia though. Honestly thought when I first looked into the series that it was the first US title, but that isn't the case if I'm remembering correctly.

Then there would be no chance of a Tales rep. It would be by far the least popular series on the roster, if they weren't trying to promote one of their games using it then it wouldn't be worth it for either company. It is like when Nintendo included Roy in Melee for the sole purpose of promoting FE6 and then removed him for the next games. He wasn't worth a character slot without a promotional purpose. That's all the Smash Brothers series is for.

I'm not sure what seems popular about Abyss compared to the other games :P:. Symphonia, Destiny and Xillia are the most popular Tales games according to sales records.

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It's one I hear plenty about Abyss. *shrugs* And... you kind of missed the point... no one said it'd happen. Or that it was likely. Pacman is the one who would be used most likely be used. Assuming Namco even got a guest rep spot. It was just a hypothetical of who they'd use if they used someone.

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Yeah, Symphonia is a bit of an odd man out in the series. For some reason it got really popular despite not even being any better than the rest of the games.


I think it was the Cel-shading or whatever. The art style of ToS. And the fact that it was on the Gamecube. :D :D :D

asldkjaskldjaskljdklauioqwjklenjqweihjqwojea sji qwjelkwqewq






I'm not thinking much :D

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I liked Symphonia better because I played it all through middle school. Most gamers had a gamecube, it was a gamecube RPG and it was an action RPG that you could get four friends together with and play.

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